Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 30
The Annual Chamber of Commerce Banquet for 2016 has been set for Saturday, March 19 at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. Voting on the Business of the Year, Non-Profit Organization of the Year and Citizen of the Year has taken place and recipients will be announced at the banquet. Business of the Year nominees include: A Cut Above, Bank of Thermopolis, Black Bear Café, Broadway Bygones, Finishing Touches, Martin’s Appliance Repair & Sales, Merlin’s Hide Out, New York Life, One Eyed Buff...
The Hot Springs County Commissioners met Feb. 16 for their second monthly meeting in February. Bids were opened for the contract to supply 25,000 tons of crushed gravel to the HSC Road and Bridge Department. Big Horn Redi-Mix, Inc. out of Thermopolis was awarded the contract with a low bid of $122,250. The highest bidder was out of Buffalo at $283,750. A total of seven bids were received from around the state and Idaho. The bids were checked by the engineer and Road and Bridge supervisor Dave... Full story
Encore Talent Show performers McCoy Longwell and Ruthanne Johnson (background) showed off their musical talents during the Saturday evening show. Winners included Ty Simeral, Fab Four Orchestra, Zoe Stone, Grace Whitt and Ruthanne Johnson....
The Hot Springs County School District No. 1 Board of Directors agreed to change the start times for school for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year at their February meeting. Monday through Thursday, Ralph Witters Elementary (RWE) and Thermopolis Middle School (TMS) will begin classes at 8:30 a.m. The high school will convene at 8:20 a.m. Release time, Monday through Thursday for RWE will be at 3:50, TMS will let out at 3:45 and the high school will end their day at 4 p.m. The schedule changes a...
On the Record policy It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police calls” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Fire calls Wednesday, Feb. 17 10:02 a.m. False alarm at 250 East Arapahoe. 2:42 p.m. Trees on fire during a controlled burn near King Road. 3:02 p.m. Vehicle wreck at mile marker 123 Highway 20 South. Sheriff’s department Wednesday, Feb. 17 3:00 p.m. A Fedex truck and a pickup pulling a camper collided a...
Hot Springs County 4-H will be hosting a free chili supper for the public on Saturday, Feb. 27 beginning at 6 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. 4-H members will be making desserts that will be available to the public for silent auction and by live auction. The live auction will start at 6:30 p.m. with Shawn McWilliams doing the auctioneering. There will be several desserts available ranging from fancy decorated cakes to pies, cookies and baskets. Proceeds from the event will help 4-H members attend Washington Leadership Focus in...
All registered Republicans are invited to attend the 2016 precinct caucuses set for Saturday, Feb. 27, at 9 a.m. The different precincts will gather and elect delegates with the same number of alternates to the County Convention. The meeting will take place at the County Commissioners Chambers in the annex building. The Hot Springs County Republican Convention is scheduled for Saturday, March 12 at 9 a.m. and will also be at the County Commissioners Chambers in the annex building....
Red Cross is seeking volunteers in Hot Springs County and across Wyoming. They are currently looking for four new volunteers in this area. During times of emergencies, from smaller disasters to larger scale disasters, Red Cross volunteers perform important disaster preparedness roles including providing lifesaving home fire prevention materials in communities throughout Wyoming. Depending on a volunteer’s professional certifications and/or interests, one may also assist the Red Cross in providing health services and mental health services d...
Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso and Congressman Cynthia Lummis are announcing that their Hot Springs County representatives, Reagen Bebout, Pam Buline and Sherlyn Kaiser are scheduled to hold “Office Hours” in Thermopolis at the County Annex Building on Friday, Feb. 26 from 3:45-4:45 p.m. Area residents are encouraged to visit with Bebout, Buline and Kaiser on an individual basis to discuss issues or their views regarding the federal government. These ideas and concerns will then be relayed to Senators Enzi and Barrasso and Rep...
Merlin Heinze spoke to Thermopolis Gun Club members at their February meeting about the necessary steps to properly tanning a hide....
It can seem overwhelming sometimes – this thing called life. You awaken at 4 a.m. because it is a “migraine day,” and roll over while trying not to move your head, just hoping to get back to sleep for another hour or two. You discover the furnace needs repairs and the washing machine needs replacing – all in the same day. The morning alarm didn’t go off and no one had time to make coffee. You are out of ketchup and you’d planned on having hamburgers for supper. There’s dog hair all over the carpet and muddy cat paw prints across the newly cle...
Jerilyn June Finch, 73, passed away Monday, Feb. 22, 2016, in Mesquite Nev., after battling cancer. She was born on May 8, 1942, in Langdon, N.D. Jerilyn's friends called her "Jeri" and her grandchildren called her "JJ". Jeri graduated from Worland High School in 1960 and, in 1961, married her high school sweetheart in Worland, Wyo. Jeri was a loving and caring woman but she was also ambitious-she wanted to be married to a doctor. So, after two years of college, she went to work and put her... Full story
Eleven pipe siphons are scheduled for pipe lining and repairs on U.S. 20 and Wyoming 30 between Thermopolis and Worland, and between Basin and Otto. Prime contractor for the $632,000 project is Wilson Brothers Construction, Inc., of Cowley. Ten of the siphons are located between Thermopolis and Worland (between mileposts 137.9 and 141.64) on U.S. 20, while one of the siphons is located between Basin and Otto (milepost 106.65) on Wyoming 30. By contract, work on all siphons must be completed by April 15, and all work is required to be complete...
The Hot Springs County Senior Citizens Center is taking orders for their cinnamon roll sale. The rolls are $1.50 each or $18 per dozen and ready for delivery on three Fridays, March 4, 11 and 18. Preorders are a must and need to be received by the Thursday prior to the Friday date you want to pick up your rolls.. Proceeds from the cinnamon roll sale will benefit the senior citizens center. For more information or to order, stop by the center at 206 Senior Ave. or call 864-2151....
Blood draws for the annual Kiwanis Health Fair begin the first Saturday in March and continue through the next week at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital. Blood draws will be held at the hospital Saturday, March 5 as well as the following Monday through Saturday, March 7-12, from 7 to 10 a.m. Report to the desk in the hospital lobby. No specific appointments for blood draws will be made. Several types of blood screenings will be available, including a basic chemistry panel; vitamin D, 25 hydroxy; PSA (for men); hemoglobin; C-reactive...
Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital staff members: Jennifer Paris; Christopher Paris, Susan D. Smith, Amy Jarrard, Elizabeth Oliver, Bree Christiansen and Danette Koehler completed the Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider Program. The program was supported by the American Heart Association of Colorado and Wyoming....
A Thermopolis volunteer fireman keeps watch on a brush fire off of King Road to make sure it does not get out of control....
A nationwide movement to bring a voice to those suffering in silence from mental illness, substance abuse and suicide has come to Wyoming and Hot Springs County. The idea is called Project Semicolon. A semicolon is used when an author could have ended a sentence with a period, but didn’t. Simply put, you are the author - and your life is the sentence. The semicolon is a reminder to pause, breathe and keep going. Some 5,500 semicolon pins have been distributed across the state in a partnership between the Prevention Management Organization of W... Full story
Learn to Teach Kids about Wildlife and the Outdoors at Project Learning Tree/ Project WILD Workshop Daycare providers, early childhood educators, home-school parents and others who want to educate their 3-7 year-old children about wildlife and the environment are invited to attend a Project Learning Tree/Project WILD workshop, Saturday. March 5 from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at Hot Springs County Museum. PLT and WILD are international, award-winning environmental and wildlife education programs for kids in grades PreK through 12. Through participatio...
The Friendly Duplicate Bridge Club of Thermopolis played on Thursday with 2 1/2 tables in attendance. Winners were the Knightens, Earl and Dorothy, in first place (with substantial help from Varney Stipley and Rex Clothier), and Jeanette Porter and George McClellan in second place. The club meets at 6 p.m. on the third Friday of the month. All bridge players are welcome. The next scheduled session is Friday, March 18. Contact Rex Clothier at 864-9368 for more information....
Nine year old Waikeli Balstad wanted to help those in need this year for her birthday. "It's an opportunity for helping people," said Waikeli. Balstad was getting ready to celebrate her ninth birthday, and she requested that no one bring any gifts. She explained her room was already crowded with toys and that she didn't need any more. Balstad and her mother, Aly Lahoe, wrote a note to her friends and family asking for food to donate to a local charity. From there Lahoe contacted Judy Carswell wh...
House District 28 Representative Nathan Winters has been busy during the Wyoming Legislative session in Cheyenne. “We’ve just completed our second week of this 20-day Legislative Session, which is usually the busiest week during a Budget Session,” said Winters. He explained the reason is bills that are not reported out of committee or do not make it through first reading on the Floor of the House or Senate die because of a lack of time to be heard. Secondly, the second week is when the main operations budget is set for the next two years for th...
The Thermopolis Lady Cats basketball team won both their games on Friday and Saturday. The girls won against Shoshoni 37-32 at Friday's away game. According to Coach Cory Sova, it was a very physical game, with the girls holding Shoshoni scoreless in the opening quarter. Shoshoni started to make some shots and get back in the game, especially in the beginning of the fourth quarter. The Lady Cats missed 12 free throws in the fourth quarter but the girls had a big enough lead they were able to hol...
Tears, inside or out, of joy or grief, are the price one pays for the courage to compete and bond as teammates. This last weekend, as well as Monday, saw both the highs and lows of sports. Friday, the boys Bobcat basketball team visited Shoshoni for an all-important conference game which would determine who would end up playing a "pigtail game". The loss of a team leader, Keegan Robbins to injury, was entirely obvious at the start of the contest as the Bobcats scored a paltry three points in...
by Rex Clothier The 2A West Regional Wrestling Tournament was held at Rocky Mountain High School in Cowley on Friday. Twelve teams competed to see how many of their wrestlers could qualify for state competition. Qualifying 11 Bobcats for the upcoming Wyoming State Wrestling Tournament on March 26-27 put a smile on Coach CJ Scholl's face, but his words were cautionary. "We have to wrestle better there than we did at regionals," said Scholl. "It almost seemed that our kids qualified for state and...