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  • New Year's resolution

    K.D. Jacobs|Jan 5, 2017

    I have decided that my New Year’s resolution is to buy life insurance for only $30 a month. It will be enough for my loved one’s (the ones that I only see once or twice a year) to hopefully bury me. And for only $70 a month my loved one’s (the ones who will rush right over if they need anything) will get a nice chunk of change, my house, automobiles and everything else I worked by behind off for. Heck, they might not have to work again. Just thinking about their smiles makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside....

  • Going a different way

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Jan 5, 2017

    Well, the big ’17 is here. Try as I might to stay up and watch the ball drop, I only made it to 11:15 p.m. this year. I guess that’s still more than an hour beyond the official drop in New York. I’m not much for resolutions, as I either set unrealistic goals or, when it’s something a bit more grounded, I either give up too easily on it or forget about it entirely by March. But, since statistics show that less than 10 percent of people make or stick to their resolutions, I’m content knowing I...

  • Welcome the newness of 2017

    Dec 29, 2016

    It’s fitting the end of what is commonly referred to as the “holiday season” is the New Year; one last “hurrah” for 2016, as we venture forward — some with trepidation, others with composure — into 2017. Henry Ward Beecher wrote once, “Every man should be born again on the first of January,” and while it’s nice to have the sense of an empty calendar year there’s no denying that, before long, each of us will have more than his or her share of commitments and activities to fill those boxes and pages. And while that New Year is waiting for us jus...

  • Be kind to yourself and others

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    January 1st. That magical day when everyone makes these amazing promises about the coming year. “I’m going to lose 20 pounds.” “I’m going to quit smoking.” “I’m going to the gym every day.” February 1st. That magical day when you’re sitting in your recliner watching Netflix, eating your way through a bag of Cheetos and rubbing your orange fingers on your sweatpants. Yep, that would be me. I gave up making New Year’s resolutions a long time ago. I don’t need the added guilt of telling everyo...

  • An unlikely Christmas story

    Dec 22, 2016

    If you’ve been counting down the days until the Winter Solstice (the shortest day of the year) congratulations, we made it and now the days start getting longer. If it doesn’t seem that way perhaps it’s because, while the sun begins to set a little later from here until summer, it rises a little later in the day until January 3. So when Christmas rolls around this Sunday, even though you’ve told yourself, “the days are getting longer,” your eyes aren’t seeing the light of day any earlier. Some sleep scientists attribute this annual phenom...

  • People for People is a great program

    Wayne Bentel|Dec 22, 2016

    It was wonderful to see the article on the People for People Program and its continued success. When it began so many years ago it would have been difficult to imagine its longevity and the commitment of so many people in the community. Hopefully this will be a never ending program....

  • Fond memories of downtown Thermopolis

    Truly Garrison|Dec 22, 2016

    Just wanted to thank the city for keeping main street looking as it has for many years. I came there (Thermopolis) at 14 from California in 1946. I fell in love with Wyoming and the town of Thermopolis, living there off and on for years. It has always been a pleasant memory, and to see main street looking as it did, the first time I ever saw it, is a happy memory. I’m glad the city has kept it just as it was. I remember how sad I was when the Emory Hotel was torn down, and the Carter over in the park. People came from all over and stayed in t...

  • Consider giving rather than gifting

    Carol Widman|Dec 22, 2016

    About eight years ago, after our family witnessed our grand-nephews “opening” a humungous pile of Christmas gifts, quickly shoving them into a corner so they could quickly open the NEXT one, and then whining when they didn’t get “what they wanted”, our family made a huge change to our Christmas gifting and celebration. We reasoned that if the money we spent on unappreciated gifts had been donated to organizations that benefitted those who REALLY needed it, a huge difference could have been made for others! We decided then that we would NO...

  • Your smile may change someone's day

    Dec 15, 2016

    For many folks, the Holiday Season isn’t filled with cheer, friends or family, but with depression or social isolation. While most of us are flitting from party to party or peacefully gathered around the Christmas tree, there are those who suffer more deeply during the holidays. You may have heard that suicide rates are higher this time of year, but in actuality, studies have shown that really isn’t the case. That doesn’t mean we stop being vigilant about the health and mental welfare of those around us. In fact, this is the time of year when...

  • A change of presents

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Dec 15, 2016

    by Mark Dykes It’s time to get out the lights, the tree and all those decorations we keep in storage 11 months out of the year, and get ready for those final celebrations of the calendar year. I’m not sure when it happened, but I think it was sometime in college that the gears switched in my brain and I started wanting more practical gifts — fewer video games and more books, clothes, restaurant gift cards and — my favorite — bundles of beef. With a two-year-old and four-year-old, along wit...

  • Ann Flathers

    Dec 15, 2016

    Ann M. Flathers, 87, passed away on Monday, December 6, 2016, at the Care & Comfort Home. Ann was born on July 18, 1929, in Long Prairie, Minn., the youngest of several children born to Vincent and Elizabeth (Lensing) Nanik. She was raised in the Long Prairie area, until her high school graduation at 16. Following her graduation, she moved to Havre to help her Sister Hattie during the birth of her first child. While in Havre, Ann attended Northern Montana College and received her Associate Degree as a legal secretary. She also met a wonderful... Full story

  • Make the season safe

    Dec 8, 2016

    If there’s one thing for certain in these past few weeks, it’s that the snow isn’t leaving anytime soon. In addition to making sure your vehicle is equipped with an emergency kit, should you happen to get stuck, the best thing you can do is be more cautious while behind the wheel Yes, there are plow vehicles that are going to regularly keep the streets and highways clear. Keep in mind those trucks might not get to your neck of the woods as quickly as you hope, but they do get there. Just like nearly every job, they have their priority and s...

  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter & Photographer|Dec 8, 2016

    “December 7th, a day which will live in infamy.” President Franklin D. Roosevelt It was a beautiful Hawaiian morning in 1941. I’m sure the skies were blue and the scent of exotic native flowers filled the air. Until 7:48 a.m. when the naval base at Pearl Harbor was attacked by 353 fighter planes, bombers and torpedo planes from the Imperial Japanese Navy. Eight of our country’s battleships were damaged. Four were sunk. Three cruisers, three destroyers, an anti-aircraft training ship and a minel...

  • Fear of the unknown

    Dec 1, 2016

    A lot of people are angry. Some of that is caused by fear of the unknown and of what will become of our families and friends as we head into a new political era. It’s natural to fear what we don’t know and to be angry at what we cannot understand. And we’re sorry to say that we in the media shoulder much of the blame. If you peruse the national headlines you’re not likely to find much of anything along the lines of news. Most of what our national media covers these days is nothing more than speculation. Those things once relegated to a few pag...

  • Thankful for a caring community

    Dec 1, 2016

    The day before Thanksgiving, we were involved in an accident just a few miles north of Thermopolis. Our rental car hit a deer and the side airbags deployed. We are all from Wyoming originally and were coming home to see our mother/ grandma for Thanksgiving. We’d planned a road trip from the Denver airport “for old time’s sake,” as when the “girls” (now women on either side of 40) were little, we spent lots of time together. Now all four of us live in different states. After we hit the deer, what had been a wonderful day of reminiscing...

  • Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

    Dec 1, 2016

    The Governor of the great state of Wyoming, Matthew H. Mead, has proclaimed Wednesday, Dec. 7 as Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. It is earnestly recommended by the few remaining veterans in Wyoming of the attack on Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941, that we all honor the many heroes that fell that day at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the many that were wounded. It is also requested by the same surviving veterans that all school teachers in this area bring to the children’s attention what happened at Pearl Harbor and that is was the first day of WWII. For more i...

  • Have a little fun with your cheese

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Dec 1, 2016

    Do you have that one person on your Christmas list that is impossible to buy for? You know, the one who already has everything or is so picky about what they have that you finally give up and just give them a gift card? Yeah, we’ve all got one. Me, I’m pretty easy to buy for. No matter what my kids have bought me for Christmas, I’ve always loved it, even if it was just a drawing they did or the requisite colored macaroni necklace. The snub-nosed .38 and mop I got for Mother’s Day from my ex w...

  • Check out these movies about Wyoming

    Bill Sniffin|Dec 1, 2016

    With our nights getting longer and colder, this gives me an excuse to watch my favorite movies that take place in our state, feature our state or include themes about Wyoming. Here is my list of favorites: Most recently, the best movie of the year according to the Academy Awards was The Revenant, which has over-riding Wyoming themes with much of it filmed as if it were here. A very cold, wintry Wyoming was depicted. Other western movies dominate these selections. In Hollywood jargon, cowboy movies were often called “oaters.” Most of these on th...

  • Be prepared for winter weather

    Nov 24, 2016

    Mother Nature reared her ugly head and dropped seven-inches of white stuff across Hot Springs County last week, reminding us that the days of flip flops and sunscreen are surely over for a few months. With that in mind, are you prepared should a big storm hit? Everyone should have a few days supply of food and water in the house, things that don’t require cooking in case the electricity goes out. Oh, and that electric can opener probably won’t do you any good either, so an old fashioned one would be good to have in the junk drawer. Extra bla...

  • Trump won, get over it

    Mike Pierce|Nov 24, 2016

    Referencing the recent Rex’s Ramblings column, it’s obvious on which side of the political aisle he stands. It’s obvious that the author still reads from the tired old Democrat playbook - the one Democrats relied on to defeat President-Elect Trump (oops, that didn’t work for them, did it?). The playbook that states it doesn’t matter if a charge is true or false, what’s important is the seriousness of the charge. Of course, as with all trumped-up charges brought to every election season in October by the Democrats, the charges have been proven...

  • Dogs are better deterrent to crime than alarms

    Gene Peterson|Nov 24, 2016

    All the police reports of dogs running loose and barking I wonder if one person is doing much of the complaining. I like to hear dogs barking. They alert us if somebody’s around that shouldn’t be. Unless maybe they’re being abused, hungry, thirsty, left out on a cold night. They’re just four legged family and need love. Burglars claimed dogs, even little ones, are better deterrent to crime than any other alarm. The most intelligent animal with their sharp smell and hearing are able to do many tasks impossible for man. They risk their lives,...

  • Caregivers provide a labor of love

    Sam Shumway|Nov 24, 2016

    November is National Caregiver’s month. I hope we will all take a moment to recognize and thank the ever-growing group of unsung heroes in Wyoming. In our communities and counties, rural and urban, they do things like give baths and help others get dressed. They dispense medicine and provide transportation to doctor’s appointments. They are family caregivers. In our state, more than 66,000 people are caregivers. Chances are, you know, have been, or are a family caregiver. It is estimated that in Wyoming they contribute upwards of 62 mil...

  • Reasons to be thankful

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Nov 24, 2016

    Though it always feels a bit redundant when I say it — especially considering the season we’re in — I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to be thankful. Like I said, redundant, with the great “turkey day” less then 48 hours away. I, like many of you, am grateful for my family and friends, who are just a drive across town, a phone call or an email away. I’m especially looking forward to spending a few days with my in-laws, enjoying the ham, turkey, potatoes, and everything...

  • Support local economy during the holidays

    Nov 17, 2016

    With the hectic 2016 campaign season behind us, what better time for the holidays to come and remind us of working together? As Thanksgiving and Christmas draw ever closer, plans are made for travel, if necessary, and when to start shopping for presents. To this latter, we remind people to take advantage of the shopping opportunities here in Thermopolis. Several businesses will be open early on Nov. 26 for shoppers’ convenience. Before taking your lists online or out of town, take advantage of what shopping locally can afford you. First, t...

  • Hats off to Hot Srpings County voters

    Nov 17, 2016

    Last Tuesday when you carefully colored in a lot of ovals in near record numbers, you accomplished what Congress, our State Legislature, and even our local Representative could not. You stood for supporting healthcare at the local level. At a time in our nation when Congress is more concerned with partisanship than governance , and sadly our state Legislature is trending that way, you the voters chose to take matters in your own hands and pocketbooks and support rural healthcare. Nearly two years ago when the legislature defeated Medicaid expan...

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