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Regarding a recent letter concerning Syrian refugees, I do not agree with, or accept, the liberal mantra “We are better than that!” My knees are certainly not “knocking in fear of the possibility that a terrorist may be among the Syrian refugees.” That possibility has already become reality, a fact pooh-poohed by the liberal left. I do not fear for myself, as the Second Amendment allows me to arm and defend myself and my family. I do fear for some of my family living in sanctuary city San Francisco, inhabited by gunless, hapless, liberals inten...
The calendar doesn’t lie and already you may feel the stress starting to build. The holidays are approaching, bringing with them a flurry of must-accomplish tasks such as baking, shopping, entertaining, traveling and dealing with eccentric family members who arrive ready to renew decades-old arguments. So how can you endure without all those stress-inducing moments ruining your health and sapping your holiday spirit? First off, don’t stress about the fact you feel stressed, says Dr. Donna L. Hamilton, author of “Wellness Your Way.” “Stress is p...
I shall visit my mom for Thanksgiving. She’s pushing 94. She was a WWII hero. She riveted wings while pregnant with me. All the men her age in our family were heroes, too. They fought Nazis and “Japs.” But, that is not the only reason I celebrate on 11/11. 395 years ago her ancestor, William Bradford, set foot on what is now called Cape Cod. The Mayflower was damaged and overloaded with religious refugees. They were trying to escape the wrath of British monarchy so they could have a church and not meet for prayer in secret. They bravely put t...
by Meri Ann Rush Executive Director Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce As Thermopolis celebrates Thanksgiving and moves onto Christmas, a wide range of activities have been planned by the Christmas Committee and we hope you enjoy them. Saturday, November 28 is “Hometown Holiday” and “Shop Small Saturday”. Shop Small Saturday starts at 8 a.m. with retailers opening for early morning shoppers and continuing through 6 p.m. An outdoor market is also being planned. An afternoon matinee is planned at 1 p.m. at the Ritz. The movie showing...
On Sunday, Nov. 8, the Thermopolis community was shaken by an unimaginable tragedy. As we reel in our grief and loss, as we pray for those affected and those involved, we find ourselves in a place that deserves introspection. Trains and railways have for over a century formed the backbone of industrial America and led our country to become the most powerful in the world. Trains are commonplace in every town and city across our great land. For Thermopolis locals, the blaring of horns day in and day out often goes unnoticed. The same can be said...
On Friday, Oct. 30 your Bobcats came to Lovell to play the Bulldogs in the first round of state football playoffs. I was very impressed by your players. They were sure tacklers and good blockers. But what impressed me more was that after each hard block or solid tackle, your players offered a hand to help our players stand up. That shows a great level of sportsmanship. I noticed that when the game began to wind down and it appeared as though Lovell was going to win, your young men continued to help our team stand back up. They may have lost...
When a major illness or injury leaves someone in need of long-term, nearly round-the-clock care, it’s often up to a family member to step in and provide it. But research shows that the role of caregiving can lead to its own health issues, creating a significant amount of stress and strain for the caregiver. “That stress can come in many forms,” says Marylee MacDonald (, a caregiver advocate and writer whose debut novel, “Montpelier Tomorrow,” was inspired in part by her experience helping care for her son-in-la...
As someone who utilizes the recycle trailers weekly I am greatly appreciative of those who have made recycling a possibility for Hot Springs County residents; thank you! In recent months numerous articles have appeared in our local and area newspapers concerning diminishing landfill space and what can or will be done to alleviate this problem. Recycling is part of the solution and numerous communities throughout the Big Horn Basin have implemented this successfully. Given our distance from major recycling facilities and other cost prohibitive i...
This year I have the privilege of working with three extraordinary students as they tackle various work opportunities throughout town. After two months they have developed an opinion that they want to share with the residents of Hot Springs County. Because they are minors working in the special education program at the high school, they cannot sign their names to any letter. I have signed my name in their place. The following is their opinion: This school year three of us empty garbage cans and pick up garbage in the state park. We go to the...
Director, Wyoming Dept. of State Parks and Cultural Resources Hot Springs State Park is a world-class natural, cultural and recreational resource. The landscape setting, intact river and spring water systems, history, and authentic surrounding community provide unparalleled beauty and recreation opportunities. Master Plans are important tools the parks industry uses to engage the public in setting the best future direction for individual state parks. In 1916, the first master plan was developed for Hot Springs State Park. Following this plan...
The last couple of weeks have brought unexpected and unwelcome news to millions of seniors and disabled people on Medicare. Their already high out-of-pocket costs are going to get higher. For some, premiums for Medicare Part B coverage that pays for doctor and outpatient services will go up as much as 52 percent. For everyone Part D premiums, which cover drug benefits, will increase an average of 13 percent, and everyone will see their annual Part B deductible rise from $147 to $223. These are not trivial amounts considering that half of all...
We’re all still a little shell-shocked from the fallout of the Great Recession. As for newspapers, in 2007 when our world economy was at its peak, so was newspaper pulp production. But by mid-2008 people had stopped spending money and you probably noticed a dearth of 18-wheelers on the highways. But despite the chorus of “print is dead” (led by our own industry) some strange facts have come to light. Pulp sales in the U.S. in 2014 finally surpassed that high water mark of 2007 and 2015 is expected to surpass that. Spending on direct mail also...
Held each year during the third week of October, National School Bus Safety Week is designed to promote and celebrate school bus safety at school across the country. School buses are used to transport precious cargo to and from school and school activities regularly. Designed for safety, with flashing lights, giant mirrors, high seat backs and that bright yellow color, school buses are used to transport over 25 million students nationwide each school day. Staff in the transportation department at Hot Springs County School District work to...
I was privileged to be among the educators from various school districts to hear Dr. Anthony Muhammad during staff development day on Monday, October 12. I would like to invite the public to join in with all of us for his challenge to take a 30-day moratorium on complaining in order to make a real difference not only in our schools, but also in our community. We can begin within the walls of our own homes and bring it into our places of work and of worship. We can develop a healthy culture of problem solvers and leave behind the toxic culture o...
Wow! What wonderful community support I witnessed during the high school homecoming parade and activities last week. The parade was especially well attended. A big thank you to business owners, parents and relatives, Ralph Witters Elementary students and staff, Thermopolis Middle School students and staff, and ex-Thermopolis Bobcats. The high school students, staff, and HSCSD #1 sincerely appreciated your presence and support. Also, a big shout out to our community emergency departments for providing man-power, vehicles, fire trucks, and...
Thank you for your editorial noting the celebration of the United States Constitution on Constitution Day, Sept. 17 and during Constitution Week Sept. 17-23. As a member of Washakie Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, I had asked you to publish notice of this celebration. Perhaps you were also contacted by our Chapter Regent as well as other members. The appreciation of this special time written by different members of the 5th grade taught by Jessie Rode show, in general, how much freedom is provided...
by Joey Johnson, University Extension Educator More than 6 million young people across the country will celebrate National 4-H Week, an annual celebration of 4-H during the first full week of October. Hot Springs County 4-H will leverage National 4-H Week this year to showcase the great things that 4-H offers young people and highlights the incredible youth in the community who work each day to make a positive impact on the community. This year Hot Springs County 4-H took part in the Thermopolis Octobrewfest Saturday, Sept. 26. 4-H members...
by Sue Blakey, Director Hot Springs Greater Learning Foundation This week, Thermopolis citizens, almost by accident, created an old-fashioned “Chautauqua.” What’s a Chautauqua? Its history actually goes back to the 1820s, when the first American Lyceum was founded by a traveling lecturer and teacher, Josiah Holbrook. He believed education was a lifelong experience, and he hoped the traveling lyceums would provide lectures, dramatic performances, class instructions and debates to remote rural American communities. For nearly 50 years, these...
Recently the Wyoming Department of Transportation installed edge-line rumble strips on a section of Highway 20 N. For those living along the highway that have accepted the very high volume of traffic with the accompanying noise, the addition of the rumble strips has drastically elevated the noise level. Three of my neighbors added their names to a complaint I made to WYDOT. WYDOT’s answer was basically that rumble strips have proven to reduce traffic accidents due to inattention and resulting off-road excursions. Basically, we are supposed t...
U.S. Constitution Week is the commemoration of America’s most important document. It is celebrated annually during the week of Sept. 17-23. The week is kicked off by Constitution Day Sept. 17. On that day in 1787, the U.S. Constitution was signed by 39 men who changed the course of history. Thermopolis Middle School fifth grade teacher Jessie Rode asked her students to write a short paragraph about what the Constitution means to them. TMS fifth graders recently started a unit to learn about the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution is the law. I...
As a senior citizen with steadily declining health, I'm forced to think about my own mortality. Last week's newspaper stated Wyoming as having “one of the nation's highest rates of suicide, often leading the U.S.” You know what else we lead the country in? Elderly. According to the WY Dept. of Health: Aging Division, “it is projected that by the year 2020, WY will have the highest proportion of people between the ages of 65-74 in the U.S WY population is aging fast intensified as the baby-boomer cohort reaches retirement at an annual rate inc...
Through years of attendance to State Park facilities, we have been impressed with the staff that we have met in these facilities. Friends, family and guests have come to our State Park and have been very impressed with the appearance of the grounds and efficiency of the workers there. A personal thank you is given to the employees of these Parks. My wife and I, and others in our community, have attended a number of meetings in regard to the Hot Springs State Park and the formation of a 20 year master plan. In many of these meetings we have...
On Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2015 there was a range fire on Copper Mountain. It was not known how the fire started but the from the time 911 was call the Thermopolis Volunteer fire fighters and BLM fire fighters arrived on Copper Mountain it seemed like a very short time. Their teams went right to work and had the fire contained within a couple of hours. The wind stayed calm and the borate bomber was able to keep the fire from really getting out of hand. We would like to thank all the men that were involved, their fast response and for keeping the...
Harry and the “Just Say No PAC” pretty well summed up their stance in the opening paragraph of Harry Hughes’ letter to the editor in the Sept. 10 Independent Record. They would like a hospital in our community, they just don't want to have to help pay for it. In fact, one of their group said that very thing at a hospital board meeting. That is their interpretation of “The Wyoming Way” as near as I can tell. As someone who was born in, raised in and lived nearly my whole life in Wyoming that interpretation is frankly kind of embarrass...
Suicide continues to plague Wyoming. Year-in-and-year-out our state has one of the nation’s highest rates of suicide, often times leading the United States. Despite numerous efforts by state, city, and volunteer groups our state’s rate of death by suicide continues to grow. This can no longer be acceptable. September is Suicide Prevention Month and September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day. During the month there will be numerous opportunities and trainings to equip each of us with a better understanding of suicide and how we can beat thi...