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  • School board updated on scholarship fund

    Kirk Boxleitner|Jul 29, 2021

    The Hot Springs County School Board received an upbeat update on its scholarship fund, and approved two new bus loading zones, during its July 15 meeting. Chauncy Johnson, business manager for the district, provided the update on the McCurdy Stump scholarship investment fund. “Last fall, the board approved changes in the investment structure with Edward Jones, who manages this fund, to be more of an ongoing, hopefully profitable investment structure, as opposed to sort of acting like we were in retirement, if you will, and just living off of a...

  • School board approves budget for 2021-22

    Kirk Boxleitner|Jul 22, 2021

    The Hot Springs County School District Board of Trustees unanimously approved the district’s proposed budget for 2021 to 2022 on July 15, after Chauncy Johnson, business manager for the district summed up the past year as “a challenge like none of us has ever really seen.” Johnson pointed out the number of school districts across the country that were not able to provide the same services to their students as the Hot Springs County School District. He credited the district’s staff for this feat, before crediting the board with already approvi...

  • School districts' uses of federal relief funds worry lawmakers

    Jun 24, 2021

    by Dustin Bleizeffer, Some lawmakers are worried that school districts are using federal pandemic-relief and recovery funds to add new positions and purchase equipment that might add to ongoing costs for the state. The anxiety stems from the fact that school districts have discretion in how to spend the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds distributed to districts from the CARES and American Recovery and Reinvestment acts. Wyoming’s allotment of ESSER funds total $470 million so far, according to state and f...

  • TMS presents end of the year awards

    May 27, 2021

    Thermopolis Middle School presented their end of the year awards last week. Those honored include (in order of finish): Eighth grade Outstanding Language Arts - Zayden Berry, Lance Axtell and Nevaeh Brill JC Thompson- 1st - Hanna Hill, 2nd - Talyah Myers, 3rd - Zaiden Hoffer Wax Museum Winners: Best Speech - Talyah Myers, Best Props - Hayden Overfield, Best Backdrop - Colter Price Social Studies - (one from each core: Patrick Chapel-Rawhouser, Zoey Larson and Tensie Verhessalt Science - Hanna...

  • Raph Witters Elementary students honored

    May 27, 2021

    Ralph Witters Elementary School presented their end of the year awards for the 2020-21 school year. Award winners include: Kinder Boost Most Improved Reading; Isaiah Hunter Most Improved Math: Asher Holman Music Award: Liam Bohleen PE Award: Charlie Turbyfill Citizenship Award: Mara Jennings Kindergarten Math Achievement Award: Boden Deromedi Reading Achievement Award: Natasha Hamrick Writing Achievement Award: Kellie Folsom Most Improved Math: Raymond Sicocan Most Improved Reading: Aylee...

  • Parents Sport's night Tuesday

    May 13, 2021

    Hot Springs County School District is hosing a Parent Sport’s Night for incoming 6th-12th grade students on Tuesday, May 18 at 6 p.m. in the high school commons. Discussion will include, what is new in MS/HS sports, physical dates, summer camps, weight room schedule, open gym schedules and more. Parents are encouraged to attend....

  • School board approves preliminary budget

    Kirk Boxleitner|Apr 29, 2021

    The Hot Springs County School District Board of Trustees approved a preliminary budget for fiscal year 2021 to 2022, after the district’s business manager, Chauncy Johnson, introduced it on April 20. After Board Treasurer Joe Martinez moved to approve the budget, and Board Vice-Chair Sherman Skelton seconded the motion, the board approved the budget unanimously. Johnson opened by noting the district’s local revenues continue to be low, as projected for most of the year, and while he assured the board that the district would be “okay” as it c...

  • School board votes against requesting lift of mask mandate

    Kirk Boxleitner|Apr 8, 2021

    The Hot Springs County School District’s Board of Trustees voted against applying for a waiver from the mask mandate during a special meeting March 30, during which Hot Springs County Health Officer Dr. Vernon Miller answered questions and offered testimony. Board Chair Jennifer Axtell and Board Trustee Will Farrell voted in favor of applying for a waiver. Board Vice-Chair Sherman Skelton set the tone for the meeting by asking Miller, if a student or school staff member tested positive, and masks were not being worn, would it require a l...

  • Five National Qualifiers in Speech and Debate

    Mar 25, 2021

    The Bobcat Speech and Debate Team has five National Qualifiers from the Wind River District Tournament. They include: Jean-Luc Willson and Jacob Randall in Policy Debate. Joey Butler in US Extemporaneous Speaking. Logan Petty in World Schools Debate. Elizabeth Keller in World Schools Debate. Willson and Butler also qualified in other events, but will go in Policy Debate and Extemporaneous. “Amazing end to an amazing regular season for our Bobcats,” said head coach Lyle Wiley. “It is truly historic what this team has accomplished this year,...

  • School board considers requesting mask mandate variance

    Kirk Boxleitner|Mar 25, 2021

    The Hot Springs County School District will wait until after receiving the results of a survey of certified and classified staff on March 30 before its board of trustees votes on whether to apply for a mask variance from Wyoming Public Health. Board Chair Jennifer Axtell opened the discussion on March 18 by noting the other districts who’d been granted such variance after applying for it, and both she and Board Trustee Will Farrell noted the amount of correspondence they’d received from the public on the issue, which had prompted Axtell to add...

  • FFA Agriscience contest winners

    Feb 18, 2021

    The Thermopolis FFA Chapter held their local Agriscience Fair earlier this month. The State competition will be March 22. Results from the local competition include: High school Plant Systems Division 3 Isaac Robinson Division 5 Jack Ream Food systems Division 3 Kallie Van Heule Power, Structural, and Technical Systems Division 5 Will Clark Middle school Students that were 80% and above- Tymber Eckley, Maile McCumber, Kamryn Farrell, Rylee Agar, Taylor Agar, Hayden Overfield, Ellis Webber,...

  • Learning a trade

    Feb 11, 2021

    The trades classes at Hot Springs County High School are working on a variety of projects designed to teach them needed skills....

  • Robotics prepares for virtual season

    Jurri Schenck|Feb 11, 2021

    The Thermopolis High School Robotic Team is actively making progress to prepare for their coming competitions despite them now being virtual due to COVID. Coach London Jenks said, "We're continuing our robotics season like we normally do. We have not had any in-person competitions, they mostly moved to virtual and everything is about two months behind." In February they would usually be ending their season and have their Wyoming State Championship, but it has been moved. The team's first...

  • Bobcat Speech first at Jackson

    Feb 11, 2021

    The Bobcat Speech and Debate Team finished in first in the 1A/2A Sweepstakes as a team at the Jackson Hole Teton Invitational Virtual Tournament. It is one of the largest tournaments in the state of Wyoming so far this season with over 30 teams competing and over 450 entries. “Hopefully it was a preview of State! The team really stepped up and competed at a high level in all registered events,” said head coach Lyle Wiley. Individual finishes included: Jean-Luc Willson and Jacob Randall - 3rd in Policy Debate (Semifinalists) Jean-Luc Wil...

  • 100th day of school

    Feb 4, 2021

    Ralph Witters Elementary students celebrated the 100th day of school with fun glasses and engaging activities....

  • TMS reading program

    Feb 4, 2021

    Thermopolis Middle School students get to rank their books and put them on their grade level shelves when they finish them. Students have read over 200 books since January 4....

  • Counting winners

    Feb 4, 2021

    The winners of the 100th day counting competition at Ralph Witters Elementary include: Kinder Boost/Kindergarten – Asher Holman (Mrs. Casciato is standing in), First Grade - Patrick Baldes, Second Grade - Kyrie Edwards, Third Grade - Lilly Estenson, Fourth Grade - Carter Hughes-Becerra and staff - Hannah Varner and Katie Jones (not pictured)....

  • Speech team first at Star Valley tourney

    Jan 28, 2021

    Another successful weekend is in the books for the Hot Springs County High School Speech and Debate team as they brought home another first place in 1A/2A at the Star Valley tournament. Previous to the Star Valley tournament, Jean-Luc Willson participated in the University of Wyoming Round Robin for debate on Thursday and Friday. Willson’s event at the UW tournament was policy debate, an intense form of debate done with a partner. However, his partner had to drop out due to illness, and rather than forfeit the tourney, Willson decided to ...

  • Speech team earns second at UW tourney

    Dec 17, 2020

    Hot Springs County High School’s Speech and Debate Team competed in the virtual University of Wyoming tournament over the weekend, pitting themselves against 249 students from seven states and two countries to bring home second place in 1A/2A Sweepstakes. Juniors Jean-Luc Willson and Jacob Randall were named the number one and number two (respectively) policy debate speakers for the tournament and placed third as a team over-all. Willson also placed second in varsity extemp for the weekend. Freshman Elizabeth Keller placed second in Novice L...

  • Hot Springs County School District in person classes resume

    Dec 3, 2020

    Hot Springs County School District Superintendent Dustin Hunt announced Monday that classes throughout the district would resume on Wednesday, Dec. 2. Initially, the district went to Tier 3 virtual learning due to staff having to quarantine for COVID-19. So many staff were out that the district ran out of substitute teachers for classrooms, forcing the district to move to Tier 3. Hunt said that those numbers have improved enough to return to in person classes. Buses ran, lunch was served and extra curricular activities and athletic practices...

  • Wyoming School Board Association supports raising state sales tax

    Nov 26, 2020

    by Kathryn Palmer Wyoming Tribune Eagle The Wyoming School Boards Association voted last week to support raising the state’s 4% sales tax by 1% – which would go directly toward education expenses – to help fill in the enormous education budget gap facing the state. “Nobody loves taxes. Nobody likes to say ‘Tax me more,’” said Brian Farmer, executive director of the WSBA. “But I think what was really important in the discussion among our membership was that they believe that cuts alone are not going to resolve the issue and that revenue has to...

  • Schools move to digital learning

    Nov 19, 2020

    On Monday, Hot Springs County School District #1 (HSCSD #1) Superintendent Dustin Hunt advised parents and others the district is moving to digital learning immediately. HSCSD #1 moved to a Tier 3 digital platform beginning Tuesday, November 17 until at least December 1. Hunt said there will be no in person classes for the time being. Depending on the pandemic outlook, and the health of school staff, they will hopefully resume in person classes on Wednesday, December 2. Students took home their devices Monday afternoon, and parents were asked... Full story

  • NHS inductees

    Nov 12, 2020

    A new class of National Honor Society members were inducted on Monday night, including (not in order of pictured) Caydence Becher, Michelle Burgess, Dayna Crow, Bronwyn Dobbins, Lee Grimm, Hallie Martinez, Eli McCumber, Wyatt McDermott, Jacob Randall, Hyrum Rich, Madeline Wagler and Jean-Luc Willson....

  • Update on how HSCSD students are performing

    Cindy Glasson|Nov 5, 2020

    Many have been wondering how students at Hot Springs County School District #1 are doing academically since the abrupt closing of school last spring due to COVID-19. During the October 20 meeting of the Board of Trustees, the principals at each of the schools presented what gaps they are seeing in this fall’s student learning and what they are doing to close those gaps before the end of the school year. Principal Breez Daniels at the high school has actually written an article for PLC M...

  • Keep the Lights On Afterschool

    Oct 22, 2020

    Hot Springs County School District #1 Lights On Afterschool Program is gearing up for the nationwide celebration of afterschool on Thursday, Oct. 22. Afterschool programs across the country are joining the movement to celebrate afterschool through promoting that Lights On keeps our community’s students safe, encourages them to learn, and supports their families as we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic. Community members, families, students, business owners, school officials/staff, and legislators are invited to join to shine a...

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