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A lot is happening in downtown Thermopolis in the upcoming months and the Retail Committee is preparing for it all. This weekend, for the Hot Springs County High School Reunion, the committee plans to brighten main street with balloons and is asking downtown businesses to participate in Christmas in July with sales, promotions, etc. With the recent Fourth of July parade, the retail committee discussed their thoughts on the number of parades the community holds. The general feeling was that with...
Bralee DeVries and Kaycee Stothart show their stuff with hula hoops at the Hot Springs County Library Kid's Talent Show Friday. Kids were able to showcase their talent in an array of subjects including dance, archery, reading, music, and more....
Whether you were a cheerleader, a bookworm, an athlete or anything in between, chances are you’re coming home this weekend for the annual All Class Reunion for Hot Springs County High School. Classes being honored this year end in “0” and “5”, however, any graduate is welcome to attend the dance at the V.F.W. and the all school picnic on Sunday. Friday night will feature mixers by each class. Registration will be at the V.F.W. on Saturday afternoon from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Each class will have...
I recently had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with three local ladies talking about the roaring days of Kirby, a small community about 13 miles north of Thermopolis. The Skoric sisters, Dorothy and Ellen, and local historian Dorothy Milek, had plenty of stories about the early days when Kirby was growing at a rapid pace, the characters who lived there and the simple, yet wonderful, life growing up in the midst of it all. John Nelson bought the land where Kirby stands in 1904. His...
On the Record policy It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police calls” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Sheriff’s Office Papers served for the month of June were 19 criminal papers and 31 civil papers. Tuesday, July 7 4:44 p.m. Vandalism and theft to a vehicle was reported by an individual at a motel between 3-3:30 a.m. The individual reported air being let out of tires, engine compartment damaged, mirror br...
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Green of Lander, Wyoming, announce the engagement of their daughter, Baleigh, to Dustin Hite, son of Terry and Jennifer Swim of Kearns, Utah, and grandson of Louis and Susan Hite of Laughlin, Nevada. Baleigh is the granddaughter to Tessie and the late Ted Carlson of Lander and Barbara and the late Stephen Green of Lander. The future bride recently received her Master of Science degree in Social Work from the University of Wyoming and is currently employed by the Children's...
Visitors to Wyoming State Archeological Site Legend Rock will be happy to see a smiling face when they arrive at the visitor's center; though for returning visitors, the face should be familiar. Wyoming State Parks made improvements to the site five years ago, including a self-guided trail and visitor's center, shortly before BJ King began volunteering at the location. King has a background in education and a love for Indian culture and it is this passion that brought her back as a volunteer...
Thermopolis resident Rex Clothier recently earned a “Life Master” award for bridge playing, and although he has retired from tournament and competitive play, he still carries an abiding interest in the game and would like to share his knowledge with anyone wishing to learn about the age-old game. Some years ago, Thermopolis hosted duplicate bridge tournaments that brought in players from all over the state. Clothier, however, would just like to share the fun of playing the game with others wit...
The annual Grass Creek Reunion will be held Saturday, July 18 at the Hot Sprigs County Museum from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. A potluck lunch will be available. Bring a dish to share. For more information, contact Larry Marcott at 864-2033....
This weekend marks one of the busiest of the summer for Hot Springs County, bringing in alumni, history buffs, horses, golfers and even a parachutist. Things kick off with former Golden Knight and double amputee, Dana Bowman dropping in to the football field as part of the Hot Springs County Library’s “Superheroes” summer reading program. Bowman arrives on scene at 11 a.m. on Friday. Hot Springs County High School alumni will begin arriving on Friday, too, with a plethora of activities going...
Did you know our local Red Dirt Master Gardeners are not a garden club? The Master Gardeners are actually part of the University of Wyoming, Cooperative Extension Service (CES). The University of Wyoming (UW) is one of 106 land-grant colleges in the United States created by the Morrill Act of 1862. As a land-grant college, UW has three missions: teaching, research and extension. The CES was authorized by the Smith-Lever Act of 1914 in the states having landgrant colleges as a unique partnership among the U.S. Dept of Agriculture, the land-grant...
Jason M. Pederson, 79, died Monday, July 13, 2015, at his residence in Thermopolis. Born December 29, 1935, in Guleph, N.D., he was the son of Harold and Hazel (Boss) Pederson. After high school, he attended Central Wyoming College graduating with an associate degree. He joined the US Air Force in 1956 serving until 1967. Coming to Thermopolis from Torrington, Wyo. in 1976, he established Pederson Auto Repair. In the early 80's Jason returned to college where he met his future wife, Cheryl Ann...
Jacob Monroe Linn, 61, passed away on Thursday, July 2, 2015, while enjoying a motorcycle ride in the Wind River Canyon. Jacob was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Fla. Andrea and Jacob Linn met as performers at the Bay Area Renaissance Festival in Largo, Fla., and were married in December of 1984. Serving two honorable tours of duty during the Vietnam era with the U.S. Navy as a corpsman and biological photographer, Jacob attributed his recovery from the stressors of service to his supportive wife and finding the spiritual path of the...
Gurney Hugh McLean, 75, passed away Saturday, July 11, 2015, at his residence in Thermopolis. Born July 13, 1938, in Lusk, Wyo., he was the son of Hugh and Claris (Rice) McLean. He attended elementary school in Lance Creek and graduated from Niobrara County High in Lusk. He enlisted in the US Army in 1957 serving two years, then in the reserves and was recalled in 1961 for one year. On July 2, 1957, he married his high school sweetheart, Patsy Alexander in Manville, Wyo. His livelihood included...
The Red Dirt Master Gardeners selected the property at 107 North 9th as their Yard of the Month winner for July....
Pig Wrestling will be held July 28 beginning at 6 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds during the county fair. Deadline for entries is Tuesday, July 21 at 5 p.m. There is a limited number of team spaces. Entry fee is $50, $65 for late entries. Rules and entry forms are available at the Chamber of Commerce, Storyteller and Canyon Concrete. For more information, contact Cassie Owsley at 921-9257 or TJ Owsely at 921-0534....
The Kids eXtreme Youth Fishing Derby will be held Saturday, July 18 at Boysen Reservoir, in conjunction with Boysen Lake Marina, Shoshoni Recreation District and Lip Rippers. This event is part of State Parks’ Wyoming Kids eXtreme program designed to connect children with the outdoors. Open to kids 13 years of age and younger, participants can obtain more information and a registration form from Boysen State Park, 307-876-2796, the Shoshoni Recreation District, 307-876-2663, Boysen Lake Marina, 307-876-2772 , or online at www. B...
Twenty-three Wyoming artists have been juried into the Big Horn Basin Folk Festival Juried Art Show & Sale, in Hot Springs State Park, Aug. 1-2. The show is part of the larger festival, which includes music, demonstrations and hands-on activities. “A juried art show means that the work of the individuals shows a commitment to quality and artistic excellence,” said Annie Hatch, Wyoming Arts Council folk arts specialist. “It shows a high level of craftsmanship, perhaps a creative use of materials and color. It may be true to traditional skill...
The University of Wyoming accorded degrees upon the following students from Thermopolis at the completion of the 2015 spring semester: Cody D. Abbott BA, Sarah Stephan Green BA, Weston Garrett Hubele BSCH, Sarah Deanna Leddige BS, David Allen Leonhardt BSME, Chris D. Leyba BS, Jocelyn Gail Materi BSN, Joshua Don Materi BS and Kylie A. Olsen BA....
The Hot Springs County Commissioners are seeking a new member for the Hot Springs County Museum board. The appointment is for an unexpired three-year term and would start in August. Interested citizens are asked to apply by submitting a letter of interest along with a county board application form, which may be picked up in the county clerk’s office or printed online at Letters of interest and applications must be returned to the clerk’s office no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, July 31. The commissioners will make their app...
Home Town, a trio formed from the original five-piece local band, Prairie Grass, harmonizes with an old-timey sound. The five- and three-piece bands have been busy this summer performing throughout the region in places such as Red Lodge and Cody, and have upcoming performances scheduled for Kirby Days on Saturday and the Big Horn County Fair in late July. Original band, Prairie Grass, has been playing together for over 20 years. Home Town, formed about a year and a half ago, includes Harold...
The 2015 Hot Springs County Fair is coming up and this year’s “Kids ‘N Kritters” themed event has a packed schedule with something for everyone. The fair kicks off with the Peewee and 4-H and FFA Youth Horse Show beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday, July 18 at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds. Watch for a story in the July 23 Thermopolis Independent Record listing the fair events featured July 27-31....
Art strollers watch as spray paint artist Joe Moon demonstrates his detail work on a mosaic graffiti art piece at Storyteller last Friday....
Hallie Martinez and Luke Dickey learn the finer points of canning using a pressure cooker during a canning lab presented by Phyllis Lewis through the Hot Springs County Extension Service....
Looking for some local produce? Visit your local farmers market. Looking for some low-key family fun? Visit your local farmers market. The Thermopolis Farmers Market starts back up for the season on Saturday, July 25 and will feature locally-made products as well as a welcoming forum to visit with neighbors, share recipes, listen to live music, and enjoy a relaxing morning down town. The farmers market, supported by the Master Gardener’s, is preparing to start its fourth season and plans to h...