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Articles from the May 19, 2016 edition

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  • Spring concert

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|May 19, 2016

    Kindergarteners Andreanna Moon, left, and Paige Jones perform at the Risen Son Christian School Spring Concert on May 12 at the auditorium....

  • Boys take regional track championship

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|May 19, 2016

    It was another weekend of broken records and high scoring for the Bobcats, as they competed at the Regional Track Championships in Lander last Friday and Saturday. The boys team came home champions, winning with a total of 124 points. The boys 4x100 Relay team of Domanic Jensen, Cody Bjorhus, Tyler Cornwell and Jacob Hart set the school record for the third time, and the regional meet record, with a first place finish of 44.28. Coach Ernie Mecca hopes to see the team run their best at the state...

  • Will Rogers program

    May 19, 2016

    Hot Springs County Library will sponsor a free presentation by Richard and Mary Maturi on Wednesday, May 25 at Hot Springs County Library at 7 p.m. Maturi explores the wit of Cowboy Philosopher Will Rogers and how his wife, Betty was the driving force behind Will’s wit. It includes a discussion of Rogers’ insight into the human condition and problems of his day and how much of his insight is as applicable today as it was decades ago. Richard Maturi is a published author of more than a score of books, some in collaboration with his wife Mar...

  • Bobcats win at conference

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|May 19, 2016

    The Hot Springs County High School Bobcat golf team competed in the 2A Conference in Douglas on Friday and Saturday. Coach Jack Smith said overall the team played well and swept the Spring Championship as well as the Cowboy Conference Championship with many golfers earning All-Conference honors. The Thermopolis Boys placed first overall. Hudson Roling placed second overall and first in the conference. Caleb DeCroo placed fifth overall and second in the conference. Logan Bartholomew was tenth...

  • Tyler Cornwell named top Big Horn Basin high school athlete

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|May 19, 2016

    In addition to the Hot Springs County High School boys track team winning the Regional Championships at Lander, one senior came away with some additional recognition. Tyler Cornwell was presented the Winford Mower award during the regional track meet. The award is a high honor naming him as the top 1A/2A athlete in the Big Horn Basin, not just in track but overall in high school sports. Cornwell said he was notified that he would receive the award beforehand, so he knew he would be walking out...

  • Graduates receive scholarships

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|May 19, 2016

    The Hot Springs County High School Class of 2016 received $363,048 in scholarships Tuesday night. Of that amount, $59,550 was from local scholarships. In addition to the scholarships, Kayla Gilbert was named Outstanding Girl and Darren Leonhardt Outstanding Boy. The students receiving scholarships were as follows: Army: Cody Boss and Jessica Schierfolk. National Guard: Adam Hanson, Sean Miller, Alex Brawley and Fawn Rush. Navy: Cameron Igou. UW Wyoming Scholars: Kayla Anderson, Eric Herold,...

  • TMS tracksters compete at the Best of the Best in Lander

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|May 19, 2016

    Last Thursday, several Thermopolis Middle School Track members traveled to Lander to compete in the Best of the Best Meet. Coach Kent Hessenthaler stated, "One incredible result was that Logan Cole threw the discus over 146 feet - that was incredible. His previous best was 127 feet, and that throw was one of the top seventh grade throws in the nation. His throw was a once in a lifetime throw for a seventh grader." Results from the meet are as follows: 8th Grade Girls 400 Meter Dash Aspen Jensen...

  • Sixth graders achieve 100 percent improvement on MAP test

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|May 19, 2016

    Thermopolis Middle School sixth grade students achieved 100 percent improvement on their Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP) test in mathematics. Thermopolis Middle School principal Breez Daniels said sixth grade mathematics teacher Catelyn Deromedi had an idea to get donations for every point of improvement by students on the MAP test from parents of the students. Over $2,000 was raised for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library reading program at the Children's Resource Center through the eff...

  • Register now for 3-on-3 tourney

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|May 19, 2016

    This Friday, May 20, marks the registration deadline for the Hot City Summer Slam 3-on-3 basketball tournament over Memorial Day weekend. This year the Bobcat Boosters are heading up the event, with monies generated going back to the students at Hot Springs County High School. The tourney will be at the high school parking lot, and activities director Brandon Deromedi noted Tuesday there are currently 11 vendors, which will be set up at nearby LeRoy Hayes Memorial Stadium. Deromedi said the...

  • Time trip

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|May 19, 2016

    Barb Rice shows off some fashions from the past during a show at the Hot Springs County Museum for Still Strolling Saturday....

  • Travel and Tourism finances

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|May 19, 2016

    Tuesday at the meeting of Hot Springs Travel and Tourism, Director Amanda Moeller said the finances are looking good. She is working with the Office of Tourism to determine if cooperatives will be billed for this fiscal year or the next one, to determine if adjustments need to be made. Regarding lodging tax receipts, Moeller pointed out the receipts are currently 11 percent higher from the previous fiscal year, when settlement monies from online booking agencies are not factored in, and four...

  • Open doors

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|May 19, 2016

    Saturday saw grand openings at two local businesses. On left, S-Squared Designs carries products such as Chalk Paint by Annie Sloan, the General Finishes line, 307 from Stalick Brothers and Wyo Proud shirts. Owners Stefanie Gilbert and Stephanie Conrad also work with several consigners. Keep an eye out for some food products with a unique name. On the right, Andy Stone, left, and Cody Burrows entertain during the grand opening of Shorty's under Deb and Danny Lackey's ownership. Deb noted the...

  • Holm spent life teaching

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|May 19, 2016

    First-grade teacher at Ralph Witters Elementary Sonja Holm has been teaching for 42 years, 30 of which were spent teaching in Hot Springs County. Holm will be retiring from the Hot Springs County School District at the end of the 2015-16 school year. "It's a way of life," Holm said. "I can't remember not teaching. I've been teaching since I was 21 years old and it's been a great career. I've enjoyed every minute of it." Holm was born and raised in South Dakota where she began her teaching career...

  • Horse sale Saturday

    May 19, 2016

    The much anticipated 33rd Annual WYO Quarter Horse Ranch spring sale will be filling the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds this weekend with 93 head of premium stock for sale. Bill and Carole Smith began the spring sale in 1983 and it has been so successful over the years the couple added a fall sale to their agenda 16 years ago. With buyers from all over the U.S. and abroad, it has become one of the premier horse sales in the country. The event kicks off with the Parade of Geldings on Friday, May 20 at 7 p.m. at the indoor arena. There will be a...

  • Distillery earns high marks, fills 8,000th barrel

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|May 19, 2016

    The first barrel of bourbon whiskey was filled at Wyoming Whiskey in July 2009, and it was announced the business would start selling its small-batch bourbon Dec. 1, 2012. Over three years later, the bourbon is still a popular product and the distillery recently filled its 8,000th barrel; as with the rest of the whiskey, it will be ready to bottle in five years. Additionally, the whiskey has earned high review in the March issue of F. Paul Pacult's "Spirit Journal." He rated the Small Batch Bour...

  • Spring concert

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|May 19, 2016

    Members of the Hot Springs County High School band and choir along with Thermopolis Middle School seventh and eighth grade band and choir performed at the auditorium for their spring concert. Graduating seniors were also honored during the performance....