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Articles from the August 13, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 27

  • Smashing good time

    Aug 13, 2020

    The Thermopolis Demolition Derby fired up the fairgrounds on Saturday. The results for cars are First Place Travis Long $3,000, Second Place Dusty Watts $2,000 and Third Place Luke Mead $1,000 and Mad Dog $500. For trucks First Place Blake Williams $1,000 and Second Place Trevor Stimpson $500. For more photos see page B8....

  • Commissioners receive update on immunizations

    Cindy Glasson|Aug 13, 2020

    Tricia McPhie, director at Hot Springs County Public Health, gave a report on immunizations in the county to the Hot Springs County Commissioners last week, showing that we are doing a great job getting our children immunized in the county. “We do a really good job,” McPhie said. “We continue to raise our numbers with immunizations and it gives us an opportunity to tell families about programs we have to offer that they may not know about.” Hot Springs County ranks first in the state in eight o...

  • BLM says 'go' on Moneta Divide, state water ruling yet to be made

    Aug 13, 2020

    RIVERTON (WNE) — Oil and gas companies hoping to drill in the Moneta Divide have earned the general blessing of the Bureau of Land Management – but the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality still will have to sign off on the quality discharged water. The federal entity announced Friday that is has approved the development of up to 4,250 oil and gas wells for the region stretching between Shoshoni and Casper in parts of both Fremont and Natrona Counties – more than 300,000 acres of mostly public lands. The BLM called it an effort towar...

  • Council asked to support Our Town Grant request

    Jurri Schenck|Aug 13, 2020

    Big Horn Basin Nature and Discovery Center’s Toddi Darlington came to the Town Council requesting a signature on a letter of support for an application to the National Endowment of the Arts for the Our Town Grant their joint powers board will be applying for. Darlington explained that they had been struggling over the years to apply for grants because they are a joint powers board and they have been borrowing the nonprofit status of the Greater Learning Foundation. They decided that the best way...

  • The morning market

    Aug 13, 2020

    Douglas Nelson displays baked goods and vegetables to Bert Markillie during the Saturday Farmers Market....

  • Boysen Reservoir warning issued

    Aug 13, 2020

    The Wyoming Department of Health has issued recreational use advisories for Boysen Reservoir, Ocean Lake, Saratoga Lake, Wheatland Reservoir #3, and Leazenby Lake. The Wyoming Department of Health and Wyoming Livestock Board recommend the following: •Avoid contact with water in the vicinity of the bloom, especially in areas where cyanobacteria are dense and form scums. •Do not ingest water from the bloom. Boiling, filtration and/or other treatments will not remove toxins. Rinse fish with clean water and eat only the fillet portion. •Av...

  • On the record

    Aug 13, 2020

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Correction Moon Letchworth was misidentified in the photo for the Garden of the Month in the August 6 edition. Sheriff’s Office Monday, August 3 10:31 a.m. Deputy assisted the ambulance in the transport of a patient to the hospita...

  • Hot City Alliance open house

    Jurri Schenck|Aug 13, 2020

    Not much more than a year ago Dusty Lewis and Wade Lippincott were sitting in Lewis's shop and said they should start a nonprofit organization with the vision of developing trails for the Thermopolis and Hot Springs County area to bring in more tourism and outdoor recreation. Since then, their efforts have snowballed into a greater increase of success and community support with their nonprofit Hot City Alliance. Hot City Alliance held an open house on August 3 seeking community input on what...

  • Rich speaks about Rotary experience

    Aug 13, 2020

    Just about a year ago, Hyrum Rich left his home to stay in Aguascalientes, Mexico as part of the Rotary Youth Exchange Program. Originally, he was to stay there for 10 months, both going to school and traveling the country, however, COVID-19 brought him home before the end of his stay. Rich said Rotary itself did not tell him he needed to return to the U.S., but as he started seeing more and more flights being cancelled he decided he’d better come home rather than get stuck so far away during a world-wide pandemic. That didn’t stop him fro...

  • Our view - Going back to school

    Aug 13, 2020

    We are entering the “dog days of summer”, when temperatures soar and parents are more than ready to send their progeny back to school. Of course, going back to school this year is going to be interesting to say the least. Everything is going to look different than before, with all of the sanitizing that’s going on, the social distancing in the classrooms and trying to get first graders to wear a mask without chewing on them or using them as sling shots. There will be all kinds of new guidelines for school as well as for sports and activities, b...

  • Community Chatter - Kates Basin Fire Anniversary

    Bill Gordon|Aug 13, 2020

    August 11, 2020 came this week. August 11 is a very important day in Hot Springs County history. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the day when the Kates Basin Fire blew up. That day two other things happened that we must never forget. The summer of 2000 was a big wildfire season. Crews were stretched thin trying to keep pressure on 60 big fires that were raging in the west. On July 30, the Thermopolis Fire Department was involved with federal crews brought in from around the country tackling a wind driven fire up on Enos Creek, west of...

  • Hospital board updated on construction progress

    Jurri Schenck|Aug 13, 2020

    Hospital CEO Margie Molitor gave her report and updated the board on the construction and many other functions of the Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital during their July board meeting. The old emergency room complex should be completed by the end of August. The pharmacy should be done by mid-September. The specialty clinic should be done by October. They are also in the process of re-roofing. They are working on paving the back parking lot and then continue paving all around the campus. They...

  • A splashing good time!

    Aug 13, 2020

    Rebekah Ready and Aubrey Kauffman both from Colorado enjoyed the afternoon thunderstorm at the Hot Springs State Park Pavillion just before the Acoustic Jam played....

  • Meeteetse Museums seeks art show entries

    Aug 13, 2020

    The Meeteetse Museums is now accepting submissions for the juried art show, Art of the Basin: An Artistic Rendering of Northwest Wyoming. The show will take place October 27-December 5 in the Olive Fell Gallery at the Meeteetse Museums. All artwork must be 2D, depicting Northwest Wyoming subject matter, and be ready to hang upon acceptance into the show. Artists must include an artist statement and bio as well as sale price if they intend to sell their work with the submission form. The submission form can be found online at...

  • County Fair results

    Aug 13, 2020

    Poultry Asiatic, cockerel - Lilly Johnson, Mac McCumber Asiatic, pullet - Mac McCumber, Samuel Johnson, Rebekah Johnson Continental, pullet - Lilly Johnson English, pullet - Rebekah Johnson Feather legged breeds, cockerel - Brayden Jones Feather legged breeds, pullet - Brayden Jones Best of Show Grand Champion - Brayden Jones Best of Show Reserve Champion - Rebekah Johnson FFA Showmanship - Rebekah Johnson Senior Showmanship - Rebekah Johnson Intermediate Showmanship - Lilly Johnson Junior Showmanship - Mac McCumber, Samuel Johnson, Brayden...

  • Bobcat golfers do well at championships

    Aug 13, 2020

    Five Thermopolis Bobcat golfers joined more than 4,000 high school golfers in Pinehurst, North Carolina last week for the High School National Golf Championships. Hardy and Hadley Johnson, Will and Jeffry Clark and Seth Weyer competed on multiple courses at the Pinehurst complex over a three-day period, Aug. 3-5. Individually, the boys did well with Hardy Johnson ranking in the top 200 of the golfers in attendance, having a three-day average 72. Brother Hadley Johnson had a three-day average...

  • Hot Springs County Fair results

    Aug 13, 2020

    FFA Agriculture Mechanic, medium wood project - Hallie Martinez Agronomy, alfalfa - Rebekah Jonson, Hallie Martinez Agronomy, brome grass - Rebekah Johnson, Hallie Martinez Agronomy, clover, alsike - Hallie Martinez, Rebekah Johnson Agronomy, clover, red - Rebekah Johnson, Hallie Martinez Agronomy, intermediate wheat grass - Hallie Martinez, Rebekah Johnson Agronomy, slender wheat grass - Hallie Martinez, Rebekah Johnson Agronomy, barley, 2 row - Rebekah Johnson, Kallie VanHeule, Hallie Martinez Agronomy, oats - Hallie Martinez, Kallie...

  • Dipping toes

    Aug 13, 2020

    Jane Norskog, grandmother of Roberta Hough and Ally Hough all try to stay cool in the Hot Springs State Park Fountain....

  • HSC voting questions answered

    Cindy Glasson|Aug 13, 2020

    Wyoming's Primary Election will soon be upon us, Tuesday, August 18. Polling places in Hot Springs County will open at 7 a.m. and remain open for in-person voting until 7 p.m. If you are uncomfortable voting at your designated polling place, you may vote in person in the county clerk's office at any time until 5 p.m. on Monday, August 17. Those residing within Precinct 1-1 and 1-2 will vote at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. Voters in Precinct 2-4 votes at the Hot Springs County Museum,...

  • Three running for two seats on town council

    Aug 13, 2020

    Three people are on the primary ballot running for two seats on the Thermopolis Town Council. Bill Malloy is running for reelection as a Town Council member. He is a Wyoming native who has been in Thermopolis for 55 years. He was born and raised in Laramie and graduated from the University of Wyoming. He taught music in Thermopolis for 42 years and was a substitute teacher for 13 years. He was the mayor for eight years. Malloy said, “We are going to go through some tough times in the near future. One of the big issues is the landfill, this s...

  • Voting locations

    Aug 13, 2020

    Voters residing within Precinct 1-1 and 1-2 will vote at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. Voters in Precinct 2-4 votes at the Hot Springs County Museum, and Precinct 3-3 voters will be at the Armory. If you are unsure what precinct you are supposed to vote in, maps showing a county-wide and town-wide breakdown may be viewed at under the County Clerk tab....

  • Four running for District 20 Senate seat

    Aug 13, 2020

    Three Republicans and one Democrat are in the running for the vacant District 20 Senate seat. Wyatt Agar decided to not seek reelection for the position. Republican Roland Leuhne: Having moved to Thermopolis while in middle school, Leuhne is well known as the owner of the Star Plunge. He is pro law enforcement as well as pro ranching/farming. He is anti “new rules” and regulations and supports the constitution. Linda Weeks: Weeks has worked with large teams during her career as well as multi-million dollar budgets. She is here to protect our...

  • Winter seeks reelection as state representative against two opponents

    Aug 13, 2020

    Two Republicans and one Democrat are seeking the District 28 State Representative position. Republican John Winter: Incumbent John Winter says he has enjoyed his time in Cheyenne and would really like to continue his job of representing this district. “I have learned a lot and hope to do a better job,” he said. Winter is a Trump supporter and a member of the NRA as well as the Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association and Hot Springs County Farm Bureau. Dave Bayert: Hailing from Basin, Bayert says God told him to run in this election. His pla...

  • Scheel seeks reelection as county commissioner

    Aug 13, 2020

    Two candidates appear on the ballot for one open Hot Springs County Commissioner seat, however Michael Liesch has withdrawn from the race. Republican Phillip Scheel: Scheel is running for re-election this year and said he has enjoyed working closely with the people of Hot Springs County. “We (the commissioners) are an extension of the state government at home,” he said. “I work hard as a local businessman and business is what drives people to live here....

  • Sixteen in the running for for U.S. Senate seat

    Aug 13, 2020

    Ten Republicans and six Democrats are on the ballot seeking the Wyoming U.S. Senate seat. Republican Mark Armstrong: Believes in getting big money and corruption out of politics and the Federal government back inside the Constitution where it belongs. Government policies should support families and veterans, not attack rural America. The government should only fund good science. Devon Cade: A former Democrat, Cade is running on the Republican ticket as a Trump supporter, Second Amendment supporter and says he wants to be the law and order...

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