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For all Hot Springs County residents wishing to give back to their community while helping to shape the future, a number of board positions are vacant and are accepting applications. Five crucial Hot Springs County boards have positions available to interested community members. The Fair Board has one vacancy which is a five-year term. The Natural Resources Planning Committee has five positions available, each serving a three-year term. Weed and Pest has three positions open, each serving four-year terms. The Big Horn Basin Nature and...
The Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital Board took its next small step towards building renovations, carefully discussing plans that have been mired in contentious discussion since a failed hospital district vote two years ago. After a thorough study by the Erdman healthcare planning firm, it has come to light that in order to maintain the exceptional healthcare service to which Hot Springs County residents are accustom, the present half-century old facility needs to be expanded and...
With a large focus of the Christmas season towards retail, the Christmas creep continues to emerge earlier every year. Stores are starting to have Christmas merchandise displays as soon as Halloween. Consumers are divided on getting Christmas shopping done early or waiting until December. Some clearly have a bah humbugian attitude while others display an ambitious desire to be the early shopper. Many consumers blame the retailers for the ever expanding holiday creep, but in truth, it is due to...
C.J. Kavilis is getting a thrill from having some hands-on experience driving a team of horses during the free hay rides at White Horse County Store Saturday. Ame Longwell, far right, owner of Black Mountain Shires provided instruction and guidance. Enjoying the ride are Whipp Longwell and Rocky Yetter....
Changes are coming to the Hot Springs County School District. With 2015 drawing to a close, the school board has brought forth changes. With the opportunity to reposition job duties within the board, all members opted to stay in their current position. Several members stated they would like to continue to grow and become better in their current position. Tobi Johansen was declared Chairman of the Board, Melissa Johnson was declared Vice-Chairman of the Board, Clay Van Antwerp was declared Clerk...
Frank & Cindy Toth of Thermopolis announce the marriage of their daughter, Jesse Jo, to Scott Jason Henderson, son of Harry and Kathleen Henderson. Toth-Henderson, a 2001 graduate of Hot Springs County High School, is a professional counselor and drama therapist at the Post Traumatic Stress Center in New Haven, Conn. Henderson graduated from Eastern Connecticut State University with a degree in sociology and criminal justice and currently works as an Emergency 911 dispatcher for Orange Police...
On the Record policy It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police calls” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Fire department Monday, Dec. 21 4:26 p.m. Responded to a controlled burn at 842 Highway 20. Sheriff’s department Tuesday, Dec. 15 8:56 a.m. A white Ford truck was found lying on its side in the Buffalo Pasture on East Arapahoe Street. After several attempts to find the driver, the driver was contacted and...
Thermopolis has long been unique in Wyoming for its excellent healthcare services and doctors. It comes as no surprise, then, that local physician Dr. Jason C. Weyer of Red Rock Family Practice was recently awarded an honorary degree from the Academy of Family Physicians. Dr. Weyer's new honorary degree, called the Degree of Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians, was awarded to physicians who have, "Distinguished themselves through service to family medicine and ongoing professiona...
The Hot Springs County Education Endowment is currently accepting community funding requests for 2016. If you or your organization has an educational project or need, please write a letter detailing the project, the cost and what your unmet need would be. HSCEE is a non-profit perpetual fund, established in 1990 and managed by a representative community group of directors. Their mission is “…to provide citizens of Hot Springs County with educational benefits and experiences…” Examples of projects they have helped to support include: Books f...
This time of year can be a lonely time for some, whether it is distance, financial problems or just not being able to be with loved ones. There is no reason to spend Christmas alone. People for People will be hosting their annual Christmas Dinner at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church on Friday, Dec. 25 and everyone is welcome. There will be plenty of food. If you are home bound, volunteers will deliver to your home. Just call ahead to reserve your meal. The family style dinner will be served from...
Three lucky winners were awarded $200, $300 and $500 in Chamber Bucks Saturday during the 21 Days of Christmas drawing. First place of $500 went to Jean Bennet, $300 went home with Francine Hauser, above, and Kay Rush took home $200. Winners had to be present at the drawing, and there were several names drawn who were not available to claim their prize. The event was sponsored by the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce Retail Committee....
by Daryl L. Hunter The delisting of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear is imminent and this we should celebrate (“dancing’’). Now that our happy dance is complete, we must insure the grizzlies’ recovery is permanent. To insure “continuity of achievement,” the grizzlies need a firewall to protect the success of this achievement from human foible. The Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) was formed in 1983 to help ensure recovery of viable grizzly bear populations and their habitat in the lower 48 states through interagency coordinatio...
I am interested in instating a law for helmet use when riding recreational vehicles. I’m currently staying in Thermopolis with family. I had a very bad off-road accident in August that could have killed me. I was on a 4-wheeler, not wearing a helmet, flipped it, rolled it and I landed 30 feet away in a grove of trees. I sustained massive injuries, broke several bones, collapsed a lung, and have what is called a diffuse axonal injury (aka shaken baby syndrome.) I am 38 years old. I cannot walk, talk and comprehend the same as I did before the a...
Thank you to whomever plowed the road leading up to Spiller Butte the other day. Even though you cannot go past the gate anymore, it is still a special place for people to remember things and what Cal King tried to do. It is nice for people to help maintain things. Thanks again. K.D. Jacobs...
Henrietta Muller, 83, passed away Sunday, Dec. 20, 2015, at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital in Thermopolis. Born October 12, 1932, in Agate, Neb., she was the daughter of Henry and Grace Lampman. The family later moved to Torrington. She married Keith Henry in Torrington and the couple later moved to Dubois, Wyo., where they owned and operated a motel. They later divorced after 32 years. On March 20, 1983, she married Clifton Muller in Powell, Wyo. They lived throughout Wyoming while Cliff...
A good education is not only made up of good test scores and lots of time spent studying, but also an extracurricular dedication to learning and succeeding. The Risen Son First LEGO League (FLL) team has proven themselves as such, winning one first place trophy at this year's statewide tournament in Casper. FLL is a robotics program for 9 to 14 year olds designed to get children interested in science and technology, and the tournament's yearly challenge consists of three elements; a robotic...
Alex Brawley was recently promoted to Private Second Class in the Wyoming Army National Guard for meeting his time in service requirements. Brawley is awaiting advanced individual training and will become a qualified wheeled vehicle mechanic in Headquarters, 920th Forward Support Company. Brawley has been a member of the Wyoming Army National Guard for 10 months. He is a senior at Hot Springs County High School. Adam Hanson was recently promoted to Private First Class in the Wyoming Army National Guard for meeting his time in service...
Saturday the temperatures reached into the mid 40s and people were out taking in the sights at Hot Springs State Park....
The Lady Cat's defended the home ground winning all four games during the ShoOpolis tournament, a shared tournament between Thermopolis and Shoshoni. They played Upton, Rocky Mountain, Cokeville and Little Snake River during the tourney. "We did a great job defensively holding Upton to 10 points through three quarters," said Coach Cory Sova. Thermopolis beat Upton 41-20 with a true team effort from all the girls. Randi Elisson led the team with six rebounds. Ashlyn Weber and Jessica Schierkolk...
The Hot Springs County High School boys basketball team continued to prove their fight during a long weekend of play against tough opponents in the ShoOpolis tournament, a shared tournament between Thermopolis and Shoshoni. First up for the Bobcats were the Upton Bobcats on Friday, a home game played in Shoshone. The game was a shootout that went down to the final buzzer with the hometown Bobcats falling 64-61. Upton, which has won each of their first six games, have out scored their opponents...
The busy Bobcat matmen engaged eight dual opponents in three days losing in Greybull Thursday and competing at Worland's Battle of the Bighorns dual tourney on Friday and Saturday. Billings entries, Senior and Skyview, led the tourney and scorched the Bobcats to the tune of 147-12. However, qualifying at the 16 team tourney among the top eight teams, the Cats were 3-2 against the other five winning over Jackson 48-23, Wheatland 39-23 and Riverton 42-40 while dropping duals to Worland 48-30 and...
The Bighorn Bow hunters are having an archery shoot Sunday, Jan. 3, 2016. The fundraiser event is looking for donations of about 50 Christmas trees to create a small faux forest for the shoot. The trees can be taken to the fair grounds or you can call to arrange pick up. The Bighorn Bowhunters are practicing twice weekly in the Hot Springs County Fair Building. Tuesday nights archers shoot at paper targets and Thursday nights are 3-D targets. Practice starts at 7 p.m. Membership fee is $25 per individual and $35 for a family. There is also a...
The Ralph Witters Elementary kindergarten through fourth grade students put on a show at their annual holiday music concert at the auditorium Thursday. The children showcased their talents of music ranging from choir to drumming on the stage....
Dear Santa, Do your reindeer have big antlers? Your elf is watching me and I am being a good boy! Could you bring me some cows, a cowboy shirt and some things to build with? I will leave some hay on my roof for your reindeer and some cookies-you might be hungry. Thank you Santa, Hoyt, age 4 Dear Santa, Is it cold in the north pole? I would like to go to the north pole. Could I please have a pet reindeer? They have very very big horns. Can I please have a drone but the cost to mutch so don’t get me that. So can I have a super man toy? From, B...
Parents were invited to join students for Christmas dinner at Ralph Witters Elementary on Wednesday, Dec. 16....