Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 26
All Vietnam veterans in Hot Springs, Washakie, Park and Fremont Counties are invited to a Bandaid for the Heart Pin ceremony that helps with the emotional healing of Vietnam vets. It will be held at the Thermopolis VFW Post #2281 located at 302 Broadway St. on Sunday, June 30 from 1:30-4 p.m. Thermopolis resident Amie Toyne and her brother-in-law, retired Air Force Major Mike Toyne, will give a brief talk and present the pins to the attending Vietnam veterans. Amie attended a ceremony in Iowa where Mike gave pins to Vietnam veterans and felt it...
One of the smallest members of the Powder River Rodeo's stock horse herd leads the way down Broadway during the Thermopolis Cowboy Rendezvous PRCA Rodeo Parade Saturday. For more photos, see page 8. See page 14 for complete rodeo results...
The Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department will present the annual Independence Day fireworks show on Thursday, July 4 beginning at dark. They will light the fireworks off from the end of the old airport runway across from the Thermopolis Golf Course along Airport Road. As a reminder to the public, fireworks in the Town of Thermopolis are permitted only on the 4th of July, from noon to 11 p.m. Driveways and streets are permitted as locations for lighting fireworks but not allowed on highways and are not permitted in Hot Springs State Park....
by Sarah Elmquist Squires, The Ranger via Wyoming News Exchange Wyoming is the only state in the nation that doesn’t have what’s known as a “good Samaritan” law on the books – a provision that grants immunity to certain drug charges to a person who calls for assistance in an overdose case. But on Thursday, lawmakers advanced a bill that would in some cases create that immunity for people seeking help in an overdose. The Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Committee voted 9-1 on a bill that grants some immunity for possession or use of a...
by Aley Philp The 70th Annual Trek of the Wyoming Historical Society took place June 20-23 in and around Hot Springs County, Wyoming. Over 150 people from around Wyoming and the United States participated in the event. The three-day event visited historic locations in Thermopolis, at area ranches traveling along the Old Yellowstone Highway, and made the trip out to Anchor Dam, Arapahoe Ranch, Legend Rock Petroglyphs, the ghost-mining towns of Gebo and Crosby and the historic Kirby Jail....
The 2nd Annual Wyoming Sheep & Wool Festival will be held July 12-14 at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds, 627 Springview Street. A free concert will be featured on Saturday, July 13. The festival features elements of agriculture, the arts, community, and culture. There will be demonstrations, hand-on workshops, and a vendor fair. Additionally, they will have tours, exhibits, programs, an art show with reception and sale. They will have live music, the sheepherders come bye lamb dinner and awards. The events are family friendly and wheelchair...
On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Highway Patrol Sunday, June 23 11:57 p.m. Colter Christenson, 30, from Worland, was arrested for allegedly driving while under the influence of alcohol. Sheriff’s Office Monday, June 17 12:50 a.m. Deputies investigated a 91...
On Monday there was fire started by stray sparks in the grass on Hospital Hill that quickly grew into flames during high temperatures and gusty winds. The Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department and emergency personnel responded immediately. Please be careful and prevent fires by watching out for any potential causes of wildfires....
Angela and Justin Ritchey, top, and Rees Ready, along with a hundreds of others, enjoyed themselves during Outlaw Days at the Hot Springs County Museum last week. Visitors had the opportunity to lean against the authentic Hole in the Wall Bar and enjoy their choice of beer, whiskey, wine or sarsaparilla. The museum offered free admission during the event....
An Emergency Preparedness Mini-Fair will held at the Hot Springs County Fair Building on Saturday, June 29 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The fair is sponsored by Wyoming Are You Ready? with the goal of informing the public about the importance of emergency preparation. The fair will feature workshops, presentations and Q & A opportunities with experts from Thermopolis, Worland, Greybull, Cody and Clark. Family-friendly activities will also be available. According to event representative, MaeCile Eastin,...
The Red Dirt Master Gardeners are holding a fundraiser to buy a much needed new storage shed. The shed would be permanently stored at the community garden near the new geodesic dome. Becky Hutson said, “The Farmer’s Market has grown exponentially in the past couple of years. We now have several banners, sandwich boards, tables, tents, chairs, and magazines or publications through the University we give out. These items would be stored in the shed.” The cost for the shed is $2,615 and would be purchased locally with free delivery. The Red Dirt...
Phillip Scheel has announced he is seeking re-election as a Hot Springs County Commissioner. Scheel was elected to his first term as county commissioner in 2016. He is the co-owner and CEO of Tumbleweed Propane. He is a native Wyomingite, being raised in Pine Bluffs. He went to college at Laramie County Community College, where he served as the Student Senate President. He has a passion for community service and community progress, and has served at the state and local level of many boards and nonprofits. He was the Thermopolis Citizen of the...
by Chris Bacon, Editor, Cody Enterprise It’s gonna be a big show. Thursday night’s presidential debate will likely be a pivotal moment for our nation. CNN will host the event between two men who have both been president. To understand how unusual this is in U.S. history, remember that only one president, Grover Cleveland, ever served non-consecutive terms. He was first elected 10 years before the famous flight of the Wright brothers. The last president to even try to be reelected after losing an election was Theodore Roosevelt in 1912. Rec...
I am writing to bring attention to what I believe is the inherent cruelty and danger associated with animal circuses. In my opinion, the use of wild animals in circuses not only perpetuates the exploitation and suffering of animals but also poses significant risks to the safety of the audience members. According to my research, animals in circuses are often subjected to brutal training methods, confined to cramped and unnatural living conditions, and forced to perform tricks that go against their natural behaviors. I believe this exploitation...
Randall "Randy" Lee Wahler, 75, died peacefully Saturday, June 15, 2024, at his home in Thermopolis after a long battle with cancer. The son of James and Jewel (Cover) Wahler, he was born July 12, 1948, in Thermopolis, Wyo. Following high school he attended a year of college. In September, 1967 he joined the Army National Guard, serving seven years. In 1969, Randy married Patricia Todorovich in Thermopolis. To this union was born two children, Corey and Dawn Wahler. Pat died in 2009 due to...
Staff Sergeant Stanley Simpson, 75, of Thermopolis, Wyo., passed away unexpectedly Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at home, due to health issues. He was born April 25, 1949, in Philadelphia, Pa., son of the late Stanley and Phoebe Clement Simpson. He enlisted in the US Army in 1966. He served in numerous different locations, including 2 tours in Vietnam. Being a Medi Vac for 16 years, he was one of the first responders to the mass casualty at Jonestown, Guyana. He loved flying helicopters, with his secu...
Lifetime Thermopolis resident Jacque Reed peacefully passed away on June 24, 2024. Jacque was born in East Thermopolis, on May 3, 1928, to Frank and Bertha Reed. He was raised on the Owl Creek family ranch. Frank passed away in 1935 and Jacque and his mother, through hard work and perseverance were able to hold on to the ranch during the Depression. Jacque attended a one room school house and at times he was the only student enrolled. As a high school student, Jacque actively supported the War...
Tom Judy is the June Red Dirt Master Gardener of the month, located at 434 Mondell Street. He has completely transformed his property with a wide variety of plants and flowers that require minimal watering. Tom also volunteers to help out the gardening at the Hot Springs State Park....
Jordan World Circus will present three rings of action Friday, June 28 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds, 627 Springview. The 90-minute show features circus performers from around the world with acts including elephants, camels, dogs, high wire, clowns, and more. Tickets are available online at Culpepper & Merriweather will be in Thermopolis with their big tent putting on two performances at 2 and 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 7. They will be set up in the parking lot near the Hot Springs State Park...
The Hot Springs County High School Speech and Debate Team brought their talents and energy to the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) 2024 National Tournament in Des Moines, Iowa, last week. This year's NSDA National Tournament included over 6,700 qualifying competitors from over 1,500 schools in venues throughout Des Moines. Three qualifying Bobcats - Ivey Goff, Chris Bapst, and Rosalie Willson - accompanied by coaches and judges - Lyle Wiley, Alyssa Brown, and Riley Jeffs - traveled...
Each year the Thermopolis Baseball team holds a banners fundraiser where local businesses can donate and then be put into a drawing for an award. Nature's Corner is this year's winner. Team members presented the award to the owner, Sarah Ferrell, far right. Team members include Eli Simpson, Braxton Delay, Aiden Borgen, Archer Price, Gage McCumber, Joshua Blair, Chance Stothart, Tate Roberts (presenting award, Zayn Oliver, Bobby Crow, Kacey MacKay, Tim Lippincott, Jackson Coates, Tanner Delay,...
Members of the 1890's Riders held a Bingo Run last Saturday that started in downtown Thermopolis, traveled to Worland, Ten Sleep and Greybull, then finished up at the Thermopolis VFW. Members of the group presented their proceeds to Ron Phillips, back row, center, of the Help Center to be used as needed. Members presenting include, back row, l to r, Keith Hagensen, Frank Davis, Christian Jones and Dennis Lue; front row, Bobbie Hagensen, Mariah Jones holding baby Jason, Misty Hagensen and...
At the June 18 Hot Springs County Travel & Tourism board meeting, Treasurer Audra Dominguez provided the financial report and said their most recent lodging tax deposit was $16,714.10. After reviewing their accounts and recent transactions, the board voted and passed the approval to accept the financial report. Also, the board decided to postpone their election of officers due to several members being absent. They plan on voting in the July board meeting. Tourism director Jackie Dorothy gave...
The Thermopolis Cowboy Rendezvous PRCA Rodeo filled the fairgrounds last week with competitors and spectators. Stock contractor Powder River Rodeo brought in their best animal athletes to offer up a crowd pleasing show. Hot Springs County High School graduate Roedy Farrell competed in front of his hometown crowd and won second place in bareback riding. Full results include: All-around cowboy: Jace Mayfield, $818, tie-down roping and steer wrestling. Bareback riding: 1. Seth Hardwick, 78 points o...