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Studies have shown student absences have a detrimental effect on overall learning and grades. Students who miss a large number of classes are sometimes not able to catch up with their studies, and on a high school level, this can lead to higher drop out rates. At the December meeting of the Hot Springs County School District #1 Board of Directors, data was presented that indicates a generally much lower absentee rate so far this year as compared to last year. Dean of Students Catelyn Deromedi...
At their regular meeting on Dec. 19, Thermopolis Town Council approved the audit of the financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, with much appreciation for the time and work Koerwitz, Michel, Wright and Associates put into preparing it. Among the financial highlights listed in the audit, the assets of the town exceeded the liabilities at June 30 by $27,705,536 (net position), compared to $27,233,636 in 2016. Of this, $6,806,518 (unrestricted) may be used to meet the...
The biggest party night of the year is coming up on Sunday as people around the world ring out the old year and ring in the new. It should go without saying, however, nearly half of all accidents on New Years Eve and New Years Day are alcohol related, so please, don’t drink and drive. If you have plans to attend a party, pick a designated driver before even leaving home, or have some alternate way to travel if you plan on celebrating. Staying off the roads entirely is a good idea, too, e...
Crimson Diltz is not sure what to make of the man in the big red suit during Storytime at the Hot Springs County Library Thursday before Christmas. Santa and Mrs. Claus came by to hear what the kids wanted for Christmas and give them some candy canes and stuffed toys....
On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Sheriff’s office Tuesday, Dec. 19 8:18 p.m. A dispute during a child custody exchange was solved amicably. Saturday, Dec. 23 11:49 a.m. Report of a two vehicle accident in a business parking lot outside of town. A driver was pulling their vehicle into a parking space and slid into a parke...
The recent snow received in Thermopolis has put a good covering on Warren Hill for sledders to enjoy....
We’ve waited a long time, but the wait is well worth it with the opening of the new Raptors Grill and Pub. What was supposed to be a six-month project turned into almost four years for Tony Nettles and Julie Lehman, owners of the restaurant. According to Lehman, there was trouble almost from the start with inspectors, the State Fire Marshall, electrical inspections and even the Department of Environmental Quality. The building was essentially gutted from the ground up with new floors and a new r...
Electing new officers was the big pole in the Round Top Sams Club tent at their meeting on Nov. 3 at Big Horn Federal. Elected officers were: President Donna Cole, Vice President Sam Marshall, Secretary Laura Saley, Treasurer Charlie Stickney and Wasgonmaster Frank Cole. Still to be appointed are the chaplain and media contact. The Round Top Sams are made up of recreational vehicle owners and operators and campers. In fact, membership is open to anyone with an interest in the greater outdoors. Plus, for that matter, the club is open to...
The Thermopolis Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce drew the winners for this year’s Shop Local contest last week, just in time for Christmas. To be entered in the drawing, $100 had to be spent locally and the receipts brought to the chamber office. First place winner, Chrissy Francis, took home a 32” Samsung Smart TV. Bev Koerwitz was the second place winner, receiving a Night Hawk Hexacoper drone, complete with a Wi-Fi camera and Becky Mills was the winner of the Roku Express....
Santa appears to be checking if Art Christensen's beard is the real deal when he and Mrs. Claus dropped in to the Senior Center for a little visit....
Ah, all of the holiday traveling and shopping has again come to and end. Time to kick back and relax. But wait, out on the horizon there’s the final end to the holiday season — the New Year. Just as soon as the Christmas lists are all marked off, it seems, it’s time to start writing down those resolutions. It can be easy to get caught up in everything you want to do to improve yourself or your life in 2018, but keep in mind you don’t have to try and knock them out right away. Trying to can have some harmful effects, from not feeling you’re...
If you’re anything like me, for the last few weeks you’ve been going at full speed, wedging in everything you can, between shopping and concerts to family gatherings and parties with friends. It kind of reminds me of those nights when Cookie and Cupcake decide they’re going to fly through the house at full speed at 3 a.m., sounding more like a herd of elephants than the delicate kitties they are. It usually starts with a little boxing match at the top of the cat tree, then one of them leaps...
Nancy A. Lauderback, 77, of Cheyenne passed away December 18, 2017, at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center. She was born July 1, 1940, in Lander, Wyo., to Jasper Newton and Mildred Laverne Israel. She married Harold E. Rumsey on August 27, 1961, in Laramie. She later married Donald Lauderback on July 30, 1986, in Vernal, Utah. She was a retired elementary school teacher and a teacher's coach of the Reading Recovery Program. She was a proud graduate of the University of Wyoming and also received a...
Monte "Scott" Johnson, 67, passed away on December 23, 2017. Scott was born June 1, 1950, to Ira and Jeannette Johnson in Salt Lake City, Utah. He was a Thermopolis High School graduate. He graduated from the University of Wyoming with a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry. Scott worked in the student union as a custodian for four years then spent 30 plus years with Information Technology at the University of Wyoming-retiring in 2010. Scott was a loving and caring father, grandfather and husband....
Josh Schmidt, a veterans service officer from the Wyoming Veterans Commission, will conduct community outreach services in Wyoming cities through January. Schmidt is available to meet with veterans and their families to discuss state and federal veterans’ benefits, Department of Veterans claims or VA healthcare. He can also help veterans and their families apply for benefits, file claims or request healthcare. Schmidt will be available in Thermopolis on Thursday, Jan. 11, noon-2 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Museum and on Thursday, Jan. 18, n...
Start out your new year with a little mystery and intrigue at the Hot Springs County Historical Society meeting on Saturday, Jan. 13. “The Woman in Blue,” presented by historian Clay Gibbons tells the story of Belle Drewry who brought her own kind of mayhem and debauchery to Arland, Wyoming in 1897. Her story is a true tale of crime, death, gun smoke and the eternal triangle. There was no wilder West than Arland at the time, and Belle’s contribution will definitely keep you entertained. In his search for history and exact locations, Gibbo...
With the sudden onset of much colder temperatures this week, you may be thinking about how to cover your heating bill in the coming months, something many in Wyoming worry about each year. Whatever your power or heating source, the Wyoming Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) may be able to help. LIEAP helps those who may be having trouble being able to pay their electric, natural gas or propane bill, with an emphasis on senior citizens, homes with young children and those with disabilities. There is also winterization services availabl...
Hot Springs County High School's choir performed a Christmas tune in the style of the group Pentatonix, using not only their voices, but their hands to complete the rhythm for the acapella performance....
Bobcat Cullen Becher's sports career started at about age 5 or 6 in wrestling and PeeWee football with his father's support and coaching. He's always been talented physically according to his mother Kim, and she noted that while she was not a college grad, the value of education was always an important element of home life for all the kids, and all are now closely looking into the future to see where that education could take them. Cullen's favorite sport isn't wrestling, but football. Though...
The freshman/sophomore boys basketball team came away with its first win of the season when it took down Fort Washakie 63-52 on Dec. 19. Coach Ryan Shaffer noted there are currently two freshmen - Jesse Skelton and Eli Dickey - and during the Fort Washakie game Skelton was out sick so the majority of the players were sophomores. He added that was okay as this was considered Fort Washakie's JV team. "It was good for our guys," Shaffer said. "We needed a win for sure." The coach is always pushing...
The Thermopolis Wrestling Club is gearing up for their 2018 wrestling season under head coach, Will Farrell. There are currently about 20 kids signed up for the year, however, there has been interest from a number of others, so that number still has a chance to grow. Children who will be aged four during 2018 are eligible to sign up, through age 18. A copy of your wrestler’s Birth Certificate will be needed at registration as it is needed to obtain their USA Wrestling card. Registration information may be found on the club’s Facebook page, “The...
The deadline to get registered for the Hot Springs County Recreation Boys Youth Basketball is fast approaching, and the program has about 30 youth signed up as of Dec. 21. Registration began on Dec. 4 and will be open through Jan. 2. Late fees will be assessed for registrations received after Jan. 3 There will be five or six games through the season, with an opener tentatively scheduled for Jan. 15, though that could change depending on the number of kids registered. Age divisions include the K-1 Little Dribblers, 2-3 Developmental Program and...
Chandler Maddock shows off his Pinata winnings during the Thermopolis FFA lock on the last day of school before Christmas break. FFA members Jeffrey VanAntwerp, John Maier and Aiden Ozmon help out....
During the Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees’ final meeting for 2017, the board had little action but quite a few informational reports. Hospital CEO Margie Molitor, reporting with regard to growth, that on Jan. 3 and 4 the hospital will have two visiting physicians from the Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho (WWAMI) program to talk about the rural residency program. The WWAMI program is affiliated with the University of Washington School of Medicine, and r...