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Articles from the June 11, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 35

  • River flows remain high

    Zachary White, Reporter|Jun 11, 2015

    Water levels in the Big Horn River south of Boysen Dam were increased again Tuesday, going up to 7,500 cubic feet per second. Emergency Management Coordinator Bill Gordon said the river should start reducing in speed after this increase. “The plan is 7,500 is as high as it goes,” Gordon said. This all comes from the Bureau of Reclamation who oversees water resource management throughout the country. Marshy and boggy stretches along the river will likely begin to be flooded, and residents are being asked to continue to stay away from the riv...

  • Pallet painting party set for Saturday stroll

    Staff Report|Jun 11, 2015

    Photography is the theme for the Second-Friday ArtStroll in downtown Thermopolis, Friday June 12 from 5-8 p.m. featuring artists and musicians from Thermopolis, New York State, Riverton and Fort Washakie. Most downtown businesses are open during the event. A pallet painting party will take place on Still Strolling Saturday, June 13 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Bring your camera along for helpful hints and tips from Dr. Jeb Schenck, this month's featured photographer. Schenck will be located in Owl Creek Graphics on Friday, June 12. Schenck has traveled...

  • Hometown hide workers have Hollywood debut

    Zachary White, Reporter|Jun 11, 2015

    Hollywood hit home for Barb and Merlin Heinze when a costume designer working on Quentin Tarantino's newest movie "The Hateful Eight" reached out. The two proprietors of Merlin's Hide Out were asked to make buffalo coats for Kurt Russell to use in the movie. With the movie set to premiere this winter, Barb said it was stressful at times getting the work done correctly and quickly. It all amounted to eight coats for Hateful Eight, Tarantino's eighth movie. After getting the measurements for Kurt...

  • WRC clean up starts

    Staff Report|Jun 11, 2015

    An emergency contract totaling nearly $200,000 has been approved for cleanup of mud slides and big rocks near U.S. 20/Wyoming 789 inside Wind River Canyon, according to Wyoming Department of Transportation District 5 maintenance engineer Pete Hallsten of Basin. The $199,200 contract has been awarded to Pab Good Trucking LLC, of Greybull. The project began June 4 and will clear the ditches of slide debris and rocks from the highway’s clear zone. “Traffic will be controlled with flaggers, and travelers should expect delays of up to 15 min...

  • Retail Committee plans 12 Days of Christmas

    Zachary White, Reporter|Jun 11, 2015

    The Retail Committee discussed their 12 Days of Christmas promotion during their meeting Friday. On December 19, there will be three cash drawings for $200, $300 and $500 Chamber Buck award amounts. The goal of the giveaway is to bring more people into town to shop. Retailers are still working on how people will enter, but the foremost plan is to require entrants to have a receipt from a local business in order to participate. A $500 budget has already been supplied to fund the activity, from the Travel and Tourism Board, and the retailers...

  • Smokin' Waters Golf Invitational June 20

    Staff Report|Jun 11, 2015

    Hot Springs County 4-H and FFA support groups are hosting the 2nd Annual Smokin’ Waters Golf Tournament Saturday, June 20 at the Thermopolis Golf Course. There are two tee times for golfers with the morning tee time at 8 a.m. and the afternoon tee time is 1 p.m. There are several Hole In One prizes in this tournament. Fremont Motors of Riverton is sponsoring a 2015 Ford F150 if someone gets a hole in one on hole 2 and the Wyoming 4-H Foundation is sponsoring a $25,000 cash prize for a hole in one on hole 8. Bank of Thermopolis is sponsoring a p...

  • Smiles for miles...

    Jun 11, 2015

    Tim Lippincott was having a wonderful time last week during arts and crafts time sponsored by the Hot Springs County Recreation District. Children worked with a variety of materials from paint to Play-Doh....

  • Hot Spot Jackpot Show big success

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter|Jun 11, 2015

    The Hot Spot Jr. Livestock show was held at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds last Friday afternoon, bringing in youth from the surrounding area for a chance to win some big money for their animals. The Champion steer for the day belonged to Madison Bullard of Casper with the Reserve Champion going to Strite Daniels of Thermopolis. Daniels was also the high point Hot Springs County steer. Maddy Dolcater of Riverton had the Champion hog and Reserve Champion went to Garrett Burkett of Casper....

  • Bear visits Wind River Canyon

    Jun 11, 2015

    Travelers in Wind River Canyon on Sunday got a treat seeing this black bear strolling along the BNSF railroad tracks....

  • On the Record: 6.11.15

    Staff Report|Jun 11, 2015

    On the Record policy It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police calls” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Fire calls Saturday, May 30 4:32 a.m. Firefighters responded to a CO2 alarm at 1218 Broadway Street. Saturday, June 6 1:04 a.m. Firefighters responded to a fire alarm coming from Ralph Witters Elementary School and the administration building. Sheriff’s office Tuesday, June 2 11:21 a.m. A person spilled...

  • Peace out

    Cindy Glasson|Jun 11, 2015

    A mystery was solved Tuesday morning after possible graffiti was reported on some rocks in Hot Springs State Park. What looked like blue paint was found in several areas of rock near the entrance to the buffalo pasture from Warm Springs Road. After some investigation, park personnel determined it was nothing more than a dye used in pesticide as some spraying for Dalmation toadflax had been going on in the park Monday afternoon....

  • Arts in the Park

    Zachary White|Jun 11, 2015

    Out of Nashville, Tennessee, Rebecca Frazier and Hit & Run will be performing June 28 at the Pavilion in the Park. Playing bluegrass tunes, the group is the first part of the Arts in the Park performances being put on this summer. Rebecca Frazier and Hit & Run performed once before in Thermopolis in 2006. Coordinator Bruce Webster said he looks forward to having them back. “They really did a nice job,” he said. People are invited to bring lawn chairs and blankets to the performance. Webster said there should be vendors on site, and pos...

  • You Be The Judge program offered

    Staff Report|Jun 11, 2015

    The Wyoming Judicial District of Hot Springs, Washakie and Big Horn Counties in conjunction with the Wyoming Supreme Court is presenting You Be The Judge at the Worland High School Little Theater June 16-17 from 6-8 p.m. You Be The Judge is an interactive community outreach program designed to educate citizens on the purposes and responsibilities of the Wyoming judicial system. Attendees will learn how the Judicial system works, how judges are selected and what the rule of law is. Participants will hear from Justice Michael K. Davis and Chief...

  • Pack race entries accepted

    Staff Report|Jun 11, 2015

    Entries are being accepted for the Chuck Mead Memorial 2015 Pack Horse Race scheduled for June 25 at the Hot Springs County fairgrounds. Entry fee is $50 per team, limited to 12 two man teams. Entry forms and rules are available at or contact Dave Denton at 864-3047. Deadline for entries is June 22 The pack horse race kicks off the Thermopolis Cowboy Rendezvous PRCA Rodeo June 26-27....

  • Pretty Little DI'ers make memories at finals

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter|Jun 11, 2015

    After weeks of fundraising, the "Pretty Little DI'ers" made their way to Knoxville, Tenn. to participate in the Destination Imagination Global Finals on May 19. More than 15,000 people attended the event including more than 1,100 teams from 45 states, seven Canadian provinces and 13 countries. The girls did their performance just after lunch the following day in the Clarence Brown Theatre on the University of Tennessee campus. According to their director, Wes Meier, there was a bit of a glitch...

  • She's a Grand Old Flag

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter|Jun 11, 2015

    This Sunday, June 14, is recognized as Flag Day across the U.S. Proclaimed first in 1916 by President Woodrow Wilson, it did not become an official, yearly observance until President Harry Truman in 1949. The “stars and bars” have been held aloft by military and civilians since the Civil War, taken into battle, flown proudly over government buildings and draped in the windows of countless Americans since 1777. I’ve noticed recently there has been a good deal of hoopla over social media regarding...

  • Replace your tattered U.S. flags

    Jim Larson|Jun 11, 2015

    Flag Day will soon be here so this is a good time to remind business owners and individuals to replace your tattered, dirty U.S. flags with new ones. Please dispose of them properly....

  • Mary 'Randi' Reiter

    Jun 11, 2015

    Mary “Randi” Reiter, 72, of Powell died Saturday, June 6, 2015, at her residence after complications from a stroke. She was born November 1, 1942, in Billings, Mont., to Edward and Maryjane Rickman. She married James Reiter on August 19, 1962 in Casper, Wyo. She worked at JC Penny, Skyline Drug and Big Horn Cycle. She enjoyed raising, showing and training registered quarter horses. Survivors include her mother; son Mark (Deb) Reiter of Powell, Wyo.; daughter Lara Love of Thermopolis; grandchildren Angela, Rani, Ethan and Monte; six gre...

  • HSSP receives certificate

    Staff Report|Jun 11, 2015

    Hot Springs is one of seven Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites and Trails venues that have been awarded the TripAdvisor 2015 Certificate of Excellence Award. “We greatly appreciate that the public has shared the great experiences they have had in our unique and spectacular parks and sites,” State Parks, Historic Sites and Trails Administrator Domenic Bravo said. The other parks recognized are Bear River, Curt Gowdy, Fort Phil Kearny, Historic Governors’ Mansion, Sinks Canyon and the Wyoming Territorial Prison. Award winners must maint...

  • Outdoor pool at State Bath House to close for repairs

    Zachary White|Jun 11, 2015

    The outdoor pool at the Wyoming State Bath House will be closed at the end of June for approximately 10 days. According to State Park Superintendent Kevin Skates, the pool needs to be drained and repaved now as the material they’re using needs to cure. “It has to be done during the Summer,” Skates said. Because the resurfacing needs consistent temperatures, the work can’t be done easily at other times during the year. And while the indoor pool will remain open while resurfacing takes place, it’s a modest attraction compared to the draw the...

  • Bighorn River anglers mostly catch and release

    Staff Report|Jun 11, 2015

    Last month, Wyoming Game and Fish Department game wardens and fisheries personnel gathered on the Bighorn River near Thermopolis to check fishermen and enforce fishing laws. “With the fish population in the Bighorn at an all-time high and an increase in anglers and boaters on the river, we wanted to see what compliance was like with fishing and boating laws,” said Scott Werbelow, Cody region game warden coordinator. “For the most part, compliance was good and Bighorn River anglers are abiding by the rules.” Werbelow said that wardens and bio...

  • Taking Pounds Off Sensibly bests for April

    Staff Report|Jun 11, 2015

    TOPS 215 Thermopolis best loser for the month of April lost 4.4 pounds. The runner-up lost 4.4 pounds. There were three members with honorable mentions and six members with perfect attendance. TOPS meet every Tuesday downstairs in the Community Church at 244 North 6th Street with weigh-in at 8:30 a.m. The meeting starts at 9:30 a.m....

  • 4-H County Shoot

    Jun 11, 2015

    Garrett Titmus and Sascha Mobbs take their turn during the 4-H County Shoot Saturday. 4-H members shot with rifles and hand guns as part of the Shooting Sports program....

  • Dog Day

    Jun 11, 2015

    Scouts from Troop 53 spent Saturday selling hot dogs at Thermopolis Hardware as a fundraiser for the troop. Pictured, l-r, Lane Randall, Landon Sosa and Austin Barral....

  • Historical Society summer picnic

    Staff Report|Jun 11, 2015

    The Historical Society/Pioneer Association/Museum Annual Summer Picnic will be at HW Youth Camp Saturday, June 13 starting at 11:30 a.m. Chicken and drinks will be provided. Please bring a dish (dessert, salad or veggie), table service, chairs, coats, camera, etc. Driving directions are available at the Hot Springs County Museum. A group will be meeting at the museum parking lot at 10 a.m. for those who would like to caravan. Everyone is welcome. Please call Ray Shaffer (864-2678) or Barb Vietti (921-1551) for more informati...

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