Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 40
The Hot Springs County Commissioners covered a lot of ground at their meeting on Tuesday, including a report from Youth Alternatives Director Barb Rice, information on replacing the floor in the fair building and a request from the Weed and Pest District for mosquito intervention for the season. Rice told the commissioners there are currently seven youth in the program and she has been coordinating community service projects for them each week Most of the students in the program are required by...
Ralph Witters Elementary kindergarten students visited Lucy's Sheep Camp last week as part of their science class lifecycle unit. The ranch, run by Billie Jo Norsworthy, has been doing an educational unit with the kindergartners for eight years. Other grades have also benefitted from visiting the ranch. Kindergarten teacher Bethany Webber said the students go out to the farm in order to give them an out of classroom experience they can take back and learn from. "They're learning what animals...
These final few weeks of school for students in Hot Springs County School District No. 1 are full of activities and events. Baccalaureate will be held Monday, May 11 at 7 p.m. in the school auditorium. Everyone is welcome to attend the ceremony. Seniors will receive their scholarships on Tuesday, May 12 at 6:30 p.m. Senior Scholarship Night will be held this year in the high school commons. Thursday, May 14 the Risen Son Christian School will be filling the auditorium for their spring concert....
An increase of $25,000 will be added to the town's roads budget in order to make repairs to many of the streets falling apart around town. The main street council members are concerned with the future of is 14th Street, which has slowly unraveled and is currently lined with potholes filled with gravel. However, the roads may be filled with asphalt when 1st and 2nd streets are repaired and asphalt trucks are on scene. The roads budget is now $100,000. The town council also approved a firework...
On the Record policy It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police calls” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Fire calls Monday, May 4 1:41 Firefighters responded to a gas leak at 120 South Bar None Road. Tuesday, May 5 4:56 Firefighters responded to a grass fire at 710 West Sunnyside lane. Sheriff’s office Tuesday, April 28 12:30 a.m. A family living on East Sunnyside were called by a possible telemarketer. The...
Jeff Dittmer is in his 30th year of working as the horticulturist at Hot Springs State Park. "You name it, I grow it," he said. And Dittmer said that he had enjoyed his time working here, at one of the few parks in the state that grows their own flowers. Many parks buy their flowers, and some local areas get the leftover flowers from Hot Springs State Park. In fact, Dittmer said the state park has never bought flowers, having grown our own flowers since the rock wall was constructed in the 30's...
Army Pvt. Jonathon P. Burrows has graduated from Basic Combat Training at Fort Benning, Ga. During the nine-week training period, the trainee received instruction in drill and ceremony, weapons, rifle marksmanship and bayonet training, chemical warfare, field training and tactical exercises, armed and unarmed combat, military courtesy and more. Burrows is the son of Derrick Burrows and Shelly Burrows....
Seasons come and go. The sun rises and sets. We celebrate beginnings, endings and all things in between. This weekend, we celebrate mothers. Even though I am a mother myself, the day is clouded by the fact that I am a Mother’s Day orphan. The day, while a celebration, also becomes a time tinged with sadness. Other orphans may understand. It doesn’t matter if you are five or 55, Mother’s Day without a mother creates an emptiness – a renewed awareness of a vacancy where something real used to flourish. This void is a reminder of your grief,...
It is my understanding that changes are being made to the rose bushes at the south end of Bicentennial Park at 5th and Broadway in Thermopolis. At this time it is good to remember why they were planted there in the first place and the history of the park. After fire destroyed much of the area the idea of making it over into a park in honor of our Nation was considered. Much work of the people of the county went toward its establishment. The Hot Springs County and The Thermopolis Bicentennial Committees undertook the park’s establishment as a p...
During the Retail Committee Meeting Friday, members considered getting the Pageant Days parade route changed to make the parade go through the park. As the majority of events already go on in the park, committee members listlessly agreed moving the parade from downtown to the park is sensible. However, Dan Herdt pointed out that although he agrees with the change, some retailers might not. “It’s not going to gain the retailers much to start on Senior Avenue and end in the park,” Herdt said. Chamber of Commerce Director Meri Ann Rush said she w...
Wyoming State Parks Employees and local officials are looking for community support in creating the Hot Springs State Park Master Plan. Representatives from the state will present alternative plans for the park, which have been in the works for months. The plans will outline the long range and comprehensive water use and management, recreational use and desires for the park, along with resource protection and future partnership development in the park. When the plan is completed, the park should have a comprehensive outline for future growth...
Douglas Arley McQueen, 84, peacefully passed away April 30, 2015, at his home in Thermopolis. His wife of 62 years, Beverly Urwin McQueen, was at his side. His death follows a progressive decline after a stroke in July of 2013. Arley was born in Thermopolis on December 11, 1931, and grew up on a ranch on Cottonwood Creek. He was a career petroleum engineer for Marathon Oil Company working in Cody; Lafayette, La.; and Nigeria, Africa. After retirement he and Bev split their time between Apache...
Janet Ann Craft, 88, died April 25, 2015, at her home in Grand Junction, Colo. after an extended illness. Her husband, Robert Craft, was by her side. She was born on May 14, 1926, in Thermopolis. Janet graduated from Hot Springs County High School in 1944. She loved going to school with the same classmates from first grade through graduation with lasting friendships throughout the years. After high school, Janet graduated from Colorado Women’s College in 1946 and later obtained a bachelor’s degree from Washington University in St. Louis, Mo....
Iota May Tunks, 89, passed away Friday, April 24, 2015, at the Thermopolis Rehabilitation and Care Center where she had resided since July, 2014. Born November 28, 1925, in Crosby, Wyo., she was the daughter of John and Ethel (Collins) Ralph. She grew up with five brothers. On July 4, 1943, she married Bill Leon Tunks in Red Lodge, Mont. To this union was born two children. When the couple lived in Lander, she was a clerk at the Ben Franklin store. She then worked as a cook on several ranches including 20 years at the Pallet Ranch owned by the...
Viola May Woody, 92, died May 2, 2015, at the West Park Long Term Care Center in Cody, Wyo. She was born November 12, 1922, at home on the Padlock Ranch on Owl Creek near Thermopolis to Oscar and Millie (Kitzmiller) Moore. She married Wayne Woody on June 1, 1944. To that marriage were born two daughters. They moved to town in 1947 and lived there for 17 years. During this time, she worked for Grants Grocery and the local shoe store. They then moved to Gillette, Wyo. where she worked at Corner Drug Store for four years. They later moved to...
Four generations of the Milek family came to the Thermopolis Gun Club Range Sunday to have a private preview of the new range sign and Bob Milek Memorial Plaque. Pictured, left to right, are Monte Love, Heather Love, Dorothy Milek, Donny Love, Barbara Milek, Colton Blakesley, Karsten Milek, Debbie Milek, Bob Milek Jr., Becky Kersten, Brandon Blakesley, Jennie Blakesley and Morgan Blakesley. A public Open House is planned for July 4....
May 11-14 has been chosen as Spring Clean-up for Thermopolis. All residents and business owners are being asked to clean up their property in preparation for the upcoming tourist season. The town will have staff members available to assist people with cleanup during the week. Property owners are being asked to clean the sidewalk in front of their businesses. The town street sweeper will also be operating during these days to remove debris from the street. People are being asked to place all debris from the cleanup in sturdy boxes or heavy-duty...
The Imagination Station Preschool and Learning Center is currently starting enrollment for the fall. Ciley Andreen, an educator with 18 years of experience, is offering the new preschool program to families who want an additional option to preschool education in Thermopolis. “Kids learn more through music and movement,” Andreen said. Andreen explained that she encourages a fun and playful learning experience for her students. She also focuses on a curriculum that aligns with state standards and includes a handwriting without tears approach to...
Henry Nyhus swings a lasso above his head while playing a game during the Spring Craft Fair in the fair building Saturday....
Hot Springs County Assessor Shelley Deromedi has released estimated values for the county for 2015. Deromedi lists two different estimates, the first based on estimated production from the Minerals Tax Division, which is based on actual Severance Tax reporting. That estimated valuation brings the valuation of the county up by 1.23%, or $230,368,132. That number is reached basing the oil production during 2014 at $167,159,821, up .65% and gas production for 2014 at $399,034, down 9.1% The second...
The Hot Springs County Museum and Cultural Center is currently without a director after the resignation of Ross Rhodes. Rhodes tendered his resignation to the museum board April 28. At this time, there is no interim director and the employees and volunteers are managing things at the museum with the board overseeing operations. There have been no changes in visiting hours for the museum....
Wyoming resident big game hunters are reminded the deadline to submit applications for limited quota deer, antelope and elk licenses is June 1. All big game applications must now be made online. They must be made by midnight (MST) on the deadline date. Apply online at Hunters who have questions about applying online or need assistance can call the Game and Fish at 307-777-4600....
The Thermopolis Gun Club is sponsoring a Bowling Pin Shoot on Sunday, May 10 at 1 p.m. at the Thermopolis Gun Range. Entry fees will be waived for Moms. Bring your handguns and ammo....
Destination Imagination team Pretty Little “DI”ers will be holding a variety of fundraisers to help members attend Global Finals in Tennessee May 20-23. A Potato Bar dinner is scheduled for Friday, May 15 at 6 p.m. at the VFW. All proceeds from the event will go to pay for travel expenses. For more information, call 864-3621....
A Babes and Mother’s Day event will be held Saturday, May 9 featuring dinner, entertainment and a silent auction. Proceeds will go toward the purchase of a new fetal heart monitor at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital. The fun will begin at 6 p.m. at The Bar-N’, 352 Bar None Drive. Call Linda at (805) 448-1321 to RSVP for the event. Members and guests are welcome....