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Graduation is set for this weekend, a time for our seniors to reflect on memories made over the past 12 years and look forward at what’s to come. But, before the caps and gowns are put on and those familiar notes of Pomp and Circumstance play, keep in mind there’s still some school activities to finish up — among them the track season. Despite the gloom and doom brought on by the recent slides in the canyon and the forecast of weather which is more like late fall than middle of spring, the Track and Field State Championships are still slate...
We’re dealing with typical “Springtime in Wyoming,” with 80 degrees for two days, rain for three or four, and then the threat of snow before its all over. Along with that come issues with rocks falling in Wind River Canyon, something we’ve dealt with for generations. I always hear folks talking about the time when Chimney Rock will come falling down across the road, but for me, I never worry about that. When my grandmother was young, the canyon was blasted out to create the road and the railway across the river. I remember her telling me about...
We’re nearing the middle of May with tourist season right around the corner. The Town of Thermopolis has proclaimed May 22-25 our Spring Clean-up, encouraging residents and businesses to do a little sprucing up to put on our best face for our incoming summer visitors. It is amazing how something as simple as sweeping a sidewalk can make a tourist walking through downtown think we are about the prettiest place they’ve ever seen. Perception is a big part of bringing visitors back to Thermopolis, again and again. We have always been a burgh fil...
I wish to comment on your article in the latest edition of the IR. I believe reports are spot on, as far as what is going on, and what will continue to happen. I was one of those affected by the latest road closure in the Wind River Canyon. Unfortunately, it seems as if WYDOT is just putting band-aids on a major wound. While I realize that any major fixes are going to be expensive, I believe that WYDOT needs to step up, do the right thing, and take care of the problems NOW! It is only going to get more expensive the longer we wait! There needs...
I can’t speak for all senior citizens, but I think many would agree that the two services we most value are those of the senior center and the library. The senior center offers the best lunch deal in town, along with various activities and transportation for those who can’t or don’t drive. The library offers both education and entertainment, with the staff always being friendly and helpful. Once a month they even provide a free dinner along with a classic film. My thanks to all of those who help in some way to keep both of these insti...
We’re officially within two weeks before graduation — 10 days to be exact — and there’s a flurry of activity at the schools, not just in these last few days but the entire month of May as spring sports wrap up their seasons, school programs take to the stage and students go on field trips near and far. Though the last few days feel like a time to be a bit more lax in the classroom, with summer vacation within sight, I’d encourage students to keep their academic, athletic and extracurr...
Unless you’ve sworn off any type of media this past week, you’re well aware of the impact the recent moisture has had on Wind River Canyon and the impediments facing those trying to travel into and out of Thermopolis. True, there were alternate routes for those who wanted to dare them, but there comes a point when you have to consider your own safety against getting to your destinations. Satellite navigation systems are all well and good for giving you another way to get to where you’re going, but they’re not a substitute for your own senses;...
I am always amazed at how smart animals really are. For instance, elephant mommies will stay with their babies if they’re in trouble and the rest of the herd gathers around to help. Sea turtles on Roanoke are hatched on the beach and the babies somehow know how to use their tiny little flippers to move across the sand to the ocean. Domestic animals are pretty smart, too. Dogs are brilliant escape artists as evidenced by the number of them running happily about town according to page two of this...
The month of May is nearly upon us and with it comes a lot of activities that will keep both parents and students very busy. Actually, it can keep everyone busy, between all the fabulous school concerts on tap, prom, the district track meet, graduation and everything else, it may seem a bit overwhelming at times. Some of the planning going on goes all the way through summer. For example, don’t forget to attend the public meeting regarding the solar eclipse on Monday night at 6 p.m. in the middle school commons. A big night at the middle s...
This weekend, I had the fortunate chance to be part of history in Thermopolis as I attended the groundbreaking for the Wyoming Dinosaur Center’s new location on Saturday. Having a love of dinosaurs that goes back as far as I can remember, and having two boys, I find just about any reason to make a trip over to the center. Every time I’m there I think about the center’s future, and I can’t wait to see the actual construction start south of town and, of course, to walk through those new doors f...
Next month, Thermopolis will host a hospitality workshop conducted by Ginny Garner. Described as instruction in intensive hospitality, the workshop will include training in topics such as the importance of tourism and how a person’s experience at one business or event might sour their opinion of the whole town. While this workshop is an important event, and board members were encouraged to have their employees attend, it’s not the only opportunity to make a good impression on people passing through. Though there are still plenty of gray, rai...
Last week’s letter to the editor from Bill Williams about the “Special Use Tax” or “1% Additional Sales Tax” was informative, yet it raises a few further questions. At one percent of taxable sales in this county, how many years can we expect to have this tax in effect before the 1.64 BILLION dollars is spent within our county to raise this amount? Bear in mind that not all money spent is subject to sales tax. Minerals and petroleum, as well as livestock, which are our greatest products, leave the county for resale and as such are not subject t...
by Rex Clothier “How much do you love me?!” Not having been asked that by any doctor before, but detecting good news arriving, I responded with “A goodly amount, but I suspect more after today.” Beaming broadly, she smiled and for the first time in nearly two months became the first person to assure me that I would leave the hospital with both feet, even if one was now smaller than the other. One the joy of knowing the tide had turned, and the enemy was in retreat had abated somewhat, I began to appreciate what a job my case manager had don...
As we come to the end of this Holy Week, you will be able to find a complete listing of services available at each of our local churches on the front page of this edition. Along with church services, throughout these pages you will find all kinds of things to do, from egg hunts to a 5K walk/run and the Second Friday ArtStroll, plenty of things for everyone in the family to do as they gather for the weekend. Whether your heart turns to a higher power or not, one thing is certain, life is renewing around us, from the new shoots of green grass to...
Regarding the “Our View” published in the April 6, 2017 edition of the IR on the opinion page, anyone who thinks the “sales tax” might continue indefinitely is in need of a refresher course. The “sales tax” is in fact a Special Purpose Tax and by definition is put in place after approval by the voters to raise monies for a “Special Purpose”, in this case the remodeling and replacement of the hospital. Once the funds have been raised to the maximum amount of $16.4 million for the project, the Special Purpose tax goes away. When that happens it...
Easter weekend is here once again, and the holiday means different things to different people. Having been raised Catholic, for me — as I’m sure it does for plenty others — the day itself and the weeks leading up to it go beyond the chocolate bunnies and marshmallow birds and into the spiritual. One thing I think is common among everyone, though, is the sense of newness, of rebirth or life taking a new direction. I hope that has more to do with the springtime being when baby animals are born,...
The annual April 15 deadline to have your taxes in is approaching quickly. Those who were able to get theirs done early have likely seen their returns swell their bank accounts before the money is put toward bills or, if you’re really lucky, a trip or something else that’s a bit more fun. Those of us who have waited, or are still waiting, to file the paperwork might be feeling a bit stressed out in making sure we have everything ready to go for the accountant, or sent to some online site for processing. Sure extensions can be requested, but...
Along with flowers and green grass, spring brings with it new babies of all shapes and sizes. There’s nothing like driving past a field and seeing all the new little lambs or tiny black calves with their shiny coats. And then there are the new foals, kicking up their heels as they chase each other around the paddock. It is definitely a time when farmers and ranchers are putting in long, exhausting hours putting in crops and making sure those little ones come safely into the world. This spring I’ve been a little obsessed with another kind of...
Everyone has their favorite memories from school, whether it was Friday night football games or the halftime show, wrestling trips, wood shop or finally figuring out Algebra, we all have something that sticks out in our minds. With the budget cuts facing our school district, many are afraid their students will not only miss out on an educational opportunity, but perhaps the chance to make the memories we did with extra-curricular activities. There is no skirting the issue of deep cuts coming to a lot of programs in the coming weeks. We can’t i...
It’s hard to believe March is nearing its end, though I’m sure I said the same thing about February, January, 2016 and all the years leading back to 2005 when I graduated college and school stopped making the days feel like they dragged on forever. March, like the other 11 months of the year, is host to plenty of special days, from St. Patrick’s Day and the Ides, but one of the lesser known is the observance of Social Work Month. Social workers play a key role in today’s society. Their primary mission is to enhance the quality of life for peopl...
Among the biggest topics of discussion within the past week has certainly been the trial of Matthew Schwan, evidenced by the number of people attending as well as the explosion of comments on our Facebook page. The trial was an emotional one for both sides — those supporting Matthew and the victim, Reilly Schwan — and the impact felt is far from over, and will likely see a fresh revival as the sentencing comes around. Among the comments seen online, and heard at the trial, was with regard to justice finally coming to pass in this case. Often ti...
The public notices that run in this newspaper are placed there, by law, primarily for your protection. Back when the states decided to adjudicate newspapers, it was because paid circulation papers like this one were the single best place to keep the public’s business before the eyes of the public. That was back when most people hadn’t yet heard of a television and certainly prior to the invention of a world wide web. Several generations later, it is still the case that paid-circulation newspapers are the single best place for citizens to sta...
There have been many questions about education spending in Wyoming and the cuts being made by our legislature. There are many in the legislature that believe we are not getting our “bang for the buck”. This perception is based on the fact that we spend more per student than most of the rest of the nation. These cuts are being made without looking deeper into why we spend the money we do in Wyoming. The facts are Wyoming spends an average of $15,797 per student, where as the national average is $11,009 per student. ( https://...
They began trying to find a ground of accusation against Judge Neely in regard to government affairs; but they could find no ground of accusation or evidence of corruption, inasmuch as she was faithful, and no negligence or corruption was to be found in her. Then these reporters said, “We will not find any ground of accusation against this Neely unless we find it against her with regard to the law of her God.” All the commissioners of the kingdom, the feminists and the atheists, the college presidents and the leftists consulted together tha...
This past weekend saw the start of Daylight Savings Time here in the majority of the United States. Following the adage of “Spring Forward,” clocks go forward an hour. Why is it, then, that my body doesn’t follow suit and I get an extra spring in my step? Here it is Wednesday, and I’m still feeling some residual effects of the time shift. The idea of Daylight Savings Time has a variety of reasons. Some think it’s to benefit — or aggravate — farmers or promote health and leisure activities in...