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  • Wyoming school district delegates pass four resolutions at WSBA assembly

    Nov 28, 2024

    by Hector Martinez The Sheridan Press Via Wyoming News Exchange SHERIDAN — Voting delegates from member school districts voted to pass four of the six resolutions set before the Wyoming School Boards Association during the annual delegate assembly Nov. 20, with a majority of the conversation revolving around firearms in schools. The four resolutions passed will set legislative and position platforms, which will help the WSBA in decision making and advocacy for the upcoming 2025 and 2026 legislative sessions. The four resolutions passed i...

  • News briefs from around Wyoming

    Nov 28, 2024

    From Wyoming News Exchange newspapers First statewide Chamber of Commerce expected to bring opportunities CHEYENNE (WNE) — Wyoming has made history with the launch of the Wyoming Chamber of Commerce, the state’s first statewide Chamber of Commerce. While numerous economic development and chamber organizations already represent thousands of local businesses, the Wyoming Chamber of Commerce unites these voices for the first time. Dale Steenbergen, president/CEO of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, said in a news release he is excited for...

  • Wyoming Freedom Caucus poised for nation's first state-house takeover

    Nov 28, 2024

    by Maggie Mullen,, from WNE Wyoming is poised to become the first state in the nation to see a Freedom Caucus take the statehouse reins after Republican lawmakers on Saturday selected four members of the hard-line group for House leadership, several legislators told WyoFile. Saturday’s vote at the GOP caucus in Casper was not entirely a surprise since all but one of the races were uncontested. The results, however, are significant — the national Freedom Caucus movement hopes to recreate its Wyoming success in other states. Bet...

  • Mayor issues notice on EPA ruling

    Lara Love|Nov 21, 2024

    A new rule from the Environmental Protection Agency will require water systems to replace lead and galvanized water service lines within the next 10 years. Installing new lead pipes has been banned since 1986, but the EPA states that homes and businesses are still served by lead service lines installed before the ban was instituted. Town of Thermopolis Mayor, Adam R. Estenson, recently issued a letter regarding the EPA ruling. The letter and a “Notice of Unknown Service Line Material” not...

  • Shop locally to win during Merry Christmas Market

    Jurri Schenck|Nov 21, 2024

    The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce is hosting the 2024 Merry Christmas Market. To enter, you must shop at participating local businesses designated on the Merry Christmas Market list located at Bring your receipt with your name and phone number written on it to the Chamber of Commerce, 220 Park Street or upload a copy of your receipt to The dates and purchase must be clearly legible. Receipts must be from participating...

  • State parks department accepting bids on 15 bison

    Nov 21, 2024

    Bids for the acquisition of 15 animals from the state bison herd are invited at the Hot Springs State Park office in Thermopolis until 4 p.m. on December 17. The available bison include five 2024 heifer calves, nine 2024 bull calves, and one 2023 yearling bull. All the animals have received proper vaccinations. The minimum bids are as follows: $900 for 2024 heifer calves, $1,050 for 2024 bull calves, and $1,250 for the yearling bull. Bidders can submit offers for any or all of these bison. The highest bidder for each animal, meeting the specifi...

  • Big Springs FFA members attend national convention

    Nov 21, 2024

    Four members from the Thermopolis Middle School Big Spring FFA chapter traveled to Indianapolis for the National FFA Convention at the end of October. Mac McCumber was named a finalist this year in the Animal Systems Division 1 Agriscience research contest. The National FFA Agriscience Fair is a key competition that is part of the annual National FFA Convention & Expo held Oct. 23-26 in Indianapolis. To qualify, FFA members working as individuals or teams in grades 7-12 are required to conduct...

  • New directors

    Nov 21, 2024

    Newly elected Senior Citizens Service Directors Curtis Cheney, Kimberly Joy Black, Marvin Nielsen, Ray Shaffer and Kathy Sorensen were recently sworn in. Pursuant to Wyoming Statutes, the five members will draw lots to determine the three directors to serve the initial 2 year terms and the two that will serve 4 year terms....

  • Hospital board meets

    Nov 21, 2024

    At the October Hot Springs Health board meeting held in the conference room, CEO Scott Alwin introduced Dr. Philip Gard, a new full-time physician, and Dr. Elizabeth McKenzie, a second-year resident. Also, Marnie O’Donnell was recognized for recently earning her Nurse ID certification, and an inspiring story was shared about a positive family experience in the emergency department despite the patient’s passing. Additionally, it was acknowledged that Ron Jurovich, who provided many years of legal and financial support to the hospital, recently p...

  • Chamber discuss derby attendance

    Jurri Schenck|Nov 21, 2024

    At the November 14 Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce board meeting, during old business, CEO Meri Ann Dorman and the board discussed their Demolition Derby event. Part of the discussion included concerns about the drop in attendance and drivers’ participation, as well as the idea of changing the rules. The board decided to continue the discussion in a subcommittee. Dorman and the board discussed the October 24 Moonlight Madness event. Dorman said it “went well” and there were about 200...

  • Students invited to participate in Civics Bee®

    Nov 21, 2024

    The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce proudly announces the launch of the 2025 National Civics Bee®, an initiative aimed at encouraging more young Americans to engage in civics and contribute to their communities. Hosted in partnership with The Civic Trust® of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, the competition in Thermopolis will inspire middle schoolers to become better informed about American democracy, to engage respectfully and constructively in the community, and to build greater trust in others and institutions. Middle s...

  • Thanksgiving meal to be served

    Nov 21, 2024

    People for People and the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church will be preparing a Thanksgiving meal on November 28. If you would like to receive a meal, or plan on eating in with them, please let them know as soon as possible. Call Holy Trinity Episcopal Church at (307) 864-3629, or Judy Carswell at 307-921-8264. If you would like to volunteer to help or bring food, please call Judy Carswell. Sign up sheets are located at Hot Springs County Public Health, Thermopolis Chamber of Commerce, The Help Center, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, and Hot...

  • HSH hosts Rural Health Day event

    Nov 21, 2024

    Hot Springs Health (HSH) is proud to join communities across America in celebration of National Rural Health Day (NRHD) on November 21, 2024. The National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) and rural-focused organizations throughout the United States set aside the third Thursday of November to recognize NRHD. This annual event is an opportunity to celebrate the “Power of Rural” and honor the individuals and organizations dedicated to addressing the unique healthcare needs of nearly 61 million people living in rural Ame...

  • News briefs

    Nov 21, 2024

    Mayne fundraiser A cookie jar auction fundraiser to benefit Leoria Mayne will be held on Saturday, Nov. 23 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. Leoria, Hayden Mayne’s grandmother, is battling cancer and is dealing with medical costs and not being able to work. All proceeds from the auction will go to Leoria to help with her expenses. A pulled pork dinner will be served, by donation. For more information, to donated a cookie jar or make a monitary donation contact Lily Hayes at 921-9106, Karen Sinclair at 921-1788 or P...

  • 4-H Achievement Night awards

    Nov 21, 2024

    Hot Springs County 4-H members were honored at Achievement Night last Saturday. Awards include: Gold members: Rylee Agar, Taylor Agar, Tylee Agar, Ann Allen, Abel Cordingly, Maggie Culbreath, Seth Dickey, Silas Dickey, Casen Eckley, Tymber Eckley, Wyatt Johnson, Amelia Johnson, Cason Johnson, Nate King, Gage McCumber, Mac McCumber, Dawson McLean, Daxton McLean, Hayden Overfield, Bridger Peil, Hoyt Peil, Kinley Postma, Blakeley Postma, Stasha Whitt, Sawyer Wilson Silver members: Remi Adams, Decke...

  • Bobcat Speech and Debate finish first again

    Nov 21, 2024

    For the second consecutive week, the Hot Springs County High School Speech and Debate Team took first place in a 1A/2A Sweepstakes. This week’s victory came at the Lovell/Rocky Speech and Debate Novice Tournament held at Lovell High School on November 16. The Bobcats, coached by Lyle Wiley, Alyssa Brown, Riley Jeffs, and Markie Whitney, brought five competing novice students. Freshman Clayton Keller earned tournament champion in two events: Lincoln-Douglas Debate and Extemporaneous Speaking. Keller went 3-0 in his debates for the second week in...

  • News briefs from around the state

    Nov 21, 2024

    From Wyoming News Exchange newspapers Man arrested for sixth DUI one month into probation for fifth DUI could get up to 7 years GILLETTE (WNE) — A man who pleaded guilty to his sixth DUI offense could face six to seven years in prison. Jude Armijo, 32, reached a plea deal where he’ll plead guilty to felony DUI, and the state will recommend a six-to seven-year prison sentence to run concurrent to a five-year sentence for violating his probation. At the time of his sixth DUI, Armijo was just one month into a five-year probation that he’d been sen...

  • Council passes fluoride ordinance on first reading

    Jurri Schenck|Nov 14, 2024

    At the November 5 Thermopolis Town Council meeting held at Town Hall, Town Attorney Marshall Keller presented an ordinance for revoking fluoride being added to the water system. During the council’s discussion, Mayor Adam Estenson explained how there is naturally occurring fluoride in the surface water coming to the water treatment plant. He also said adding fluoride can cause brittle bones in adults and that in large amounts, it can eat glass. There are benefits to fluoride with children u...

  • Commissioners updated on GIS, hear monthly reports

    Jurri Schenck|Nov 14, 2024

    Hot Springs County Commissioners held their board meeting at the annex building November 5, the commissioners voted and passed the approval of the Accounts Payable Warrant Register for $712,056.16. Both Chairman Tom Ryan and Commissioner Phil Scheel recused themselves for part of the register. The commissioners also voted and passed the approval of payroll for $223,161.64. Ardurra’s Brian Clarkson and Maddie Ross gave the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) report and said they have run an auto...

  • HSC Lodging Tax, Amendment A pass

    Nov 14, 2024

    Official results from the 2024 General Election have been released and do not change information that was previously reported by the IR in last week’s edition. In addition, the Hot Springs County Lodging Tax passed with 1,868 votes for and 633 votes against. Also locally, the two candidates for East Thermopolis Town Council, Sid McDonald (79) and Julie Dodds Music (75) were both elected. For Kirby Town Council, both Zachary Crees (26) and Tina L. Keasling (24) were elected for four year term and Cynthia Elledge (28) was elected for a two y...

  • Grand opening of DG Saturday

    Nov 14, 2024

    Dollar General is open at 720 Shoshoni St. in Thermopolis and will host a grand opening event on Saturday, November 16 at 8 a.m., which will include $10 complimentary gift cards to the first 50 adult customers and DG tote bags to the first 100 customers. “At Dollar General, we believe the addition of our new Thermopolis store provides positive economic growth for the community through the creation of new jobs and career growth opportunities; increased accessibility to affordable products; the generation of tax revenue and access to Dollar G...

  • Thanksgiving meal to be served

    Nov 14, 2024

    People for People and the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church will be preparing a Thanksgiving meal on November 28. If you would like to receive a meal, or plan on eating in with them, please let them know as soon as possible. Call Holy Trinity Episcopal Church at (307) 864-3629, or Judy Carswell at 307-921-8264. If you would like to volunteer to help or bring food, please call Judy Carswell.Sign up sheets are located at Hot Springs County Public Health, Thermopolis Chamber of Commerce, The Help Center, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, and Hot Springs...

  • Backpack program fundraiser, craft fair Saturday at TMS

    Jurri Schenck|Nov 14, 2024

    The annual Backpack Program Fundraiser and the Beta Sigma Phi Annual Holiday Craft Fair will be held at the Thermopolis Middle School this Saturday, November 16. The theme of the fundraiser is “Vintage Christmas.” It will run from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Event organizer Judy Carswell said participants can bring all Vintage Christmas items, antique, reinvented, home-made, etc. These items are for the silent auction, which will end at 3 p.m. and winning bidders will be notified after bidding closes. Car...

  • Giving Tree applications available

    Nov 14, 2024

    The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce is hosting this year’s Giving Tree. Chamber director and CEO Meri Ann Dorman said, “Thanks to our incredible community and donations of time and gifts, we want to be able to help provide a beautiful holiday for anybody who may need extra help.” The children benefiting from the Giving Tree and for birth to age 18. Only a parent or guardian can fill out the application. Each child will get two tags that reflect their want and need. For example, a child could want a toy and need some clothing. The a...

  • Benefit auction for Mayne

    Nov 14, 2024

    A cookie jar auction fundraiser to benefit Leoria Mayne will be held on Saturday, Nov. 23 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. Leoria, Hayden Mayne’s grandmother, is battling cancer and is dealing with medical costs and not being able to work. All proceeds from the auction will go to Leoria to help with her expenses. A pulled pork dinner will be served, by donation. For more information, to donated a cookie jar or make a monitary donation contact Lily Hayes at 921-9106, Karen Sinclair at 921-1788 or Pat Lesmeister a...

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