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Articles from the June 13, 2024 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 27

  • Sergeant Mascorro cleared to return to full duty

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 13, 2024

    At the June 4 Thermopolis Town Council meeting, following an executive session, Mayor Adam Estenson read a public statement announcing “Town of Thermopolis Mayor clears Chief of Police to return Sgt. Mike Mascorro to full duty.” The statement said, “The incident on April 28, 2023 that led to the gunfire exchange that fatally wounded Buck Laramore and seriously injured Sgt. Mike Mascorro has been fully investigated by the Wyoming Department of Criminal Investigation (DCI), Special Prose...

  • Meet the Noiseguy

    Jun 13, 2024

    The Hot Springs County Library held a special event for their Summer Reading program kick off last Friday. Featured performer was Charlie Williams, also known as the "Noiseguy" who is from Washington. The room was packed with kids who all learned about how to make mouth sounds for "outside" use and read some very funny books. Williams performs at schools and libraries with his "Sound Safari." The children absolutely loved the engagement and stories told....

  • Town approves fireworks use in town on July 4

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 13, 2024

    Mayor Adam Estenson and the Thermopolis Town Council have passed a resolution for allowing fireworks throughout town only on July 4 from noon to 11 p.m. Mayor Estenson said, “We ask people to use best judgment to avoid areas where sparks and embers can land in dry brush.” The resolution states that fireworks are not permitted in the State Park. Driveways and streets are permitted as locations for lighting fireworks but not allowed on highways. Mayor Estenson said for the public to “use best judg...

  • Kids rock

    Jun 13, 2024

    Last Saturday, a family reunion was held at the Hot Springs State Park Lower Terraces Shelter. Participants included Cazden Frazier, Zayla Frazier, Riley Uttech, and Leo Uttech who conquered the rock edifice nearby with great enthusiasm. They are from Minnesota and Utah....

  • Car Rally pulls into town this weekend

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 13, 2024

    The 2024 31st Annual Hot Spot Car Rally will be on June 14 at 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Hot Springs State Park. Registration is at 8 a.m. until noon. Voting closed at 1 p.m. Trophies will be awarded at 4 p.m. The event will have food, music, and fun. The event includes the Poker Run, Friday, June 14 at the Kiwanis Shelter at 4-7 p.m. It’s $10 per hand. The poker run ends at the Senior Center. Hot dogs are available for purchase for a donation. Also, the Cruise-In will be Friday, June 15. M...

  • Rodeo parade entry deadline Saturday

    Jun 13, 2024

    The 2024 20th Annual Cowboy Rendezvous PRCA Rodeo will be Friday and Saturday, June 21-22. Gates open at 5 p.m. with a start time of 7 p.m. each night. There will be food concessions and vendors. Ticket prices are adults $18, children ages 6-12 are $13, age 5 and under are free. Ask about the senior and veteran discounts. There will be a live band following Saturday’s performance featuring music by the Wyo West Band. The PRCA Rodeo Parade will be held on Saturday, June 22 at 10 a.m. and is open to everyone. Entry forms can be picked up and d...

  • Red Gultch Bridge work underway north of Thermopolis

    Jun 13, 2024

    Barrier is being placed on the CCC Red Gulch Bridge to prepare for bridge rehabilitation north of Thermopolis on U.S. Highway 20/Wyoming 789 as part of a $6.97 million highway improvement and fence replacement project. The Thermopolis North project is located between mileposts 133.4 (the old National Guard Armory) and 139.5 (Black Mountain Road) on U.S. 20/Wyoming 789. “The bridge deck will be removed by hydro-demolition, completing a latex bridge overlay, and minor concrete repair, all in June,” said Wyoming Department of Transportation eng...

  • On the record

    Jun 13, 2024

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Sheriff’s Office Monday, June 3 6:10 p.m. Report of trespassing involving a male walking on the railroad tracks in the Wind River Canyon. Tuesday, June 4 11:33 a.m. Deputies received a request for a subject to be trespassed fro...

  • Drug Bust

    Jun 13, 2024

    On Thursday, June 6, members of the Thermopolis Police Department, HSC Sheriff's Office, and Probation & Parole were involved in the arrested a woman with alleged felony amounts of meth and other controlled substances. See call log for more details....

  • Red Canyon Ranch bison meat store opens in town

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 13, 2024

    Shannon Lawson and her family have opened the Red Canyon Ranch Bison Store located at 415 Park Street next to Taco John's. Lawson is a third generation bison rancher who is originally from Mendocino County, Calif., but they have been in Thermopolis for the past four years. Lawson's father bought the Red Canyon Ranch in 2020 from Michael and Kathleen Gear. Shannon and her husband moved out to Wyoming to run it. Lawson said, "We've been building up our herd, and we are finally opening our store...

  • News briefs

    Jun 13, 2024

    Summer reading program Hot Springs County Library is hosting the summer reading program for 1st-5th graders every Friday through July 19 from 10:30 a.m.-noon at the library, 344 Arapahoe St. There will be games and prizes available. For more information, see the ad on page 3 or contact HSC Library at 864-3104. Flag Day volunteers needed Volunteers are needed to help members of the 1890’s Riders with putting up the Avenue of Flags at Monument Hill Cemetery on Flag Day, June 14. The raising of the flags will begin at 7 a.m. and they will be t...

  • First Baptist Church to host youth programs

    Jun 13, 2024

    First Baptist Church is hosting youth week with a Vacation Bible School for PreK-6th grade from June 17-20 and a Teen Rally for 7th-12th graders on June 21- 22. Scan the QR Code in the ad on page 2 for more information or to sign up. With the exception of 2020, First Baptist Church has been doing Vacation Bible School since 1936 in Hot Springs County. The first Vacation Bible Schools were held in Thermopolis and Lucerne. Pastor L.K. Barbee was the Pastor of both the Lucerne Church and First Baptist Church at this time. This tradition was...

  • Vietnam Veterans ceremony planned

    Jun 13, 2024

    All Vietnam Veterans in Hot Springs, Washakie, Park and Fremont Counties are invited to a Bandaid for the Heart Pin ceremony that helps with the emotional healing of Vietnam Vets. It will be held at the Thermopolis VFW Post #2281 located at 302 Broadway St. on Sunday, June 30 from 1:30-4 p.m. Retired Air Force Officer, Major Mike Toyne of Omaha, Neb., will give a brief talk and present the pins to the attending Vietnam Veterans. In 2001, Monica Harvey from Stapleton, Neb., witnessed a Veterans Day Parade and was so moved by the Vietnam...

  • Honoring the American Flag

    Jun 13, 2024

    by Lara Love On Friday, June 14 the 1890’s Riders, with the assistance of other community volunteers, will be putting up the Avenue of Flags at Monument Hill Cemetery in honor of Flag Day. We believe this is the first year the Flags have went up on this particular holiday. A letter to the editor on this page gives a detailed history of Flag Day and its importance. I fly a American Flag at my house daily, as do many others in this community and across this great country. Surprisingly to me, occasionally when I tell people I proudly fly Old G...

  • Tired of apologizing for the eyesores!

    Jun 13, 2024

    I am writing in response to the recent decision to deny the Stevens family the right to operate The Tipi Retreat business on their property based on zoning laws. I respect that laws must be enforced, and I am very much a follower of laws. However, I find it incredibly ironic that someone can buy a parcel of land at the bottom of Lane 12, and build a junkyard on that property while that land is zoned as what I assume is agricultural. When I look on the Wyoming Cadastral for that parcel of land, I see the mailing address is for a human at an...

  • Origin of Flag Day

    Jun 13, 2024

    On Friday, June 14, we celebrate Flag Day. Ever since September 11, 2001, we have seen more American Flags displayed at any time since World War II. Yet, if we asked the average citizen as to how Flag Day came about, they most likely would draw a blank. I thought I would take this opportunity to write this letter with the help of information from the Northwestern University Alumni Magazine, about how Flag Day came about in the hope readers would enjoy learning about something that has long been forgotten. It all started with Bernard J. Cigrand...

  • Teton Pass closed indefinitely; Gordon declares emergency

    Jun 13, 2024

    by Jasmine Hall Jackson Hole News&Guide Via Wyoming News Exchange JACKSON — There’s no timeline yet for how long Teton Pass will remain closed after a weekend landslide left a gaping hole in the highway linking the communities and economies of Idaho and Wyoming. But Wyoming Department of Transportation crews have pinpointed the area where the ground had been shifting under the highway, and that “acceleration of movement” has stopped, WYDOT spokesperson Stephanie Harsha said Sunday. The landslide isn’t the only threat to the corridor, which shu...

  • Can voters elect an AI for mayor? Laramie County attorney conducts investigation

    Jun 13, 2024

    by Hannah Shields Wyoming Tribune Eagle Via Wyoming News Exchange An AI-generated candidate has filed to run for Cheyenne mayor, and county officials are investigating whether VIC, an acronym for Virtual Integrated Citizen, can appear on the ballot. Under Wyoming law, only registered voters can run for local or statewide elected office. But can a person file an artificial intelligence as a candidate? That’s the question Laramie County officials are trying to answer. Cheyenne resident and registered voter Victor Miller put VIC on the mayoral c...

  • Free Jiu Jitsu training offered for youths and adults

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 13, 2024

    According to youth leader Bradyn Harvey, "Jiu-Jitsu is known as the gentle art. That's actually what 'Jiu-Jitsu' means, the 'gentle art', because you can end a fight without severe injury. Karate, boxing, you're always hitting. You can punch somebody in the face, hit them in a bundle of nerves, whatever. In Jiu-Jitsu, you can enter the submission with a choke or a lock where you can de-escalate without permanent injury. It's also one of the few sports that you can practice live without injury,...

  • Rodeo club wraps up season

    Jun 13, 2024

    Thermopolis Rodeo Club members competed at the Wyoming High School Rodeo State Finals in Rock Springs last Friday. Our local cowboys and cowgirls made a strong showing. Locals making the list of event leaders at the end of the season are: Rylee Agar, barrel racing, 22nd; pole bending 20th Taylor Agar, barrel racing, 35th; pole bending 25th Porter McCumber, boys cutting, 2nd; saddle bronc 3rd Kamryn Farrell, breakaway roping, 29th; goat tying, 11th; pole bending 30th Bridger Peil, light rifle, 11th; team roping 8th; tie down calf roping, 11th...

  • High school honor roll released

    Jun 13, 2024

    The following students were named to the spring Hot Springs County High School honor roll: Superintendent - 4.0 Lucille Andreen, Maddison Andreen, Ryan Axtell, Tannen Birdsley, Cannon Boren, Korbin Brill, Lily Buller, Nolan Collins, Ava Dafoe, Logan Dafoe, Jadeth Elder, Kamryn Farrell, Hayden Franklin, Summer Galovich, Jordan Garrison, Alexis Garrison, Teancum Gevas, Courtney Heimann, JolieAnne Herring, Chase Herring, Hanna Hill, Jarek Jeffs, Kamilla Johnson, Morgan Jones, Cole Keller, Aubriana Layman, Alec Martinez, Davien Martinez, Maximus...

  • Middle school honor roll released

    Jun 13, 2024

    Thermopolis Middle School has released its spring honor rolls. 5th Grade A honor roll: Henry Cheney, Ivory Galovich, Keldon Linton A/B honor roll: Teagan Allen, Ella Benefiel, Hannah Boren, Halyn Bowker, Ian Brooks, Allegra Chopping, Grant Coates, Bridger Cox, Kimber Frederick, Aeislyn Jennings, Amelia Johnson, Beau Kimes, Makenna Mackay, Mick Marvel, Dawson McLean, Landon Miller, Kyrie Myers, Emille O’Rourke, Blakeley Postma, Tucker Sayler, Raegan Shaffer, Eli Simpson, and Wyatt Strickland. 6th Grade A honor roll: Dayton Basse, Aiden Borgen, R...

  • News briefs from around the state

    Jun 13, 2024

    From Wyoming News Exchange newspapers Gillette man dies in motorcycle crash GILLETTE (WNE) — A 43-year-old Gillette man died Thursday in a two-vehicle crash on Warlow Drive, and police are still investigating what caused the crash. At about 11:30 a.m. Thursday, a 38-year-old woman was driving a 2017 Ram Promaster van east on Warlow Drive when she slowed down to turn right onto Enterprise Avenue. During this, she felt something impact the rear of the van, said Police Deputy Chief Brent Wasson. The van was rear-ended by a 43-year-old man, E...

  • Golf tourney

    Jun 13, 2024

    Travis McDermott removes the flagstick as golfer Ethan Brooks lines up his putt during the Joey Johnson Memorial Smokin' Waters Golf Tournament held at the Thermopois Golf Course....

  • Pride event

    Jun 13, 2024

    The Big Horn Basin Pride event was held last Saturday near Broadway Bakery that included a bounce house for children. It was a hot day and people from around the region came to participate in the celebrations, visit and enjoy food and fun....

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