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  • Lummis, Ben David seek senate seat

    Oct 29, 2020

    Cynthia Lummis (R) and Merav Ben David (D) are both seeking Wyoming’s United States Senator seat. Cynthia Lummis believes its time to get our economy back on track. She would like to see expanding energy production and truly understands the tremendous challenges our farmers and ranchers have been facing. Getting policy in place so they may sell their products directly to the consumer is something she plans on working toward as well as working tirelessly, fighting for Wyoming’s people. She believes in putting Wyoming and America first. Mer...

  • Four on ballot for representative seat

    Oct 29, 2020

    Four are on the general ballot for Wyoming’s U.S. Representative seat. Incumbent Liz Cheney (R) backs ending federal overreach and restoring local control to Wyoming. In addition she believes our veterans deserve both care and benefits. She wants to see tax cuts and job creation while protecting Wyoming values. She stands up for farmers and ranchers and supports Wyoming’s seniors. Cheney also believes in securing our borders and fighting illegal immigration. Lynnette Grey Bull (D)says building and adding on to the Affordable Care Act is a pri...

  • President, Vice President candidates

    Oct 29, 2020

    For the Republican and Democrat parties, current United States President Donald J. Trump (R) along with Vice President Michael R. Pence are facing challengers Joseph R Biden (D) and vice president running mate Kamala D. Harris. They are also being challenged by Libertarian candidates Jo Jergensen and running mate Jeremy Cohen along with Independent candidates Brock Pierce and running mate Karla Ballard....

  • Candidates talk issues at forum

    Cindy Glasson and Jurri Schenck|Oct 1, 2020

    Farm Bureau Federation and the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce, along with help from FFA, held a candidate’s forum Monday night at the Thermopolis Middle School, featuring federal, state and local candidates that will appear on the ballot November 3. Candidates introduced themselves and then were asked some questions. Senate District 20 Theresa Livingston has lived in Worland for the last 27 years and has experience as an Air Force medical lab tech, worked for the BLM for 15 years, has been a special education teacher and has l...

  • Candidate forum set for Monday

    Sep 24, 2020

    As we are closing in on the General Election, the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce and the Hot Springs County Farm Bureau Federation will be sponsoring a candidate’s forum that encompasses those running for school board, cemetery board, Kirby Town Council, hospital board and more. All of the local, state and federal candidates have been invited to participate, but it is unknown at this time who will be attending. This forum will be run in the same manner as forums in the past have been run with candidates having two minutes to i...

  • Three will be on general ballot for commissioner

    Sep 10, 2020

    Along with everything that was on the primary election ballot, Hot Springs County voters will also see additional opportunities to vote, including school board, cemetery board and others. Four-year terms for the school board include incumbents Nichole Weyer, Clay VanAntwerp and Joe Martinez. New on the ballot is Will Farrell. Incumbent Sherman Skelton is the only name on the ballot for a two-year term on the board. Choices for Cemetery Board are Jeanie Love, Cindy DeVries and Barbara Tomes Vietti. Jack Kuiper and Bonnie S. Smith were both on...

  • Election results finalized

    Aug 27, 2020

    The Primary Election was held Tuesday, August 18 and the results have been made official. In Hot Springs County, 1,645 people cast their vote. Of those, 1,462 are registered as Republican, 162 are registered as Democrat and 21 are registered as Nonpartisan. The Wyoming Senate District 20 race will see Ed Cooper and Theresa Livingston facing off in November for the General Election. In the race for the House District 28 seat, incumbent John Winter will meet Levi Shinkle. Hot Springs County Commissioner incumbent Phillip Scheel may have two...

  • Unofficial primary election results

    Cindy Glasson|Aug 20, 2020

    More than 1,600 Thermopolis and Hot Springs County residents came out to cast their ballots on Tuesday in the Primary Election and the unofficial results are in. Of those, nearly 600 were absentee ballots, double what the county normally sees in an election year for President. Starting with our local races, Dusty Lewis (574) and William H. Malloy (461) will be found on the general election ballot for Town Council in November. Brayden Harvey came in at 377 votes. Jack Kuiper (49) and Bonnie... Full story

  • HSC voting questions answered

    Cindy Glasson|Aug 13, 2020

    Wyoming's Primary Election will soon be upon us, Tuesday, August 18. Polling places in Hot Springs County will open at 7 a.m. and remain open for in-person voting until 7 p.m. If you are uncomfortable voting at your designated polling place, you may vote in person in the county clerk's office at any time until 5 p.m. on Monday, August 17. Those residing within Precinct 1-1 and 1-2 will vote at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. Voters in Precinct 2-4 votes at the Hot Springs County Museum,...

  • Three running for two seats on town council

    Aug 13, 2020

    Three people are on the primary ballot running for two seats on the Thermopolis Town Council. Bill Malloy is running for reelection as a Town Council member. He is a Wyoming native who has been in Thermopolis for 55 years. He was born and raised in Laramie and graduated from the University of Wyoming. He taught music in Thermopolis for 42 years and was a substitute teacher for 13 years. He was the mayor for eight years. Malloy said, “We are going to go through some tough times in the near future. One of the big issues is the landfill, this s...

  • Voting locations

    Aug 13, 2020

    Voters residing within Precinct 1-1 and 1-2 will vote at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. Voters in Precinct 2-4 votes at the Hot Springs County Museum, and Precinct 3-3 voters will be at the Armory. If you are unsure what precinct you are supposed to vote in, maps showing a county-wide and town-wide breakdown may be viewed at under the County Clerk tab....

  • Four running for District 20 Senate seat

    Aug 13, 2020

    Three Republicans and one Democrat are in the running for the vacant District 20 Senate seat. Wyatt Agar decided to not seek reelection for the position. Republican Roland Leuhne: Having moved to Thermopolis while in middle school, Leuhne is well known as the owner of the Star Plunge. He is pro law enforcement as well as pro ranching/farming. He is anti “new rules” and regulations and supports the constitution. Linda Weeks: Weeks has worked with large teams during her career as well as multi-million dollar budgets. She is here to protect our...

  • Winter seeks reelection as state representative against two opponents

    Aug 13, 2020

    Two Republicans and one Democrat are seeking the District 28 State Representative position. Republican John Winter: Incumbent John Winter says he has enjoyed his time in Cheyenne and would really like to continue his job of representing this district. “I have learned a lot and hope to do a better job,” he said. Winter is a Trump supporter and a member of the NRA as well as the Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association and Hot Springs County Farm Bureau. Dave Bayert: Hailing from Basin, Bayert says God told him to run in this election. His pla...

  • Scheel seeks reelection as county commissioner

    Aug 13, 2020

    Two candidates appear on the ballot for one open Hot Springs County Commissioner seat, however Michael Liesch has withdrawn from the race. Republican Phillip Scheel: Scheel is running for re-election this year and said he has enjoyed working closely with the people of Hot Springs County. “We (the commissioners) are an extension of the state government at home,” he said. “I work hard as a local businessman and business is what drives people to live here....

  • Sixteen in the running for for U.S. Senate seat

    Aug 13, 2020

    Ten Republicans and six Democrats are on the ballot seeking the Wyoming U.S. Senate seat. Republican Mark Armstrong: Believes in getting big money and corruption out of politics and the Federal government back inside the Constitution where it belongs. Government policies should support families and veterans, not attack rural America. The government should only fund good science. Devon Cade: A former Democrat, Cade is running on the Republican ticket as a Trump supporter, Second Amendment supporter and says he wants to be the law and order...

  • Five on the ballot seeking U.S. Representative seat

    Aug 13, 2020

    Two Republicans and three Democrats are on the Primary Ballot seeking the Wyoming US Representative seat. Republican Liz Cheney: Incumbent Cheney backs ending federal overreach and restoring local control to Wyoming. In addition she believes our veterans deserve both care and benefits. She wants to see tax cuts and job creation while protecting Wyoming values. She stands up for farmers and ranchers and supports Wyoming’s seniors. Cheney also believes in securing our borders and fighting illegal immigration. Blake Stanley: As a conservative, S...

  • Primary election approaches

    Cindy Glasson|Aug 6, 2020

    Wyoming’s Primary Election will soon be upon us, Tuesday, August 18. Polling places in Hot Springs County will open at 7 a.m. and remain open for in-person voting until 7 p.m. If you are uncomfortable voting at your designated polling place, you may vote in person in the county clerk’s office at any time until 5 p.m. on Monday, August 17. Those residing within Precinct 1-1 and 1-2 will vote at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. Voters in Precinct 2-4 votes at the Hot Springs County Mus...

  • Candidates introduce themselves at public forum

    Jul 30, 2020

    by Cindy Glasson and Jurri Schenck The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce and the Hot Springs County Farm Bureau Federation hosted a Meet the Candidates Public Forum in Hot Springs State Park on July 20. Several state and local candidates running in this year’s election attended the forum and introduced themselves. The following information was presented by the candidates who were present. US Senate Merav Ben-David – A professor of wildlife at the University of Wyoming, Ben-David watches our young people leaving the state for bet...

  • Meet the candidates forum set for July 20

    Jul 16, 2020

    The Thermopolis Chamber of Commerce will hold a Meet the Candidates Public Forum on Monday, July 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Hot Springs State Park Pavillion. They have sent out invitations to all national, state and local candidates for the coming election and are waiting for RSVPs. The candidates will do a two-minute introduction and possibly more depending on time allowed. The event will allow the public to talk to the candidates and the Chamber encourages people to engage with the candidates and ask face to face questions. The Chamber and the...

  • Meet the candidate event planned

    Jul 9, 2020

    The Thermopolis Chamber of Commerce will hold its Meet the Candidates event on Monday, July 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Hot Springs State Park Pavillion. They have sent out invitations to all national, state and local candidates for the coming election and are waiting for RSVPs. The candidates will do a two-minute introduction and possibly more depending on time allowed. The event will allow the public to talk to the candidates and the Chamber encourages people to engage with the candidates and ask face to face questions. The Chamber and the Farm...

  • Candidates announced for local, state offices

    Jun 11, 2020

    The deadline for getting your name on the ballot for various openings, locally and statewide, ended last week with a total of 27 Republicans and 13 Democrats vying for various offices. Sixteen people are in the running for U.S. Senate for Wyoming. Ten of those are Republicans and six can be seen under the Democratic ticket. One of those names will replace Senator Mike Enzi. U.S. Representative for Wyoming, Liz Cheney (R) is up for re-election this year and will be facing off against four competitors that include one other Republican and three...

  • Ten Sleep man seeks State Senate seat

    Apr 30, 2020

    by Karla Pomeroy Northern Wyoming News Ten Sleep rancher Ed Cooper hopes to use his experience in ranching and the oil and gas industry to represent State Senate District 20. Cooper announced his run for the Republican nomination last week. “I’ve thought about this for a while. I considered it four years ago but I chose to back Wyatt [Agar]. Agar (R-Thermopolis) won the seat four years ago and announced after the 2020 Legislative session that he would not be seeking a second term. Prior to Agar, the seat was filled by Worland resident Ger...

  • Levi Shinkle running for house seat

    Cindy Glasson|Apr 16, 2020

    Locally born and raised in Thermopolis, Levi Shinkle has announced he will be running for House District 28 on the Democratic ticket. According to Shinkle’s website, “Wyoming’s boon-and-bust economy means every few years, our legislators have the same conversation about the budget, about education spending, even about selling off some of our public lands. It’s time for new voices, new ideas, and new approaches to make sure the Wyoming we pass on to our children is one we can be proud of.” That i...

  • Weeks running for Senate seat

    Cindy Glasson|Apr 2, 2020

    With the announcement from District 20 Wyoming State Senator Wyatt Agar that he will not be seeking reelection this year, Linda Weeks has put her name in as a candidate to replace him. "I have never aspired to be a candidate and have spent a great deal of time considering whether I should run," Weeks said. "But after 12 years of helping behind the scenes in the political arena, it's time for me to step up to serve the State of Wyoming, and most importantly, the constituents of District 20....

  • Rep. Winter comments on legislature progress

    Cindy Glasson|Mar 19, 2020

    State Representative John Winter spent time summarizing some of the bills that have come before the House and the Senate during this 2020 Budget Session in Cheyenne. While Winter’s bill, HB35 Wolf Depredation Compensation, failed introduction, an amendment was introduced to reconsider in the budget itself for funding and ended up gaining $45,000 for the coming biennium. HB33, Agricultural Land Qualification, also failed introduction. The bill would have required land operators prove a...

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