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  • Valedictorian reminds classmates to live in the moment

    May 23, 2024

    by Seth Needham Good Afternoon everyone It’s an honor to stand in front of you as we celebrate our graduation. As your valedictorian I am grateful for the time I have shared with you all, and I am excited to see where life takes us. Earlier this week, as I was writing this speech, I realized how fast time passes and if you don’t slow down, it will go on with out you. This is my last argument so get ready. Whatever you guys think about time passing is wrong. It actually goes the same speed for everyone at every age, some people just choose to...

  • Salutatorian: There's so much this world can offer you

    May 23, 2024

    by Aiden Freeman Hello Everyone! How are you doing? My name is Aidan Freeman, and I am your 2024 Salutatorian. I want to thank you all for giving me your time, attention, and the opportunity to speak in front of you. Because I don’t want to take too long with this speech, I would like to share something rather small and simple that’s been in my mind - how powerful learning really is. I know, you’ve been lectured enough about the importance of learning, I’m sure you’re sick of it by now! But there is a lot more to learning than school makes it...

  • Do some research, be informed

    May 23, 2024

    In my opinion, we have very serious school issues here in Hot Springs County. First of all, let’s look at what happened at last week’s School Board Meeting. Those of you fortunate enough to view it before the School Board took it down should be appalled at the behavior of certain members of our HSCSD #1 board. Board Trustee Bethany Webber brought up an issue and other board members met her with accusations, belittling and intimidation towards Bethany afterward. Very hard to watch. We are constantly being told to bring anything to the board and...

  • It's OK to talk about mental health issues

    May 23, 2024

    by Kelly Strampe, HSC Prevention Coalition It’s OK to not be OK, and it’s OK to talk about It … Or is It? “It’s OK to not be OK” is a common slogan in mental health awareness. It’s a powerful statement that recognizes and normalizes the experience of struggling, feeling overwhelmed, or not being at one’s best. It emphasizes that even negative emotions like sadness, anxiety, or frustration are part of being human. Adding “it’s OK to talk about it” adds an interesting twist to the slogan. That’s a pretty bold statement for a small town like T...

  • Ghosting simply doesn't cut it

    May 16, 2024

    by David Peck, Lovell Chronicle Pet peeve time here. Are you familiar with the communications concept known as ghosting? For the uninitiated, the word refers to an electronic communication during which one of the parties simply stops responding to a conversation or disappears from contact in the first place. I guess it could also refer to any communication, such as refusing to return a call or something like that. But for the young people out there, I have one thing to say: Don’t do it. At least if you want to get or keep a job. Let me tell y...

  • Mental Health Action Day

    May 16, 2024

    by the Hot Springs County Prevention Coalition On Thursday, May 16th, folks around the globe will participate in Mental Health Action Day. The day was established to transform mental health awareness into action. This year’s theme is ‘connection.’ We are hoping for a coordinated effort among businesses, organizations, advocacy groups, schools, individuals, and leaders to join together to inspire and engage one another to take real action to help us all feel more connected to ourselves, to each other, and to our community. We are encouraging eve...

  • Share your ideas for potential drinking water sources

    May 16, 2024

    A public meeting seeking information concerning potential drinking water sources, water needs and contact information for interested parties in the area will be held Wednesday, May 22 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Annex, 327 Arapahoe. The Wyoming Water Development Commission, Hot Springs County Supply Evaluation Level II Study provides the opportunity to identify and evaluate options to supply Hot Springs County residents with drinking water. You can participate by attending the meeting, taking a survey at...

  • Thoughts on confidence

    May 16, 2024

    I read something today that changed my perception of the concept of confidence. It said something along the lines of: “Confidence can’t be seen or heard. It can’t be created by anyone but you.” I found this profound. I’ve always believed I lacked confidence. I’m guessing many of us feel this way. I lived my life thinking my lack was simply the way things were. I saw other people as confident – born that way – and I envied them. I thought their confidence came from abilities or talents – a knowledge that they had what it took to stand out from...

  • Your words matter

    May 9, 2024

    by Bryan Golden, Dare to Live Without Limits You are usually conscious of what you say to others. The things you say are based on what you want to achieve. You know from experience that the words you chose have a big impact. When you use the wrong words, the reaction of others is not what you intended. What you say to yourself is just as important as what you say to others. Yet, too many people are not fully aware of the impact their self-talk has on their own wellbeing. Your words to yourself program your mind. Your mind follows whatever...

  • We aren't doing enough to stop bulling in schools

    May 9, 2024

    School bullying is plaguing our children with ill health, causing depression, headaches, poor grades, along with the inability to focus on school work and becoming anti-social, not wanting to be part of school activities. We need more education in our schools for our children about the impact school bullying is having on fellow students along with procedures that can be taken when someone is being traumatized due to school bullying. It should never be ignored. Schools can offer citizenship awards and incentives to encourage wellness between...

  • Growing pains

    May 2, 2024

    Some of us in the community as children growing up in Thermopolis dreamed of having a McDonald’s restaurant in town. Years later, we got one – and a Pizza Hut restaurant as well. Some grew up hoping for even more, a shopping mall, a cold water swimming pool, a stoplight at Amoretti and Sixth Streets. We never got those. According to the US Census, In 1983, Thermopolis and East Thermopolis’ population was about 4,410 people and we had the infrastructure to handle that amount at the time. Today Thermopolis population is 2,702. Hard numbers to sw...

  • Paper patch gardening

    May 2, 2024

    by Sara Ready “I’m heading out to mow the garden” my dad announced. Then I heard him mutter, “I never thought I would put those words together in a sentence.” My garden had been a source of embarrassment for years. I was raised better. My mother was a fantastic gardener, I learned and helped her throughout my childhood. I thought gardening was pretty strait forward. Then I married, and moved to a bentonite hill. I borrowed a tiller, and started my first garden. For three years I scrached my so called garden out of the bentonite. My rows were...

  • Questions of the State Parks Commission

    May 2, 2024

    Looking at the article about ‘Hot Springs State Park proposals’ in the April 18 issue of the Thermopolis Independent Record, I have some questions. I see that the contract was awarded to the bidder who scored 5,213 points out of a possible 6,000. I am curious to know what the criteria was for earning all 6,000 points; why did this bidder score so high? Was the state’s process weighted to give preference to an applicant who would propose such sweeping changes? Did the state parks commission automatically give preference to a proposal which...

  • Why is it...?

    May 2, 2024

    As far as I know, Harriet Hagman’s visit for a Town Hall meeting was well known before the Republican Convention April 18-20 and there was a good informational notice in the I.R. Congresswoman Hageman’s meetings are very informative and a great insight into D.C.’s goings on. Yet...I find it curious and sad that so many of our “community leaders” neglected to appear or show the courtesy to attend Harriet’s town hall here. She has worked hard to represent Wyoming and the citizens of Hot Springs County…especially after the Liz Cheney debacl...

  • Read the public notices

    Apr 25, 2024

    This Thermopolis Independent Record contains two and a half pages of public notices. We suggest you read them. Included on those pages are notices about another request from Rocky Mountain Power for a rate increase, an invitation to bid, board vacancies, notices of Sheriff sales, commissioner and council minutes and more. These are required to run by state statute and there is a good reason for that. The information included in these notices must be accessible to the public for a variety of reasons. One of the most important is that our city...

  • Dry skin? Join the club

    Apr 25, 2024

    by Kelly Evans-Hullinger, MD An exceedingly common question I get in clinic, especially in the heart of a South Dakota winter, is how to remedy dry skin. And the questions arent just in clinic; my own kids, family, friends, everyone seems to have an occasional problem with dry and irritated skin. Dry skin is something we are all familiar with; if your dry spots come with a rash or anything else unusual, it may be worth showing it to your primary care provider, as it could be something else entirely. Eczema, a common inflammatory skin condition,...

  • When is enough, enough?

    Apr 18, 2024

    by Rhett Breedlove, Torrington Telegram This perhaps is something everyone can relate to, and it falls under all sorts of categories. It’s in our nature to continue to try over, and over again until we finally succeed. Or at least until we get something right. This is the absolute truth if we ever plan to get anywhere in life, and as we all know very well by now nothing worth having is going to come easy. When we were young we were rightfully taught if at first you don’t succeed, you must try, try again. Absolutely. None of us ever became good...

  • Petition for the special district ballot

    Apr 18, 2024

    The petition at the Hot Springs County Senior Center is simply to put the question of a special district on the ballot. Then if Democracy works correctly, people vote for or against it in the August primary. This petition is only to get the word out there, get it on the ballot and the voters say yes or no in August. A district would affect only property owners. If you don’t own property, you don’t pay a thing. Property owners would pay $1.59 per month on a $100,000 home and, in my opinion, that is not much. Once it gets on the ballot, it is the...

  • Bad behavior by one not condoned by other Wyomingites

    Apr 11, 2024

    by Lara Love A photo being circulated of a wolf with red tape wrapped around its muzzle posed next to Daniel, Wyo. resident Cody Roberts, has people across Wyoming and the nation sickened by the man’s actions, myself included. The man reportedly ran the wolf down with a snowmobile on the last day of February. He did not kill the wolf. Instead he kept the wolf, bringing it into the Green River Bar in Daniel on March 1, before later killing the wolf behind the building. The Wyoming Game and Fish fined Roberts $250 for possessing a live wolf. T...

  • Pain - It's no joke

    Apr 11, 2024

    by Jill Kruse, DO There is an old joke where a man walks into his doctor’s office and says, “Doc, it hurts every time I do this. What should I do? To which the doctor replies, “Simple, don’t do that!” While the advice seems trite and maybe even insulting, like most jokes, there is some truth in it. Pain is one of the ways your body tries to protect you from even worse injury. Pain tries to keep you from walking on a sprained ankle or lifting things with a broken arm. In those cases, the advice from the doctor is accurate. We cast broken bo...

  • Easter egg hunt rescheduled for this Sunday

    Apr 4, 2024

    The annual Lion’s Club Easter Egg Hunt has been rescheduled for this Sunday, April 7 at 2 p.m. in Hot Springs State Park. Last Sunday’s weather was not favorable for the event. At press time, the forecast for the weekend is for moisture both days. We are hopeful that for a few hours on Sunday we will get a window of relief from the rain so the annual event can be held. A local Lion’s Club representative said that they believe it has only be three times that the event had to be canceled or rescheduled due to weather. They also said if there is i...

  • Let go of the anchor

    Apr 4, 2024

    by Bryan Golden Imagine you are swimming while holding a heavy anchor which is pulling you under water. What would you do? Of course you would let go of the anchor to keep from drowning. Maintaining your grip on the anchor would lead to certain disaster. With your survival at stake, you wouldn’t hesitate to drop the anchor. Yet, in life there are issues you are hanging onto which are drowning you. Anger, hate, bitterness, resentment, and grudges are all anchors pulling you to the bottom. Trying to change circumstances outside of your control al...

  • Is the town of Shoshoni a 'speed trap'?

    Apr 4, 2024

    When I moved to Shoshoni, Wyoming in 1981, the town was well known for the fantastic milkshakes and malts served at the Yellowstone Drug Store. The Yellowstone Drug Store is no longer open for business, but that’s not to say Shoshoni isn’t well known for other things. A quick visit to reveals; “The town has gained notoriety as a speed trap due to numerous references citing its aggressive enforcement of traffic laws. According to available data, the town has a 32% ticket to resident rate, suggesting a disproportionate number of tr...

  • Transparency at work in School District 2

    Mar 28, 2024

    by David Peck, Lovell Chronicle, via WNE Newspapers from coast to coast a few weeks ago celebrated Sunshine Week, a time to champion openness and transparency in government in issues from access to public records to open meetings. Ironically, Sunshine Week 2024 happened to coincide with an example of transparency worth celebrating in Lovell. Thursday night, Big Horn County School District No. 2 held a public forum during which citizens were able to question three finalists to be the next principal of Lovell Elementary School. We’re not sure m...

  • Feeling winded?

    Mar 28, 2024

    by Andrew Ellsworth, MD “Well, doc,” the patient was telling me, “I get winded so easily now. I can hardly go to the mailbox without stopping to catch my breath. It did not used to be that way. Do you think something is wrong?” Many of us have experienced shortness of breath. After a period of inactivity, such as winter or a busy month, when we decide to exercise again, it may be easier to feel winded. That experience can be due to deconditioning, feeling out of shape. A good remedy for that is a gradual increase in exercise, helping us to r...

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