Sorted by date Results 26 - 29 of 29
Several individuals, and a few dogs, participated in the Running With The Buffalo 4k/8k run/walk on Saturday at Hot Springs Sate Park. Racers ran or walked through Hot Springs State Park and through the buffalo pasture. The top three times were Will Ward with 21:28, Tahja Hunt with 22:51 and Dazlynn Hunt with 23:21....
The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce had plenty of discussion at their June 9 meeting, regarding the 2016-17 action plan. The document calls for projects in terms of membership, economic development, community resource, events, fiscal responsibility and volunteers, though Chamber Executive Director Meri Ann Rush explained these six goals were identified a few years ago. Rather than address all of them at the same time, Rush said, it was discussed during a work session to address a...
The banners are up, and it’s just over a week before the Thermopolis Cowboy Rendezvous PRCA (Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association) Rodeo hits town. This year’s rodeo is June 23-26. There are 197 entrants, and that may go up with re-entries. Mead-Ellis explained when entrants put in their information a computer selects which events they will compete. If there is a scheduling conflict, cowboys will go in and re-enter. She further noted they expecting to get more top names this year. There’s also...
Matt Bowman drives the illuminating golf ball during the high school glow golf tournament fundraiser on Saturday....