Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 31
Last week’s meeting of Hot Springs County School District #1’s Board of Directors allowed parents and students to get a glimpse of what the district’s plans are as far as opening the schools for the 2020-2021 school year. Each of the schools, Ralph Witters Elementary (RWE), Thermopolis Middle School (TMS) and Hot Springs County High School (HSCHS) have slightly different plans when it comes to the first day of school. All schools will begin with Tier I, with schools open to students with some...
Maile Mae McCumber discusses everything about her horse with the judge during the Hot Springs County Fair's Horse Show last Saturday. See results and more pictures on page 6....
by Cindy Glasson and Jurri Schenck The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce and the Hot Springs County Farm Bureau Federation hosted a Meet the Candidates Public Forum in Hot Springs State Park on July 20. Several state and local candidates running in this year’s election attended the forum and introduced themselves. The following information was presented by the candidates who were present. US Senate Merav Ben-David – A professor of wildlife at the University of Wyoming, Ben-David watches our young people leaving the state for bet...
During the July 21 Thermopolois Town Council meeting, Danielle Yarrington of Elle’s Restaurant & Bar requested permission to have tables on the sidewalk on 6th Street in the shade of the awning. There was some confusion at first of whose jurisdiction the request came under. Yarrington said she had already spoke to WYDOT, but they recommended that she speak with Town Council. After some discussion, the council voted to approve Yarrington’s request to have tables outside as long as they meet the...
The Hot Springs County Commissioners have approved their budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Total requirements from the General Fund for the year will be $13,072,237, down $303,000 from the current fiscal year. With appropriations of just over $11.6 million, the commissioners dipped into the cash reserve fund for $1.4 million, $500,000 less than this year. Most line items that have had increases will see modest ones such as the airport budget that is seeing a boost of about $2,000, and less...
A group of seven pelicans were seen swimming in the Bighorn River early in the morning last week. The group were spotted at White Sulpher Spring in Hot Springs State Park....
On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Sheriff’s Office Monday, July 20 4:06 p.m. Christian R. Peek, 23, was arrested for alleged probation revocation. 9:40 p.m. Report of people playing loud music in the parking lot of the former Shopko. The subjects left bef...
Christopher Bruckner, 51, was shot and killed in Midland, Texas, on Wednesday, July 22. Police in Midland are investigating after they were called to shots fired at a residence in the 3900 block of Tumbleweed Train. Upon their arrival, Bruckner was pronounced dead at the scene from a gun shot wound. Another man at the scene was taken into custody for questioning regarding the shooting. Police have interview witnesses at the scene and at press time no charges had been filed. The investigation is ongoing....
On the evening of Tuesday, July 21, the Hot Springs County Sheriff’s Office received a request to locate a subject in the Grass Creek Coalmine area. The subject was 83-year-old Jim Hillberry of Powell. He was driving an ATV in the area. Hillberry was later found deceased near his ATV by a family member. At the time of press it is unknown if he was killed in an ATV accident or he passed away from natural causes while driving. Search and Rescue were called in to assist. There is a possibility an autopsy will be performed. Hillberry had been a m...
Hanna Hill works on creating a friendship bracelet as part of the Lights On summer program. They spent part of their afternoon at Bicentennial Park doing crafts and a treasure hunt....
Hot Springs County is officially under a fire ban as of July 21 after the county commissioners signed a resolution upon recommendation from the Hot Springs County Fire Warden. Until further notice, any open fire or discharge of any class fireworks is prohibited on all unimproved state and private land within Hot Springs County. There are exceptions, however. Trash or refuse burned between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. must be inside a container equipped with spark arrestors inside a cleared area with at...
The deadline to get your entry in for the 2020 Gift of the Waters Parade is today, Thursday, July 30. The parade is set for Saturday, Aug. 1 at 10 a.m. The theme this year is “We are survivors!” Entries can be turned in at the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber. Categories include: Individual, Business, Organization, Kids 13-18, Kids up to 12 and Pets/Animals. All entries will be judged on theme, appearance and originality. Certificates will be given to winners in each category and the over winner will receive $100 in Chamber Bucks. Per par...
The Hot City Outdoor Alliance, assisted by TPT Consulting and Wyoming Pathways, are hosting an open house at the Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department, 400 South 14th Street from 6-7:30 p.m. on Monday, August 3. The purpose is to gather public input on the type of nonmotorized trail system that could be developed in the Thermopolis area, where or where not to develop trails, and to share information on the economic and health benefits of community trail systems that Thermopolis could realize. With everyone’s best health in mind, the open h...
A kinder camp for incoming kindergarten students at Ralph Witters Elementary will be held August 10-14. On August 10-12 it will be from 8:30 a.m.-noon and on August 14 it will be from 4-6 p.m. in the kindergarten rooms at RWE. Breakfast and lunch will be provided August 10-12 and dinner will be provided for students and their immediate families on August 13 at 5:30 .m. Students who were in Kinder Boost during the 2019-2020 school year need not attend. There will be no bus transportation available....
New and returning student registration is planned for Thursday, August 6 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Ralph Witters Elementary You can register online at Click on Student Registration K-8 New. Complete the pre-registration form and click submit at the bottom when finished. If you are a returning student, you should already have your ID and password information. If not, please contact the office. Once you have pre-registered, you will receive an email from RWE office giving you your password information. Once you’ve received y...
There is still time to enjoy the tail end of Hot Springs County Fair at the fairgrounds. Today, July 30, and Friday, August 31, the fair building is open for public viewing from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. The swine show kicks off at 8 a.m. Thursday. Later in the day tempt your taste buds with an array of delicious chili’s served during the cook off at 5 p.m. The beef show then starts at 6 p.m. the 4-H and FFA Round Robins start at 10 a.m. on Friday. The ever popular Judges’s Choice and Junior Livestock Sale wraps of the fair Friday night at 7 p.m. On Sat...
As we deal with a world wide pandemic, many Americans have turned on the people out there risking their lives as our first responders. Everyone from our police and firefighters to the medical staff deserve a big thank you from the country. I feel blessed to live in our small town where when everything goes wrong, they help make it come out alright. Our family found ourselves in a medical crisis during in the birth of my granddaughter in 2017. My daughter went into labor at home and it was happening quick. The police officer and ambulance crew...
Christopher Lanson Bruckner, 51, passed away suddenly July 22, 2020. Born October 19, 1968, in Thermopolis, he was the son of Bill and Irene (Nethaway) Bruckner. He graduated from Hot Springs County High School in 1987. On August 27, 1988, he married Terrie Heinrich (Enis) in Thermopolis. To this union was born two children. The couple later divorced. Employed as a tool pusher, he worked in oil fields throughout the United States. Chris was a member of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe in the state of...
DiAnn Butler, 72, passed away Wednesday, July 22, at her residence in Thermopolis after a bout with cancer. Born April 30, 1948, in Nebraska, she was the daughter of William "Bill" and Bonnie (Lund) Cook. She came to Wyoming as a small child and grew up in Worland. In her mid 20s she settled in Thermopolis. Employed by Big Horn Enterprise she cared for the disabled for over 50 years. A compassionate spirit, she helped the unwanted feel wanted and part of a family. A determined woman, the more...
Eugene "Shorty" D. McMartin, 67, of Thermopolis, Wyo., passed away with his family by his side and a shot of Crown Royal by a water fall in Salt Lake City, Utah, at St. Mark's hospital on July 21, 2020. Gene was born in Laramie and grew up in Rock Springs, he enjoyed his summers as a boy in Colorado with his grandparents. He loved mountain dew, a good meal, talking politics, driving too fast, growing trees, dancing, playing cards, playing bubbles, visiting the casino, The Sawmill Creek Band,...
Reagan Severance is thrilled to see her dad, Brad Becerra, after his over ten months being gone serving in Afghanistan with the Wyoming National Guard. He surprised her during her Lady Cat volleyball camp last Thursday at the Hot Springs County High School....
Wyo Wednesday is a monthly event coordinated with Wyoming Main Street and local Main Street organizations and will continue August 5 with the theme, “Be a Tourist In Your Own Town”. Residents are encouraged to see the sites and attractions that their community has to offer and visit their local businesses. Local businesses are being encouraged to post their favorite Thermopolis and Hot Springs County “tourist attraction” and to highlight one or two items in their shops which are tourist or loca...
The Hot Springs County Fair Horse Show was held last Saturday. The results are as follows, in order of finish: Halter Classes Quarter Horse: Gelding foaled before 2014 - Jayssie Owsley, Hannah Norris, Remi Adams, Zoe Adams, Chloe Owsley, Maile Mae McCumber Quarter Horse: Gelding foaled in 2014-2017 - Paisley Logan, Kaitlyn Schmuck, Hannah Norris, Kaitlyn Schmuck Grand Champion Quarter Horse Gelding - Paisley Logan Reserve Champion Quarter Horse Gelding - Jayssie Owsley Any Other Breed: Gelding...
Jim Lash will be holding a Hunter Education Internet Completion Course field day on August 22 at the armory. It will start at 8 a.m. and run until 1 p.m. Students must have completed the online hunter education course and present a certificate in order to participate in the field day. Registration for the field day can be found at under internet completion courses. Students will be expected to demonstrate safe...
Lady Cat volleyball players trained hard during the Gold Medal Squared volleyball camp last week at Hot Springs County High School....