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Tuesday evening, the Thermopolis Town Council approved, upon third and final reading, Ordinance 845 regarding recreational outdoor burning. The ordinance, which takes effect Dec. 1, states no fire permit is required for outdoor fireplaces, fire pits and other recreational fire appliances, provided they meet the ordinance guidelines. The guidelines state solid fuel burning appliances may only be fueled by cut or split firewood. A recreational fire is an outdoor fire with a total fire area of... Full story
Those looking for help dealing with their addictive behaviors can check out a free self-help program for those who have chosen or are considering abstinence from such behaviors, whether they are substance abuse or addictive activities. The Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) program is now being offered in Hot Springs County. SMART is a nation-wide, non-profit network of abstinence-based self-help groups that use cognitive-behavioral methods of behavioral change. SMART teaches everyone how to take back the power of choice, how to be...
During the Nov. 10 meeting of the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce, the board looked at preparing some maps. Chamber Executive Director Meri Ann Rush explained maps of Thermopolis would be printed on 12” x 18” sheets of paper, the reverse of which would have maps of Hot Springs County. These maps would space for businesses to advertise as well. At this time, Rush said, they are just getting the information together; there are plans to discuss the idea further and start selling ads...
Those who have utilized the Thermopolis-Hot Springs County Chamber of Commerce website in the past week might have noticed a very different online experience. The site was launched Tuesday, Nov. 8, and viewable the following day. Chamber Executive Director Meri Ann Rush said one of the more noticeable updates to the site has to do with the events calendar. Previously on a multi-page list, which often required people to know which date they were looking for, the new site displays the whole month...
The Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with Main Street Thermopolis, will be paying to have 15 of the wreaths that hang from the decorative poles downtown refurbished for the holiday season. The community has a chance to participate, too, according to Chamber director Meri Ann Rush. The decorative poles in Bicentennial Park are available for businesses or individuals to decorate, all you have to do is contact the Chamber at 864-3192 to reserve your pole. Rush also said if anyone would just like to volunteer to help with the remaining...
Thursday evening at Hot Springs County High School, 12 students became new members of the National Honor Society (NHS). Those inducted were: Stormy Cox, Emmie Coyne, Kylar LaBoy, Jared Little, Haley McDermott, Taylor Nuttall, Hudson Roling, Alex Russell, Mary Ryan, Josie Thurgood, Wyatt Wright and Shianne Yarrington. Prior to the ceremony, students, friends, family and school staff enjoyed a potluck dinner. The ceremony began with a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, followed with some...
Thermopolis and Hot Springs County residents voted in favor of the formation of the Hot Springs County Hospital District through a mill levy and additional one-cent specific purpose tax Nov. 8. The amount raised from the three-mill levy will provide operating revenue for Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital and the specific purpose tax will go toward remodeling and adding on to the hospital. Now the question becomes, “When will my taxes go up and when does the one-cent tax begin?” County Tre...
Megan Kraushaar enjoyed the tiny artwork of Deb Stewart during the Second Friday ArtStroll in downtown Thermopolis....
Kenneth George of Basin had a bad night Saturday when a buck deer jumped in front of him on Hwy. 20 North. The deer not only hit the hood, its head smashed into the windshield, shattering the glass....
Junior and senior class students from Hot Springs County High School spent their morning on Veterans Day setting the flags at Monument Hill Cemetery for Hawk's Avenue of Flags. With all hands on deck, it took less than half an hour for the entire display to be in place....