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  • Writing contest winners announced

    May 30, 2019

    The Hot Springs County Pioneer Association is pleased to announce the 2019 winners of the Jessie C. Thompson Writing Contest in Hot Springs County schools. This is the eighth year of a ten-year program to award students a cash prize for writing based on historical themes from Hot Springs County and Wyoming. Mrs. Jessie C. Thompson began her teaching career at Gebo and Kirby, and was eventually elected as County Superintendent of Schools in 1943, serving until 1966. This writing contest was initiated and is funded by her son, Mr. J.C. Thompson,...

  • School district discusses grants

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|May 16, 2019

    Hot Springs County School District #1 (HSCSD) held their consolidated grant planning meeting last week to shed light on what grants the district receives each year and what those monies are spent on. Prior to the grant explanations, presenter Nichole Ciz reminded parents they may request information about their student’s teachers at any time. If you question the education a particular teacher possesses, you may ask for information about their education and experience. Hot Springs County s...

  • Staff proud of student testing

    May 16, 2019

    As the WyTOPP testing window closes the educators in Hot Springs County School District No. 1 are very proud of their students. “One of our overarching goals is for all students to engage in academics and demonstrate individual growth and learning,” Ralph Witters Elementary Principal Catelyn Deromedi and 5-12 Principal Breez Daniels said. “One of the positives about the new WyTOPP assessment is that teachers get immediate feedback on student learning. This type of feedback allows us as schools and educators to reflect on our practice. “Thro...

  • HSCHS students honored

    May 16, 2019

    Hot Springs County High School students were presented with Academic Awards for the year on Friday. English I: Academic Excellence Jean-Luc Willson; Most Growth Skyla Hanson; Grit and Perseverance Ashlyn Harvey English II: Academic Excellence Bri DeVries; Most Growth Lizzy Wagstaff; Grit and Perseverance Deven Landon English III: Academic Excellence Ashley McPhie; Most Growth Tahja Hunt; Grit and Perseverance Taydee Landrum English IV: Academic Excellence McKayla Layman; Most Growth Jaydon...

  • Daniels honored

    May 9, 2019

    During an assembly Tuesday afternoon at the high school auditorium, the Wyoming Association of Secondary School Principals (WASSP) recognized Breez Longwell Daniels was as the 2019-20 Wyoming Principal of the Year. After receiving her award Daniels spoke to the assembled high school students. Daniels shared how she graduated from Thermopolis 31 years ago. "I don't think many people get the privilege of being a principal in their home town," she said. "I don't think that happens very often."... Full story

  • FFA members honored

    May 9, 2019

    Thermopolis FFA held their annual banquet on Monday night to honor students and adults in the FFA program. Agriscience and State FFA winners were acknowledged during the evening from both the middle school and the high school. New officers were installed, including Ally Taylor, parliamentarian; Riley Shaffer, sentinel; Rebekah Johnson, reporter; Spencer Axtell, treasurer; Tatum Vialpando, secretary; Remington Ferree, second vice-president; Emme Norsworthy, first vice-president and Audrey Axtell,...

  • School board position opens

    May 2, 2019

    Due to the resignation of Ronda Freel, one of the trustee positions of Hot Springs County School District #1 is vacant. Anyone wishing to apply for the appointment of that position should write a letter to the Superintendent of Schools, 415 Springview St., Thermopolis, WY 82443, indicating your interest, your qualifications, and reasons you are interested in serving. Any qualified elector of the school district is eligible to serve as a school board member. The individual appointed to this vacancy will serve until the next school board...

  • Hunt named superintendent of the year

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Apr 25, 2019

    Hot Springs County School District's Superintendent Dustin Hunt was named the 2020 Superintendent of the Year at the Wyoming Association of School Administrators Annual Conference in Casper last weekend. The honor will also allow him to be recognized again, along with all the other state winners, in San Diego next February during the American Association of School Administrator National Conference. "I was humbled and extremely grateful to be nominated," Hunt said, "and was very surprised to... Full story

  • Kindergarten changes

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Apr 25, 2019

    Next year, kindergarten is going to look and feel a little different at Ralph Witters Elementary as the kindergarten team will be switching from a focused learning classroom to a “play based” curriculum for 2019-2020. That’s not to say the classrooms will be running amok with fingerpaints, dancing and all day games of tag. Quite the contrary, actually as the children will be learning through things like make-believe play, block play, sand and water play, art activities and exploring the outdoors...

  • Parents, students show up to support coach

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Apr 18, 2019

    Around 100 parents, students and athletes attended the Hot Springs County School District’s Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday night, expressing their wish for the district to reconsider the firing of Coach Matt McPhie. McPhie, who coaches football and girl’s basketball as well as teaching, was denied a renewal of his contract for the upcoming year. About 30 of those in attendance spoke up for McPhie, the parents urging the board to reconsider their decision based on how they have watched him...

  • Ciz named Teacher of the Year

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Apr 11, 2019

    Hot Springs County School District #1 celebrated both parents and staff during a special assembly on Tuesday afternoon in the auditorium. Power Parent Awards were given to TJ Owsley, Amber Cox and Jennifer Duncan for going above and beyond as parents with children in the school system. The trio is always willing to help with everything from lending a hand in the classroom to volunteering for field trips. The district also honored the three retirees from the district this year, Dorothy Rhodes,... Full story

  • High school students win writing awards

    Mar 7, 2019

    Three Hot Springs County High School juniors took top places in the Code of the West American Dream Essay Contest sponsored through the Boys and Girls Club of Wyoming. Hannah Hu with her entry Forge Your Own Path, earned first place which comes with a $300 cash award and entry into the state level competition and a chance at $5,000. Ashley McPhie and her Crooked Paths of Courage took second and a $200 award, and Tahja Hunt’s Taking the Long Road took third and a $100 award. The American Dream Essay Contest is centered on bestselling author, J...

  • School district hosts community meeting on use of vaping devices

    Feb 28, 2019

    Hot Springs County School District No.1, in partnership with law enforcement agencies, will be hosting a community informational meeting about the rise in use of vaping devices amongst our youth. The district will discuss school policy, and law enforcement will provide warning signs and information for parents and students. Parents and students are encouraged to attend this important community meeting. The meeting is at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 5 in the school district auditorium....

  • Monitoring technology use in schools

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Feb 14, 2019

    As adults, we hear a lot of talk about how all the technology our teens are exposed to is having detrimental affects. At Hot Springs County schools, some steps are being taken in an attempt to curb some of the effects things like smartphones and the internet are having on our children’s learning. High school principal, Breez Daniels said, “We are still trying to get the same message out this year about cell phones that we started sharing last school year. It is a challenge because our stu... Full story

  • Kissel named Region 2 Star in Ag Business

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Feb 14, 2019

    Bobcat Senior Barbara Kissel was recently chosen as the Wyoming FFA Region 2 Star in Ag Business. Kissel said she has her own club lamb operation, named B Spear Club Lambs after her brand. She kept records and explained her program to a committee, and in the Big Horn Basin the committee thought hers was the best running and best overall. FFA Advisor Britton Van Heule noted there were two other applications, but every student that has an entrepreneurship Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) c...

  • Lea receives conference scholarship

    Mark Dykes|Feb 14, 2019

    Thermopolis eighth grade student Karina Lea will be attending the 28th Jackson Hole Writers Conference June 27-29 on a full ride scholarship. Lea said the conference brings together Wyoming writers, to read each others' work and give critiques. It also provides the opportunity to meet with agents, she noted. "Of course, with these kinds of things there's always a fee to get in." Last summer, she went to a camp the Jackson Hole Library offered and was able to speak with authors and get advice on...

  • HSCHS graduation rate falls

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jan 31, 2019

    The Wyoming Department of Education recently released statistics on the graduation rates for high school students across the state, showing an increase in graduating seniors for the fifth consecutive year. For the 2017-18 school year, Hot Springs County had an 80.4 percent graduation rate, down from the 87.3 percent graduation rate of the 2016-2017 school year. In 2017, 48 out of an expected 55 seniors graduated from Hot Springs County High School, while 45 out of an expected 56 graduated in...

  • School enrollment steady

    Jan 31, 2019

    Student numbers in Hot Springs County Schools are holding fairly steady this year with just two fewer students from the end of December to the start of January. December had 640 students enrolled and by the time kids headed back to class in January, there were 638. Third grade, seventh grade and tenth grade all added one student over the break, however, ninth grade, sixth grade, and fifth grade each lost one student and the fourth grade lost two, creating an overall loss of two students. Overall, the numbers are down from this time last year...

  • School board presented with financial audit info

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jan 24, 2019

    Hot Springs County School District Board of Trustees met last week for their January meeting and received the final presentation of the District’s financial audit from Koerwitz, Michel, Wright and Associates. The auditors didn’t find any glaring discrepancies with the annual audit that have not been present before, such as not enough separation between duties in the administrative side of things. This is typical with most businesses in the area since there simply aren’t enough employees to ke...

  • HSCHS releases first semester honor rolls

    Jan 24, 2019

    Named to the Hot Springs County High School Honor Rolls for the first semester are: Superintendent, 4.0: Caydence Becher, McKenna Bomengen, Kamry Bowman, Ashley Brawley, Autumn Brawley, Josiah Butler, James Christensen, Cole Christiansen, William Clark, Jasmine Collins, Kaylee DeVries, Eli Dickey, Bronwyn Dobbins, Kolby George, Sterling Gerber, Xander Getzfreid, Lee Grimm, Tyler Hoskins, Hannah Hu, Tahja Hunt, Courtney Jeunehomme, Hardy Johnson, Tyler Kay, Taydee Landrum, Dakota Leonhardt, Hallie Martinez, Eli McCumber, Wyatt McDermott, Ashley...

  • Middle school students named to honor rolls

    Jan 24, 2019

    Thermopolis Middle School has released the lists of students who had straight A’s, perfect attendance and perfect 6 P’s for the first two quarters of the school year. Straight A’s Fifth Grade — Elizabeth Arcand, Dean Bihr, Lainie Boren, Sharon Burgess, Scott Coale, Nolan Collins, Caden Dodd, Jadeth Elder, Kamryn Farrell, Peyton Green, JolieAnne Herring, Cooper Holman, Taylor Ivie, Kamilla Johnson, Miya Mailloux, Mercede Martinez, Cruz Mascorro, Maile McCumber, Jayssiie Owsley, Charlee Slagle, Alix Sorensen, Cambria Stephensen, Kaycee Stothar...

  • School reports cards available online

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jan 3, 2019

    One of the best things about living in Wyoming is the access parents have to quality schools to ensure their children are getting the best education possible. Its hard sometimes, to know exactly where to look if you’re curious about your own school’s “report card” on education, but the Wyoming Department of Education has created a website to make that job a little easier. At, parents, teachers and others can access information about different schools and school distric...

  • Ciz, Deromedi named Champions for Children

    Dec 27, 2018

    Hot Springs County School District #1 has announced two of the four Champions for Children this year, Nichole Ciz and Brandon Deromedi. Each year the district chooses four champions and one of those lucky four will be selected at the school district’s Teacher of the Year for 2019. Ciz comes to Thermopolis from Wheatland with her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Chadron State College along with a minor in vocal music. She began her career at Ralph Witters Elementary in 2010 and taught kindergarten for four years before moving on...

  • High school students building automated gardening system

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Dec 27, 2018

    Students and teacher Britton Van Heule are using the former auto shop space in the Vocational Building to build a new kind of gardener, a "farm bot." Van Heule explained the bot uses a grid system for a vegetable garden, with the programming done by the student. The bot plants the seeds, waters them, and even pulls and kills weeds. Van Heule noted the bots can be ordered from a company in California, and even NASA is considering using them on some of their projects. As for the assembly, Van Heul...

  • School board elects officers, approves additional bus stop

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Dec 27, 2018

    The Hot Springs County School District’s Board of Trustees met on Tuesday and as their first order of business, elected new board officers and distributed the various committees amongst the board. The officers for the coming year actually remained the same as last year with Clay VanAntwerp continuing as board chair, Jennifer Axtell stays on as vice-chair, the clerk remains Joe Martinez and board treasurer is Nichole Weyer. In other business, the board approved a bus stop off of 393 Highway 1... Full story

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