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Articles from the June 16, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 31

  • Bighorn River flows increase

    Jun 16, 2022

    Flows in the Bighorn River were raised on Monday and Tuesday this week from 2,300 cubic feet/second to 6,000 cubic feet/second. The increase was done over a period of 48 hours with the final increase being Tuesday evening. Release from Boysen Reservoir increased to allow for addition inflows. Signs have been put up at the five major boat launches along the Bighorn River. According to Bill Gordon, Hot Springs County Emergency Management coordinator, “This flow will easily stay within the river banks but will be a dangerous flow for floaters, p...

  • Council approves lot change request

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 16, 2022

    At the June 7, Thermopolis Town Council meeting at the Town Hall, Mayor Mike Chimenti held a public hearing to address a citizen’s request to change the subdivision/lot plat for three properties on Cedar Ridge Drive owned by Chuck Cooper. Engineer Heath Overfield explained to the council that Cooper has three different lots in the Cedar Ridge subdivision and wants to build a garage. To make the construction legal and to simplify the situation, Cooper wants to make all three lots into a single l...

  • Splish splash

    Jun 16, 2022

    Bradleigh Georgius splashes in the water at Hot Springs County School District's Moms and Tots Summer Splash and Play held at the vocational building last week....

  • Work continues in updating county records

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 16, 2022

    At the June 7 Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting, commissioner Phil Scheel was not present, therefore chairman Tom Ryan suspended the normal Robert’s Rules. First to present was Brian Clarkson of T-O Engineers to give the Geographic Information System (GIS) update over speakerphone. In the report, they met with the commissioners on May 17 for a work session to demonstrate the GIS web applications created in 2021/2022 and they discussed the direction for their services in the following y...

  • Flooding forces closure, evacuation of Yellowstone

    Jun 16, 2022

    by Mark Davis and Kevin Killough Powell Tribune Via Wyoming News Exchange POWELL — Unprecedented rain, combined with fast melting late season snow, has flooded nearby communities and forced the closure and evacuation of Yellowstone National Park and nearby attractions. Visitors in Yellowstone National Park were being evacuated Monday, as several roads in the park were closed due to substantial flooding, rockslides and mudslides from the recent unprecedented amounts of rainfall. At 10:45 a.m. Monday, the park closed all entrances to inbound traf...

  • State champions

    Jun 16, 2022

    Roedy Farrell and Jase Longwell came home from the Wyoming State High School Rodeo finals in Buffalo with championships. Longwell is the State Champion Saddlebronc Rider and earned All Around Cowboy for the second year in a row. Farrell is the State Champion Bareback Rider. Longwell graduated from Hot Springs County High School in May. Farrell is heading into his senior year and will have one more year to compete. He earned the high score of 82 points during finals. Both boys qualified for the High School Rodeo National Finals in Gillette July...

  • On the record

    Jun 16, 2022

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Sheriff’s Office Monday, June 6 4:51 p.m. A deputy assisted Highway Patrol with a single-vehicle crash involving a truck, camper, and boat. Highway Patrol arrested Joshua Goffena, 47, for alleged DUI. 7:38 p.m. Report of a possi...

  • Bomb scare

    Jun 16, 2022

    At 9:36 a.m. last Sunday, an officer was following up on a burglary case when a 50-year-old male property owner stated he found a pipe bomb in a bedroom of an empty building. Officers notified the Natrona Bomb Squad and Deputy John Wienke removed the object, pictured here. Upon inspection, it was determined to be an "impact driver device" that had failed. There was a spring found inside that would ignite out the end. It is an explosive device, and the matter is still under in...

  • Farmers Market

    Jun 16, 2022

    Hannah Lee-Crain purchases a sweet treat from Kim Jones' home bakery, Flour Girl, at the Thermopolis Farmers Market last Saturday....

  • Saddle Sore Arena opens north of town

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 16, 2022

    Wyatt Haight of the Saddle Sore Arena, located at 423 North on Highway 20, is offering a variety of opportunities for those who are interested in horses and horse related activities. The location was traditionally known as the Jackman Arena and Haight has been making improvements to the property. Haight offers team roping, barrel racing, pole bending, horsemanship lessons, clinics, events, and riding lessons. Additionally, Haight offers horse boarding for the short term or long term, inside...

  • Car Rally hits town Saturday

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 16, 2022

    The Thermopolis Hot Spot Car Rally will be held in the Hot Springs State Park Washakie Shelter on Saturday, June 18 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Early-bird registration begins at 8 a.m. The Driver’s Choice and People’s Choice Awards are at 4 p.m. Stephanie and Jason Owens are now organizing the Hot Spot Car Rally. Stephanie said, “This year it’s a little different. We’re doing just one day instead of two and we moved it to Saturday rather than Sunday. It’s been suggested over several years that... Full story

  • Thermopolis has a new game warden

    Jun 16, 2022

    The Wyoming Game and Fish Department welcomes Thermopolis Game Warden Spencer Carstens to the Cody Region. Carstens replaces Benge Brown, who recently retired after 30 years of service. Carstens began his career with Game and Fish in 2020 where he served as a game warden in Cheyenne. Prior to that, he was employed as a game warden in South Dakota. Carstens said the immense amount of public land and the diverse hunting and fishing resources brought him to Wyoming. “Everything that appeals to me about Wyoming, Thermopolis has to offer,” Car...

  • New owner takes over at Southside

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 16, 2022

    The Southside Travel Center convenience store is now under new ownership by Mike Bailey’s Pit Stop or Bailey Enterprises in Riverton. Store Manager Mike Hughes said “It has been really hectic just because of all the transferring. But as far as I see, they are doing things the right way. They do it as a team. So not one person is overstressed which I’m really looking forward to. ” Regarding Champs Chicken, Hughes said there will be more options on the menu coming soon. Recently, Champs Chicken...

  • The system is broken

    Jun 16, 2022

    Wyoming’s property tax system is deeply flawed. The recent burden that rapidly rising home values placed on residents illustrated those flaws. Rising home values mean steep property tax increases for everyone who owns real estate, including elderly homeowners on fixed incomes. Certainly a 20% or more hike in property taxes is a tough pill to swallow for anyone. But for those residents living solely on social security, it is devastating. Because property assessments are governed by state statute, there is nothing that county-level a...

  • The difference Dad's make

    Jun 16, 2022

    by Brian Schroeder Superintendent of Public Instruction “We’ll go fishing on Saturday, boy, I promise!”All week long, it’s what the kid lived for. To spend a whole day with dad in a boat on the river would be the highlight of his summer. In fact, the young lad was so excited that on the Friday night before the big day, he took his fishing pole and tackle box to bed with him. Early the next morning the boy was up before his dad, getting dressed, assembling his gear, re-examining his lures for the umpteenth time. Then he heard the phone ring. T...

  • LaVern Leon 'Corky' Cornish

    Jun 16, 2022

    LaVern Leon "Corky" Cornish, 76, passed away Thursday, June 9, 2022, at Hot Springs Health in Thermopolis. Corky was born on November 17, 1945, in Ainsworth, Neb.. His parents, Bob and Violet Cornish, made a home for him in Ainsworth for his earlier years, but then moved to Dubois, Wyo., where he attended high school, and always joked around that he probably built the city hall there at the time for all the fines he paid for being mischievous. In the early 70's, he and his parents moved to... Full story

  • Carol Delilah (Sessions) Sheets

    Jun 16, 2022

    Carol Delilah (Sessions) Sheets went to be with her Savior surrounded by family on Monday, May 30, 2022. Carol was born April 21, 1953, to Newell and Daisy Sessions in Greybull, Wyo. Carol loved her family more than anything. She had a great enjoyment for camping, whether it be at Paintrock Lakes in the Big Horns or Wood River for hunting outside Meeteetse. Carol took her career very seriously. She was always advocating for her staff, but mostly for her residents and participants. Carol worked... Full story

  • Mary Ellen (Sanderlin) Farmer

    Jun 16, 2022

    Mary Ellen (Sanderlin) Farmer, 84, passed away June 8, 2022, at the Thermopolis Rehabilitation and Wellness Center. Mary was born February 10, 1938, to Edd Drayton and Rose Ellen (Sanford) Sanderlin. She received her education in Thermopolis, Wyo., graduating with the class of 1956. She was a member of the National Honor Society and also a cheerleader during her high school years. Following graduation, she attended Casper College where she received an associate's degree. She began her career in... Full story

  • Freddie Randle Coulter Jr.

    Jun 16, 2022

    Freddie Randle Coulter Jr. passed away on June 2, 2022, at the Billings Clinic in Billings, Mont., due to heart complications. He was 61. Also known as Randy, he was born in Columbus, Ga., on September 18, 1960 to Freddie Coulter Sr. and Ruby Fay Arrington. Randy loved hunting and fishing. He served in the U.S. Air Force for 8 years, 9 months and 27 days until he was medically retired due to losing his leg to cancer. In the last couple of years, Freddie became involved with the VFW, he was a... Full story

  • Youths compete at WJRA event

    Jun 16, 2022

    Thermopolis hosted the Wyoming Junior Rodeo Association rodeo last weekend. Results for Hot Springs County youth include: Senior Boys Ellis Webber rode for 61 points in Steer Riding on Sunday and finished second in the finals for the average for the weekend. He was first in Calf Tying Saturday with a time of 6.13 and fourth on Sunday with 9.49 which earned him first in the weekend average. Bridger Peil was first in Calf Tying on Sunday with a time of 7.66. He was third in Team Roping Sunday...

  • June gymkhana results

    Jun 16, 2022

    The Gymkhana Summer Series is in full swing. The next event is schedule for July 8 at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds. Results of the June Gymkhana include: LEAD LINE Barrels - Jax Christian, Chisholm Moline, Eleanor Allen, Marlee Evans, Flint Pingetzer, Hadley Dean Poles - Chisholm Moline, Maddison Slack, Jax Christian, Marlee Evans, Josie Allen, Hadley Dean Goats - Marlee Evans, Jax Christian, Josie Allen, Hadley Dean, Coy Brower, Flint Pingetzer Flag Race - Josie Allen, Flint Pingetzer, Marlee Evans, Eleanor Allen, Jade Pingetzer, Coy...

  • CWC offers backpacking expeditions

    Jun 16, 2022

    Central Wyoming College Lander and Alpine Science Institute will lead two backpacking expeditions for middle and high school students as part of their community education and recreation courses this summer. Camp Popo Agie is a week-long camp for students entering the 6th to 8th grades.The camp will take place July 17 through 23 at the CWC Alpine Science Institute. Campers will take on outdoor rock climbing, mountain biking, canoeing, fly-fishing, painting on canvas, and archery. The camp will conclude with a three-night backpacking adventure... Full story

  • Chamber board elects officers

    Jun 16, 2022

    At the June 9 Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce board meeting held at Big Horn Federal, four 6th-graders presented their essays for the Civic Bee contest. The writers were: Baer McPhie, Brian Weaver, Ammon Wille, and Ruth Needham. Each of the four essay writers was awarded $100 in Chamber Bucks. The topics covered subjects such as business in Thermopolis, the economics of the administration and the nation, the value of parks, and inflation. Past president Sam Needham presided over the board meeting as Howie Samelson was not present....

  • PRCA rodeo, parade hits town next weekend news

    Jun 16, 2022

    Cowboys and Cowgirls will compete in the action packed Thermopolis Cowboy Rendezvous PRCA Rodeo at Hot Springs County Fairgrounds June 24-25. Rodeo events start at 7 p.m. each night with vendor alley opening at 5 p.m. Friday is Tough Enough to Wear Pink night and Saturday is Patriotic Night. The slack performance will be held on Friday, June 24 at 9 a.m. There will be a parade through town on Saturday beginning at 10 a.m. They will start at Pizza Hut and turn right at the stoplight. Rodeo events include bull riding, bareback riding, saddle bron...

  • Thermopolis Baseball

    Jun 16, 2022

    Thermopolis Baseball members (back row, l to r) Timothy Lippincott, Tate Roberts, Lilly Quintanilla, (front row) Garret White, Jackson Coates, Trenton Ennis, Cade Ennis, Baer McPhie, Lincoln McPhie, and Aislyn Dobbins present Susan Turnbull, from Gooseberry Garden Quilt Shop, with an engraved and signed wooden baseball bat that she won as part of a fundraiser for the Thermopolis Baseball team....

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