Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 40
Tuesday evening, the Thermopolis Town Council approved upon first reading a resolution that would allow for the establishment of opening and closing times for each municipal park, with times to vary at each. The hours, when established, will be posted at usual or normal entrances to the parks, and those found to be in the parks outside the posted hours could be fined up to $750. The ordinance is being put in place as a result of the considerable amount of vandalism being done to the park...
Hot Springs County Commissioners held a special meeting Monday to hold a public hearing regarding the budget for fiscal year 2016-2017, wherein the finalized budget was approved. Chairman John Lumley opened the floor for public comment regarding the proposed budget for 2016-2017. Vice-Chairman Tom Ryan said the treasurer handed him numbers with the total cash available at $5,067,875,520. He also commented that $10,000 was added for the soil conservation district. He said between those two...
Trepidation. "It has crossed my mind," Nathan Winters told the Independent Record from the floor of the Republican Convention in Cleveland on Monday. Winters is one of three Hot Springs men to serve as national delegates this week and in the run up to politic's biggest event in decades, he's heard a lot of talk about the potential for violence in the streets. But the First Baptist Church Minister and House District 28 Representative took a thoughtful pause to find the words. "The thing is, that...
On the Record policy It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police calls” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Correction According to the On The Record report from the July 14 edition, Tyrone Potts was taken into custody for driving under the influence on July 5. However, Potts was not arrested, and the incident referenced was only in regard to an unnamed driver who was discovered to have a suspended licen...
Fire Department and EMTs responded to a one vehicle rollover north of Thermopolis Monday evening. The female driver was transported to Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital. No further information was available at press time....
The 300th Armored Field Artillery Battalion held their final reunion at Stones Throw on July 12. Many living members of the 300th Battalion and their family members attended the reunion. The 300th Armored Field Artillery Battalion fought in the Korean War, with the Battery "A" Personnel activated for Korea on Aug. 14, 1950. In February of 1951, some of the Battalion shipped out of Thermopolis via train to fight in the Korean War. Upon returning from the war, the unit held yearly reunions, the...
The Liberty Quartet will be in concert on Sunday, July 24 at the 8 and 10:30 a.m. services at the Federated Community Church at Sixth and Big Horn. Liberty, a traditional Southern Gospel Quartet, is a full-time concert ministry based in Boise, Idaho. The members of Liberty are Royce Mitchell, bass; Philip Batton, tenor; Doug Wiley lead/baritone and Paul Ellis baritone/lead. The group has had the opportunity to share the platform with groups such as Gather Vocal Band, Legacy Five, Greater Vision, the Both Brothers, The Hoppers, the Isaacs, the...
Ivy Paris, of Thermopolis, and Stephen Asay wish to announce their engagement. Ivy, a 2014 graduate of Hot Springs County High School, attends BYU and will graduate in April 2017 with a degree in Landscape Management. She is the daughter of Christopher and Jennifer Paris, of Thermopolis. Stephen graduated from Billings West High in 2008 and BYU in 2014 with a degree in Public Health. He is currently attending UC Denver Medical School. He is the son of LeAnn Asay Damon and the late Scott Asay of...
Summer vacation for students is winding down while the new school year is approaching. Parents are beginning to receive supply lists via mail for Thermopolis Middle School and Hot Springs County High School and Ralph Witters Elementary students’ supply lists can be found online at While school doesn’t begin until Thursday, Aug. 25 and the supply lists may seem daunting at times, it is good for parents to have plenty of time to gather all of the necessary things to make this year a success for all students. I’m sure when paren...
Attending the All School Reunion weekend July 16 and 17 was more than a social experience for this Hot Springs County High School 1955 graduate. I needed information for a book I am writing about growing up in Wyoming and Montana. Since my brother Bill Cederholm and I were in Billings for a family visit, we drove on to Thermopolis for the weekend. Thermopolis High School graduates need to know about the terrific resources available to those who want to revisit the past in some depth. Materials are rich and deep. At the Independent Record, I...
I’m the old guy on the bicycle riding along the side of the highway. I just want to thank all you drivers who pull over toward the centerline when you pass me. I appreciate that little bit of extra room and I appreciate your concern for everyone’s safety. Thank you....
Several Sundays ago while on vacation, I hit a deer 10 miles outside of Thermopolis. It happened in an instant. The front end of the car was smashed and the air bags deployed filling the car with what looked like white smoke. The car could not be driven, and to make matters worse, I had lost my cell phone the previous day. Thankfull,y I was not injured. There was little traffic that morning, but the first car that passed stopped to offer assistance. They were approaching from the rear and did not even see the damage to the front of the car. The...
This is only my second time in Cleveland so the neighborhood I picked for lodging, while covering the Republican National Convention, was a crap shoot. I got lucky. Tremont is about a mile due south of the convention center and I had planned on just renting a bicycle, thinking it would be easier pedaling in and out of the downtown area than taking a cab or Uber. I was wrong. On Sunday, friend, wife and I decided to do some reconnaissance in the hope that my internet-mapped route would be as easy as it looked but as Sunday wore on, the police,...
Longtime Thermopolis area resident, Dorothie Skoric Hruska, 84, passed away peacefully at her home in Thermopolis lovingly surrounded by her family on July 13, 2016. Dorothie was born on December 18, 1931, in Gebo, Wyo. to Julia (Jukich) and Dan Skoric. She grew up in the Kirby/Gebo area and attended grade school in Kirby. She attended Hot Springs County High School where she took part in many school activities, then graduated in 1950. Dorothie went to work for Mountain State Telephone Co. in...
Clyde Walter Harvey passed away Monday, July 18, 2016, at Spirit Mountain Hospice in Cody, Wyo. Funeral services are being planned for next week with Mortimore Funeral Home assisting the family....
For a few brief minutes next year, the moon will pass in front of the sun. Depending on where people are, they might only catch a partial eclipse, but for the majority in Thermopolis there will be about 51 seconds of totality — where the sun will be totally covered — with the three-hour eclipse itself beginning around 11:30 a.m. Aug. 21, 2017. The 2017 Solar Eclipse will attract thousands of visitors; already there are population booms expected locally and in the area around Thermopolis, dow...
The Red Dirt Master Gardeners Tour will begin at 6 p.m. Friday, July 29 at the Community Garden, located across the street from the hospital. President of the Hot Springs County Red Dirt Master Gardeners Becky Hutson said the event will end around 8 p.m. “We’ll start at the Community Garden, where we hope to have several of the community gardeners explain what they’ve been growing,” Hutson said. “Then, we’ll load up and visit three more gardens that we are hoping to tour.” Though Hutson said t...
ASSE International Student Exchange Programs (ASSE), in cooperation with Hot Springs County High School, is looking for local families to host boys and girls between the ages of 15 to 18 from a variety of countries: Norway, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Japan, to name a few. ASSE students are enthusiastic and excited to experience American culture while they practice their English. They also love to share their own culture and language with their host families. Host families welcome these students into their family, not as a guest, but as a family...
Sunday at Hot Springs State Park, musicians, from left, John Brooks, Dave Todd and Shawn McWilliams remember Rick Phipps during a memorial concert. Phipps, who passed away July 4, was a big part of the music scene in Thermopolis, and performers shared stories of him. A collection taken will go to assist Phipps' family. The concert is planned as an annual event....
Among those on the ballot for the State Senate, 20th District, is Wyoming native Jane Norskog, who said she’s always been politically active behind the scenes since the days of Jimmy Carter, and was a Young Democrat in high school and in college. In addition to helping with several elections, Norskog also was chosen as a federal grand jurist, and over 18 months heard 300 cases and helped decide whether there was enough evidence in each to go to trial. During that time, she said, she got some f...
Children in the Vacation Bible School at Risen Son presented a program Friday evening. The theme of the VBS was "Submerged," and featured ocean themed decorations. Activities included crafts, songs, exercise and Bible stories....
When State Committeeman and Delegate to the GOP National Convention Jim Collins broke away to speak with the Independent Record, a little trouble was brewing on the convention floor. "I think it's been quite exciting. They've been having a rules fight and they need, I think six or seven states to have a majority sign-off, so I'm looking forward to seeing how the Party handles adversity." It was his first day as a delegate and within an hour the final push to change the rules had failed. After a...
Party secretary: best votes are local votesCharles Curley is working the GOP National Convention as a delegate this week in Cleveland and while he hopes he makes his county proud, the best political work, he said, is done at home. "The most important people to vote for are those closest to you: the town council, the county commissioners and then the state legislature," he told the Independent Record in an interview on the floor of the convention center, "the federal government can create...
Dr. Jeb Schenck, award-winning photographer, will lead an outdoor photography workshop/field trip, Friday, Aug. 5. The workshop is designed for adults who want to improve their skills in photographing outdoor scenes and wildlife. The field trip will begin at 7 a.m. and go sunrise to sunset so that participants can get the broadest range of light. It will include some of the area’s outstanding sites — Wind River Canyon, Hot Springs State Park, Legend Rock State Historic Site and upper Grass Creek. The workshop covers technical issues of dig...