Sorted by date Results 1075 - 1099 of 1324
President-Elect Donald Trump told his fans that if he won, he wouldn’t question the outcome of the election, but if he didn’t, it would be only because the election was rigged. Heads I win; tails I win. He won, and he lost. He won because forever more he’ll be the outsider who overcame the odds to win the filthiest campaign in most people’s memory, and despite errors and incidents that would have doomed and did ordinary candidates of the past, he was re-markedly untouched and seemingly untroubled to any extent by the seriousness of charges...
Maybe it’s an age thing, but more and more I find little things that trigger memories from my childhood. That was the case this week when someone mentioned the old Rio Drive-In. Those of you of a certain age will surely remember pulling up to the post holding the speaker and fussing with the window to get it just right and then having to play with the volume until the scratchy audio was loud enough for everybody in the car to hear. I have vivid memories of seeing every Elvis movie at the d...
I was so humbled to see the election night results that we had gotten enough votes to pass the Hospital Initiatives. The PAC members were jumping up and down and cheering! We had all worked so hard to get to that moment! This campaign has been hard fought on both sides. The Common-Sense PAC had some great advocates. Their voices were heard in the community, and I hope will continue to be heard. We need to continue to have conversations with those individuals in opposition to figure out why they feel that way, and make changes to incorporate...
The 2016 general election proved to be a nail biter across the nation as states went from red to blue then back to red or vice versa in some cases. The race for President of the United States was so close in some states they could not be called even with over 95 percent of precincts reporting. Unlike Wyoming, which was called red just as polls were closing with zero percent of precincts reporting. Here in Hot Springs County we had our own important races to follow. An amazing 2,644 voters turned out for this election. There were record numbers...
Well, it’s come and gone. The election run of 2016 has officially come to an end. Like I‘m sure many of you were, I was glued to various television news stations for the national results and to my social media feed for the local results. Allow me to first extend my congratulations to those who won the offices for which they were running. To those who didn’t, I encourage you to look ahead and prep for the next election. Don’t let this election discourage you from that. In the meantime, I’m sur...
The 2016 general election is just around the corner where a number of important local, state and national races will be decided on. There are also four important propositions on the ballot for Hot Springs County voters. This issue of the Independent Record, along with several previous issues, contains an abundant amount of information on local candidates and ballot propositions along with a some information on state candidates. The presidential race has taken over the national media as well as making for some interesting, even when not...
My freshman civics teacher, Mr. Cormack, assigned many writing projects throughout the year requiring him to repeat his favorite admonition to be “brief, concise, and to the point.” When he assigned a paper extolling the right to vote, I took him seriously and wrote, “If people don’t vote, our country will die. But what if they vote wrong?” Mr. Cormack responded, “Mr. Clothier, it is possible to be TOO brief, concise, etc.” Given the state of our election campaigns, I’ve been thinking of historians’ controversies 1000 years in the future (sh...
Our pets become a huge part of our lives, whether it’s a fluffy kitten, playful puppy or a little gerbil running on its wheel, they are like family. Which makes me wonder exactly what my “family” is thinking. Punkin and Cupcake, my little fur-ball family members, are a delight. Most of the time. I’ve heard it said that animals will bring you “presents” when they love you. I’ve also heard those presents can be because they think you’re a lousy hunter. I’m going with the latter rather than the f...
The Internet is not the latest, “greatest” thing to come along and threaten to upend the newspaper industry. In 1927, Charles Lindbergh’s historic flight across the Atlantic Ocean was covered by Fox Movietone News. It sparked rumors and fears of the end of the newspaper industry. The advent of radio news and later, television broadcasts, led to the more rumors that newspapers were done as an industry. But ink and pulp have persevered. Not every newspaper from 100 years ago is still around, but many of the ones that are left are stalwarts of wh...
To the good people of Thermopolis, We want to thank you for the treasure that you have in Hot Springs State Park and the good people who work there. At the end of August we stopped in Thermopolis to enjoy the hot springs on our way home from visiting family and friends in the Southwest. I removed my wedding rings before enjoying the mineral springs and, somehow, lost them between the locker room and my car. We reported the loss to the police and received excellent help there. When we returned to the pool, the people on duty that day diligently...
It’s almost here. The day when everyone hits the polls — unless they chose to fill out an absentee or early ballot. It’s almost time for the big top to come down on the political circus for a couple more years. I make this reference only in regard to the presidential election, much like I have since front-runners Clinton and Trump were announced. It almost seemed like a bad joke just a few months ago, and now in a couple weeks one or the other will be leading our country for the next four years....
We all know, or at least believe, that following the election, here in Thermopolis we’ll still all be friendly and civil to each other. The world will go on spinning, and day-to-day activities will continue unabated. It’s not like the whole thing is going to come screeching to a halt depending on whether certain initiatives pass or fail, or who gets elected to the office. Life and livelihood will go on here, just as it will everywhere else. The livelihood of many — particularly those in the coal and oil industry — took a serious blow in rece...
I would like to thank the wonderful community of Thermopolis for the support, love and help given to me these past two years. I couldn’t have done it all without you. Thermopolis adopted me as their own, and I will always be grateful for the spirit of service given when needed. May all of you be blessed for your gifts of giving. Susan Staley, Evanston...
by Cindy Glasson I’m pretty comfortable in the evening, sitting in my chair at my computer with my big monitor and a glass of tea. I love opening my fridge and seeing everything from eggs and cheese to a bottle of wine and sliced pepperoni. I stay warm at night under my electric blanket with my two kitties snuggling around my feet. I can walk out to my car, turn the key and go just about anywhere I want to. I have beautiful children and a simply adorable grandson. And yet, I’ve had some of the d...
The framers of our Constitution guaranteed freedom of speech and expression to the citizens of the United States with the First Amendment, which reads, in part, “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech.” As I watch this year’s election process I sometimes need to remind myself of my First Amendment rights. That’s not to say I can say whatever I want, whenever I want, without regard to the thoughts of others, but I can express my opinion. There have honestly been times in the last few months where I’ve been afraid to express t...
I don’t argue with Cindy Glasson’s statistics in her column titled Wyoming, The Equality State. I do believe there’s a gender gap in pay between men and women. Statistics can be misleading. I’ve heard it said, for example, that two economists can analyze the same set of data (statistics) and come to opposite conclusions. For example, Obama says the economy is doing great - the unemployment rate, 4.9 percent (Bureau of Labor Statistics: is the lowest in many years. The same data shows 93 million...
On September 18, 2016, we were involved in an accident between Meeteetse and Thermopolis totaling our car. We were taken to the Hot Springs County Hospital by ambulance. The ambulance crew were outstanding. The emergency room crew and the hospital staff were so good to us. We are grateful to be healing and are so very grateful for the emergency care we received. It would seem wrong to not publicly express thanks and compliment your community on your fantastic service provided to us....
Every few years, almost on cue, religion seems to enthusiastically enter politics as though this country should somehow become a theocracy with democratic overtones instead of a democracy separated from religion by its Constitution. As a Christian, I gladly accept and proclaim Jesus’ role in my life and salvation, and wish for others the fulfilling life possible when filled with His Spirit. As a citizen of the United States of America, I declare and defend my right to form my own political philosophy, and make my own political decisions. M...
The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees each of us Freedom of Speech. We may not always agree with what one another says but the ability to speak gives voice to differing opinions and allows for the free exchange of ideals. Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a country where simply by voicing your ideals you were harassed or even jailed or killed? That scenario is true for many countries. On Friday I replaced yet another candidate yard sign that had been damaged by vandals. Today I found that sign al...
Ah, October is here at last. I think the fall months are my favorite, as they bring with them the beautiful changes in the leaves’ colors — along with the unfortunate business of raking them up as they drop from the trees — and let us know the holiday season is coming up. Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be a column about Christmas, which for some unfortunate reason seems to get closer year after year; I’m actually expecting to be able to purchase fireworks and Christmas decorations from the sa...
As a newspaper, we are a source for news and events in the community, whether they be good or bad. Among the latter are certainly the number of court cases we report on, While many of these may seem to some like minor infractions and crimes, one thing that should never be ignored or given simply a passing glance are those cases involving violence in the home. October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, though domestic violence is an issue to face year-roud. Between 2001 and 2012, the number of American troops killed in Afghanistan...
This past Friday night, September 30 we played the Thermopolis Bobcats in football. There were several things that happened that went unnoticed by most in attendance and we wanted everyone to know what occurred. At the start of the game the sound system on the visitor’s sideline was very loud. Many attempts were made to remedy the problem. When a solution could not be made, your Principal Mr. Shoop, simply cut the wires leading to the speakers. During the course of the game we had a player that was injured. Your trainer examined the player a...
After hearing and reading of the proposed bentonite pit mine along Highway 120 north of Thermopolis, we wanted to add our voices to last week’s letters by Pete Weisbeck and Sherry Barber in opposition to that proposal. Route 120 from Cody into and through Thermopolis is one of the more beautiful scenic connections in the state. Residents and tourists travel that road year round. The economy of Thermopolis depends on those who travel through, as well as those who come to the city for its hot springs, dinosaur museum, equine events, and high scho...
Hey folks it is starting to rain. According to Wenlin Liu, chief economist for the state of Wyoming, “mineral severance tax revenue in the state is at a 14 year low. Job losses from 2015 to 2016 were about 8,700. The largest factor is the mineral extraction industry.” According to an earlier story in the Independent Record, “Hot Springs County oil and gas sales volume has remained steady from 2015 to 2016, however, the taxable value (Ad Valorem) of both oil and gas has gone down significantly.” For the past 35 years oil and gas have been pa...
I am writing to express my extreme shock and displeasure at even the idea of entertaining the Wyo-Ben pit 108T. It is bad enough that all through the back country where bentonite mines exist the land is totally destroyed, there is abundance of noise pollution, dirt, dust and mud pollution, there is heavy truck traffic ruining public roads. The area will shortly be void of our precious deer, antelope, game birds and will become a blight to the natural beauty people come here to see. Please consider the citizens of Hot Springs County and Wyoming...