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Articles from the May 16, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 38

  • Luna enters plea on amended charge

    Mark Dykes, Editor|May 16, 2019

    Monday afternoon in Hot Springs District Court, Hugo A. Luna Aguero, also known as Hugo Luna, entered a guilty plea to an amended felony charge of second-degree attempted murder. Proceedings were aided by interpreters, as Luna’s primary language is Spanish. The charge is amended from a felony of first-degree attempted murder, and a second felony charge of kidnapping has been dismissed. As part of the plea agreement, a jail sentence of 20-30 years in a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility w... Full story

  • Hopping good time

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|May 16, 2019

    Soren Webber, Fischer Lewis and Jaelyn Steadman were having a hopping good time during Ralph Witters Elementary's field day last Friday. Field day marks nearly the end of the school year for the students and these three look like they're making their way to that finish line....

  • Discussion on Boysen concerns

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|May 16, 2019

    About 20 people attended a meeting last week regarding the Moneta Divide Oilfield and Aethon Energy’s proposed expansion. Members of the Wyoming Outdoor Council, Worland Conservation District, various Hot Springs County water board members and concerned citizens attended the meeting that answered some questions, but opened up a slew of new ones. In moving through the room asking what those in attendance were most concerned about with the project, the answers were anywhere from the cumulative e...

  • School district discusses grants

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|May 16, 2019

    Hot Springs County School District #1 (HSCSD) held their consolidated grant planning meeting last week to shed light on what grants the district receives each year and what those monies are spent on. Prior to the grant explanations, presenter Nichole Ciz reminded parents they may request information about their student’s teachers at any time. If you question the education a particular teacher possesses, you may ask for information about their education and experience. Hot Springs County s...

  • Town clean up in full swing

    Mark Dykes, Editor|May 16, 2019

    Mayor Mike Chimenti recently proclaimed May 13-25 as town Spring Clean-Up. All residents and business owners are encouraged to clean their property in preparation for the upcoming summer season. The town is offering various resources to assist with the success. There will be four construction 20-foot yard dumpsters located at the 14th Street tennis courts, at Ninth and Big Horn, at 8th and Amoretti, and in the 200 block of Second Street. Saturday, May 18, will be Free Dump Day from 9 a.m. until...

  • On the Record for May 16

    May 16, 2019

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Sheriff’s office Thursday, May 9 9:15 a.m. Report of a vehicle passing others in no passing zones and running people off the road. The vehicle was spotted by a complainant in the canyon, but could not later be located. 7:37 p.m. A civil standby was provided while a female subject served an...

  • Investigation

    Mark Dykes, Editor|May 16, 2019

    The Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department was called to cut open a vehicle at the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) yard. Wyoming Highway Patrol requested the service in order to check the vehicle's computer, as part of the investigation into a possible DUI incident on Highway 14 north of Greybull. A section of the WYDOT yard is used as impound for Highway Patrol when needed....

  • Alert tone test this Saturday

    May 16, 2019

    Hot Springs County Emergency Management will be doing a siren test on Saturday at noon, featuring the new “Alert Tone” that will be used as a tornado warning. This tone will not be used unless there is a tornado warning or severe storm warning with winds over 70 m.p.h. or hail golf ball size or larger. The tone will not go off if a storm is miles away and moving out of the county. Sirens are used as an outside alert. Go into your home and get more information from a NOAA radio, Hot Springs County CodeRED or a television inte...

  • Gift of the Waters fundraiser

    May 16, 2019

    Mark your calendars now to attend an Indian Tacos and Fry Bread Fundraiser for the Gift of the Waters. On Friday, May 31, gather at the Kiwanis Shelter in Hot Springs State Park for delicious, authentic Indian Tacos, Frybread and honey and soft shell tacos from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. The Gift of the Waters Pageant Committee is pleased to have members of the Shoshone Nation from Ft. Washakie come to help with this event by making all the goodies for sale. Indian Tacos will be $7, Frybread and honey, $3 and soft shell tacos, $4. Pop and water will a...

  • Still time to register for 3-on-3

    May 16, 2019

    Its time to kick off summer with the Hot City 3-on-3 Summer Slam sponsored by the Bobcat Booster Club. The tournament will be held on Memorial Day weekend, May 26 and 27 in the high school parking lot. Registration is open for the tournament with various age groups for teams aged 10 and under all the way up to age 31 and over. Registration is $155 per team. Registration is online only. Teams may register by going to the Bobcat Booster Club on Facebook and clicking on registration. Teams must be registered by May 23 to be included in the...

  • Graduates hit the stage Sunday

    May 16, 2019

    Graduation ceremonies for the class of 2019 will be this Sunday, May 19 at 2 p.m. in the Hot Springs County High School Gym. Lane Randall and Jeffery VanAntwerp will address the class as Valedictorians along with Courtney Jeunehomme, this year’s Salutatorian. The featured speaker the class chose will be Tom Olsen. Students will enter the gym wearing black caps and gowns along with purple stoles. Their class flower is the yellow rose, a symbol of friendship and optimism. The class motto is “We may not have it all together, but together, we have...

  • Howe recognized with quilt

    Mark Dykes, Editor|May 16, 2019

    Richard (Dick) Howe of Thermopolis was awarded a Quilt of Valor on May 11. Howe served in the US Army from 1967 to 1992. He attended Basic Training at Fort Lewis, Wash. and later trained as a combat medic. He was a member of the 2nd of 11th Cavalry, 101st Airborne and was deployed to Vietnam where he was involved in the Tet Offensive 1968 thru 1969. He was also part of the first assault on Hamburger Hill. When he returned to base camp, he got into a motor vehicle accident and shattered his...

  • Stay true to you

    May 16, 2019

    On Sunday, we will be watching the graduating class of 2019 cross the boards into their new lives as high school graduates. These days we hear a lot of disparaging news about teens in our country – Tide pod eaters, drug users, drinkers, inexperienced theorists. What we see, however, are young people who are genuinely concerned with political issues, the future of our planet and making things better. The students we see wearing those caps and gowns are future doctors, scientists, educators and farmers, ranchers and veterinarians, mechanics a...

  • Concerned about expansion

    Richard Miller|May 16, 2019

    I’m not happy about the pollutants coming our way if Aethon greatly expands its Moneta Divide operation. From what I’ve read I gather it will be mostly salt. While drinking a glass of salty water now and then won’t kill us, do we really want our water to be saltier than it already is? Also, at the web site “Sciencing” I found this information: “When saltwater enters the soil the plant tries to absorb it through its roots like normal water. However, salt water does not allow for osmosis through the plant tissues ... the salt solution ac...

  • Another year in the books

    Mark Dykes, Editor|May 16, 2019

    This Sunday marks the graduation for the Hot Springs County High School Class of 2019. It’s been quite a year in the district with accomplishments both academic and extracurricular, and we should all be proud of our Bobcats. It never fails that whenever graduation nears I’m taken back to those final days I spent as an Alliance, Neb. Bulldog, ready to take on the next steps of life whatever they bring. I could spend time writing advice about what the graduates should consider as they walk thr...

  • Dr. Howard Todd Willson

    May 16, 2019

    Dr. Howard Todd Willson, 84, passed away peacefully May 8, 2019, at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital in Thermopolis. Born December 3, 1934, in Spring Lake, Fla., he was the son of Edwin C. and Blanche H. (Downs) Willson. The son of a preacher, Howard's early years were shaped by the depression and WWII which saw his father enlist as a Chaplain in the Army. Howard attended the Florida State University, then joined the Air Force as a commissioned officer and became a father as well. After his... Full story

  • Gail Ivie Snooks

    May 16, 2019

    Gail (Ivie) Snooks, 64 years old, passed away on April 30, 2019, with her loving husband by her side. Her husband was her biggest love and enjoyed doing anything and everything with him. Gail was born June 25, 1954, in Provo, Utah, to Shirley May (McDonald) and Carlyle B. Ivie. Gail was the 4th of seven children. She grew up in Rawlins, Wyo., and moved to Thermopolis in 1969. Gail met her future husband in 1970 at the A&W in Thermopolis and they were married April 25, 1972. She graduated from... Full story

  • Gertrude E. 'Trudy' Olson

    May 16, 2019

    Gertrude E. "Trudy" Olson, 86, passed away Sunday, May 12, 2019, in Basin, Wyo. Firstborn of Walter and Mildred (Peavler) Lowe, Trudy was born October 28, 1932, in Deaver, Wyo. In 1951 she married William "Bud" Vazanko and to this union two daughters were born. The couple later divorced. In 1970 she married Carl Olson in Waukesha, Wis. The couple moved to Thermopolis in 1981 where Trudy was employed as a Respiratory Therapist at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital. Retiring in 1990, she worked... Full story

  • IR has early deadline for May 30 issue

    May 16, 2019

    The Thermopolis Independent Record office will be closed Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day. Will will have early deadlines for the May 30 edition. Our deadline for all display, classified and legal advertising will be Friday, May 24 by noon. Our deadline for editorial content will be Tuesday, May 28 by noon. Have a safe and fun weekend, and honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country....

  • River flows start increasing

    May 16, 2019

    Bureau of Reclamation ordered additional release of water from Boysen Reservoir into the Wind River on Monday. Flows went from 1,535 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 2,150 cfs. Although the increase in the flow will be negligible at this time, as more water is released during runoff season, be aware the river can literally change in speed and intensity overnight. River and stream flow status in Hot Springs County remains Green....

  • Monument Hill sign scheduled for a face lift in June

    May 16, 2019

    A well known sight in Thermopolis for decades is about to get a much needed and long awaited facelift – Monument Hill. According to Hot Springs State Park Superintendent Kevin Skates, a group from the University of Wyoming’s Conservation Corps will be arriving June 10 to begin reconstruction of the “World’s Largest Mineral Hot Springs” sign that graces the front of Monument Hill. The UW groups travel throughout the summer doing various projects, a number of them for Wyoming State Parks and Historical Sites. The park provides them a place to...

  • Start getting your entry shined up for the car show

    May 16, 2019

    Father’s Day is less than a month away, and with it comes the 27th annual Hot Spot Car Rally, June 15 and 16. In addition to the cars lined up in Hot Springs State Park, there will be plenty of food and music available. Though the show is free to admirers, those who want to showcase their cars have to pay a $30 fee, which covers one vehicle and includes a t-shirt. Other fees are $15 per additional shirt and $10 per additional car. The rally is a casual two-day event starting at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 15 with pre-registration and the Ted S...

  • Services to recognize fallen soldiers

    May 16, 2019

    The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 2281 will host services on Memorial Day, May 27, to recognize and honor those soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice. The post will have a flag service and honor guard salute at both cemeteries — 11 a.m. at Monument Hill and 11:30 a.m. at Riverside — and will place a wreath in the river from the Park Street Bridge at noon. The public is invited to attend all three services. The Big Horn Basin Freedom Riders will be setting up Hawk’s Avenue of Flags at Monument Hill Cemetery on Memorial Day, begin...

  • Salute the fallen

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|May 16, 2019

    Sheriff Jerimie Kraushaar, Fr. Joe Galligan and others from the Sheriff's Deparment and Police Department honored fallen law enforcement officers at a ceremony at both Monument Hill and Riverside Cemeteries last Saturday....

  • Several Bobcats headed to state track in Casper

    Mark Dykes, Editor|May 16, 2019

    Of about 30 members of the Hot Springs County High School Track and Field Team who competed at the Regional competition in Burns last Friday and Saturday, 17 will be headed to the 3A State Championship at Casper this week, May 16-18. Coach Aimee Kay said the number of students that have qualified - meaning they finished in the top eight of their event or top four for relays at Regionals, though others have pre-qualified through the season - was more than what she expected. As in previous meets,...

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