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Articles from the November 25, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 18 of 18

  • Haight land use change discussed

    Jurri Schenck|Nov 25, 2021

    At the November 17 Hot Springs County Land Use Planning Commission meeting held at the Annex building, Wyatt and Beau Haight presented their application. The Haight’s requested the land use be changed from agricultural to commercial to allow an events arena, a 40-unit RV campground, and a 40-space horse trailer camping area. The subject property is a roughly 76.2-acre parcel located in the south half of Section 18, Township 43 North, Range 94 West. Fronting on the northwest side of Highway 20 N...

  • Donkey basketball

    Nov 25, 2021

    Jared Nichols, of the Wee Woos team, heads toward the basket with the ball during Dairyland Donkey Basketball action at the Hot Springs County High School gym last Thursday. Gavin Shumway, Roedy Farrell and McCoy Longwell, of the Future Dropouts team, were on defense. The event was sponsored by Stuco and proceeds went to Stuco and Make-A-Wish Foundation....

  • Student council honored

    Nov 25, 2021

    Bobcat Hallie Martinez was selected as a member of the Wyoming All-State Student Council at the recent Wyoming Association of Student Councils (WASC) convention. The Hot Springs County High School student council was recognized at the event with the Honor Council distinction. Members of the HSCHS 2021-2022 Student Council are Martinez, Logan Petty, Jean-Luc Willson, Madeline Wagler, Karina Lea, Cadence Steadman, Jacob Randall, Josiah Butler, Jarek Sorensen, Morgan Slover, Jayci Basse, Brandon...

  • Commissioners hold public hearing on land use change

    Jurri Schenck|Nov 25, 2021

    At the November 16 Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting held at the HSC Annex Building, a public hearing was held to address the Dufour Land Use Change request. County planner Bo Bowman gave a brief description of the property, its history and the applicants’ issues in regard to changing it from a residential property to one for commercial use. The applicants Elyse Dufour and Ryan Collins had met with the land-use change planning commission three times as their issues were evaluated and d...

  • Town hall closed Dec. 24-27

    Nov 25, 2021

    At the November 16 Thermopolis Town Council meeting they performed a brief amount of actions. The council voted to approve that on December 24 and 27 the Town Hall will be closed. The council also approved a catering permit for Shorty’s at the Ducks Unlimited event on December 4. Additionally, the Mayor asked if the council would fund a bonus of $300 for each town employee. The council voted and passed this request. They were able to do this because their health insurance renewal was so low and therefore had the money availa...

  • On the record

    Nov 25, 2021

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Sheriff’s office Tuesday, Nov. 16 2:43 p.m. Report of fraud involving an online scam where a subject applied for a job and was hired. The employer then sent a check to the subject and wanted them to deposit it and send back a p...

  • People for People benefit

    Nov 25, 2021

    Around 40 items, including painted chairs and decorated trees, went up for silent auction at the People for People Backback Program benefit. Nearly $3,000 was raised to help provide meals on the weekends for kids in our community. The event was held last Saturday in the TMS commons, in conjuction with the Beta Sigma Phi Holiday Affair. Around 40 vendors offering a variety of products filled the TMS gym....

  • Select a name from the Elf, Angel trees

    Nov 25, 2021

    Two trees are up in the community with names of people who’s Christmas you can make a little brighter. Elf Tree The Elf Tree Program is designed to help Hot Springs County families in need with a little extra in the way of Christmas gifts for their children. Parents or guardians may sign up their children, ages birth -17 years old, until Dec 10 at the Department of Family Services, 403 Big Horn. The Elf Tree is located at Storyteller and will be taken down on December 16. Wrapped gifts, with the Elf tag attached for identification, need to b...

  • New director named at WPH

    Jurri Schenck|Nov 25, 2021

    Julie Hoffman is the new director of the Wyoming Pioneer Home. As the director, Hoffman manages the staff and administers the fiscal assistance from the State of Wyoming. Hoffman's background comes from being a licensed social worker in Basin at the Wyoming Retirement Center where she worked for 7 and a half years. She focused on long-term care and helping residents adapt to the facility, as well as admission, safe discharge and complaints such as reports of abuse or neglect. Hoffman grew up in...

  • Shop local, win during Shop Small Saturday

    Nov 25, 2021

    Main Street Thermopolis, along with the merchants and restaurants, will welcome the holiday shopping fun all around town. Decorations and lights are going up. Storefront windows are looking festive. As part of the event, shoppers can bring in receipts dated November 26-29 from any businesses in Hot Springs County to the Chamber of Commerce on November 29 and 30. When they drop off their receipts, they can pick up a souvenir key ring and will be entered in the December 1 drawing to win $250 in Chamber Bucks. Main Street Thermopolis had the key...

  • Have an attitude of gratitude

    Nov 25, 2021

    by Bryan Golden, author Thanksgiving is much more than a big meal with family and friends. It’s a time to reflect on, and be thankful for, all of the good things you have. It’s important to be grateful, not just on Thanksgiving, but each and every day. Rather than lamenting what you feel is lacking in your life, begin each new day by developing an attitude of gratitude. Take inventory of your blessings and you will be surprised at just how much you have to be thankful for. If you have enough to eat, a place to live, a way to get around, people...

  • Jack W. Wise

    Nov 25, 2021

    Jack W. Wise, 79, of Coshocton passed away at home on November 21, 2021. Jack was born in Stafford, Kan. on August 14, 1942, to the late Warren and Helen (Hainey) Wise. He graduated from Hot Springs High School in Thermopolis, Wyo., and served in the United States Army. On May 30, 1963, he met his future wife Marian (Parrish) Wise and they moved to Laramie, Wyo., where he was employed as a city police officer. They made an abrupt career change and moved to Bartlesville, Okla., where Jack went... Full story

  • Lining up

    Nov 25, 2021

    A number of people lined up in front of the River of Life Church for last Thursday’s Commodity Food Give Away....

  • HS Dance to perform

    Nov 25, 2021

    Hot Springs Dance will hold their 5th annual Winter Show, Marvel-ous, on Saturday, Dec. 4 from 4-6 p.m. in the Hot Springs County School Auditorium. Donations will be accepted at the door for entrance fees....

  • TMS wrestlers headed to Cody

    Nov 25, 2021

    by Samantha Zupan Thermopolis Middle School Bobcat Wrestlers had a busy day last Saturday going up against Wyoming Indian, Shoshoni, Jackson, and Lovell. "It's always nice to travel to Lander for competition, as we have the opportunity to see some new teams and new competition" coach Toby Emery said about the Bobcats. The Bobcat wrestlers won 12 matches out of 17. Cannon Boren went 6-0 with all pins being in the first period. Dyllan Myers went 2-0 pinning his opponents in the first period....

  • TMS girls volleyball season update

    Nov 25, 2021

    by Samantha Zupan Girls Bobcat Middle School Basketball started their week Tuesday with 8th A and B girls going up against Burlington on home territory. Both finished with close with two point losses. Jayssie Owsley was high scorer for A and Charlie Slagle for B. The girls traveled to Lovell on Friday. The A team won against Lovell 37-13. Kam Farrell was the high scorer with 16 points The B team won 12-6 with Charlie Slagle and Peyton Green both scoring 6 points. The young ladies continued to travel Saturday to Cody playing Cody and Powell. The...

  • HS athletes honored

    Nov 25, 2021

    Bobcat Football players Adley Coyne, Roedy Farrell, Austin Barral, Eli McCumber and Gavin Shumway have been selected to the 1st team Wyoming High School 2A West All-conference. Coyne was also selected to All-state. Jarek Sorensen, Wyatt McDermott and Carson Williams were selected to 2nd team West All-conference. For Lady Cats volleyball, Lexi Overfield received 3A East All-conference honors. These honors are voted on by the coaches in their respective conferences and are done according to conference by-laws....

  • Fall fishing

    Nov 25, 2021

    Two fishermen enjoy the warm weather while fishing the Bighorn River late in the afternoon....

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