Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 27
The Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) is announcing a mistaken exposure of laboratory test result data involving the health information of thousands of Wyoming residents and others, as well as describing its plan to respond. The department became aware of a breach involving protected health information on March 10, 2021. It was discovered a workforce member inappropriately handled the health information of approximately 164,021 Wyoming residents and others as early as November 5, 2020. The incident involves an unintentional exposure of 53...
Members of Hot Springs Dance hosted a dance recital called Night at the Movies on Saturday in the school auditorium. The audience was entertained with a variety of dance types performed by children of all ages....
At the April Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital Board meeting CEO Margie Molitor said, “the exciting thing is that all of our outpatient areas are now open. Everything the patient touches is new or remodeled. They can come in the main entrance and find their way.” Molitor also said that their CT volume is going up and they are hoping their mammography volume goes up too. They are getting good feedback from the speciality clinic from the specialists there. Dr. Nicole Jamieson is confirmed to...
by Victoria Eavis Casper Star-Tribune Via Wyoming News Exchange Gov. Mark Gordon’s office will develop the bulk of the next state budget without cuts thanks to improved revenue projections released last week, an official said Friday. The news comes on the heels of a string of budget cuts over the past year that were prompted by a downturn in the energy industry and the COVID-19 pandemic. “The standard budget that we’re going to build this year won’t involve cuts,” said Gordon spokesman Michael Pearlman, meaning the general fund and the budge...
Hot Springs County High School Drama Club members presented their spring play last week, "I Hate Shakespeare" by Steph DeFerie. Top, Chris Bapst (sitting), Ryan Miller (standing), Karina Lea and Corina Williams perform and below are, l to r, Cole Christiansen, Kris Lahoe and Abbey Bamford....
On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Detained at the Law Enforcement Center for Riverton Police Department April 28 Eugene Anthony Ridgley, 59, of Riverton Arron Lee C’hair, age and residence unknown Sheriff’s office Monday, April 26 Unknown time: Dillon Lee Ma...
At the Hot Springs State Park Pavilion there are several stations to play cornhole. If you want to play this summer, cornhole bags are available for check out at the State Bath House, Chamber of Commerce, Days Inn or Best Western Hotel. Please be sure to return the bags and replace the cover....
The Thermopolis Gymkhana Series will be kicking off on Saturday, May 8 at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds. Competitors can start signing up at 9 a.m. with riding starting at 10 a.m. Age groups are lead line (5 and under), pee wee (ages 6-9), junior (ages 10-13) and senior (ages 14-18). Ages are as of January 1, 2021. The cost is $40 for a family annual membership, $20 for an individual annual membership, $5 per event for members and $10 per event for non-members. Only members will be eligible for year end awards. Events include: barrels,...
There will be a Community Baby Shower on Tuesday, May 11 from 1-3 p.m. at the HSC Annex Building. It is for expectant parents and parents with children under age one on a first come first serve basis. There will be gift bags and refreshments. Representatives from attending agencies will be available to discuss services available for infants. Participating agencies are the Hot Springs County Child Protection Team, Department of Family Services, Public Health, Childrens Resource Center, HSC Prevention Coalition, Wyoming Children’s Trust Fund/ P...
Ralph Witters Elementary is hosing a kindergarten registration on Tuesday, May 11 from 5-7 p.m. in the RWE cafeteria. This is for incoming kindergartners for the 2021-2022 school year. To be eligible for kindergarten, students must be five years old by August 1, 2021. To be eligible for kinder boost students must be 5 years old by August 2 to September 15, 2021. Please bring the following information to kindergarten registration: state certified birth certificate and an immunization record. For more information, call the RWE office at...
The North Big Horn Basin held its annual District Music Festival virtually this year. Large Ensembles (Concert Bands and Choirs) were required to submit video recordings of their performance for adjudication from three judges. Small Ensembles and Solos were also required to submit video submissions for adjudication from one judge. Due to the virtual nature of this year’s festival they were able to submit Middle School Large Ensembles for adjudication using the same rubric as the high school. “As Director of Bands and Choirs at Hot Springs Cou...
Where do you park a horse trailer, boat, camper or RV in downtown Thermopolis? We often have people in long vehicles park in front of the IR during business hours and see them do the same across the street in front of the Town Hall. Often, they travel in pairs and can take up as many as six to eight parking spaces. Customers of the IR and the Town Hall then have to park fairly far from our buildings, making it hard for some, especially senior citizens. Last summer, the driver of a truck pulling a horse trailer parked right in the lane of...
From President Joe Biden’s Speech: “That’s the essence of America. That’s democracy in action.” Our Constitution opens with the words, “We the People”. It’s time we remembered that We the People are the government. You and I. Not some force in a distant capital. Excuse me Mister President, you are the figurehead of that force in a far distant capital, and it is time that the cabal of elitist who control our government learn that “We the People” are sick and tired of their continual lust for power to the detriment of our country, our Consti...
Born Marlene Gale Torgerson June 25, 1931, in Morton County, N.D., on the family farm, Marlene was the seventh child of Andrew and Anna Ramsland Torgerson. She was baptized a Lutheran in Sims, N.D., and confirmed at the Almont, N.D., Lutheran church. Marlene attended grade school at the Curlew Valley grade school and graduated from the Almont, N.D., high school. She attended Dickinson State Teachers' College, teaching grade school between quarters and graduating in 1950. The family moved to Bill... Full story
Mickey Dean Lewis passed away April 28, 2021, in Lewiston, Idaho, after a four year battle with AML Leukemia. He was born June 26, 1957, in Duluth, Minn., to Everett and Shirley (Brownell) Lewis. He graduated in the last 8th grade class from Arnold Elementary in Duluth in 1971. He graduated from Duluth Central High School in 1975 and from Duluth Area Vocational Technical School in 1977 with a degree in Technical Drafting. He moved to the Seattle, Wash., area in 1980. Mickey married Sue Lablanch... Full story
The Hot Springs County Freedom Riders chapter, along with Christian Motorcyclists Association LLC, hosted their Run for the Son event Saturday in Hot Springs State Park. Motorcycle enthusiasts gathered for lunch, a live band and to have their bike's blessed for safe travels. Run for the Son started as an effort to provide just one motorcycle to a pastor in Guatemala. From that simple beginning, Run for the Son has provided transportation to more than 14,500 pastors, evangelists and Christian...
Main Street Thermopolis is holding its annual Brewfest event on Saturday, June 5 from 4-8 p.m. between 4th and 5th street on Broadway downtown. It is their main fundraiser where the entire community and families can participate. Adults 21 years and older can purchase a tasting mug for $25 and try out beer from six or more craft breweries from around the state. There will be a variety of food trucks, vendors with arts and crafts and local musicians, such as Eric Kay, Keith OBrien and Harold...
Afterschool Alliance AnnoThe Wyoming Young Entrepreneur Initiative cultivated by the Wyoming Afterschool Alliance (WYAA) encourages young people to explore and practice entrepreneurship and develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The Wyoming Young Entrepreneur Pitch Challenge for Winter 2021 provided a platform for young people across the state to apply these skills and WYAA is proud to celebrate the standouts. Second place was awarded to Thermopolis Middle School Students Riley O’Brien, Ivey Goff, Mari Ford and Julia Q...
Bobcat golfers competed in Cody last week and the boys team came home with a strong second place with a total score of 348, narrowly missing first captured by the Worland Warriors with a 344. Many of the golfers set personal records at the competition. Hardy Johnson shot a 78 for 4th place. Wyatt McDermott finished 5th with an 82 and an amazing score of 36 on the front nine. Will Clark shot a 93, Kyle Roessing shot a 95, Seth Weyer shot a 97, Jonah Needham shot a 105, Spencer Calhoun shot a 108...
The Bobcat Track and Field team competed in the Wolverine Twilight last Monday and then the Roy Peck Invitational on Saturday. The Bobcats will be hosting their home invite on Friday at 1 p.m. Regionals will be May 14-15 in Torrington with state is coming up on May 20-22 in Casper. The team is looking ahead to pre-qual more individuals for state. Results for the Bobcats include: Wolverine Twilight Boys 100 meter: Roedy Farrell 4th 11.71; Jesse Rodriguez 13.02. 200 meter: Gavin Shumway 8th 26.18; Sheldon Thompson 31.42. 400 meter: Roedy Farrell...
Thermopolis Middle School Tracksters recently competed at the Riverton Spartan Invitational. TMS track is hosting their home invite on Saturday starting at 9:30 a.m. Riverton results include: 8th grade boys 100 meter: Ethan Yarrington 9th 13.22; Colter Price 14.04. 200 meter: Logan Dafoe 28.68. 400 meter: Ryan Arends 4th 1:03.72. 800 meter: Zane Stam 2nd 2:29.93; Will Ward 7th 2:40.44. 1600 meter: Zane Stam 1st 5:38.74; Will Ward 3rd 5:51.05. 100 meter hurdles: Brody Potter 3rd 18.78; Delmonico Dukes 4th 18.81. 200 meter hurdles: Brody Potter...
by Dustin Bleizeffer, Wyoming stands at the crossroads of a permanently shrinking coal industry and a historic budget crisis as its dominant conservative politics move further to the right on several issues. Presented with these factors, a troubling number of Wyoming’s young people choose another route altogether: the one that leads out of state. The portion of Wyoming’s workforce made up of young people continues to shrink as many choose to leave Wyoming rather than stake out a future in their home state. “The consensus [amon...
by Dustin Bleizeffer, In the fall of 2017, then Hot Springs High School senior Stormy Cox wrote of her home state: “In my heart I would love to stay in Wyoming … The majority of my family lives in Wyoming. It’s hard to leave all of them behind and be on my own. If I could stay in Wyoming and still pursue my dreams I would.” Her sentiments were collected as part of a project that I and Felicity Barringer, Writer In Residence at the Bill Lane Center for the American West, undertook. The goal was to understand young people’s attitudes...
NBHA Barrel racing weas held last Sunday at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds. Results inlude: Open 1D - Baylie Mulholland, 15.201; Jerrie Slagle, 15.361; Shyla Epler, 15.608 2D - Brenda Sims, 15.723; Shyla Epler, 15.814; Brenda Sims, 15.866 3D - Nicole Spainhower, 16.323; Taylor Malcom, 16.445; Kerri DeGroff, 16.500; mandy McKim, 16.687; Baylie Mulholland, 16.714 4D - Nicole Spainhower, 18.037; Kaitlyn Schmuck, 18.087; Mandy McKim, 18.536; Annie DeGanahl, 19.084; Bobbi Byrd, 22.824 Youth 1D - Mesa Allen, 16.009; Taylor Malcom, 16.216; Taylor...
Donna Searle recently won the Pure International Pageant in Cheyenne. She won overall state queen, people's choice award, fun fashion, super runway model and best of formal evening gown. In July, Searle will be competing in Columbus, Ohio, representing Wyoming in the national pageant....