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Articles from the April 30, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 40

  • Band and choir rated superior

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter|Apr 30, 2015

    The Hot Springs County High School band and choir were in Lovell last week for the 2015 District Music Festival. Keeping with tradition, the band and choir both came home with multiple superior ratings with solos and ensembles ranging from excellent to superior as determined by the panel of judges. "I am so proud of our musicians," director Dustin Olsen said. "They represented the high school and community on the highest level. Not only did they perform at an extremely high level of...

  • Committee plans for dry conditions, local emergencies

    Zachary White, Reporter|Apr 30, 2015

    The Local Emergency Planning Committee met April 23 to discuss potential emergencies facing Hot Springs County. One of the more immediate concerns is the potential for large-scale fires in the coming spring and summer months. Coming off relatively dry March and April months, the spread of forest fires could be rapid. “We’re looking at quite the wildfire season,” chairman James Coates said. Part of the unraveling concern this year comes from the fact that the number of fire spotters has decreased significantly. “Between the Rocky Mountai...

  • Identifying economic needs in Hot Springs County and beyond

    Zachary White, Reporter|Apr 30, 2015

    There was a Wyoming Business Alliance workshop in Thermopolis last week to help local business owners and public representatives identify and address economic needs in Hot Springs County. During the April 23 meeting, more than 20 people discussed the past, present and possible future of Hot Springs County. This included discussion of economic staples like energy, businesses that have had success in the county, and where economic growth can come from in the future. When asked a simple prompt of how people thought Hot Springs County is doing...

  • "She was only Marginally Modest"

    Apr 30, 2015

    Seymore Stoutfellow (Logan Kay), hero of the day, is not quite sure what to do with Marginally Modest (Sierra Schmidt) after she faints during the high school drama production. The melodrama's final night is tonight (Thursday) in the auditorium at 7 p.m....

  • Prom Royalty

    Apr 30, 2015

    Hot Springs County High School Prom Queen Kimberlee Robbins and King Vinchinzo Castle were crowned during Grand March Saturday....

  • On the Record: 4.30.15

    Staff Report|Apr 30, 2015

    On the Record policy It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police calls” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Fire calls Wednesday, April 22 4:06 p.m. Firefighters responded to a car accident near mile marker 126 on Highway 20 South. Monday, April 27 12 a.m. Firefighters responded to a fire alarm that went off at 231 Park. Sheriff’s office Tuesday, April 21 3:12 p.m. A call was received at the Sheriff’s office...

  • Cortney Thoren to wed Ryan O'Conner

    Staff Report|Apr 30, 2015

    Bruce and Sabrina Thoren of Shoshoni, Wyo., and Pat and Shelley O'Connor of Torrington, Wyo. are pleased to announce the engagement of their children. Cortney Thoren is a graduate from the University of Wyoming with her master's degree in counseling. She is employed with Hot Springs County School District as a high school counselor. Ryan O'Connor is also a graduate from the University of Wyoming with his master's degree in Speech Language Pathology. He is employed with Hot Springs County School...

  • New ESA officers sworn in

    Staff Report|Apr 30, 2015

    Cindy Magelky started the installation of new officers by swearing in Kim Enis as the new president. Enis then swore in her new officers during the April 7 meeting. New officers for the 2015-2016 term are: President Kim Enis; vice president and education chair Stefanie Ireland; secretary and treasurer Cindy Magelky; philanthropic chair Carol Andreen; ways and means chair Michelle Herring; awards chair and historian Jenifer Grimm; social co-chairs Belle Flinn and Michelle Herring; jonquil/chaplain and publicity Linda Ziegler; parliamentarian...

  • Volunteers needed to spruce up sign

    Staff Report|Apr 30, 2015

    Hot Springs County Historical Society members are looking for volunteers to help give Monument Hill a fresh look. On Friday and Saturday volunteers are needed to do rock work putting letters back into shape and then give them a new coat of paint. Interested individuals are asked to meet on the back side of Monument Hill beginning at 2 p.m. Friday or on Saturday morning. Refreshments will be provided. For more information, contact Ray Shaffer at 864-2678 or 921-8625....

  • Scheel honored at State FFA

    Zachary White, Reporter|Apr 30, 2015

    Thermopolis FFA Alumni Association president Phillip Scheel was recognized with an honorary degree during the State FFA Convention on April 10, in Cheyenne. The Honorary FFA Degree is the highest award the Wyoming FFA can bestow upon non-members. “The Honorary State FFA Degree is a very special recognition for individuals who have rendered outstanding service to the FFA and agriculture education,” explained Jess Oldham, FFA State Parliamentarian. Scheel, of Tumbleweed Propane, Inc., has been involved in FFA since he attended high school in Pin...

  • Stucky earns certificate

    Zachary White, Reporter|Apr 30, 2015

    As part of the ever-evolving effort to keep medical staff up to date at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital, radiology technician Sabrina Bullard Stucky has been certified as a national registered vascular technologist. "The vascular board is very difficult, and it's one of the most important ones because I'm like one out of 15 in the state of Wyoming that have passed this board," Stucky said. If the standards insurance companies, including Medicare and Medicaid, start using it to grade...

  • Celebrate mothers with P.E.O.

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter|Apr 30, 2015

    The Third Annual P.E.O. Mother’s Day Luncheon will be held on Saturday, May 9, starting at 11:30 a.m. in the middle school commons. The Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.) uses various fundraisers throughout the year to provide scholarship opportunities to young ladies in Hot Springs County. Founded at Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant, Iowa in 1869, P.E.O. has been promoting educational opportunities for women ever since. The annual luncheon will feature door prizes, a raffle a...

  • Editorial: Who are the leaders?

    Zachary White, Reporter|Apr 30, 2015

    By now we have all heard about the riots taking place in Baltimore. The police haven’t been enough to stop the rioting; the National Guard has been brought in; normal life in the streets has all but become impossible. It all started with the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who was arrested and taken into police custody. The death itself is still shrouded in mystery, but a few facts are clear. When Gray was arrested in Baltimore on April 12 he was struggling to walk. By the time he got to the police station a half an hour l...

  • Patricia Spatz

    Apr 30, 2015

    Former Thermopolis resident, Patricia Ann (Dodge) Spatz, 87, of Lexington, Ky. passed away Monday, April 20, 2015, while visiting her daughter near Paducah, Ky. Born in Casper, Wyo., February 15, 1928, she was one of eight children of Elijah and Rose (Borchers) Dodge. The family moved to Thermopolis where Pat graduated from Thermopolis High School. She was employed at Empire State Oil Company until she married Raymond Spatz in 1948. In 1973 they were transferred to Ashland, Ky. and later moved...

  • Janet Craft

    Apr 30, 2015

    Janet Ann (Virgin) Craft, 88, died Saturday, April 25, 2015, at her residence in Grand Junction, Colo. She is survived by her husband; son of Colo.; and sister, Nora Lee Virgin of Thermopolis. At her request no services will be held. Cremation has taken place and interment will be at Monument Hill Cemetery in Thermopolis....

  • Lt. Colonel John Shaw

    Apr 30, 2015

    Lt. Colonel John Virgil Shaw, 86, passed away on Sunday, April 26, 2015, at the Washakie Medical Center after a courageous battle with cancer. John was born on January 2, 1929, in Buffalo, Wyo. He was the first of three boys to be born of the union of Mary Ellen (Roediger) Shaw and Milton Albert Shaw. The family moved to Worland when John was five. He entered kindergarten in Worland and graduated from Worland High School in May of 1947. John had a life-long love of sports and in high school he...

  • Wayne Pisto

    Apr 30, 2015

    Wayne (Pete) Anthony Pisto, 92, passed away peacefully at Kathryn House from natural causes on April 18, 2015. Wayne was born in Cambria, Wyo. to Tony and Grace Pisto and was the second child of five children. He grew up in Gebo, Wyo. where he remained until moving to Thermopolis, Wyo., where he attended Hot Springs County High School. Soon after graduation, he went to Billings, Mont. and joined the US Navy on June 26, 1941. During World War II he served as a Nose Gunner on a Navy B24 Bomber,...

  • Craft sale Saturday

    Staff Report|Apr 30, 2015

    A spring craft fair is being held at the Hot Springs County fair building on Saturday, featuring crafters from all over the state. The fair begins at 9 a.m. with handmade jewelry, rope creations, wine cork creations, knitted and crocheted items as well as Indian prints, handmade children and adult clothing and more. There will also be booths with Jamberry, 31 Gifts, Scentsy and others. Concessions will be available. All spaces are full for this craft fair, but if you are interested in participating in another scheduled for October, please call...

  • Day of Prayer May 7

    Staff Report|Apr 30, 2015

    Several local churches are sponsoring a Prayer Service in connection with the National Day of Prayer to be held, Thursday, May 7, in the Bicentennial Park in Thermopolis next to the Independent Record at 12:15 p.m. The public is invited to attend. President George Washington issued the first proclamation on February 19, 1795 calling upon Americans to set aside a Thursday in May for a national day of prayer and fasting. In 1988, a bill was introduced which fixed the annual National Day of Prayer at the first Thursday in May. It received broad...

  • Relay for Life sale

    Apr 30, 2015

    Brian Bohleen sifts through a box of items during the Relay for Life garage sale at the fair building Friday....

  • Chilly plants

    Apr 30, 2015

    Sonja Becker, left, and Jackie Novakovich get things ready for the Community Garden Plant Sale Saturday. Even with the cold and windy weather there were plenty of plants available....

  • Destination Imagination fundraiser

    Staff Report|Apr 30, 2015

    Destination Imagination team Pretty Little “DI”ers will be holding a variety of fundraisers to help members attend Global Finals in Tennessee May 20-23. Friday, May 1 there will be a dinner/performance/silent auction at Thermopolis Middle School. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. with dinner starting at 6 p.m. Beef tips in gravy over noodles with a salad bar with be served. Cost is $8 per person or $15 per couple. All proceeds from the event will go to pay for travel expenses. The group won first place at the Wyoming State Tournament in She...

  • Game and Fish Fishing for Facts forum Saturday

    Staff Report|Apr 30, 2015

    The Wyoming Game and Fish Department invites the public to Fishing for Facts with a Biologist, an open forum to share thoughts, ideas or questions related to fisheries Saturday, May 2, 9 a.m. - noon at Canyon Sporting Goods, 903 Shoshoni St. Lander Fisheries Biologists Joe Deromedi and Paul Gerrity and Cody Fisheries Supervisor Craig Amadio will host the open platform and be available to answer questions and engage in discussion on a variety of fisheries related topics. “The program will provide the public with a forum where there are no a...

  • School POPS concerts set

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter|Apr 30, 2015

    Music is in the air as we move closer to the end of the school year. The annual middle school POPS concert is scheduled for May 5 for students in fifth through eighth grade. The concert will be in the school auditorium at 6 p.m. with the fifth grade, sixth grade and seventh/eighth grade bands performing as well as the seventh/eighth grade choir. The high school POPS concert will Tuesday, May 19, also in the auditorium, at 7 p.m. This will also be senior night for the high school band and choir...

  • Board discusses spending, future costs at Hospital

    Zachary White, Reporter|Apr 30, 2015

    During the Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital board meeting Tuesday members approved changing the daily rate for a interim business office manager. The previous rate was set at $585 per day and the board increased the rate to $650 per day after discussion. While the cost is high, that rate includes the moving and living expenses of the interim employee as well as uncovered benefits. The hospital has been working without a business office manager for about 30 days, and board members asked if the hospital could continue without hiring an interi...

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