Sorted by date Results 1175 - 1199 of 1324
In my initial article on geologic hazards of the Bighorn River floodplain, I described how towns along the Bighorn River are at risk due to possible seismic activity causing the Boysen Dam to become damaged or to fail. The following scenario is a theoretical combination of events. Thanks to multiple monitoring government agencies, we would have adequate warning and preparedness such that loss of property and life would be minimized. Now consider a combination of circumstances that could come together to create the “Perfect Storm.” A winter sea...
The proposal by the Hot Springs State Park to limit or deny the two private swimming pools use of the thermal waters, which flow through the park, should outrage every single person in the state and beyond! The proposal is to have these swimming pools convert to using potable, chlorinated water to lessen the demand on the “diminishing thermal flow from the springs.” Aren’t these two facilities the main reason that the park has visitors throughout the year? What is park management planning on doing with this water if it is not used for the s...
The Labor Department recently determined folks should be paid for the time they work, increasing the salary ceiling under which overtime must be paid. This caused some hand wringing, including from the National Newspaper Association, which threatens, “The impact upon news coverage will be felt immediately.” A former newsman and IR employee, I appreciate the bind. Media in general, and newspapers in particular, are the fulcrum between the proverbial rock and a hard place. Most newspapers, and especially the smaller outfits the NNA rep...
A new rule governing overtime pay for employees will create disruption at small newspapers and likely lead to more job cutbacks, National Newspaper Association President Chip Hutcheson, publisher of The Times-Leader in Princeton, Ky., said today. He expressed disappointment that the U.S. Department of Labor had rejected calls by many small businesses to introduce a more modified and gradually-rising threshold that sets overtime-eligible employees apart from professional staff. The new rule, which will go into effect Dec. 1, sets the threshold...
I spent my weekend dropping off Thermopolis Hot Springs Visitors' Guides in Riverton, Dubois and Jackson as well as crossing another state off of my bucket list: Idaho. Prior to moving to Thermopolis, Idaho was not really a state I was excited to visit. To my surprise, I had fun in Idaho and on the trip getting there. I was able to see many things I had never seen before. I was able to drive through Grand Teton National Park, which was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. I...
Our town and county leaders wisely built the first county hospital on “hospital hill” overlooking Hot Springs State Park. They realized from experience that the floodplain of the Bighorn River was subject to flooding on a semi-annual basis. Locating a hospital on the floodplain would subject it to periods when it could not be used due to flooding and potential ruin. The building of the Boysen Dam during the 1950s has provided many great benefits including limited flood control. Consequently, the current hospital was built directly on the flo...
Trying to talk in a reasonable manner about gun legislation in Wyoming is like throwing rocks at a hornets’ nest from three feet and expecting the emerging residents to be thankful for the opportunity to meet you. So . . . let there be some common ground before the discussion starts. The 300 million or so firearms in the U.S. (100 million or so handguns) are not inherently evil, but they are dangerous if handled carelessly, improperly or criminally. Even the most ardent pro-gun advocates are appalled by the statistics of firearm deaths in t...
Most of us have heard the saying “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” Believe me, Hot Springs State Park is not broke and does not need fixing. Maintaining, yes, but what needs fixing? Our park is a treasure as it is and that is why people have been coming to enjoy it and the Star Plunge, Teepee Pools and Bath House for up to a hundred years. To make these pools cold water only would finish them off as a business owner. People come here for the therapeutic and healing effect of the mineral water. It was said that the elimination of the Star Pl...
School is almost out for the summer and I, as a crossing guard, want to thank all of you for helping me keep the children safe. Without your help, my job would be impossible. Your children are wonderful. I have never had a child or adult cross with me that didn’t say “thank you.” Have a great summer....
Dearest Lady Liberty, It is with a heavy heart and deepest regret that I write you on behalf of the American people. Your light shown over our country brightly for all to see and served as an ever present reminder of what our forefathers held in highest esteem, freedom. For you they cast off the shackles of rulers, kings and tyrants. They longed for you as a lover longs for her soulmate because they lived in a darkened, authoritarian world that didn’t have your light, but now our country has grown tired of your light. Through our lethargy a...
First, I would like to thank Mr. Pierce and Mr. Wychram for their responses to my letter to the editor. I still have some problems with your answers. Mr. Pierce referred to the Bible which I did not do but since he brought it up, I will refer to it also. He stated that no one knows how long a Genesis Day is but the Bible clearly states that it is morning and evening of Day one, two, etc. The Hebrew word clearly relates to a 24-hour day. We know that the Earth turns 360 degrees in 24 hours. To say that it could be 24 million years means it would...
Transgender bathrooms are not something that most people like to talk about. In the news, we see that people are going to start bringing the law into transgender people using the bathroom. A lot of people don’t see the big deal with it. There are no laws on transgender bathroom using. But people or owners of businesses can complain because they aren’t using their actual gender bathroom. North Carolina passed the bill for transgenders to use the bathroom you see them as. But people are saying how it makes them uncomfortable or how they don’t bel...
Last week, Thermopolis resident Tom Anderson stopped by the IR office to tell me how he couldn’t believe a major company actually listened to a person from our little corner of the world. Anderson explained his fence pliers had become worn with age, to where they could not cut two lines of fence simultaneously anymore. Having about 60 miles of fence to take care of, this was obviously a problem. Though he recently had the tool fixed to where it’s cutting again like it should, Anderson also suf...
In a recent letter to the editor, Duane Richter questioned how the Wind River was able to start at the top of the Owl Creek Mountains in order to carve out the Wind River Canyon. The answer to this perplexing question is that it didn’t. The Wind/Bighorn River is a classic example of an antecedent stream. An antecedent stream is defined as a stream which pre-existed local uplift and maintained its original course and grade by incising its channel at approximately the same rate as the topography was rising. The Wind River Canyon is correctly r...
I couldn’t help comparing the two letters to the editor printed last week. To say they were “different” would be like comparing a blinding snowstorm at night, to a bright, sunny, summer day. Since I was unable to attend either meeting, I can only take the writers word for what transpired. I will note, however, that one candidate seems to have much broader support of the blue-collar, working class, libertarian type of people who are tired of the same old thing. We are for less government, less oversight, and more “let me do my thing, and you...
The following are facts I have compiled about Hot Springs State Park. The state did not develop the Master Plan, the Steering Committee did and both pool owners were part of the committee. The Big Spring produces 1,527 gallons per minute. Two fountains use 20 gpm each, Days Inn uses 25 gpm, Plaza uses 30 gpm, State Bath House uses 85 gpm, Teepee uses 280 gpm and Star Plunge uses 350 gpm. That leaves only 717 gpm to flow over the terraces. This is the visual icon of the park and should get the needed water before concessionaires. This would...
With Mother's Day on May 8, I thought I'd share a rather humorous and very true anecdote that exemplifies the amount of love a mother has for her children. I spoke with my mother via text message on Saturday around 10 a.m. On Sundays, my mother usually calls around 1 p.m. or so to catch up. On this Sunday, however, I decided to go to Riverton to go shopping for a few household items that I needed. Plus, I always enjoy driving through Wind River Canyon, and this was the first time I got to do so...
Why Cruz got 14 delegates and Trump got zero. The answer is real simple, because Ted Cruz people participated in the process and Trump people did not. The caucus and convention system is not hidden from the people in Wyoming It started when republicans elected committee people in the last republican primary. My wife Toni and I were elected committee man and woman in Hot Springs County precinct #2. Our precinct caucus was February 27 and was advertised well in advance by law. Due to low attendance, we were short a few delegates to the HSC...
As a delegate to the Wyoming State Republican Convention this year, I was disillusioned. It appeared to me some of the events that occurred in the process could be considered fraudulent. Transparency only occurs with windows, not in elections, so I will present the facts and allow you to make your own decisions. Most importantly, the state chairman is supposed to be neutral, representing the “entire” republican party and all candidates, while avoiding the appearance of using his position to further his own agenda. The state chairman was see...
On our way out of town last weekend, my wife and I had one of those "deep" discussions. It started as we were headed through the canyon and I told my son how many of the rocks were around when dinosaurs were. This led to the question, from my wife Louise, of what I thought of dinosaurs' origins. Now, I was born and raised Catholic, and continue a strong belief in the traditions of that faith. At the same time, I know there's plenty of evidence to show dinosaurs and other species evolved over...
Donald Trump is boiling over more than usual from the frustration of watching past victories being eroded by curious math formulas that seem to deny the validity of voter preference. Bernie Sanders draws huge, enthusiastic crowds but would have to achieve nearly 65 percent in electoral victories to even close the gap on Hillary Clinton's lead. Our own Independent Record headlines "Democratic caucus evenly split" (Apr 14) when even a quick scan of the article reveals that Bernie Sanders won a double digit victory over Hillary Clinton state-wide...
I want to again show my support for a locally run, full care hospital and encourage others to share their support, which is also a show of support of the survival of our community as we know it. I was recently in the hospital for four nights and it was such a blessing to have the hospital here for me and my family (the hospital was full). The doctors and other workers took very good care of me. It would have been a terrible burden if I would have had to be taken by an ambulance to an out-of-town hospital. It would have been a hard burden for...
I would like to bring up a couple things about the upcoming election. First, I have seen and heard all the plans about "getting our land back from the feds." This is one of the worst things that could happen to our great state. It wouldn't be long, the state would need some money, (they ALWAYS need money) and there would be someone with deep pockets standing on the doorstep, waiting to buy "just a little bit." The trouble with that is, all the individual needs to do is purchase the access point, or road leading in, and there goes your chance...
A banner headline sensationalizing a, "crisis," at the library should have been followed by the Five Ws. You failed to speak with the library director and failed to explain my position was not arbitrarily added. It was merely a retirement replacement. If the budget, "was prepared with incorrect numbers," I accept her honest mistake and do not blame the director. A certain commissioner's "disconnect," can be solved by him looking back at the ad for the library position. It ran for three weeks. Ironically, it ran alongside ads for other county...
Regarding Duane Richter's letter, I do not argue with or dispute anyone's religious beliefs. I do believe that religion and science are not mutually exclusive. You can believe that God created all things on His own time frame, and science mainly explains the what, where, when and how of what we can physically observe or theorize. No one on earth knows how long a Genesis "day" is when God created everything in six days (resting the seventh). It could be 24 hours or 24 million years. It is a scientific fact that the rotation rate of earth is...