Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 44
Aside from the races for various political positions, the hot topics for the general election Tuesday, Nov. 8 are the two propositions concerning Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital. One is for the formation of a special hospital district; the other is for the creation of a one percent Specific Purpose Sales and Use Excise Tax, which would be used to collect $16.4 million for the construction, expansion, remodeling, renovation, furnishing and equipping of the hospital. Vote yes for our...
Tuesday evening, the Thermopolis Town Council approved second reading of an ordinance regarding open burning, after some amendments were approved. Language was removed from the ordinance with regard to section 2b. The ordinance now simply reads, “Materials such as rubbish, construction materials, paper products, yard debris, branches, leaves, garbage and similar materials cannot be burned.” The section formerly had language that would allow for burning of such materials if a permit were obt...
The Hot Springs County Commissioners spent much of their meeting on Tuesday discussing various items in regards to the airport as well as a new liquor license and ongoing issues with the insulation and roof at the fairground’s multi-purpose building. GDA Engineers developed a bid packet for the commissioners to dispose of the job trailer used out at the new airport site during construction. Bids are due back to the county clerk’s office today (Nov. 3), and will now be given to GDA to rev...
On the Record policy It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police calls” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Clarification Page 2 of the Oct. 27 edition of the IR should read that Karl Bert David Loos, rather than Karl Loos, was arrested for alleged battery and interference with an officer. Sheriff’s department Tuesday, October 25 7:31 p.m. A subject, Simon Longneck, was arrested for allegedly being an intoxica...
August 27, 2017 will be a big deal for the United States, but for Wyoming in particular, as an estimated 500,000 people will converge on the Equality State to view the first total solar eclipse in 26 years. While all of Wyoming will be able to see at least a portion of the eclipse that morning, according to NASA, totality will be viewed in Pavillion, Shoshoni, Riverton, Casper, Douglas, Glendo, Lusk, Torrington and Thermopolis. The celestial happening could have a huge effect on our little...
Monday in Hot Springs District Court, Christopher A. Taylor was sentenced to at least one year in jail. That term is part of a split sentence, as he was further sentenced to four to eight years with the Wyoming Department of Correctional Services. However, this latter sentence is suspended and Taylor will be placed on five years probation. The sentences are on a charge of aggravated assault and battery, which stems from a May 13 incident in which Rebecca Obremski awoke to find him standing over...
Ghost, goblins, princesses, superheroes and other assorted characters invaded Bicentennial Park Thursday evening for the annual Pinnacle Bank Kiddies' Costume Contest as part of the Moonlight Madness festivities downtown. Divided up into age groups from 0-1-year-olds to 10-year-olds and up, the top three place winners in each category are listed (in order of finish). 0-1-year-olds: Charlotte Wadsworth, Charlotte Web; Bentley Harvey, railroader; Taiya Olds, lady bug. 2-3-year-olds: Jodie and...
Recently, the Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department added two vehicles to its capabilities. Chief Mark Collins and Firefighter Opie Love spoke about the additions, a Type 4 Wildland unit and a 3,000-gallon vac truck/Class A pumper. The "vac truck" has a different kind of pump to it. The tank builds vacuum, allowing firefighters the ability to back up to a river and suck up water. The truck also has a 3,000-gallon portable tank, which can be deployed and filled from the truck, then utilized as...
The Hot Springs State Park new 20 year master plan will be unveiled on Thursday, Nov. 3 at 5:30 p.m. at the Wyoming Dinosaur Center, 110 Carter Ranch Road. A brief presentation by HSSP Superintendent Kevin Skates will explain the highlights of the master plan. Discussion and questions from attendees will follow. The public is invited to attend the unveiling and share their thoughts with Skates....
This Saturday, from 12-3 p.m., Thermopolis Hardware and Maercantile will be home to a Bobcat Robotics special event. Everyone is encouraged to stop by and learn about the robotics program, and team members will demonstrate their robot and let others try driving it. Items such as littleBits, LEGO Mindstorms and other systems will be available, to learn about robotics, electronics and programming. Bobcat Robotics includes two teams: #4273 — Aluminati, and #7283 — Fist Full of Axles. The pro...
Community members are invited to attend the 2016 4-H Achievement Night Banquet and Awards Program on Saturday, Nov. 5 at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. The banquet begins at 5 p.m. and the awards program will follow. The Outlaws, Mustangs, Cowpokes, Hot Springs Hotshots and Unbranded 4-H clubs will be featured. Each family attending is required to bring two side dishes, such as salad, vegetable/casserole or dessert and place settings for family members, including plates, silverware, napkins and cups. There will be door prizes for 4-H...
The 2016 general election is just around the corner where a number of important local, state and national races will be decided on. There are also four important propositions on the ballot for Hot Springs County voters. This issue of the Independent Record, along with several previous issues, contains an abundant amount of information on local candidates and ballot propositions along with a some information on state candidates. The presidential race has taken over the national media as well as making for some interesting, even when not...
My freshman civics teacher, Mr. Cormack, assigned many writing projects throughout the year requiring him to repeat his favorite admonition to be “brief, concise, and to the point.” When he assigned a paper extolling the right to vote, I took him seriously and wrote, “If people don’t vote, our country will die. But what if they vote wrong?” Mr. Cormack responded, “Mr. Clothier, it is possible to be TOO brief, concise, etc.” Given the state of our election campaigns, I’ve been thinking of historians’ controversies 1000 years in the future (sh...
Our pets become a huge part of our lives, whether it’s a fluffy kitten, playful puppy or a little gerbil running on its wheel, they are like family. Which makes me wonder exactly what my “family” is thinking. Punkin and Cupcake, my little fur-ball family members, are a delight. Most of the time. I’ve heard it said that animals will bring you “presents” when they love you. I’ve also heard those presents can be because they think you’re a lousy hunter. I’m going with the latter rather than the f...
The sixth annual Harvest Moon Ball is set for Saturday, Nov. 12 at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. The ball is open to the public and features dancing, food and will honor local ag citizens. The 2016 Century Ranch Award will be presented to the Beltz/Grobowski family. Ag Citizens of the Year, Sonja Becker and Brad Lofink will be recognized. Former Ag teacher and FFA advisor, Duane Watkins, will be honored for his service to the ag community for over 50 years. His former students are invited to come and share some of their “Duane” sto...
With a twist on the classic novel by Bram Stoker, the University of Wyoming will present a ballet performance of “Dracula: the Legend in Motion” at the auditorium on Nov. 3 The piece is choreographed by Jennifer Deckert, and features an original score by Sean Stone. According to the UW website, the show “portrays the wonder, desire, and terror of “Dracula,” a story of passion and courage that takes us from the mystery-shrouded depths of Transylvania to the stylishly steam-punked streets o...
The Bureau of Land Management Worland Field Office will host a public informational meeting on November 10 in Thermopolis to discuss a proposed expansion to a bentonite mining project in Hot Springs County. The meeting will be held from 5-7 p.m. at Big Horn Federal Savings Bank. The BLM has analyzed Wyo-Ben, Inc.’s proposal to expand its 108T plan of operations on public land approximately 5 miles northwest of Thermopolis off of Highway 120. At the meeting, staff will discuss the mine plan and how the BLM is responding to comments on the e...
Dan Miller’s Cowboy Music Revue just completed its twelfth season of summer entertainment in Cody, Wyoming. This Saturday Miller, his daughter Hannah, and Wendy Corr will bring their musical style to the Hot Springs High School auditorium. Tickets for the show are $15 and are available at the Thermopolis Chamber of Commerce or at the door the night of the show. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., with the show starting at 7 p.m. Miller has been playing music from a stage since he was in grade school. As a young man, he traveled around the country as a m...
The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month is traditionally known as Veterans Day in the United States, celebrating all veterans, both living and deceased and the sacrifice they have given to their country. The veterans ceremony will be held in front of the VFW Post at 11 a.m. on Friday, Nov.11. which includes a 21-gun salute. Everyone is invited to attend the Thermopolis Middle School’s annual Veterans Day program, also on Friday, November 11 at the auditorium. The program will begin at 11 a.m., is expected to last about 45 minutes and i...
Last Thursday, the downtown became a haunt for goblins, witches, dragons and creatures of all shapes and sizes during the annual Moonlight Madness. Main Street Treasurer and Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Meri Ann Rush said the event went really well. Past years have seen a Trunk or Treat event, but this year also included a street closure for it. Rush noted the people and businesses participating were very busy, with some even running out of candy. Likewise, the costume contest had an...
Five candidates will be found on the ballot for the Hot Springs County Cemetery District, incumbents Rose Watkins, Jeanie Love and Cindy DeVries along with newcomers Linda Berry and Julie Lehman. Berry has lived in Thermopolis over 40 years, teaching in the school district and at the Wyoming Boys School before retiring. Her decision to run for the district has come after years of seeing how much more beautiful the cemeteries are now and she has chosen to give what time she can to help the distri...
There will be six names on the general election ballot running for four spots on the Hot Springs County School District Number One Board of Trustees. The terms are four years in length. One name on the ballot is Nikki Slagle, however, she has stated she is moving out of the district and that will make her no longer eligible to run. Her name will still appear on the ballots because they have already been printed. Joe Martinez says one of his biggest concerns is the budget, cautioning if the budge...
Candidates Howard Samelson and Nathan Winters are vying for the seat of Wyoming State Representative of House District 28 on Nov. 8. On the Democratic side, Samelson believes people’s individual freedoms must be protected, public lands must be kept in public hands, local institutions must be locally managed, Medicaid must be expanded, the Wyoming Food Freedom Act must include all meat products and all possibilities for economic diversification must be invested in. He’s a strong believer in mak...
Mary Jane Norskog and Wyatt Agar are the two choices in Tuesday’s general election for the State Senate in the 20th District. The first Democrat to run for the position in 23 years, Norskog still believes Wyoming is an equality state and believes in women’s rights. She encourages folks to get involved in their communities any way they can. Norskog said human services are also a key concern. Hospitals, mental health, family services, law enforcement and domestic facilities are being scaled bac...
There are three director spots on the ballot with regard to the Hot Springs Conservation District; they are for Rural, Urban and At-Large. Sonja Becker, who is on the ticket for the Rural position, wants to help the community provide for the resources here, and believes the soil, water and other resources here need protection. This doesn’t just apply to those in rural settings. The conservation district could help address many concerns, she said, and she would like to see the district have m...