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Articles from the July 26, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 33

  • Alternative water sources presented

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Jul 26, 2018

    Tuesday evening at the Hot Springs County Government Annex, a draft report prepared by DOWL was presented in regard to alternative sources for water in the county. Many of those in attendance were members of the recently formed Hot Springs County Rural Water District Joint Powers Board. Jeffrey Rosenlund with DOWL explained a study was done to develop an additional source water supply in the county and evaluate options to supply the districts around Thermopolis. There had been previous studies,...

  • Field sobriety tests

    Lara Love, Publisher|Jul 26, 2018

    Thermopolis Police officer Mike Mascorro watches closely as truck driver Randall Harrison performs field sobriety tests after the truck Harrison was driving rolled over on the corner of Sixth and Park Streets around noon on July 19 . The trailer was loaded with bentonite and had to be unloaded before it could be brought upright. Hot Springs County High School students volunteered to unload the truck. Harrison was arrested for alleged driving under the influence. No one was injured in the...

  • Standing room only at candidate forum

    Mark Dykes and Cindy Glasson, Editor and Reporter Photographer|Jul 26, 2018

    Monday evening, the Thermopolis Middle School Commons was packed with political candidates and their constituents for public forum. Candidates from the town, county, state and federal level were each given two minutes to introduce themselves, and another 90 seconds for each question presented to them if any. Following is some information presented by the candidates, grouped by the position they are seeking. Senator Speaking on behalf of Senator John Barrasso was his wife, Bobbi, who said her...

  • School board approves budget

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Phtographer|Jul 26, 2018

    Hot Springs County School District’s Board of Trustees approved the budget for the upcoming 2018-19 school year at their July 17 meeting. Looking at the historical figures from the general fund, there is less than a 1 percent increase overall in expenditures, transfers and reserves for the upcoming year, making a total budget of $11,296,283. Enrollment at this point appears as though it will be down about 2.46 percent or a total of 16 students overall. When enrollment is down the cost per s...

  • On the Record for July 26

    Jul 26, 2018

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Corrections In last week’s Independent Record Brogan Little was incorrectly identified as his brother Blevins. The hotel that used to be on the corner of Sixth and Broadway was the Emery. The Carter Hotel was in Hot Springs State Park. Sheriff’s office Tuesday, July 17 12:19 p.m. A found...

  • Mathewson verdict affirmed

    Jul 26, 2018

    In a document published Thursday, the Wyoming Supreme Court affirmed the decision of Hot Springs District Court Judge, Robert Skar, in an appeal from Paul D. Mathewson. On June 23, 2016, Mathewson was arraigned for failure to appear in regard to a trespassing ticket. He was held on a $2,000 cash bond. Because the magistrate presided over the arraignment remotely, he sent two copies of the signed bond order to the Hot Springs County Circuit Court; the first electronically via e-mail and the second by mail. The order stated the bond amount to be...

  • Fair kicks off Saturday with youth horse show

    Jul 26, 2018

    The 2018 Hot Springs County Fair, “From the Ground Up! Growing Tomorrow’s Leaders Through 4-H and FFA Today!” got off to a start with the WJRA Rodeo this past weekend, and this next week will see plenty of action at the fairgrounds as the main week of fair gets underway. This Saturday, The Pee Wee Horse Show and 4-H and FFA Youth Horse Show begins at 8 a.m. Early Open Class Building entries will be 6-8 p.m. on Monday, July 30. On the same day, the dog show will be at 6 p.m. On Tuesday, July 31, Open Class Building exhibits need to be enter...

  • Reminiscing

    Dennis Nierzwicki|Jul 26, 2018

    Hot Springs State Park was packed with reunion attendees during Sunday's picnic....

  • Ask questions

    Jul 26, 2018

    Its time to start asking the big questions. We are in the midst of election season with the primary just a few weeks away. We’ve heard what the platforms are for candidates on both sides of the aisle, locally, state-wide and federally, but we’re still seeking answers. The reality is, these are people seeking election to become public servants and we are the public they’ll be serving. Locally, you’re bound to run into a candidate or two on almost a daily basis and its fine to ask them specific questions. Many candidates are more comfort...

  • Make time for some county fun

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Jul 26, 2018

    This week, with all the political hubbub going around, take a break and take in the annual Hot Springs County Fair. Fair gets underway with the Pee Wee and 4-H and FFA Youth Horse Show this weekend, and there’s certainly plenty to see and do over the next few days. Of course, there will be plenty of critters to see when the fair buildings are open, but it’s also important to support our local youth as they show their skills and knowledge about their animals during the week’s shows. There...

  • John Kopp

    Jul 26, 2018

    John Eldon Kopp, 75, passed away at his residence July 8, 2018, in Thermopolis. Born October 18, 1942, in Powell, Wyo., the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kopp. His mother died when he was a small child. He served in the US Army following high school. John was presently a cook at Days Inn. Previously he was employed at Meadowlake Lodge and later for Reda Pump in Thermopolis. He had lived in Hot Springs County 28 years. His interests included fishing and hunting in the great outdoors. He is survived by his son, Jonathan Jones of Thermopolis....

  • Lewis family services

    Jul 26, 2018

    Irene Lewis Malm and Gayle Henry Lewis will be buried at Riverside Cemetery at the McGuire family gravesite on Monday, July 30 at 11 a.m. Betty Belton Lewis will be buried at Mount View Cemetery at the Belton family gravesite in Basin on Monday, July 30 at 2 p.m. Father Galligan will conduct a short memorial service at both gravesites....

  • Hospital board approves budget

    Jul 26, 2018

    During a special meeting Monday evening, the Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees approved the budget for the 2018-19 fiscal year. Hospital CEO Margie Molitor reported the budget had not changed from the preliminary one presented during the board’s regular June meeting. According to that report, budget estimates include: gross patient revenue is about $32,170,000; total operating revenue is about $21,228,000; and total operating expenses are about $21,518,000. A net operating loss of about $290,000 is also expected, but so i...

  • Board filing dates approaching

    Jul 26, 2018

    The filing dates for various county boards are fast approaching, Aug. 8 through the 28. There are three openings on the Hot Springs County School District’s Board of Trustees, all four-year terms. School board applications are available in the County Clerk’s office. In addition, there are two openings for the Hot Springs County Fire Protection District’s board, both of which are four-year terms. Two rural, four-year terms are open on the Hot Springs Conservation District board along with one at-large, four-year term. Three openings are availabl...

  • Power Wheels added to Demolition Derby lineup

    Jul 26, 2018

    Get ready for a ton of fun with the Annual Demolition Derby, Saturday, Aug. 18 at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds. Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, the derby is one of the best attended events of the summer with a truck derby, Herby Derby and chain class and this year, just for the younger crowd, a Power Wheels Derby for kids 4-10-years old. In the main derby, there will be winners in the loser’s heat and winner’s heat, with the grand prize this year of $4,000. Second place takes home $1,000, third will win $700 and fourth place get...

  • Festival promises something for all

    Jul 26, 2018

    The Fourth Annual Big Horn Basin Folk Festival is part of the Gift of the Waters Pageant Days weekend, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 4 and 5, in Hot Springs State Park. Folk Festival events and activities start at 10 a.m. on Saturday and at 9 a.m. on Sunday. This year’s program has a lineup of activities for the whole family, along with Wyoming’s own artists, craftsmen, musicians, storytellers, artisan and guild members demonstrations. “We are particularly excited to present the Buffalo Steel Drum group this year,” according to Festival Committ...

  • Generational garden

    Jul 26, 2018

    Doris Ann Ready stands in her back yard garden with great-granddaughter Aylee Grace Taylor. Ready's garden, with it's colorful blooms and decor including a giant toadstool among the items, was chosen as the Red Dirt Master Gardeners' Garden of the Month for July....

  • Hall of fame

    Dennis Nierzwicki|Jul 26, 2018

    Last Friday saw another four inductees into the Hot Springs County High School Bobcat Hall of Fame. From left: Ron Hayes holding a picture of inductee Todd Gentzler, Rhianna Goffena with a picture of the 1928 football team, inductee Dana Bjorhus and Joyce Karren with a picture of inductee John Kormylo....

  • TTWLTM takes softball championship

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Jul 26, 2018

    Thursday evening saw The Team We Like The Most (TTWLTM) taking the championship title for the Hot Springs County Recreation District Adult Co-Ed Softball League, after a 20-18 win against One Stop Repair. According to information from the HSC Rec District, "One Stop jumped out to an early 9-3 lead middle of the third inning, before a David Evans three RBI homerun narrowed the gap, but the challengers were in a rhythm at the plate, and their fielding wasn't giving up anything easy. "Then, in the...

  • Chinese students visit Thermopolis

    Jul 26, 2018

    Twenty-five students from China had the experience of a lifetime as they got the opportunity to dig for dinosaurs at the Wyoming Dinosaur Center last week. The youngsters are the first of two waves of children from Shanghai, China coming to the center this summer for an immersive educational program based on paleontology and geology. The hope is the students will take this experience and go on to become paleontologists or geologists in their home country, a line of work that is dying in China...

  • Youth football camp

    Jul 26, 2018

    In partnership with the Hot Springs County High School Football program, the Hot Springs County Recreation District is providing a Junior Football Camp program for incoming fifth-eighth grade students. The three-day camp will be at the high school practice field July 30 through Aug. 1, 9-11:30 a.m. each day. Participants will receive instruction from high school football staff players, with an introduction to the fundamentals and work to perfect those fundamentals. Campers get to learn what high school players do in practice from the players...

  • 4-Hers attend state shoot

    Jul 26, 2018

    On July 5-7, guns were firing and arrows were flying in Douglas. This time it wasn’t the cowboys and Indians fighting, it was the Wyoming 4-H State Shoot. Among the competitors from Hot Springs County, William Clark placed first in the Intermediate Shotgun (Handicap) competition with a score of 45. Individual scores from Hot Springs County 4-H competitors are: Owen McCumber: Intermediate Air Pistol 265-3; Intermediate Outdoor Skills, 36; Intermediate Shotgun 30; Intermediate Muzzleloading, 117 Carson Williams: Intermediate Muzzleloading, 1...

  • National Day of the Cowboy

    Jul 26, 2018

    Here in Wyoming, cowboys are a normal part of our everyday lives. How fortunate we are to be recognizing the 14th Annual National Day of the Cowboy on Saturday, July 28. The National Day of the Cowboy organization is dedicated to preserving the cowboy way of life and the pioneer heritage and culture. Coincidentally, Thermopolis has a couple of things going on that day that fit right in with that philosophy. The Farmer’s Market is a prime example of the pioneer heritage and the sharing of crops between neighbors at harvest time. The cowboy s...

  • Register for youth sports

    Jul 26, 2018

    For young students looking to get in on some sports action, registration is currently open for the Hot Springs County Recreation District’s youth football and volleyball programs. The football program is for students in first through sixth grade during the 2018-19 school year. The fee is $35, with a $55 equipment deposit. The deposit will be returned at the end of the season when the equipment is checked in and is not damaged. There will be a mandatory parent meeting and equipment checkout on Thursday, Aug. 23 at 6 p.m. at the armory b...

  • Smiles galore

    Dennis Nierzwicki|Jul 26, 2018

    Dean Benson, along with many others, had a great time at the Grass Creek Reunion held at the senior center....

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