Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 36
The public is invited to meet and chat with those on the ballot for the primary election on Monday, Aug. 1 at a public forum in the Thermopolis Middle School Commons, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Of those vying for the U.S. Representative position Liz Cheney and Tim Stubson have submitted letters, while Ryan Greene will appear in person. Four on the ballot for State Senate District 20 — Mary Norskog, Bob Bayuk, Ron Harvey and Wyatt Agar — are scheduled to appear, as well as two for State Rep...
Several county funded agencies including Thermopolis Economic Development, the Hot Springs County Counseling Services, the Chamber of Commerce, the Hot Springs Crisis Line, the Soil Conservation District and Predator Management were allotted no funds from the county despite requests for the 2016-17 budget year. Thermopolis Economic Development had the biggest budget cuts from the county for the 2016-17 fiscal year. For the 2015-16 budget year, Thermopolis Economic Development received $20,000....
Sydnee Griffin, Julie Johnson, Shila Little and Brooklyn William, participants in the Lights On Mythbusters program at Thermopolis Middle School, react as a juicy watermelon violently explodes after more than 300 rubber bands were stretched around it....
They might not have been flying - except for the trip over - but 10 riding Dutchmen had a brief stop in Thermopolis for breakfast and a refuel Thursday morning. At this time of year, with the weather perfect for riding, and of course the Sturgis rally coming up, motorcycles are becoming a more common sight around town. However, the Dutch riders turned plenty of heads with their Harley-Davidsons, as people caught a brief glimpse of history. That's because these Harleys are from World War II....
Jesse Rodriguez shows off his propelled helicopter at Ralph Witters Elementary during a Lights On session Monday afternoon....
The Wyoming Highway Patrol responded to a crash at mile marker 121 on U.S. Highway 20, about nine miles south of Thermopolis, in Wind River Canyon, at around 9:40 a.m. Friday. According to the report, a 2005 Pontiac Grand Am, driven by Michael Miller, 51, Thermopolis, was southbound when the vehicle crossed the center lane. A 2007 Dodge Caravan, driven by Edwin Neville, 76, of Byron tried to steer west and away, but struck the Grand Am in almost a head-on collision. There were no fatalities in...
On June 15, Chance Jacobsen was found not guilty on two counts of child abuse and battery, stemming from a December incident. However he was previously sentenced to 365 days in jail for probation revocation; that sentence was reconsidered in light of the not guilty verdict, and Jacobsen was officially released at 11:55 a.m. Friday. According to court documents, prior to the December matter Jacobsen had been sentenced to one year of probation on each of two counts of use of controlled substance — methamphetamine, served concurrently, and one y...
As part of county fair preparations Jessie Pennoyer and Barbara Jean Kissel catch up with Jacque Michel to personally invite Koerwitz, Michel, Wright and Associates to come to the Junior Livestock Auction. The girls headed out all over town to invite as many businesses to come to the auction in hopes that the businesses will bid on their livestock projects....
The annual Relay for Life, benefitting the American Cancer Society, will be held Aug. 12-13 downtown in conjunction with the Second Friday ArtStroll. This year’s theme is Paint Your World Purple. A caregiver and survivor dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 12 near Bicentennial Park. Relay for Life Event Leader Jessica Slagle said the Relay for Life does great things for the community. “The American Cancer Society provides programs to everyone who is struggling with cancer, whether it’s diagn...
Fifth grader Hannah Andreen flew to Washington D.C. to attend the 2016 Kids' "State Dinner " at the White House, after being one of 56 students across the nation chosen after participating in the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge. The Healthy Lunchtime Challenge & Kids' "State Dinner" is a competition for students aged 8-12 to create an original, healthy, affordable recipe in support of First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative. Hannah made a chicken and veggie salad for Cassie Hetzel's...
The 11th Annual Rotary Turbo Turtle Trek is on its way to Thermopolis, Saturday, Aug. 13. The event begins at 1 p.m. at the Big Spring in Hot Springs State Park with a list of prizes that includes $1,000 in cash for the grand prize winner and $500 in cash for second place. Other prizes include mini-vacations, a gun, gift certificates, dinosaur digs and much more. Tickets are $10 per turtle and may be purchased from any Rotary Club member. Tickets are also available at Broadway Bygones, Koerwitz, Michel, Wright and Associates, Messenger and...
The First Amendment prohibits impediments against basic rights and freedoms including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to peaceably assemble and last, but certainly not least, freedom of the press. Freedom of the press means that newspapers, magazines and other printed materials have the right to publish without governmental restriction. It is only subject to the laws of libel (a written defamation of character), obscenity and sedition (speech or conduct inciting people to rebel against authority). First responders to an automo...
After many absent years, I recently enjoyed a delightful vacation in Thermopolis. A long-time friend and THS classmate spent an afternoon driving me by the many changes, and, one of our stops was the cemetery to visit the graves of my parents, Lawrence and Martha Schroeder. What a pleasant surprise to view Riverside Cemetery which reflects excellent care and continuous maintenance. Because every Memorial Day, I accompanied my parents to the cemetery and watched them use their hoes, shovels and rakes to remove the weeds around the graves of our...
I know it’s a bit cliché to say I’m thankful for the kindness of strangers, but over the past couple days, I really can’t find the words to describe some awesome events. I guess it’s pretty fitting that my wife and I took the kids to see “Finding Dory” Monday evening, a movie about relying on strangers’ kindness to find what was once lost. Following the show, my oldest was obsessed with playing the claw machine, and was a bit impatient. However, a sweet girl gave up two of her turns so he co...
Clyde Walter "Swede" Harvey, 97, passed away, on Monday, July 18, 2016, in Cody, Wyo., two days before his 98th birthday Born at home on July 20, 1918, he was the son of Newton Isaac "Newt" and Eve (Bussard) Harvey. On December 14, 1940, he married Wilma Rose English in Lovell, Wyo. The couple purchased a farm five miles north of Thermopolis near Swede's family. They had two children. Swede, also known as "Buster," did custom dirt work, farmed and ranched. Other than his large extended family,...
Ellis "Tom" Urist, 82, passed away at the home of his daughter in Billings, Mont. on May 16, 2016, as a result of end stage COPD. Born in the family home on December 1, 1933, to William and Marie Urist in Bridger, Mont., he was one of five children. They moved to Gebo, Wyo., where he would graduate in Thermopolis from Hot Springs County High School in 1951. He enlisted in the Air Force in December of 1951 and five years later met and married Ann Mae Beck before re-enlisting. They were stationed...
County Clerk Nina Webber tests voting equipment for the upcoming election. Administrative Assistant to the County Commissioners Penny Herdt watches the testing. Chuck Carver (not pictured) was also present at the testing. Webber said the voting equipment is tested every two years before both the primary and general election....
The season of giving toward Operation Christmas Child for 2017 is set to begin on January 1, though donations will be accepted year-round. But, people don’t have to wait until next year to begin giving. Those who are at locations with donation boxes can drop in items such as toothpaste, deodorant, socks, underwear, toys and books, to name a few, and all donations are greatly appreciated. Items can also be dropped off at The Risen Sun, or they can be picked up. Contact Sherri Pebbles for more information or to make a donation. The location f...
TOPS 215 Thermopolis best loser for the week of July 19 was Charlie with a loss of 3.6 pounds. Monica was runner-up with a loss of 3.2 pounds. The group meets Tuesdays downstairs in the Community Church at 244 North Sixth Street with weigh-in starting at 8:30 a.m. The meetings start at 9:30 a.m. At 10 a.m. programs are presented. In July, members elected officers including Peggy Faler, leader; Karen Gaines, co-leader and secretary; Diana Brost, treasurer; Monica Jones, weight records and Mary Nation, assistant. For more information on the TOPS...
The three main realty companies in Hot Springs County — Remax All-Star Realtors, Properties West and RoundTop Real Estate — said there have been few dips in the market despite the economic downturn in not only Hot Springs County but in Wyoming. Remax Under Contract Coordinator Buddy Rangel said sales have even gone up. “Last year, 178 total transactions were made in Hot Springs County and 96 transactions by this time,” he said. “So far this year, we’ve had 120 transactions. For our office, tha...
The community is invited to attend “Tragedy to Triumph,” the Dave Roever Story next week at the Thermopolis High School Auditorium. A decorated veteran with a passion for public speaking who was called to ministry as a teen, Roever received his draft notice at the height of the Vietnam War. Having no desire to serve in the infantry, he joined the U.S. Navy out of Bible college, as a riverboat gunner. He emphasized that though he was trained and served with Seal Team One, he was a member of the...
The Hot Springs County Democratic Committee held a meeting July 20 to appoint members and review ballot issues. Democratic candidates Jane Norskog, who is running for State Senate District 20, and Howie Samelson, who is running for State Representative for House District 28, attended the meeting. Samelson ran the meeting pointing out the need for an organization in Hot Springs County for the Democratic Party, and to make sure everyone was aware of the Democratic candidates running in the 2016 election. Samelson was appointed as Chair of the...
Filing dates for school board trustees, fire protection districts, cemetery district and the conservation district are coming up from Aug. 10 till Aug. 29. The Hot Springs County School District has openings for four trustees to serve four-year terms. One district director to serve a four-year term is needed for the Hot Springs Rural Fire Protection District. The Hot Springs County Conservation District is seeking one at large district supervisor to serve a four-year term, one rural district...
The Thermopolis Farmers Market will begin on Saturday, July 30 and go through the last Saturday of September from 8-11 a.m. at Fifth and Broadway. At the community table, vendors who have one paper bag or less of produce to sell can do so without paying vendor fees. Other vendors pay a vendor fee of $25 for the season or $5 per day. To become a vendor, sellers can contact Sonja Becker at 921-8456, pick up an application at the UW Extention Office or simply show up and pay the $5 daily fee. The Thermopolis Farmers Market is sponsored by the Red...
The McWilliams Equestrian Center held an open house Saturday to present demonstrations designed to explain Equine Assisted Learning and Therapy that they are now offering - two of which were hippo therapy and therapy for soldiers who suffer from PTSD. Hippo therapy helps provide physical therapy and kinetic skill development for mentally and physically challenged individuals. It is designed with a team of professionals and a therapy horse. It helps clients to develop core body strength and...