Sorted by date Results 1125 - 1149 of 1324
Over the past few weeks, there has been a bombardment with regard to election coverage. With the primaries over, we would like to extend our congratulations to those candidates who won their races, and to the people of Thermopolis, we appreciate you taking the time to make your voices heard. Now that the results have been tallied and those important first races run, it’s time to take a break from the political — at least until it gets a bit closer to November, anyway — and turn the focus to other local happenings, particularly with schoo...
First and most important is to thank Dolores Loughlin for starting reunion weekend some 50 years ago. I hope it continues for a long time. Thank you Thermopolis for hosting the class reunion weekend. It was our 60th reunion and as Cleveland Wright said I can’t come this year “but my heart is still there.” It was like that for all of us. Thank you to the classmates 1956 for attending and participating in the 60th. Your presence helped make it a most successful reunion. We still think of the class mates that have passed and didn’t get to enjoy a...
It filled me with joy Monday evening when we spent it in the state park. So many people, walking their dogs, participating in the Catholic Mass and picnic, listening and enjoying the toe-tapping concert, the sound of kids playing in the lush carpet of grass and on the playground equipment, some just quietly sitting, listening and visiting. The beautiful flowers and grounds, blue Wyoming sky and ever-present red rock that surround us and hold us safely, plus the smell of the healing waters, brought a peaceful end to another Thermopolis day....
Society has taught me not to dress provocatively, not to go out drinking, not to walk in dark alleyways, not to put myself in “bad situations,” to limit sexual experiences. All of these precautions, society warns, may warrant some sort of sexual assault if I do not adhere and act appropriately. If I walk in an alleyway and am assaulted by a man, it is my fault because I shouldn’t have been walking there. I go on a date with a boy and he decides he wants to have sex with me and I tell him “No,...
Election season is in full swing and each citizen should get out, vote and let their voice be heard. We have done our best to provide citizens with ample information on all candidates running, but we still urge you to check out the ballots for this year’s election (printed in the Aug. 4 edition), research each candidate and choose the ones that you feel will best lead on both the local and state level. Most importantly, those not already registered to vote should go register. Those who never ‘got into politics’ or the newly eligible 18-year-old...
It being my first year living in Thermopolis, I’ve been greeted with plenty of firsts, and this past weekend I saw my first Gift of the Waters pageant and Big Horn Basin Folk Festival. Beginning in the early hours of Saturday morning, it was interesting to watch a unique community spring up among the grass, one that harkened back to the old bazaar days, with booths selling crafts, food and other merchandise — the cinnamon rolls were particularly tasty — while still others gave live demon...
A poem I once read and taught from spoke to the heart about a trip by the poet to the home of his youth. In it, he spoke of how much smaller than his memories were the realities of the mountains, now barely hills, the river, now barely a creek, and the schools which seemed so large as he started his education, and now seemed so small as he returned from the city in which his life now unfolded. In celebration of last Memorial Day, my spouse and I drove to Torrington to visit Mom and Dad’s grave. I think of my parents often, and their r...
Among the points of interest in Thermopolis, there are an abundance of hiking trails, from the well known paths up Roundtop, T-Hill and Memorial Hill to the less prominent Owl Creek Hill and Star Trail. At the Thermopolis Independent Record, we help make sure people are aware of where these trails are, points of interest along the way and any special precautions they might need to take. This is done largely through our annual Visitor's Guide, though it also takes the community to make the publication possible and see the trails are put to good...
It was with much anticipation that I was able to attend alumni weekend in Thermopolis this year. Old friends are the best friends and we were all so pleased to renew these friendships and share our memories, as well as catch up with all that was new in the lives of our friends. There were 50 in the class of 1951 that May 15. There are 23 of us remaining, and 12 were able to attend at least one of the activities this year and we were surprised to see ours was the oldest of the classes honored. I am sure many of us wondered if there would be a...
Has the American voting public become so jaded and cynical that we are no longer shocked or saddened by the behavior of our political candidates? Have we now become only the arbiters of who is totally unfit to hold important offices, and then to vote for the least unfit amongst those who have revealed their true nature by their words or actions? I refuse to vote from fear or anger for an opposition candidate in any race at any level. Further, it is, in my view, totally out of touch with the meaning of Constitutional Democracy to assume the...
Soon it may be against the law in Wyoming to be a Christian who believes in the biblical teaching of marriage as one man and one woman (Genesis 1:27, 2:24; Matthew 19:4-5) and to also hold a public office. At least that’s the contention of the Commission on Judicial Conduct and Ethics and their case against the Honorable Judge Ruth Neely of Pinedale, Wyo. They want the Supreme Court to remove her from office because of her religious beliefs that prohibit her from performing same sex weddings. On Aug. 17, the Supreme Court will decide her c...
As a journalist, I sometimes get the chance to interview iconic individuals — even celebrities. From Newt Gingrich to indie film actors, professional dancers, PGA golfers and reality television stars, I’ve interviewed a smorgasbord of interesting individuals. I think my favorite though, was Ronny Cox from the classic film Deliverance. Below is the unpublished story that came out of that incredible interview sometime back in 2015 … Most famously known for his role as Drew Ballinger in the 1972 fi...
The First Amendment prohibits impediments against basic rights and freedoms including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to peaceably assemble and last, but certainly not least, freedom of the press. Freedom of the press means that newspapers, magazines and other printed materials have the right to publish without governmental restriction. It is only subject to the laws of libel (a written defamation of character), obscenity and sedition (speech or conduct inciting people to rebel against authority). First responders to an automo...
After many absent years, I recently enjoyed a delightful vacation in Thermopolis. A long-time friend and THS classmate spent an afternoon driving me by the many changes, and, one of our stops was the cemetery to visit the graves of my parents, Lawrence and Martha Schroeder. What a pleasant surprise to view Riverside Cemetery which reflects excellent care and continuous maintenance. Because every Memorial Day, I accompanied my parents to the cemetery and watched them use their hoes, shovels and rakes to remove the weeds around the graves of our...
I know it’s a bit cliché to say I’m thankful for the kindness of strangers, but over the past couple days, I really can’t find the words to describe some awesome events. I guess it’s pretty fitting that my wife and I took the kids to see “Finding Dory” Monday evening, a movie about relying on strangers’ kindness to find what was once lost. Following the show, my oldest was obsessed with playing the claw machine, and was a bit impatient. However, a sweet girl gave up two of her turns so he co...
Summer vacation for students is winding down while the new school year is approaching. Parents are beginning to receive supply lists via mail for Thermopolis Middle School and Hot Springs County High School and Ralph Witters Elementary students’ supply lists can be found online at While school doesn’t begin until Thursday, Aug. 25 and the supply lists may seem daunting at times, it is good for parents to have plenty of time to gather all of the necessary things to make this year a success for all students. I’m sure when paren...
Attending the All School Reunion weekend July 16 and 17 was more than a social experience for this Hot Springs County High School 1955 graduate. I needed information for a book I am writing about growing up in Wyoming and Montana. Since my brother Bill Cederholm and I were in Billings for a family visit, we drove on to Thermopolis for the weekend. Thermopolis High School graduates need to know about the terrific resources available to those who want to revisit the past in some depth. Materials are rich and deep. At the Independent Record, I...
I’m the old guy on the bicycle riding along the side of the highway. I just want to thank all you drivers who pull over toward the centerline when you pass me. I appreciate that little bit of extra room and I appreciate your concern for everyone’s safety. Thank you....
Several Sundays ago while on vacation, I hit a deer 10 miles outside of Thermopolis. It happened in an instant. The front end of the car was smashed and the air bags deployed filling the car with what looked like white smoke. The car could not be driven, and to make matters worse, I had lost my cell phone the previous day. Thankfull,y I was not injured. There was little traffic that morning, but the first car that passed stopped to offer assistance. They were approaching from the rear and did not even see the damage to the front of the car. The...
This is only my second time in Cleveland so the neighborhood I picked for lodging, while covering the Republican National Convention, was a crap shoot. I got lucky. Tremont is about a mile due south of the convention center and I had planned on just renting a bicycle, thinking it would be easier pedaling in and out of the downtown area than taking a cab or Uber. I was wrong. On Sunday, friend, wife and I decided to do some reconnaissance in the hope that my internet-mapped route would be as easy as it looked but as Sunday wore on, the police,...
As a newspaper, it is our responsibility to report the happenings around town. While that includes information from the latest meetings, upcoming events and results from local sporting events, it also means shining a light the other direction. When it comes to legal matters such as calls to the police department or sheriff’s office, happenings in the circuit and district courts, marriage licenses and divorces, the paperwork associated with these events is a matter of public record. Here at the Thermopolis Independent Record, we choose to p...
Pokémon Go has allowed me to revisit my childhood this week, and probably for many weeks, maybe months, to come. It was released as an app this month for iOS and Android devices, allowing players to capture virtual Pokémon that appear to show up in the real world using GPS and camera capabilities. So, it appears as if the Pokémon are in the real world — in your apartment, your yard, downtown. Childhood dreams literally come to life. Players are also able to train and battle Pokémon. To my disma...
This installment continues the series of articles that propose possible solutions to dealing with the geologic hazards of the Bighorn River Floodplain. The following is primarily focused on low-level flooding of several feet above flood stage with damage more or less confined to the floodplain. The limits of the floodplain, upon which most of Thermopolis is situated, are obvious. Stand on Broadway and look west. The west edge of the floodplain is right at Eighth Street where the street begins the climb up to the plateau west of town. The east...
The Fourth of July and Swinging Bridge and Bison Centennial Celebration on Monday was an amazing group effort. The celebration would not have been possible without the help of many individuals. The Independent Record would like to thank everyone who helped to turn this year’s celebration into something magical and unforgettable for children and adults alike. For the Swinging Bridge and Bison Centennial Celebration, numerous groups, organizations and businesses helped to make it a fun evening for everyone. Hot Springs State Park, the Pioneer Ass...
The Hot Springs State Park master planning process started in October of 2014. The agency hired Mundus Bishop, an independent planning consultant with many years of park planning and community development experience, to lead the planning process. This process included creating a steering committee made up of local and regional community leaders, State Parks staff, Hot Springs State Park concessionaires, business leaders, organizations and interested individuals. Since the start of the process the agency has had five steering committee meetings...