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Articles from the October 31, 2024 edition

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  • Eight candidates running for four school board seats

    Oct 31, 2024

    Eight candidates are running for four available seats on the Hot Springs County School District Board of Trustees, a four year term, four votes. Justin Budd, Appointed Marshall Keller, Beth Lewis, Jessica Lippencott, Ben Postma, Jean Skelton, and Incumbents Clay VanAntwerp and Nichole Weyer. The information included here is what each candidate presented during the Chamber of Commerce/Farm Bureau candidate forum held in early October. Justin Budd: Thank you, all of you, for coming out this evening. I feel like I’m a little bit in the hot seat a...

  • Other races in Hot Springs County

    Oct 31, 2024

    Hot Springs County Hot Springs County Clerk of District Court, two year unexpired term. Kris McNeff was appointed and she is now running for election. She was present at the candidate forum. Kris McNeff. Good evening. My name is Kris McNeff, and I’m asking you to vote for me for the Clerk of District Court. I grew up in Thermopolis, where I met my husband Cecil. We’ve been married for 36 years and had two wonderful children here. I have approximately 20 years experience in the legal world. I was appointed District Clerk last year after Ter...

  • Alwin challenges Winter for House District 28 seat

    Oct 31, 2024

    Two local candidates are running for the State House of Representatives District 28 seat. Incumbent John Winter (R) is being challenged by Larry Alwin (D). Alwin had enough write in votes in the primary and accepted the nomination The information included here is what each candidate presented during the Chamber of Commerce hosted candidate forum held in early October. John R. Winter: I’m John Winter. I’ve been in the legislature for awhile now and I’m in my third term, and I want to be here for one more term. We have quite a few things going...

  • Three vie for two seats on Thermopolis Town Council

    Oct 31, 2024

    Three candidates are running for two seats on the Thermopolis Town Council, Tony Larson is challenging incumbents Dusty Lewis and William Malloy. The information included here and is what Lewis presented during the Chamber of Commerce hosted candidate forum held in early October. Larson and Malloy were not in attendance at the candidate forum. They supplied bio information to the IR. Dusty Lewis: My name’s Dusty Lewis. So this is actually probably my third term, I think. Sadly, I dodged this forum the first two rounds, but with my wife running...

  • Candidates running for other HSC Districts

    Oct 31, 2024

    Senior Citizen Service District, terms are to be determined by the organization for five newly available seats. Candidates are Kimberly Joy Black, Ted Brown, Curtis Cheney, Gary J. Holbert, Marvin Nielsen, Raymond E. Shaffer, Kathy Sorensen, Maxine Kay Toepke-Reese. Brown, Cheney and Toepke-Reese were not in attendance at the Chamber hosted candidate forum but short bios are incuded. Kimberly Black: Hi, I’m Kimberly Black. I wanted to be a part of our senior citizens board because I think it’s important to our community. I want people to und...

  • Information on candidates running for federal offices

    Oct 31, 2024

    US Senator Running for United States Senator representing Wyoming is incumbent John Barrasso (R) and Scott D. Marrow (D). This is for one seat, a six year term. The information included here is what Morrow presented during the Chamber of Commerce hosted candidate forum held in early October. Barrasso was not in attendance so a brief bio on him is included. Scott D. Morrow: Good evening everybody. Great crowd. I’ve been talking with Chuck here. He’s with the Republican Party. No?. Oh, that’s right, the Constitutional Party, and we’re getting...

  • Cooper seeks reelection for Senator District 20 seat

    Oct 31, 2024

    Ed Cooper (R) from Ten Sleep is the sonly candidate on the general ballot running the State Senator District # 20 seat. The information included here is what he presented during the Chamber of Commerce hosted candidate forum held in early October. Ed Cooper: I think I’ve met a lot of you. I’m Ed Cooper. I live over in Ten Sleep. I was born right over here on hospital hill many years ago. Basically I spent my entire life right here in the southern Big Horn Basin. My family has been involved in agriculture here since 1906 when they first cam...

  • Miscellaneous ballot items

    Oct 31, 2024

    Constitutional Amendment A The adoption of this amendment would separate residential property into its own class of property for purposes of property tax assessments. This amendment would authorize the legislature to create a subclass of owner occupied primary residence. You have the option to vote for or against. Lodging Tax Renewal Shall Hot Springs County renew for an additional four years of lodging tax of 2% upon accommodations or space, or transient visitors or tourists. Vote for the county lodging tax or against. The lodging tax is not...

  • The Spectral Parade

    Poet of Kirby Creek|Oct 31, 2024

    The Spectral Parade Noon, October 26, the Saturday before Halloween… ~ Eight there were in staggered line. The view unfettered by brush or by pine. With laughter and song wither they go. Their final destination, nobody knows. ~ Great bags they all carried. Parcels for travel. The mysteries therein none could unravel. A grandparent, there was. And Father and Mother. with children all ages right down to a toddler. ~ They frolicked and waved. Children gamboled about. As they marched down the road they filled me with doubt. Where did they come f... Full story

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