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Articles from the December 29, 2016 edition

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  • Water line rehab projects moves forward

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    Over the next couple years, people in Thermopolis can expect to see some heavy work with the water lines during a rehabilitation project. Town Engineer Anthony Barnett explained the lines included in the project are all transmission lines, and those are the lines the Wyoming Water Development Commission will provide funding for. “They won’t fund services or distribution lines.” At the Thermopolis Town Council Dec. 20 meeting, Mayor’s Assistant Fred Crosby noted he and Barnett travelled to Chey...

  • School board names new officers

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    New officers were chosen for the Hot Springs County School District Board of Trustees at their monthly meeting just before Christmas. The board president for the coming year is Nichole Weyer, who will be backed up by new vice-chairman, Jennifer Axtell. Tobi Johansen will be clerk for the year, and rounding out the officers is Joe Martinez, treasurer. The board determined they would keep their meeting times the same, the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the boardroom at the...

  • Hospital district elects officers

    Mark Dykes, r|Dec 29, 2016

    During the Dec. 20 meeting of the Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital Board of Directors, there was some discussion regarding the transformation of the hospital and the hospital district. In the general election, the majority of residents voted to pass an initiative to form the district. The District Board had a short meeting Dec. 14 to elect officers and appoint members to committee roles. Chairman Dr. Bill Williams, Vice Chair Heath Overfield, Secretary/Treasurer Dan Herdt. Dave Koerwitz and...

  • Council extends tech support contract

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    At the Town Council meeting Dec. 20, a two-year extension of the computer maintenance agreement/contract was approved. The document provides for computer service and labor from Mike Mortimore, dba CompuDoc, with the Town of Thermopolis, represented by the Thermopolis Town Council. Mortimore was absent from the meeting. CompuDoc is the primary provider of the contract, with advanced support provided by Innovative Solutions. The contract states Mortimore is a Microsoft Certified Professional with...

  • On the record

    Dec 29, 2016

    On the Record policy It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Sheriff’s office Wednesday, December 21 7:14 a.m. Report of male subject sleeping in one of the Hot Springs State Park rest rooms. 12:20 p.m. Report of a pallet on the road. A responding officer found the pallet had been moved, but found some pieces. Thursday, December 22 12:55 a.m. Report of a one v...

  • Year 'round giving for decades

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    As the season of giving comes to a close, there is someone in town who keeps that spirit going all year long, auctioneer John Gerrells. Starting in 1993, there were eight high school boys who had been selected to go to the Down Under Bowl in Australia. Donations were getting pretty hard to come by to send that many young men for a once in a lifetime football game. Gerrells was friends not only with the boys, but with their parents as well and the idea of a dinner and "slave auction" came up. In...

  • Russian dancers coming to town

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    Next month, the Hot Springs County Greater Learning Foundation is again bringing a cultural experience to Thermopolis with the Moscow Nights/Golden Gates program. Featuring dancers from Russia and Georgia. Foundation Education Director Jacky Wright said the dancers will arrive Jan. 12. There will be a welcome reception, with refreshments provided by the Rotary Club, for those community members who are hosting visitors. There are a total 16 people coming, Wright said, and she hopes to have host f...

  • Welcome the newness of 2017

    Dec 29, 2016

    It’s fitting the end of what is commonly referred to as the “holiday season” is the New Year; one last “hurrah” for 2016, as we venture forward — some with trepidation, others with composure — into 2017. Henry Ward Beecher wrote once, “Every man should be born again on the first of January,” and while it’s nice to have the sense of an empty calendar year there’s no denying that, before long, each of us will have more than his or her share of commitments and activities to fill those boxes and pages. And while that New Year is waiting for us jus...

  • Be kind to yourself and others

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    January 1st. That magical day when everyone makes these amazing promises about the coming year. “I’m going to lose 20 pounds.” “I’m going to quit smoking.” “I’m going to the gym every day.” February 1st. That magical day when you’re sitting in your recliner watching Netflix, eating your way through a bag of Cheetos and rubbing your orange fingers on your sweatpants. Yep, that would be me. I gave up making New Year’s resolutions a long time ago. I don’t need the added guilt of telling everyo...

  • Doris Scott

    Dec 29, 2016

    Doris Irene Scott, 86, passed away Saturday, Dec. 24, 2016, at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital. Born September 22, 1930, in Rawlins, Wyo., she was the daughter of Ernest and Irene (Betz) Marvin. After graduating from Rawlins High School she attended the University of Wyoming, becoming a teacher. She taught in a one-room school house. She and her young family moved to Riverton where Doris was a supervisor for the Brunton Company. She was a member of the Assembly of God Church. Her interests were knitting, flower gardening and her family....

  • Keys campaign gets underway

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    Though starting a bit later this year, the 2016-17 Keys to the City event is in full swing. Travel and Tourism Director Amanda Moeller reported at the board’s Dec. 20 meeting that the key chains have finally come in. Keys to the City was originally scheduled to begin in November, but a shipping issue kept the key chains from getting here in time. Due to the starting delay, the campaign will last the majority of winter and end March 19. Keys to the City provides special key chains to local h...

  • HSCHS graduates reflect on positive influences in their lives

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    When you come from a small town you often think it’s the end of the world. As teenagers we couldn’t wait to get out of here. Class is boring. Teachers are mean. Our parents are nothing but a drag, always wanting to know where we are, who we’re with, what we’re doing. And then we grow up to realize what we had in a small town paved the way to the success we have as adults. Those teachers we thought were so mean when we were 17 were actually the ones who believed in us, pushed us, taught us to t...

  • TMS wrestlers see first tourney action Jan. 7

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    The Thermopolis Middle School Wrestling team, according to Coach Toby Emery, has a young group of kids this year that seem very coachable. “We are down in numbers from about 35 or so wrestlers last season to 16 this season,” Emery said. “Three sixth graders, nine seventh graders, and four eighth graders.” On the team is Jackson Jensen, Josh Roberson, Tyson Medina, Logan Cole, Austin Barral, Cole Christiansen, Landon Sosa, Jarek Sorenson, Charlie Sandberg, Brendan Thomas, Sean Johansen, Tanner Je...

  • Rec district schedule

    Dec 29, 2016

    Hot Springs County’s Rec District is gearing up for girls youth basketball and adult co-ed basketball for the month of January. Registration is open until noon on Jan. 2, both online and at the district office in the armory, for girls kindergarten through sixth grade. Registration for kindergarten through second grade is $10, third and fourth grade for $15 and fifth and sixth grade girls for $20. A parents meeting will be held Jan. 3 at 5:30 p.m. at the armory. Registration is also available for adult co-ed basketball. They will hold an o...

  • Chamber seeks nominations for annual community awards

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce will begin seeking nominations for Business of the Year, Non-Profit Organization and Citizen of the Year. Nomination forms will be sent to current Chamber members in good standing on or before Jan. 6, to nominate exceptional citizens, businesses and non-profit organizations for the 2016 year. Members should have nomination forms to the Chamber office on or before Feb. 3. The Chamber Executive Board reviews all nominations and selects those qualifie...

  • CNA classes offered through TRCC

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    New Years is a time for change. Perhaps this year you’ve decided you want to go in a different direction in your career and Thermopolis Rehabilitation and Care Center (TRCC) may have just the direction you’re looking for. Starting January 9, TRCC will be offering free Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) classes for two weeks. The classes will include classroom instruction as well as hands-on, clinical work to get you prepared for the State of Wyoming certification class. Classes will be in the...

  • The sledding must go on

    Lara Love, Editor Publisher|Dec 29, 2016

    A young sledder enjoyed himself Monday on Warren Hill. Even though the snow was deep and an occasional pull was necessary, he was all smiles....

  • It was a white Christmas

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    WYDOT, Hot Springs County and Town of Thermopolis crews were busy over the holiday break keeping up with clearing off roadways after a snow storm hit starting early Sunday morning. Official numbers from US National Weather Service out of Riverton show 6.4 inches recorded 9 miles northeast of Thermopolis....

  • Fun in the snow

    Lara Love, Editor Publisher|Dec 29, 2016

    Sledding turned into some snowball action for two youths Monday on Warren Hill. The sledding was a little tough bcause the snow was not packed down on the street yet....

  • 50/50 winner!

    Dec 29, 2016

    Melissa Elliott won $437 in the Hawk's Avenue of Flags 50/50 drawing held Dec. 17 as a fundraiser for the program to help with expenses to honor veterans....

  • Christmas fun for the young and young at heart

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    Amy Ready leads students in the Hot Springs County School District Pre-K Academy through the motions of "Drivin' in my Car." The kids shared songs and their Christmas wishes during the program....

  • Christmas fun for the young and young at heart

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Dec 29, 2016

    The Hot Springs County Senior Citizens Center hosted a Christmas party with a meal, ugly sweater contest and opportunities for pictures with the Clauses. The center will host a New Year's celebration Friday during lunch....

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