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  • Santa making stops in town

    Nov 28, 2019

    Kids in Thermopolis have a couple opportunities to tell Santa what they are hoping for this Christmas. Santa and Mrs. Claus are scheduled to make a few visits to town this December. On Saturday, Dec. 7 they will be at Thermopolis Hardware from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. They also be at Hazel-n-Pearls following the Lighted Christmas Parade on Friday, Dec. 13. Bring the kids and your camera to one of these opportunities with Santa....

  • Sign up for Christmas baskets

    Nov 28, 2019

    If your family is in need of a Christmas Baskets, you can sign up at the H.O.P.E. agency at 426 Big Horn or at the Help Center at Common Ground on the corner of Fifth and Arapahoe until Friday, Dec. 6. Pick up for the baskets will be at the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Parish Hall, 642 Arapahoe, on Dec. 14, from 10 a.m. til 1 p.m. If you or your organization would like to volunteer help with sorting and packing or any of the other jobs necessary to make this happen, please contact Holy Trinity at 864-3629. If you would like to make a cash...

  • Wonders with Wood charity event

    Nov 21, 2019

  • Beta Sigma Phi Holiday Affair Saturday

    Nov 21, 2019

  • Salvation Army Christmas Kettle kick off

    Nov 21, 2019

  • Holiday craft bazaar set for Nov. 30

    Nov 21, 2019

  • Christmas campers coming to HSSP

    Nov 21, 2019

  • Free Thanksgiving dinner

    Nov 21, 2019

  • Freel benefit auction

    Nov 21, 2019

  • Gun club turkey shoot Sunday

    Nov 21, 2019

  • Turkey hoop shoot Thursday

    Nov 21, 2019

  • Tree festival planned

    Nov 21, 2019

  • Holiday activities downtown

    Nov 21, 2019

  • Icy terraces

    Lara Love|Nov 21, 2019

  • Enjoying a movie in the gym

    Lara Love|Nov 21, 2019

  • Veteran's Day

    Nov 14, 2019

    Members of the Big Horn Basin Riders were up before the sun in freezing temperatures on Monday morning setting out the flags at Monument Hill Cemetery. In spite of the frozen conditions, Hawk's Avenue of Flags flew once again....

  • Christmas Campers display planned for HSSP

    Nov 14, 2019

    Pull out that pencil and mark your calendars to attend the “Kickoff to Christmas – Christmas Campers” this year at the State Park Headquarters on December 1. A fundraiser for People for People, the Christmas Campers are taking the place of the Tour of Homes. The group currently has 13 campers registered to attend the fun evening, each of which will be decorated with lights and lots of Christmas cheer. While you tour the campers, enjoy the music of Eric Kay and other local musicians, a fire dancer, Miranda Bressler, from Casper, sip some hot c...

  • Turkey shoot Nov. 22

    Nov 14, 2019

    If you’re ready for some fun and to help out a good cause, start practicing your shooting – basketball shooting that is, for the Annual Turkey Hoop Shoot sponsored by the Hot Springs County Recreation District. The Turkey Shoot is open to everyone from second grade through 15-years old and will be held at the armory on Friday, Nov. 22. Registration will be at 6:30 and the cost is just a non-perishable food item that will be donated to the Holiday Baskets program. Shooting will start at 7 p.m. with the first place winners in each division tak...

  • ArtStroll

    Nov 14, 2019

    The Second Friday ArtStrolls feature shopping opportunities for those of all ages....

  • Speech team opens season in Worland

    Nov 14, 2019

    Hot Springs County High School’s Speech and Debate team started their season off very early with a trip to the Worland Novice Tournament on Saturday. According to coach Cindy Glasson, a novice-only tournament gives the newest members of the team a chance to see what everything is all about without the pressure of a major tournament. “Since these are all novices they can come in and compete on their own level first thing,” she said. “Its very hard to just toss them into a full varsity tournament in January without getting their feet wet first....

  • Hometown heroes

    Nov 14, 2019

    Local veterans Dick Howe, John Grisham and Jeff Strong were honored during the middle school's Salute to Veterans on Monday at the auditorium. The gentlemen were given American flag quilts as a thank you for their service. John Vialpando was also honored, but was unable to attend the ceremony....

  • National Honor Society

    Nov 14, 2019

    Hot Springs County High School added several new names to the list of National Honor Society members during a special ceremony Monday evening. Pictured are, l-r. Hayden Little, Ashley Brawley, Taydee Landrum, Aime Robinson, Hailie Weber, Emme Norsworthy, Maddie Stam, Sesi Jensen, Rebekah Johnson, Reagan Severance, Elisa Weber and Dakota Leonhardt....

  • Freel benefit

    Nov 14, 2019

    Mark your calendars to attend a cookie jar auction to be held to benefit Ronda Freel. Freel, a long-time educator in Hot Springs County, was diagnosed with cancer several months ago.. The auction will be held at the VFW on Saturday, Nov. 23, starting with a pulled pork dinner at 5:30 p.m. Dinner is by donation. The auction will begin promptly after dinner. If you have a cookie jar or other item to donate they need to be dropped off at the VFW by 4 p.m. the day of the auction. If you have any questions, please call Sharon Cordingly at...

  • Movie night

    Nov 14, 2019

    Ralph Witters Elementary Parent Teacher Organization will be holding a movie night Friday, November 15th at 7 pm. RWE students and families are invited to come watch Toy Story 4 in the elementary school gym. Admission is free and everyone is encouraged to wear your pajamas and bring your favorite pillow and blanket. Please enter the west doors near the gym. There will be raffle tickets for sale to win the movie, Toy Story 4. Tickets are one for $1 or six tickets for $5. Snack packs will be available.The TMS girls’ basketball team will be s...

  • Too sweet

    Cindy Glasson|Nov 7, 2019

    Sheriff Jerimie Kraushaar shares his stash of goodies with an adorable trick or treater at the third annual First Responders Trunk or Treat. Kids from all over town converged on the event featuring the ambulance service, police department, search and rescue, WYDOT, highway patrol and the fire department....

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