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Articles from the July 20, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 46

  • Commissioners approve budget

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 20, 2017

    by Cindy Glasson The Hot Springs County Commissioners held their final public meeting Monday, approving the final budget for 2017-2018. General Fund requirements for the fiscal year amount to $10,519,320.55, up $412,563.50 from last year. At the start of the budget session there was some worry that employees would have to be eliminated, but with the help of Federal PILT (payment in lieu of taxes) monies amounting to $800,000, that threat was held off for another year. Some lines that changed...

  • County, BLM issue fire restrictions

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 20, 2017

    Hot Springs County Commissioners, based on the recommendations of the County Fire Warden, have implemented a fire ban, effective immediately. Any open fire or discharge of fireworks is prohibited on all unimproved State and private land, including all land owners in Hot Springs County. Trash or refuse burning must be done between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. inside containers equipped with spark arrestors in a cleared area at least 10 feet in radius. Other exceptions include camp fires contained within an...

  • Council hears from residents

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Jul 20, 2017

    Tuesday evening’s Town Council meeting was certainly one of the more active in terms of citizen participation, as several voiced their opinion with regard to a couple issues in town. A topic that received much discussion was the road that encompasses 14th Street and Canyon Hills Road. Beverly Ward first brought up the issue, though by the end of discussion the council would also hear from Karen Slocum, Sam Starnes, Mark Collins, Linda Hughes and Matt Hughes among others. Ward noted she has b...

  • County hosts Democratic Party meeting

    Jul 20, 2017

    The Hot Springs County Democratic Committee welcomed Democrats from across the state for the Wyoming Democratic Party's central meeting in Thermopolis on Saturday, July 15. The Wyoming Democratic Party meets quarterly to discuss party business and hold a fundraiser. Former Democratic presidential candidate and Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley was the keynote speaker at the Wyoming Democratic Party's fundraiser event. A potluck dinner hosted by the Progressive Caucus kicked off festivities on...

  • Exercise caution on the Bighorn river

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Jul 20, 2017

    Earlier this year, increased runoff resulted in higher flows from Boysen Reservoir, reaching 9,000 cubic feet per second (cfs). Though the runoff and flows have since gone down, the river can still be hazardous for those attempting to float it, evidenced by several needing rescue the past couple weekends. Hot Springs County Emergency Management Coordinator Bill Gordon said he would not recommend anyone float the river until it reaches around 3,000 cfs, and when floating it’s important for all p...

  • Dive on in

    Jul 20, 2017

  • On the Record

    Jul 20, 2017

    On the Record policy It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Correction In the “On the record” of the July 13 edition, Karl Loos listed Circuit court should be Karl Bert-David Loos. The Independent Record apologizes for the error. Fire department Friday, July 14 7:22 a.m. Vehicle fire on Boysen Peak Road. Sunday, July 16 2:49 p.m. Grass fire four miles nor...

  • Slow speed chase

    Jul 20, 2017

  • County fair entries due

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 20, 2017

    The Hot Springs County Fair for 2017 is just around the corner, filled with so many events everyone is sure to find something to do. Entries for 4-H and FFA beef, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, cats, dogs and rabbits as well as entries for open class livestock and 4-H and FFA building exhibits must be turned into the extension office by Friday, July 21. If you don’t have your entry blank yet, they are still available at the extension office. Open class building exhibits will enter at the fair b...

  • Groups planning trek to Blonde Pass

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Jul 20, 2017

    The Hot Springs County Historical Society and Pioneer Association will host a trek to Blonde Pass on Saturday, July 29. The event is open to members only. Those who want to go on the trip should meet at Hot Springs County Museum at 8:45 a.m. The trek requires four-wheel drive vehicles, and follows an old stage road over Blonde/Merritt Pass through the Owl Creek Mountain. At one time, it was the main road from the south into the Bighorn Basin from Fort Washakie to Red Lodge, Mont., though it is...

  • WJRA contestants hit town this weekend

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 20, 2017

    The summer circuit of the Wyoming Junior Rodeo Association (WJRA) will be hitting Thermopolis this Saturday and Sunday. Held at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds, competition will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday morning and 9 a.m. on Sunday. There will also be a roping held on Saturday night. In order to qualify for the summer finals rodeo, cowboys and cowgirls need to compete in five summer rodeos and be members of the WJRA. The WJRA is a non-profit youth rodeo organization whose goal is to get...

  • Prepare ahead for eclipse photos

    Jul 20, 2017

    Those who are planning to take pictures of the Aug. 21 eclipse are invited to attend a workshop hosted by local photographer Jeb Schenck, 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25 at Hot Springs County Museum. Information at the workshop will include overview of taking pictures of the different phases of the eclipse, as well as safety measures and equipment to have. There is small $3 fee for materials. Schenck recently received a first place award at the Cody Country Art League’s 52nd Art Show for his image of Waiting Dancer from the Gift of the Waters P...

  • Public meeting on solar eclipse set

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 20, 2017

    By now, just about everyone knows we will be one of the sites that will have the opportunity to view the total solar eclipse. Plans have been in the works since last fall to cover everything from emergencies to camping areas, hotels and especially places for visitors to view the once in a lifetime event. In order to keep the community up to date on plans, including just how many people we can expect to flood our little town, there will be an open, public meeting held on Monday, July 24 at the...

  • Church community hall open house

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Jul 20, 2017

    The Federated Community Church announces the completion of its “community hall.” There will be an open house on Saturday, July 22 at 6 p.m. to invite the entire community to come and tour the new hall. Pastor Chuck Cooper expressed his appreciation to everyone who helped make this new addition to our community possible. The hall will be available to outside groups when church events are not being held. Call Pastor Ross Kershaw, 921-9399, to schedule an event. The community hall is an all...

  • Garden of the month

    Jul 20, 2017

  • Stay informed on fire restrictions

    Jul 20, 2017

    Heat. Heat. And more Heat. Welcome to summer in Wyoming! While we love to complain about the cold in the winter, we’re also pretty vocal about the heat in the summer. Unfortunately, while the summer sun is wonderful if you’re working on your tan, its not so wonderful for the grasses and such on the prairie. We had such a beautiful, wet spring and everything grew like crazy, covering our red hills with lush grasses, but now, with the 90-degree plus temperatures we’ve been having, all that green has turned to brown, creating a highly dangerous fi...

  • Community encouraged to participate in county fair

    Arnold Pennoyer|Jul 20, 2017

    Hot Springs County Fair is fast approaching! The fair board is calling for entries for building and livestock open class exhibits. The community is encouraged to enter their exhibits. There are plenty of classes in which to enter, including: Grain, Forage, Crops & Vegetables, Horticulture, Livestock, Poultry & Rabbits, Apiculture & Wool, Dogs, Cats, Culinary, Flowers & Plants, Needlecraft, Photography, Paintings & Drawings and Arts & Crafts. So if you have a beautiful quilt that you made, a photograph you took, flowers or delicious vegetables...

  • Peace of mind

    Rex Clothier|Jul 20, 2017

    Recently I had the pleasure of renewing my bridge partnership with a close personal friend from Worland. We competed (not too well unfortunately) in a regional tournament in Casper over last weekend. After a break of some years from tournament action, it was an eye-opener to experience the competition again and to renew acquaintance with old friends and opponents. Amazingly, playing with teammates from the club in Worland, we won five matches and lost one on the last day of the tourney. The best part of the weekend was seeing the excitement...

  • Rodney 'Rod' Dowdy

    Jul 20, 2017

    Rodney "Rod" William Dowdy, 66, of Thermopolis, Wyo., formerly of Eaton, Colo., passed away Monday, July 10, 2017, at University Hospital in Denver after a short battle with cancer. Rod is the son of William L Dowdy and Bessie N (Hagans) Dowdy. He was born August 10, 1950, NE of Ft. Lupton, Colo., at the home of his grandparents, Verne and Grace Hagans. Rod started school at the one room Four Way School near Ft. Lupton and later in Upton, Wyo. He attended Weld Central High School upon the...

  • Christine Luehne

    Jul 20, 2017

    Christine Patricia Ruiz Luehne, 82, passed away at her home in Thermopolis, on Friday, July 14, 2017, after trying to recover from a stroke. Christine was born June 20, 1935, in Denver, Colo. At a young age Christine worked hard to help support her family in Denver. In 1960, she met her soul mate, Wolfgang Luehne, who had arrived from Germany in the same year. Christine worked in Denver as a seamstress and worked at Meadow Gold. Christine and Wolfgang bought the Star Plunge and moved their...

  • Fred Yeaman

    Jul 20, 2017

    Fred Roberts Yeaman, 97, passed away July 15, 2017, at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital in Thermopolis. Born in Afton, Wyo., April 7, 1920, he was one of seven children of George and Mary (Roberts) Yeaman. Graduating from Afton High School in 1938 he received a four-year football scholarship to the University of Wyoming. During summers he worked for the U.S. Park Service and the CCC's at Saratoga, Wyo. Following college he joined the U.S. Navy in 1943 which included training at the U.S....

  • Gary Boothe

    Jul 20, 2017

    Gary W. Boothe, 74, of Thermopolis, Wyo., passed away July 11, 2017, after complications from heart surgery. Born in Kansas July 23, 1942, into a family of six children, Gary grew up in Wichita riding his bike and fishing in the river with his buddies. He was very loyal to his mother, Wanda Riffel, and did odd jobs to supplement the family income. He worked at a Ford/Mercury dealership and began to develop an aptitude for all things mechanical. He joined the Navy in 1964 and served stateside in...

  • Barbara Haverlock

    Jul 20, 2017

    Barbara Kay (Harris) Haverlock, 81, passed away peacefully at home on July 15, 2017. Born September 21, 1935, in Loveland, Colo., she was the daughter of Donald and Florence (Yocum) Harris. She was raised and educated in Thermopolis, where she graduated in 1953. On Dec. 24, 1953, she married her high school sweetheart, Andrew Haverlock. In 1956 they moved to Casper where they shared life together for 51 years until Andrew's passing in 2005. She was employed for 23 years in the health care...

  • Phipps memorial concert

    Jul 20, 2017

  • Chamber discusses pageant parade

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Jul 20, 2017

    Thursday evening, the Hot Springs-Thermopolis Chamber of Commerce visited about encouraging more businesses to participate in the Gift of the Waters Pageant parade. Chamber Executive Director Meri Ann Rush noted having a float in the parade also provides businesses with additional advertising. Applications for the parade may be picked up at the Chamber of Commerce office, and must be submitted no later than Friday, Aug. 4. Also during the meeting, the board selected Toby Homi, Robin Griffin and...

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