Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 26
by Nathan Oster Lovell Chronicle Via Wyoming News Exchange LOVELL —The plaintiffs who allege wrongdoing in the 2014 sale of Tri-County Telephone (TCT) say they are disappointed but by no means deterred by a recent district court judge’s ruling that went against them. “This case is not over and may have a long way to go,” said William (Bill) Loveland, a former TCT board member, who suggested in a statement that he and Barbara Campbell intend to appeal the ruling to the Wyoming Supreme Court. Loveland admitted that he and Campbell were disappo...
Mark Kahal got all dressed up to participate in the Hags-N-Bags Halloween Purse Auction held last Saturday at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. All proceeds from the event go to T-Town Cancer Crusaders. For more information and photos, see page A12....
At the October 18 Thermopolis Town Council, they held a brief meeting at the Town Hall. FredCrosby, assistant to the mayor, communicated to the council on behalf of Jennifer Fisher that they are still moving forward with the gaming at the One Eyed Saloon. Crosby added that Fisher is in current conversations with both Wyoming Downs and 307 Horse Racing. Also, Crosby said, “Fisher believes the revenue for the county and the city should be pretty good with this once it gets up and going and she i...
Irelynn O'Connor and Allie Carswell pick out the perfect pumpkin at the Hessenthaler pumpkin patch as part of Hot Springs County Library's weekly Storytime. Hessenthalers made an announcement that this will be their last year selling pumpkins....
At the October 19 Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC), they held two public hearings. First County Planner Bo Bowman presented a plat amendment for the applicant Ross Woolley, for the Crimson View Estates HOA. The proposal was to amend the road dedication language. Bowman said this proposal includes a language change that states: “The Crimson View HOA proposes to remove the following existing language in Item #5 in the notations on the face of the plat: “All portions of Miller Lane, Schmidt Lan...
Moonlight Madness is returning to the streets of downtown Thermopolis on Thursday, October 27. There will be Mason Tacos from 4:30-7 p.m. at the Masonic Hall. The costume contest is sponsored by Wyoming Children’s Trust Fund and will be at 6 p.m. on Broadway in front of Town Hall. The categories are Group Under 1; 1-2 years; 3-4 years; 5-6 years; 7-8 years; 9 years and above. The judging will happen in this order. Shailee Harvey Photography will have a Photo Booth located at the Old Fire Hall. Also, a Pinata Bash, hosted by the Thermopolis I...
The Hot Springs County Hospital Auxiliary is sponsoring a Community Blood Drive on Monday, November 7 from 2-6 p.m. at the Senior Citizen’s Center. If you are interested in donating, please go to the website,, to find a time that will fit into your schedule. You can also call Melene Mierzejewski, the community Blood Drive Coordinator, at 307-240-1414 to set up an appointment for you or to answer questions. If you are unable to make appointments, we are also available for walk-ins. For all donors, we are asking them to complete t...
On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Sheriff’s Office Monday, Oct. 17 3:01 p.m. Report of two dogs that came onto a property and killed chickens and ducks. 3:29 p.m. Report of an intoxicated pedestrian on the roadway. After investigation, it was found that the pe...
A public reception with a showing of photos from the Bighorn Basin Documentary Photography Project was held Saturday at The Mansion located at the Arapaho Ranch Field Station. Barrie Lynn Bryant, behind the frame, posses with photographers who attended the reception. Photographers who participated in the project were Heather Jones, Delina Wille, Carol Greet, Daniel Jakli, Gloria Sala, Ivy Asay, Jade Smith, Lisa Kunkel, McKenzy Ellisen, Mike Biles, Rhonda Schmeltzer, Robert Sala, Stephen Asay...
An open house will be held at Safe Haven, 426 Big Horn St., Saturday, October 29 from noon-5 p.m.. Kaitlin Stone is the new executive director of This nonprofit organization had been part of the Self Help Center out of Casper, but they are their own organization now. Stone moved to Thermopolis in July from the Portland area. However, she is originally from Cody. Stone said, “It was like coming home.” Stone described Safe Haven and said, “The quick answer is that we provide support to survi...
by John Malmberg The old adage “Don’t put the cart before the horse” may certainly be applied to the push to get electric vehicles on our nation’s roads. Don’t get us wrong. We are not against electric vehicles. We just hope Wyoming keeps ahead of the curve so that electrical generation and distribution infrastructure can keep pace with the increased demand for electricity. Wyoming could take a lesson from California on how not to handle this situation. Just weeks ago, the California Air Resources Board set a policy requiring all new cars sold...
by Barbara Anne Greene A few weeks ago, Cynthia Johnson called to “plant a seed” in my thoughts. Her granddaughter was making plans for the upcoming livestock judging and livestock showing season and if she misses more than 12 days of school she will be in violation of the school policy. Chloie doesn’t play sports. Instead, she shows livestock and competes in livestock and meats judging in Wyoming and surrounding states. In the eyes of that school district, these are unexcused absences. Chloie’s mom, Emily, pointed out that students that pl...
Former longtime Thermopolis, Wyo., resident and businessman, Gary Stull, passed away in Payson, Ariz., on October 21, 2022, in the presence of family following a long period of declining health. Born in Sterling, Colorado on July 16, 1942, to Robert "Bob" and Violet "Faye" (Kler) Stull, the family soon relocated to North Platte, Neb., where Gary's father was employed by the Union Pacific Railroad. While attending high school he began dating Patricia (Pat) Ann Empfield, the two later married at...
Lady Cat Ruth Johnson finished third overall at the girls 2A state cross country competition last weekend. Johnson finished with a time of 21:57.5 and earned All-State honors. Mercede Martinez finished 16th with a time of 24:06 followed closely by Jayda Griffin with a time of 24:17.30. Lillian Johnson had a time of 29:42.90 and Hannah Lippincott 31:11.60. As a team the girls placed third behind Saratoga and Tongue River. Bobcat Jadeth Elder finished just out of the top ten at 11th with a time of 19:18.27. Jerek Jeffs finished with a 21:02.62,...
Joe Doak and the Worland Officials Association have been selected by the Wyoming High School Activities Association to officiate the first round class 4A football playoff game between Campbell County and Natrona County. The game will be played on Oct. 28 at Cheney Field in Casper at 6 p.m....
Lots of fun was had at the Hags-N-Bags Halloween Purse Auction last Saturday evening. Top left, Bridget Bury and Barb Rice describe a purse cake made by Michelle Perry as it goes up for auction. Top right, Kaitlyn Schmuck, Donna Pennoyer and Danyell Hadfield get their picture taken at the photo booth. Far left, Cayla Thorpe and her cousin Ryelynn Aleman show off one of the purses while auctioneers John Gerrells and John Holm take bids. Left, Audrey Philips celebrates her winning big for a...
Voting verification Hot Springs County Clerk Becky Kersten, left, and Republican Party Chairman Cynthia Garbin examine the seals on the DS200 voting tabulators. The seals were placed at the public test for voting equipment for the primary election and they were never removed. They are verifying that they have the same seal numbers on the machines and that they were indeed the same seals....
Three candidates will face off in the 2022 General Election in the Thermopolis Town Council race, including incumbents John Dorman Sr. and Tony Larson and challenger Rachel Hughes. Bradyn Harvey’s name appears on the ballot but he has officially withdrawn from the race. Votes for him will not be considered in who wins. The three candidates provided bios and answers to five questions submitted by readers and asked by the IR staff. John Dorman Sr. I enjoy working for the town and trying to keep things on an even keel, doing the max that we can d...
Two candidates will face off in the 2022 General Election race for Mayor of the Town of Thermopolis, including incumbent Mike Chimenti and challenger Adam Ryan Estenson. The two candidates provided bios and answers to five questions submitted by readers and asked by the IR staff. Answers were held to a maximum of 150 words, and in the case of two part questions, 200 words. Those questions and the candidates responses are as follows: Mike Chimenti I am a Wyoming native. I was born in Fremont County but Thermopolis has been home for 48 years. I...
Two names will be on the 2022 General Election ballot to serve as Hot Springs County Commissioners filling two seats for four year terms. Thomas J. Ryan and Paul M. Galovich received the highest amount of votes in the Primary Election. Jack Baird will be giving up his seat. Several incumbents are running unopposed for Hot Springs County offices. Terri Cornella is running for reelection as Clerk of the District Court. Jill Logan is running for reelection as County Attorney. Julie Mortimore is running for reelection as County Treasurer. Becky...
On the state level, Mark Gordon (R), Theresa A. Livingston (D) and Jared J. Baldes (L) are facing off in the Governor race. Chuck Gray (R) is the single name on the ballot for Secretary of State. For state auditor, Kristi Racines (R) is the only candidate. Curt Meier (R) is the single candidate for State Treasurer. Megan Degenfelder R) and Sergio A. Maldonado, Sr. (D) are facing off in the race for Superintendent of Public Instruction. For Federal U.S. Representative, Harriet Hageman (R), Lynnette Greybull (D), Richard Brubaker (L) and Marissa...
Two ballot propositions appear on the 2022 General Election Ballot. Constitutional Amendment A: The Wyoming Constitution allows the state to invest state funds in equities such as the stock of corporations, but does not allow the funds of counties, cities and other political subdivisions to be invested in equities. The adoption of this amendment would allow the funds of counties, cities and other political subdivisions to be invested in equities to the extent and in the manner the legislature may allow by law. Any law authorizing the...
Two candidates will face off in the 2022 General Election in the State House of Representatives for District 28 race. Incumbent John R. Winter (R) is being challenged by Kimberly M. Bartlett (D). The candidates provided bios and answers to five questions submitted by readers and asked by the IR staff. John R. Winter Wyoming HD 28 representing Hot Springs County – portions of Big Horn County, Park County and Fremont County. Born and raised at Cody and reside on Kirby Creek near Thermopolis with my wife, Diane, of 26 years. Graduated from the Uni...
Candidates for East Thermopolis and Kirby council persons and mayor are included on the 2022 General Election ballot for those towns. In East Thermopolis, Jack Kuiper and Jeremiah Ramsey are on the ballot as the candidates for Mayor. Kuiper has withdrawn from the race so any votes for him will not count toward the winner. For council person of the town of East Thermopolis, three names are on the ballot and voters can vote for two of them. Dolores Bush, Debra K. Lackey and Julie Dodds Music are seeking to fill the two available four year terms....
Eight candidates are seeking three seats on the Hot Springs County School District #1 Board of Trustees. They include incumbents Jennifer Axtell and Sherman Skelton and challengers Cynthia Garbin, Andrea Miller, Melissa V. Mohr, Nate Miller, Bethany Rose Webber and Mandy Wilson The eight candidates provided bios and answers to five questions submitted by readers and asked by the IR staff. Jennifer Axtell I am Jennifer Axtell and I have been on the board of trustees for 8 years. I am currently running for my third, four year term. I have...