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Articles from the June 3, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 19 of 19

  • Street ball

    Jun 3, 2021

    The Bobcat Booster Club hosted the 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament in the Hot Springs County High School parking lot. Thermopolis players, as well as many from out of town, filled the parking lot playing games last Saturday and Sunday. Creighlee Williams and Hailey Robinson battled against some sizable opponents in the 10 and under age division....

  • Judge sides with Game and Fish, limits its grizzly-killed livestock award

    Angus M. Thuemer Jr.|Jun 3, 2021

    A judge decided Monday to reduce by $205,483 an arbitration panel’s award to a Hot Springs County rancher for cattle lost to grizzly bears. In a letter to attorneys in the case, District Court Judge Bill Simpson of Cody sided with the Game and Fish Department and Commission who had agreed to pay Thermopolis-area rancher Josh Longwell only $61,202. That sum would cover the value of 20 calves verified as lost to grizzly bears in 2018, adjusted by a 3.5-times multiplier to account for missing calves likely taken by the trophy game animal but n...

  • Recreation district budget 'realistically' adjusted to avoid dipping into reserves

    Kirk Boxleitner|Jun 3, 2021

    Before the Hot Springs County School District Board of Trustees unanimously approved the proposed recreation district budget on May 20, two of the trustees clarified the budget’s finer points. Trustee Will Farrell acknowledged that changes were made, to prepare for the lack of a levy, but he repeatedly insisted that these revisions weren’t “really cuts,” and he instead framed them as “trimming (the budget) back down to where it was realistically, and where it has been over the last four years,” minus the parts of the annual budgets he deemed ...

  • Memorial Day

    Jun 3, 2021

    The Memorial Avenue of Flags were put up on Monday at Monument Hill Cemetery. The message on the entrance gates read "In Memoriy of One Veteran to Honor ALL Veterans."...

  • Hospital board receives construction update

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 3, 2021

    At the May 25 HSCM Hospital Board meeting CEO Margie Molitor said, “We are very excited, we are in the final stretch,” of their hospital construction. Planners and architects will be doing a final walk-thru of the property, anything not complete they will document that. Landscaping is coming up next. Molitor said they received a bid that was significantly less than what they were expecting when the project started. Details for landscaping will come next month. The bid came from SWI which has...

  • On the Record

    Jun 3, 2021

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Sheriff’s Office Monday, May 24 9:12 a.m. A person who reported they were receiving a number of scam calls was advised to ignore them or change their number. Tuesday, May 25 3:32 p.m. Report of an approximately 7-8-year-old boy...

  • Featured in People Magazine

    Jun 3, 2021

    Hot Springs State Park made the list of People Magazine’s “50 Things to do, eat & see (now that we can finally travel again!)”, coming in at number 49. The article is in the May 31 edition of the publication. The article, by Sonal Dutt, states that after a year of putting plans on hold, allow these destinations to reignite your wanderlust. For HSSP, the listing says “Soak in a Natural Hot Spring. In Thermopolis, Wyo., Hot Springs State Park allows visitors to wash away the day in relaxin...

  • Sounds of Summer concerts

    Jun 3, 2021

    Wyoming Hot Springs State Park will hold their 2021 Sounds of Summer Concert Series this year. Admission is free to all events. State Park Superintendent Kevin Skates said, “We’re back with our summer concert series. Due to Covid last year we didn’t have any music in the park. So, we’re excited to have four concerts for the summer in our lineup. We’re excited to get it back and we’re looking for to it.” Skates added, “People can bring their own beverages and food. We encourage people to bring their own lawn chairs.” Prior to Covid, the attend...

  • Rodeo features concerts and more

    Jun 3, 2021

    The Thermopolis Cowboy Rendezvous PRCA Rodeo is set for June 25-26, 2021 - Get Ready for the Re-ride, Buck Covid. Friday night after the rodeo in front of One Eyed Buffalo, Chancey Williams will be performing a concert. Tickets are available online at Chancey Williams Facebook page or locally at OEB. Williams will be donating part of the proceeds to area first responders. Williams reached out to the rodeo committee because his last experience performing in Thermopolis was amazing so he wanted to perform here again. Our local rodeo was one of...

  • Tatanka buffalo coloring contest

    Jun 3, 2021

    This summer families can participate in a contest about the Tatanka Buffalo. It’s a coloring contest sponsored by Hot Springs County Health, Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce and the Department of Family Services with funds from the Children’s Trust Fund Grant. They encourage you to get outside with your family this summer and win! The event is from May 1 until August 1. Stop by Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce to pick up your Tatanka Buffalo to color. There will be four winners drawn. Prizes include $100 in Chamber Buc...

  • Summer's coming

    Jun 3, 2021

    The Hot Springs County High School parking lot was full of players and spectators for the Thermopolis 3-on-3 Saturday and Sunday. The event, sponsored by the Bobcat Booster Club, reportedly had around 100 teams that competed. This weekend, the Thermopolis Brewfest will be downtown and will feature family fun and several breweries offering up their beers for those 21 years and older. Next weekend there will be a WJRA rodeo at the fairgrounds with local youths and youths from around the state competing from bragging rights and awards. On...

  • William 'Bill' Alexander Linton

    Jun 3, 2021

    William "Bill" Alexander Linton, 91, graduated from this earthly life Saturday May 29, 2021, in Thermopolis of natural causes. Bill was the second and last son of Angus Edgar and Lilias Nelson Linton born on August 25, 1929, in Meeteetse, Wyo. Harold "Bud" was his childhood best friend. He gained his education at the schools in Meeteetse. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science from the University of Wyoming. He served in the Army in the Korean War. He lived his life serving the community of... Full story

  • Millie Grieves

    Jun 3, 2021

    Memorial services for Millie Grieves, 86, will be held at Mortimore Chapel, Friday, June 4, at 2 p.m. Mrs. Grieves died May 26, 2021, in Casper, Wyo.... Full story

  • Brewfest set for Saturday

    Jun 3, 2021

    Main Street Thermopolis is holding its annual Brewfest event on Saturday, June 5 from 4-8 p.m. between 4th and 5th Streets on Broadway in downtown Thermopolis. The following breweries have signed up to attend the Thermopolis Brewfest: One Eyed Buffalo Brewing Company-Thermopolis, Smith Alley Brewing Company-Sheridan, WYOld West Brewing Company-Powell, Black Tooth Brewing Company-Sheridan, Snowy Mountain Brewery-Saratoga, Roadhouse Brewery-Jackson, Ten Sleep Brewery-Ten Sleep, Grand Teton Brewing-Victor, Idaho, and Wind River Brewing-Pinedale. H...

  • Two Rivers Inn expands

    Jun 3, 2021

    Two Rivers Inn has expanded into the small building next to it as a new fly shop and motel lobby. Owner Dan Pass said he has been looking at the building for a while. It had sold recently and he talked to the new owners and they were open to leasing it as a fly shop. Pass bought the motel five years ago and he realized that after that he could start a fly-fishing company and a commercial business. Therefore, he applied with the BLM for permits. In 2019 he decided to formally start the fly shop and break out into two businesses. When the...

  • Boysen Marina updated and open for business

    Jun 3, 2021

    Husband and wife Rich Mittlesdorf and Georgia Epperson have been recently remodeling the marina at the Boysen Reservoir located at the south end of the Wind River Canyon. They also happen to be residents of Thermopolis and have owned the marina three full years and are now entering their fourth season. Regarding how they came into the marina business, Mittlesdorf said, "I was tired of my other job." He was the district manager for Ferrellgas Propane. He added, "I pretty much lived on the road. I...

  • Shaffer cookie jar auction Saturday

    Jun 3, 2021

    There will be a Cookie Jar Auction for Brad Shaffer on Saturday, June 5 at 5:30 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. A pulled pork sandwich dinner will be available as they raise money to help Shaffer with any medical expenses or travel expenses that may occur while he takes the next steps in his cancer treatment. If you have any questions or would like to donate, please contact Lisa Shaffer at 307-431-1239 or Lesli Harvey at 921-9602....

  • State board considers name change for the 'Squaw Teats'

    Jun 3, 2021

    by CJ Baker Powell Tribune Via Wyoming News Exchange POWELL – Although Park County commissioners want a pair of local buttes to continue to be known as “Squaw Teats,” a state board may not. At a May 19 meeting, the Wyoming Board on Geographic Names did not formally take a position on a proposed renaming of the buttes. However, the board’s leaders did pledge to support a broader effort to remove the name “squaw” from not just the Park County formation, but from all of the locations in the state that include the word. “This name is being changed...

  • Dinner is served

    Jun 3, 2021

    A robin paused on the fence at Bicentennial Park before flying off to enjoy his dinner of fresh worm....

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