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  • Long standing IR policy

    Lara Love, Publisher & Editor|Jan 28, 2016

    This year a number of local, state and national political candidates will be vying for votes in media outlets locally and across the country. Because of space limitations and fairness to candidates, the Thermopolis Independent Record has had a long standing policy of not accepting letters to the editor endorsing or opposing political candidates. This policy was in effect when I joined the IR in 1998. I believe the policy was implemented a number of years prior to that. Over the years, this...

  • Submit your ideas for future dinosaur facility

    Jan 28, 2016

    Thermopolis has amazing paleontological and geological wonders and is host to the 6th best dinosaur museum in the world. This last nomination was made by and over the past few years we have been given many accolades, including 100 of the world’s best vacations by LIFE Books. Thermopolis is very lucky to have such a world-class treasure. What makes us unique is the proximity to our dig sites. With one of the wealthiest dinosaur bone finds in the world, we offer many digging programs such as Dig for the Day and Shovel Ready digs. The W...

  • Volunteers needed to haul recycling trailer to Riverton

    Jan 28, 2016

    The State Parks Department has been gracious enough to haul the recycle trailer (located in the armory parking lot) for the last five years. Starting in February, they will no longer be able to take the recycling trailer to Riverton to be unloaded. Riverton is the only viable option to haul our recycling. The Hot Springs County Recreation District does not have the means to transport the trailer, but would hate to see the community without a recycling option. Many people use the trailer daily. If you, someone you know, or an organization you...

  • Rebuttal to comments about 'The Hateful Eight'

    Jan 28, 2016

    I appreciate the opportunity to rebut recent letters regarding my letter concerning the movie The Hateful Eight. Obviously we, and many others who contacted us, were not the target demographic represented by letter writer Mr. Burrows. Having reached senior citizen status, I am familiar with the work of Q. Tarantino. I have chosen not to see any of his previous films save one (From Dusk till Dawn – vampires were all the rage back then). No research was needed as suggested by Mr. Burrows; I was familiar with Tarantino’s work. As stated in my pre...

  • Assess the needs of our community before building a hospital

    Jan 28, 2016

    It doesn’t make sense to build a 16-bed hospital when the average daily census is two or three. That is a little over 10 percent utilization of the space. A business would go broke fast if they only stocked 10 percent of their shelves. And yet, the hospital board wants us to believe that a new 16-bed hospital is just what this community needs. The trend is not toward inpatient stays, but away from them. People are often sent home the day after surgery, whether they are ready or not. Most surgeries are done as outpatient. Urgent Care and 24-hour...

  • Some recent movies are all about the Cowboy State

    Bill Sniffin|Jan 21, 2016

    Last week, movie nominations were announced for the annual Academy Awards and Wyoming was prominent in both the nominees and the passed over movies. But first, on a recent dark and cold night (-13), I was being forced to watch “American Idol” by my wife Nancy and, as is normal in our household, I was leafing through a magazine and checking items on my iPad. The latter drives her crazy for some reason. “You need to pay attention to what’s on TV,” she might say lovingly (or not so lovingly.) While leafing through an issue of Time, it was hard not...

  • Do your research before watching a movie

    Jan 21, 2016

    Thanks for supporting our local theatre. I hope the last letter to the editor in the IR criticizing the movie “The Hateful Eight” actually makes someone want to watch it. Next time please do your research before watching a movie by a director known for his explicit and shocking films. Tarantino doesn’t apologize for exercising freedom of speech and he won’t apologize for offending someone with a movie. Some people like George Carlin and Lenny Bruce felt it was their job to offend. Tarantino has never made movies so he can pat himself on the bac...

  • Disappointed with lack of support at basketball games

    Jan 21, 2016

    This past weekend our town had the opportunity to support our hard working students by showing up to the basketball games. I was so impressed with the players, they showed such sportsmanship while playing. I was impressed with our cheerleaders, they have clearly been working hard and it was apparent. I was impressed with the band, as they too have been working hard. What did not impress me was the blatant lack of school spirit or school support for the students from some of the school administration and teachers. I was shocked and saddened...

  • Not every movie needs to be safe, mindless fluff

    Jan 21, 2016

    Anticipating ignorance surrounding Quentin Tarantino, I printed out an article from perhaps the most conservative source available, National Review. I did so for those easily pandered to who would inevitably question seeing, “The Hateful Eight”. In it the author correctly points out, “Conservatives ought to support Tarantino — not because they like him or his movies, not because they agree with any of his political positions or because they are anti-police, but because Tarantino did not call policemen murderers.” The letter in the IR regarding...

  • Can shopping for health services bring down costs?

    Jan 14, 2016

    By Trudy Lieberman, Rural Health News Service Early in December a reader who lives in the foothills west of Denver sent me an email. “It’s scary when you go into any healthcare facility and don’t know whether to bring your check book, loan application papers, or bankruptcy processing papers,” he said. “Nobody seems to care or be concerned about it.” He wanted to know why we aren’t told all costs up front so we can make informed decisions. He had a point. When we go in for a procedure, most of the time we don’t know the total price or even what...

  • Reconsider points made regarding freedom

    Jan 14, 2016

    In response to the recent letter to the editor titled “Tyranny of the Spirit”, I would suggest that the esteemed gentleman please reread and reconsider the points I made regarding freedom. The validity of the points made are ill-refuted through the use of misrepresentation, straw-man arguments and ad hominem attacks. Addressing some of the points raised in the response: I did not question cultural values but rather reserved my observations for the actions of a government that has made every intent to bend the free individual to the will of the...

  • Attending movie was a waste of time

    Jan 14, 2016

    To support our local movie theater, we saw “The Hateful Eight.” I wish I had back the three hours and ten dollars wasted on that effort. I wish I had heeded the boycott called for by supporters of police officers nationwide. The movie’s director, Quentin Tarantino, had called officers involved in recent shootings “murderers.” It is surprising that the usual protest groups have not condemned this movie: the NAACP (for using Mark Twain language hundreds of times); NOW (for male violence against women); The Obama administration (for gun violence)...

  • HSSP planning cycle explained

    Lara Love|Jan 7, 2016

    The planning cycle for the long-awaited Hot Springs State Park Master Plan is scheduled to be completed as soon as March of this year. A year long planning process by Wyoming State Parks Historic Sites and Trails included three public meetings held in Thermopolis and input from members invited to participate in a steering committee. The public meetings were advertised in advance in the IR by the state park. Articles were ran in advance of meetings as well as afterward summarizing what took...

  • What constitutes 'common sense' health care

    Jan 7, 2016

    If Harry Hughes and the “Citizens for Common Sense Health Care” (which is code talk for “Health Care we don’t have to pay for”) is serious about “sustainable” healthcare in our community, then they and the hospital board, and most of the citizens of our community are in agreement. The differences lie in what constitutes “common sense” health care. I suggest that you ask Harry or any member of the PAC what they envision for “common sense, sustainable” health care for our community. Based on their letter and a previous one, it seems to me that th...

  • Tyranny of the spirit

    Jan 7, 2016

    Recently the IR printed a column by Victor Morales defining freedom as the absence of any oversight by any individual, organization, or governmental agency. In his essay he questioned both cultural values and economic policies as infringing on our “freedom”. The arguments he puts forward are not new; they’ve been used by anarchists for centuries, and by teenagers (as parents know) since there were teenagers. That tendency to rebel against any control in the name of freedom seems somehow to be a siren’s call to those who see their own personal i...

  • Are we free?

    Dec 31, 2015

    by Victor Morales We, in these United States, are taught from an early age that we are free; that we live in a country that encourages and celebrates our God-given natural rights; that the blessings of liberty, secured by the American Revolution, have been passed on to us through the posterity of the revolutionaries of 1776. Perhaps this was so at some point in these United States’ early history, however the progression of events over the past 100+ years create a strong narrative against this. I would argue that, far from being free, we c...

  • The Grinches who stole Christmas

    Dec 31, 2015

    T’was the night before Christmas in a sleepy little town The delivery driver was taking the last presents around Amazon confirmed what I had hoped in my heart That my great nieces and nephews’ gifts were delivered, and Christmas had a great start! But wait, what is this? Unlike St. Nick and his eight tiny reindeer None of the confirmed delivered gifts ever did appear Where did they go? How could this be? What is the reason for this deceit? Then using all the clues, the answer became increasing clear The Grinches from across the way rec...

  • A protective firewall for grizzlies

    Dec 24, 2015

    by Daryl L. Hunter The delisting of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear is imminent and this we should celebrate (“dancing’’). Now that our happy dance is complete, we must insure the grizzlies’ recovery is permanent. To insure “continuity of achievement,” the grizzlies need a firewall to protect the success of this achievement from human foible. The Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) was formed in 1983 to help ensure recovery of viable grizzly bear populations and their habitat in the lower 48 states through interagency coordinatio...

  • Accident victim advocates helmet law

    Dec 24, 2015

    I am interested in instating a law for helmet use when riding recreational vehicles. I’m currently staying in Thermopolis with family. I had a very bad off-road accident in August that could have killed me. I was on a 4-wheeler, not wearing a helmet, flipped it, rolled it and I landed 30 feet away in a grove of trees. I sustained massive injuries, broke several bones, collapsed a lung, and have what is called a diffuse axonal injury (aka shaken baby syndrome.) I am 38 years old. I cannot walk, talk and comprehend the same as I did before the a...

  • Thank you for plowing the road

    Dec 24, 2015

    Thank you to whomever plowed the road leading up to Spiller Butte the other day. Even though you cannot go past the gate anymore, it is still a special place for people to remember things and what Cal King tried to do. It is nice for people to help maintain things. Thanks again. K.D. Jacobs...

  • Beware of scams

    Dec 17, 2015

    Adult protection, grandparent, post office, unclaimed property, secret shopper, census, mail order, sweepstakes, internet, banking, credit card, online dating, charity, employment, lottery, medical, social media, direct debit, telemarketing and genealogy. What do all of these things have in common? Seemingly nothing at first glance. Simply add the word scam after each and you have barely touched the surface of the hundreds of different types of fraudulent schemes designed to trick you into giving away your money or your personal information....

  • Sustainable health care alternatives need to be evaluated

    Dec 17, 2015

    Our Political Action Committee (PAC), focusing on common sense health care for our community, is searching for sustainable health care alternatives. I recently met with a physician and the Vice President of Operations at the Billings Clinic. We discussed the current health care/hospital situation in Thermopolis. The Billings Clinic is actively involved in hospital care at 14 sites in Montana and Wyoming, including 10 critical access hospitals. Their role/level of involvement varies to best match the needs of the local population. I briefed the...

  • True holiday spirit

    Dec 10, 2015

    by Bryan Golden Among other things, the holidays are a time of giving and receiving gifts. The question most often asked of people is, "what did you get?" Much less frequently asked is, "what did you give?" Invariably, the inquiries concern material gifts. Purchasing a gift can certainly be thoughtful and a wonderful gesture, especially when it's backed up by your actions. However, the most valuable presents are those that aren't sold in stores. When you give your love, your time, help someone in need, aid another in solving a problem or overco...

  • Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree

    Dec 3, 2015

    Over the next few weeks, Christmas trees will be welcomed into many American homes. The time honored tradition of decorating with an evergreen goes way back. The tradition of decorating with trees and various evergreens in winter started long before the introduction of Christmas. Before the advent of Christianity, plants and trees that remained green all year had a special meaning for people in the winter. Ancient people would hang evergreen boughs over doors and windows. Ancient people would often mark the occasion of the winter solstice in...

  • Do not replace one tragedy for another

    Dec 3, 2015

    I received the Independent Record of November 26 and was interested to read the letter regarding Syrian refugees written by Ron Jones. I would like to comment on his article. I think Americans have "put their chins into the wind" enough regarding Muslim visitors, students, and refugees. I was able to observe the Boston Marathon Bombings as they happened. I also viewed the Twin Towers take-down as it happened. One of my fellow New Hampshire residents was beheaded on video by these loving people. Do you realize the Paris bombing was centered on...

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