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Articles from the June 17, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 28

  • Longwell named all around boy at HS rodeo finals

    Jun 17, 2021

    Jase Longwell was named year end all around boy during the Wyoming High School Rodeo Finals held in Douglas last weekend. Jase Longwell scored 54 in the first go in saddle bronc riding and 41 in the short go for 95 in the average on two. He also scored 12.19 in steer wrestling in the first go and 7.75 in the short go for third and 119.94 in the average on three. Jase teamed up with brother McCoy in the team roping and scored a 12.16 in the second go for a 27.47 for sixth in the average on two....

  • Lawmakers mull over election changes

    Nick Reynolds|Jun 17, 2021

    Wyoming lawmakers are weighing a significant overhaul of the state’s elections. Members of the Joint Committee on Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions voted to draft bills to create either an open primary or a ranked-choice voting system. Either system would profoundly change how Wyoming elects its officials and would likely have significant political ramifications, according to elections experts. The decision follows months of pressure from conservative activists who have argued that vote splitting in Wyoming’s often crowded Rep...

  • Bill would limit vaccine mandates

    Morgan Hughes|Jun 17, 2021

    CASPER – A bill that forbids employers from requiring staff to show proof of vaccination in most cases gained near-unanimous support from a Wyoming legislative committee Thursday. The bill, now sponsored by the Legislature’s Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Committee, has three primary actions: It requires health care facilities, essential businesses and government entities to accommodate unvaccinated people who require their services; It allows students to apply for waivers to K-12 vaccination requirements based on “personal objec...

  • HSC Livestock Show results

    Jun 17, 2021

    The Hot Springs Jr. Livestock Show held June 4 saw youths from Thermopolis and around the area competing. Results include: Lambs: Grand Champion Taylor Malcolm; Reserve Champion Tehya Thompson; Hot Springs County High Point Chloee Owsley. Hogs: Grand Champion Jhett West; Reserve Champion Braden West; Hot Springs County High Point Bridget Peil. Heifer Show: Grand Champion Hadley Cooper; Reserve Champion Sebastien McCarty. Market Beef: Grand Champion Chase Williams; Reserve Champion: Trevor...

  • On the record

    Jun 17, 2021

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Correction: The Brewfest was put on by Main Street Thermopolis, not the Chamber of Commerce. We apologize for the error. Detention center Riverton Police Department Prisoners Under Contract with the Law Enforcement Cen...

  • Up and over

    Jun 17, 2021

    A 74-year-old woman was transported to HS Health after the vehicle she was driving exited the Mack’s Market parking lot and landed nose down in the alley....

  • Record high heat wave hits Wyoming

    Jun 17, 2021

    Thermopolis and a large part of Wyoming has scene record high temps this week as a heat wave hit that sent temperatures into the triple digits. On Monday, June 14 the recorded high in Thermopolis (according to the National Weather Service) was 101. On Tuesday, at press time (5 p.m.) the recorded high had hit 103. Temperatures are expected to be in the mid 90s for the weekend and then fall to the 80s next week. High heat, combined with very low relative humidity is making for extreme fire conditions across the county and state. Extreme caution...

  • Rotary leadership

    Jun 17, 2021

    Shurie Scheel is assuming the new role of Governor of District 5440 for the Rotary year 2021-22. The district covers all of Wyoming and northern Colorado. Al Braaten assumes the role of President of Rotary Club of Thermopolis. Rotary Club of Thermopolis celebrated at Wedg and Kathy Taylor's. Wedg is the outgoing President....

  • Hot Spot Car Show hits town this weekend

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 17, 2021

    The annual Thermopolis Hot Spot Car Show will be on Father’s Day weekend June 19 and 20. The parade of cars will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, starting at Hot Springs State Park traveling from the Chamber of Commerce onto the main drag, through the stoplight, past McDonald’s moving to Thermopolis Rehab and Wellness, turning north onto 14th Street, past the Fire Hall and then east down Broadway to the downtown area. The parade will have a police and fire department escort. The final des...

  • WY Smoke Burritos opens

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 17, 2021

    Business partners Bob Reardon and Darren Calhoun have opened up a new food truck called WY Smoke Burritos located at 8th Street and Shoshoni Street. They have breakfast and lunch/dinner burritos with smoked pork, BBQ mole prime beef, chicken, vegetable and tater tots with a protein choice. The burritos can also be chimichanga style smothered. Reardon described the creation of the foods and the prime brisket and pork are smoked 12-14 hours. The pork sits on top of beds of pineapple with...

  • Range honored for branding

    Jun 17, 2021

    The Rural Broadband Association has recognized Range as the winner of the NTCA Marketing eXcellence Award in Branding Project. The Marketing eXcellence Awards recognize the vital role marketing, sales and communications play in the broadband industry and are announced annually at NTCA’s Marketing + Sales Conference. “On behalf of our entire organization, I am honored to accept Range’s first-ever Marketing eXellence Award” said Jason Wille, Range’s Chief Marketing Officer....

  • Planting flowers

    Jun 17, 2021

    Hot Springs State Park volunteers plant flowers at the Pavilion, including Cindy Toth of Master Gardeners, Kathy Vellinga of Las Vegas, Tina Goss from Pennsylvania and also Cliff Vallinga, Ben Manning of Thermopolis and Jennifer Schanno of Shoshoni....

  • Enjoy the warm days safely

    Jun 17, 2021

    For more than a year, we were stuck inside, away from our friends and families. There was the pandemic to deal with, to protect ourselves from. Then along came winter, and we were further isolated and kept indoors. Spring crept in at its own pace, then suddenly in the last week, summer opened the door on its blast furnace. We love it, missed it and couldn’t wait to get out in it. But the combination of a long layoff without being active outside and the sudden spike in temperatures can create its own problems. Data from the National Oceanic a...

  • Board accepting bids for new school bus drop off lane

    Jun 17, 2021

    After multiple years of consideration, the Hot Springs County Board of Trustees approved going out for bid on a new bus drop off that will serve Hot Springs County High School and Ralph Witters Elementary students next fall. The new bus drop off lane would encompass the school district property on the south end of the track that is currently the wooden play park and would increase student safety, reduce traffic congestion in the current bus drop off, and improve bus traffic flow to main streets. Other benefits would include reduced maintenance...

  • Of the People, By the People, For the People

    Jun 17, 2021

    Last week’s Letter to the Editor “Wyoming is in a crisis” included several issues, one being the allegation that Trump would have been re-elected “if Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada and Wisconsin had followed the national constitution instead of their ‘revised state constitutions’ concerning national elections,” and then conflates the popular vote with electoral votes. Unfortunately, that is incorrect. States alone determine how electors are chosen (Art 2, Sec 1, US Constitution) and whether they must follow the popular vote results for...

  • Wanda H. McCoy

    Jun 17, 2021

    Thermopolis resident, Wanda H. McCoy, 96, passed away June 9, 2021, at the home of her daughter surrounded by her loving family in Riverton, Wyo. One of eleven children, Wanda was born December 12, 1924, in Broken Arrow, Okla., the daughter of Willie William (Bill) and Thelma (Garrison) Hamilton. On March 4, 1944, she married Leo S. McCoy in Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Following Leo's service in the Army they moved to Hamilton Dome, Wyo., to the oil fields, then later to their forever home in... Full story

  • Richard I. Salberg

    Jun 17, 2021

    Richard I. Salberg, 78, of Basin, Wyo., passed away on June 11, 2021, at The Wyoming Retirement Center. He was born on April 19, 2021, in Rapid City, S.D. to Richard I. Salberg Sr. and Marjorie (Stucker) Salberg. Richard was married to Cheri Ann Salberg (Wood) and had one son, Gregory, and a daughter, Jennifer. Richard worked most of his life as a teacher for middle school and elementary school primarily teaching math and science. Arrangements have been entrusted to Atwood Family Funeral Directors.... Full story

  • Chamber board members elected

    Jun 17, 2021

    At the June 10 Chamber of Commerce meeting held at the HSC Museum under old business, Director Meri Ann Rush reminded the board the Pageant Day Parade is coming on August 7 with the theme “Home of the Brave” where they will honor our local heroes. The Chamber is hosting the Demolition Derby on August 14. Rush said, “It’s coming along. It’s hard to believe it is less than two months away.” In new business Rush presented the board election results with the four open slots. Bradyn Harvey of Kirby Creek Mercantile, Falina Hill of Gottsche Re...

  • Dr. Bomengen honored for teaching

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 17, 2021

    Doctor Travis Bomengen was awarded the 2021 WRITE Excellence in Teaching Award for the Wyoming region. In a letter from the University of Washington School of Medicine, Office of Rural Programs it said, "This award aims to recognize and honor preceptors with a track record of excellence in teaching medical students as well as those that serve as a leader in their community." Nominations were collected from WRITE students across the WWAMI program. WWAMI is through the University of Washington...

  • Hake Realty opens office

    Jun 17, 2021

    Hake Realty has opened a new office in Thermopolis. Nikki Donahue, Worland, is the responsible broker and they are an independently owned and operated franchise part of Real Living. Regarding the limited inventory of housing in Thermopolis Donahue said, “It’s a common problem nationwide right now but we’ve got a lot of resources from the franchise to help us get out there. We’re really just trying to give our sellers more resources to determine whether or not it is a good time to sell. That’s been really successful in the Worland market. W...

  • June Gymkhana results

    Jun 17, 2021

    The June Gymkhana is in the books and results include: LEAD LINE Barrels - Duke McClain, Tucker deGanahl, Decker Agar, Hazin Nicholls, Jax Christian, Koyl White Poles - Kessen White, Tucker deGanahl, Duke McClain, Decker Agar, Koyl White, Jax Christian Goats - Hazin Nicholls, Kessen White, Jax Christian, Tucker deGanahl, Hadley Dean, Brooklynn Crowley Flag Race - Colten deGanahl, Tucker deGanahl, Avery Burgess, Duke McClain, Brooklyn Crowley, Dawson Nicholls Fun Event, water balloon toss - Hazin...

  • Cole, Ferree play for North at Saturday's Shrine Bowl

    Jun 17, 2021

    The 48th annual Wyoming Shrine Bowl All-Star football game was held in Casper last Saturday. The game pits the North against the South Bobcats Logan Cole and Remington Ferree were selected to play on the North team. Head coach is Matt McFadden of Cody. The North came into the game with a seven-game winning streak. The last South victory was in 2012. The South broke the North’s winning streak this year and came away with a win 34-32. In a hard fought game the North nearly tied the game in the final minute with a 99-yard drive and a 26-yard t...

  • Fairly significant fire season predicted

    Jun 17, 2021

    by Hannah Black Wyoming Tribune Eagle Via Wyoming News Exchange CHEYENNE — Following a dramatic and record-breaking fire season for the west in 2020, officials warn this season could also be above average. Wyoming State Forester Bill Crapser, along with Gov. Mark Gordon and other state and federal officials, gave an overview of the state’s wildfire outlook Thursday morning at the State Forestry Division’s Cheyenne maintenance facility. Predictions from meteorologists and fire behavior specialists put Wyoming “on the high end of normal...

  • Youths compete in livestock judging

    Jun 17, 2021

    The 307 Wyoming Livestock Judging Series recently hosted a contest in Thermopolis. Results received include: Junior Ava Dafoe, 5th in swine and 7th overall Intermediate Sheep/Goats: 1st Taylor Agar; Swine: 3rd Rylee Agar; Beef: 1st Taylor Agar, 5th Rylee Agar; Placings: 3rd Taylor Agar, 4th Rylee Agar; Reasons: 1st Taylor Agar, 6th Maile McCumber; Overall: 3rd Taylor Agar, 4th Rylee Agar. Senior Swine: 4th Lexi Overfield; Overall: 7th Hayden Overfield, 10th Owen McCumber. Other results include:...

  • Lemonade anyone?

    Jun 17, 2021

    Young entrepreneurs set up a lemonade stand on the corner of Fifth and Broadway Streets last week and stayed busy selling lemonade and other cool treats....

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