Sorted by date Results 51 - 75 of 286
The Hot Springs County School District’s Tech Specialist Rick Groh provided a primer to the school board on the district’s new website app on Dec. 15 Groh reported the app had been under development since the start of the school year, and explained how it ties directly into the school district’s website, which is about two years old. According to Groh, the calendars and announcements for the district and each of its schools, that already appear online, are also available via the smartphone app. “Any time we send an all-call, or a push notific...
Ciciley Basse, director of daycare for the Hot Springs County School District, addressed the school board Dec. 15 to deliver her supervisor’s report. Basse reported the daycare celebrated with “community helpers” in October, as members of the highway patrol and the local police, sheriff’s and volunteer fire departments visited the daycare, so the kids could explore their vehicles, “push all the buttons and make all the sirens” go off. Moving to November, Basse recounted how the daycare hosted “a tool for observing young children” thr...
Hot Springs County School District Technology Director Josh Taylor provided an update to the school board Nov. 15, starting with a review of his department’s yearly maintenance cycles, on everything from staff computers and all the printers to the student information system and Chromebooks. Taylor explained that the goal with the Chromebooks is to ensure students have “fresh devices,” so they’re reliable to use and not breaking down, before he thanked middle school Principal Breez Daniels for bringing him into the district’s guidance coalition...
Hot Springs County High School Drama students earned third place in 1A/2A Sweepstakes and third place for their one act: Fourteen Lines at the State Drama Competition in Gillette last weekend. Assistant Drama Director Amie Wiley also reported the following results: Ivey Goff received an Honorable Mention for her Monologue. Talyah Myers received an Honorable Mention for Moulage Makeup. Julia Quintanilla received an Honorable Mention for Solo Musical. Rosalie Willson received All-State for Costume Design. Karina Lea received All-State for...
The first month of school has gone by and IR staff was finally able to catch up with the nine new teachers hired for the 2022-23 Hot Springs County School District so that we can introduce them to our readers. Jennifer Beamer, Early Childhood, Ralph Witters Elementary Beamer taught 1st grade in Laramie, Wyoming, at Linford Elementary for eight years. She comes from a pretty strong behavioral background, with regard to teaching, and feels that has prepared her to be ready for any and all situations that may arise with students. She said it also...
In preparation for your kids returning to school, knowing about safe driving in school zones is important. The legal speed limit in school zones is 20 mph. In Thermopolis, there are several areas of school zones, one is for the Middle School on 14th Street, and the other surrounding the high school and elementary school on Park Street, Springview Street, Arapahoe Street and Senior Avenue. Being safe and driving carefully are a must. However, if you happen to speed through one of those school...
At the 2022 Hot Springs County High School graduation, two students also received a degree from Central Wyoming College in addition to their high school diploma. Jacob Randall and Lee Grimm, took dual credit courses for the past four years and their efforts and achievements allowed them to get an associate’s degree. Even though Randall and Grimm started taking college-level courses in their freshman year, it was a surprise to both of them that, in their senior year, they would be able to b...
Thermopolis Middle School students were honored last week to wrap up the 2021-22 school year. Eighth graders Kamryn Farrell and Ellis Webber were selected as Bobcats of the Year. Other awards include: Eighth grade Outstanding Language Arts Students: Cruz Mascorro, Mesa Longwell, Lucille Andreen Patriots Pen Essay - Alix Sorensen Most MAP Growth: Armani Dukes Highest MAP Scorer: Kaycee Stothart Wax Museum Winners: Best Speech - Kamryn Farrell, Best Props - Jay Ritchey, Best Backdrop - Ellis Webber Outstanding Social Studies Students: Madison...
Awards were handed out to Ralph Witters Elementary students last week to wrap up the 2021-22 school year. Awards include: Kindergarten Music: Aydree Phillips, Roberta Hough, Liam Bohleen Science: Scarlett Deromedi, Bailey Peek, Liam Bohleen PE: Jake Ohrt, Hazel White, Brennen Corwell Citizenship: Taysen Neef, Josie Allen, Eleanor Allen Most Improved Math: JonD Darnell Most Improved Reading: Bailey Peek Most Improved Writing: Mara Jennings Math Achievement: Parker Wychgram Reading Achievement: Ryder Mayer Writing Achievement: Andrew Coates 1st...
The Hot Springs County School Board unanimously accepted a preliminary budget on April 21 as required by state statute, with school district business manager Chauncy Johnson pointing out, “It’s not something you have to approve, but you do need to accept a preliminary budget for the district.” Johnson bookended his summary of the preliminary budget with cautions that “these numbers are very preliminary,” as he outlined the district’s revenue projection of $11,166,515 for the 2022-23 school year, and proposed that the board accept that amount...
This summer, Thermopolis Middle School students Oliver Bihr, Jaydyn Boren, Aiden Cleare, Lane Jennings-Collamer and Amelia Strickland will join outstanding middle school students from across the nation to take part in a unique academic and career oriented development experience, Junior National Young Leaders Conference in Washington DC. Junior National Young Leaders Conference is one of the Envision by WorldStrides family of programs ( that enable students to explore their interests and experience learning beyond the...
Through the National Speech and Debate Association, the following degrees were earned by students at Hot Springs County High School from 03/01 - 03/31: Christopher Bapst - Excellence Josiah Butler - Outstanding Distinction Jarek Jeffs - Excellence Elizabeth Keller - Superior Distinction Kiesha Kraushaar - Excellence Brianna Lackey - Distinction Savanna Nelson - Honor Logan Petty - Distinction Madeline Wagler - Superior Distinction Rosalie Willson - Excellence Members earn recognition through points and degrees in the NSDA Honor...
A Bingo fundraiser is set for Thursday, March 17 at the Senior Citizens Center beginning at 5:30 p.m. Proceeds will go to help sponsor activities for the Hot Springs County High School class of 2022. Participants wearing green will receive a free bingo card. A variety of fun bowls will be available for purchase. Enjoy Irish stew with the purchase of a bowl. Cost will be $5 for a small bowl and $10 for a large bowl....
The Hot Springs County School Board on Jan. 20 considered the disposition of the district’s play park and the next steps toward its bus loop, as Superintendent Dustin Hunt acknowledged the significant amount of discussion among different entities within the community about “what might happen” with the play park, and with our bus loop “possibilities taking place.” Hunt summed up the efforts to relocate the play park to the Hot Springs State Park, then to the town of Thermopolis, by noting that engineers for the state, and represent...
The Hot Springs County School District was able to wrap up 2021 with its student meal debt cleared, as Food Service Director Hannah Brooks reported to the school board Dec. 16, news which incoming board chair Sherman Skelton deemed “a celebration.” Business Manager Chauncy Johnson lavished praise upon Brooks before she elaborated on this good news, describing it as “a pleasure” to work with her, and crediting her with “so much work in the background that I feel privileged to know about.” According to Johnson, Brooks has been “very busy,...
For the Hot Springs County School District’s monthly celebrations in December, High School Principal Breez Daniels introduced sophomore Aiden Freeman and Band Director Drew Brown to recognize Freeman’s All-State Concert Band status. Brown described Freeman as “one of my favorite students,” before joking, “Don’t tell them I said that,” and recalled how Freeman came to him as a sixth-grader, after class one day, and asked Brown how to proceed in band. “I was like, ‘Okay, here are the steps you need to take, and these are the things you need t...
The Thermopolis Middle School (TMS) started a student section on November 23, 2021. TMS Counselor Lacey Shaffer came up with the idea to spread Bobcat Culture in the school. Lacey has started a club that invites students to cheer on their local teams. A student section is used as a place in the stands for local kids or teens that go to our schools. Lacey said, “I want to increase our Bobcat culture and add to our local community.” She created a pep club that runs the student section. -by Autumn Cornwell...
The Hot Springs County School Board voted unanimously on Sept. 16 to approve the previously proposed bus stop at 421 North Highway 20, but not before Board Treasurer Joe Martinez offered a few longer-term suggestions. “I made a point this morning, going to town and back home, to take a look at this,” Martinez said. “When these requests come in, it would be nice if we had some more visuals to go with them, from the actual bus stops, looking both directions, so we can see what they’re seeing.” Martinez cited the familiarity of fellow board tru...
The inductees for this year’s Bobcat Hall of Fame have been announced. Included are the 2009 Bobcat Football Team, Shawna (Buckner) Farrell, Tom Zupan and Jack Kuiper. An induction ceremony and dinner will be held during Bobcat Homecoming week on Thursday, Sept 23 at 6 p.m. in the Thermopolis Middle School Commons. The inductees will also be presented during halftime of the football game Friday evening....
“So, it looks like we’re headed back to school on Monday (Sept. 13), then,” Board Chair Jennifer Axtell said to the Hot Springs County School Board at the close of its Sept. 9 meeting to discuss the school district’s COVID response plan. Superintendent Dustin Hunt added that, if there were additional changes the board wished to make, it would need to take action on those by Sept. 16, while also providing the opportunity for public comment during that same meeting. While Hunt concurred that students needed to return to school, he also agreed...
Due to a spike in COVID-19 cases, Hot Springs County School District made the decesion to move to online classes only last week. A letter issued by Dustin Hunt, superintendent, stated, “It is disappointing to be in a digital instruction period this early in the school year, but unfortunately numbers of students and staff infected with COVID 19, or under quarantine orders has reached the threshold of needed separation. During this digital period, there will be no activities including practices taking place.” In person classes are set to resume M...
The Risen Son Christian School closed this year and school board member Bradyn Harvey said it is a staffing issue, not a financial issue. “Last year they had four teachers that taught from preschool up to third grade. They planned to move up to fourth grade this year as, of course, the students became older. Harvey said, “We tried to keep growing, so we hired a fourth-grade teacher for the fall of this year,” said Harevy. The school held a Spaghetti Auction and it was a record fundraiser, achieving over $25,000. Harvey said, “Right before the s...
The Hot Springs County School Board was treated to an explanation of new federal food service guidelines from District Food Service Coordinator Hannah Brooks on Aug. 19, after she covered the success of the district’s summer food service program. Brooks reported district food service staff handed out 11,937 breakfasts and lunches each over 58 weekdays, averaging 205 breakfasts and lunches per day this summer, using the same recipes and variety of hot and cold dishes as during the school year, earning “fantastic” feedback from parents and stude...
There will be a Hot Springs County Preschool Screening and Health Fair for children ages 0-4 on Saturday, August 28 from 9 a.m.-noon. It will be held at the HSCSD#1 Vocational Building. The fair includes a developmental screening for vision, hearing, speech and languages, motor skills and pre-academics. Any child, birth to age four, is encouraged to have a developmental screening. The HSC Preschool Health Fair is a HSC Child Find program, sponsored by HSCSD #1, Children’s Resource Center and Head Start. For more information, call 3...
CHEYENNE, Wyo. – As students return to classrooms across the state during a time of increasing numbers of COVID-19 infections, state leaders are describing priorities and expectations for students, staff and families. “Our goal for this school year is to keep our schools open and our students learning safely in-person, in the classroom,” Governor Mark Gordon said. “Today we want to announce our joint plan put in place to achieve this. We recognize it will take a collaborative effort from Wyoming school personnel, students and families to be s...