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Articles from the April 28, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 32

  • HSSP master plan meeting Monday

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 28, 2016

    The Hot Springs State Park Master Plan was released to the public on April 18. An open house seeking public input on the draft master plan will be Monday, May 2 from 5-7 p.m. at the fire hall in Thermopolis. Director of the Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources Milward Simpson said this is a really exciting master plan that needs public input. "It is crucially important that the community feels like they have some input on the park," he said. "In a sense, they are part owners...

  • After-school program facing budget cuts

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 28, 2016

    The Hot Springs County School District's Lights On After-school program has received budget cuts from their federal grant through the 21st Century Community Learning Center. The grant is a five-year grant that must be reapplied for every year. In years four and five of the current grant, there will be significant budget cuts. Year four will receive a 10 percent cut - approximately $14,000 - that will take effect in May 2016. Year five will receive a 15 percent cut - approximately $22,000 - that...

  • Time to clean-up Thermopolis

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 28, 2016

    This year, Mayor Mike Mortimore has proclaimed May 9-12 a Town Spring Clean-Up. Mayor's Assistance Fred Crosby explained every year the town chooses a week residents can set certain items by the dumpsters for pick up. He noted a brush truck - a rear-loaded refuse truck - will be utilized for collection. Friday is not included in the week of the clean-up, and Crosby noted it's a day when they are typically short-staffed. The event, he said, is an annual thing to try and make the town look...

  • Legend Rock among top ten in USA Today poll

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 28, 2016

    Home to hundreds of petroglyphs, Legend Rock northwest of Thermopolis is considered a sacred site by many. It was recently named number 7 on a USA Today poll of the best archaeological sites across the country. Hot Springs State Park Assistant Superintendent John Fish said a seventh place finish is fantastic, and he's pleased to see Legend Rock made the final cut. It's very large in terms of petroglyphs, and is one of the best-preserved glyph sites, he added. Volunteers are always needed, as...

  • 2016 Hot Springs County High School Prom

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 28, 2016

    The 2016 Hot Springs County High School Prom...

  • Walking the park for a quarter-century

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 28, 2016

    Gene Smith turned 98 on Monday and he has been walking around Hot Springs State Park for 25 years. "It's the best place in the world to walk," Smith said. "I generally put in about three miles a day and it takes me a little over an hour. The park is an ideal place to walk. The people are all friendly. You're in no hurry when you go for a leisure walk. You can stop and talk to people." Smith said he has lived in Thermopolis since 1946. "I came here after serving three years in World War II," he s...

  • Senior Cody Boss enlists

    Apr 28, 2016

    Cody Daniel Boss, 18, enlisted in the U.S. Army at a swearing-in ceremony at the Military Entrance Processing Station in Butte, Mont., April 7. He graduates from Hot Springs County High School on May 22. In mid-June, Boss leaves for 10 weeks of basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C. After completing boot camp, Boss is scheduled to receive training as a generator electrician, followed by getting trained in working on power plants. Boss sees his three-year hitch with the Army as affording him many opportunities. "I want to serve my country, travel...

  • Andreen wins second place in Letter to Author contest

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 28, 2016

    Fifth grader Hannah Andreen won second place in the state Letter to an Author contest. Hannah chose to read "A Child Called It" by David Pelzer because her family takes in foster children. Hannah's mother, Ciley Andreen, said the family has taken in 15 children in the past three years. Her winning letter to David Pelzer is about understanding that foster children have been through really rough times, Hannah said. "It's about not wanting to have foster kids because they would take my stuff and...

  • County unemployment decreases slightly

    Apr 28, 2016

    The Hot Springs County seasonally adjusted unemployment rate decreased from 5.6 percent in February to 5.2 percent in March according to data from the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services. A year ago in March the unemployment rate in the county was 4.7 percent. In March there were 122 people unemployed in the county, down from 131 in February. The total labor force in HSC went up from 2,342 in February to 2,347 in March. In March of 2015 the labor force in HSC was 2,405. Wyoming's state seasonally adjusted unemployment rate jumped to 5.2... Full story

  • Tips donated Saturday for World Wish Day

    Apr 28, 2016

    World Wish Day is Saturday, April 29, and to celebrate, Dairyland Ice Cream and Yogurt will help the Make-A-Wish Wyoming organization by donating their tips from the day. World Wish Day celebrates the first wish granted by the Make-A-Wish organization on April 29, 1980, to seven-year-old Chris Greicius of Arizona. Make-A-Wish Wyoming granted its first wish in 1985 and has granted more than 500 wishes of Wyoming children since then. To learn about how to be involved, visit www.

  • Mother knows best

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 28, 2016

    With Mother's Day on May 8, I thought I'd share a rather humorous and very true anecdote that exemplifies the amount of love a mother has for her children. I spoke with my mother via text message on Saturday around 10 a.m. On Sundays, my mother usually calls around 1 p.m. or so to catch up. On this Sunday, however, I decided to go to Riverton to go shopping for a few household items that I needed. Plus, I always enjoy driving through Wind River Canyon, and this was the first time I got to do so...

  • Participation in county caucus and convention is important

    Joe Casciato|Apr 28, 2016

    Why Cruz got 14 delegates and Trump got zero. The answer is real simple, because Ted Cruz people participated in the process and Trump people did not. The caucus and convention system is not hidden from the people in Wyoming It started when republicans elected committee people in the last republican primary. My wife Toni and I were elected committee man and woman in Hot Springs County precinct #2. Our precinct caucus was February 27 and was advertised well in advance by law. Due to low attendance, we were short a few delegates to the HSC...

  • Republican State Convention process questioned

    Clarence Vranish Evanston|Apr 28, 2016

    As a delegate to the Wyoming State Republican Convention this year, I was disillusioned. It appeared to me some of the events that occurred in the process could be considered fraudulent. Transparency only occurs with windows, not in elections, so I will present the facts and allow you to make your own decisions. Most importantly, the state chairman is supposed to be neutral, representing the “entire” republican party and all candidates, while avoiding the appearance of using his position to further his own agenda. The state chairman was see...

  • John Maser

    Apr 28, 2016

    John Arthur Maser, 59, died suddenly Monday, April 25, 2016, at his residence in Hot Springs County, Wyoming. Born December 1, 1956, in Thermopolis, he was the son of Edward and Mary (Novakovich) Maser. A lifelong resident, he graduated from Hot Springs County High School. He was employed 35 years as a tool pusher in the oil field. On August 23, 1980, he married Joan Kordonowy, the love of his life, in Thermopolis. A family man, he enjoyed watching his kids play sports and coached Little League... Full story

  • HSC property transfers

    Apr 28, 2016

    Quitclaim Deed: Jim Kastner and Denise Thornley to Vernena Lewis, Lot 29, 30 31, Block 3, Town of East Thermopolis. Quitclaim Deed: Kevin J. Ryan and Jennifer L. Ryan, Trustees for Kevin J. and Jennifer L. Ryan Revocable Trust to Jennifer L. Ryan, Lots 9 and 10, Block 4, Kinney’s Addition, Town of Thermopolis. Warranty Deed: Vicki J. Person to John D. Martinez, Lot 8, Block 1, Artois Subdivision, Hot Springs County. Warranty Deed: John D. Martinez to Scott A Schwartz, Lot 8, Block 1, Artois Subdivision, Hot Springs County. Warranty Deed: C...

  • Fun horse event Sunday

    Apr 28, 2016

    The Thermopolis Gymkhana series will start Sunday, May 1 at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds. The gymkhana features fun events for horseback riders up to the age of 18. Events include barrels, poles, a flag race, goat tying, dummy roping and an egg race. Age groups will be lead line (5 and under), peewee (6-8), junior (9-13) and senior (14-18). The series will run once a month through Sept. Participants can pay a family membership fee of $40 or an individual membership fee of $20 to compete toward year end awards or they can participate as...

  • Pasture gains two new buffalo

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 28, 2016

    Visitors to the buffalo pasture in Hot Springs State Park might notice a couple smaller additions these past few weeks, as two of the cows have calved. Assistant Superintendent John Fish said buffalo breed in private and calve in private, so seeing a live birth, while not impossible, would certainly be very rare; in 24 years, he has never seen one. The goal is for every cow to have a calf, Fish said, to provide a good calf crop. Currently, there are a dozen animals in the herd, with two adult...

  • La Leche League supports mothers

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 28, 2016

    La Leche League of the Big Horn Basin meets at 10 a.m. on the last Saturday of each month at the Hot Springs County Library. La Leche League Leader Heather Olsen said the group is open to anyone in the community. "It's a free support group so anyone in the community can attend - breastfeeding moms, husbands, support partners," she said. "They are all welcome to attend." Olsen said the group covers a large amount of information. "We talk about pregnancy, breastfeeding, childbirth, when to...

  • Hospital board accepts preliminary budget

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 28, 2016

    Tuesday evening, the Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees accepted a preliminary budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Among the highlights Chief Financial Officer Shelly Larson shared are: an expected increase of 2.5 percent in total operating revenues -$16,477,570 - and an expected two percent increase in total operating expenses - $16,645,830. She noted they are budgeting for an operating loss as well as a net loss. Also included in the budget is a request to the...

  • Rock slides close WRC

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 28, 2016

    U.S. 20/Wyoming 789 through Wind River Canyon was closed Tuesday night "for the safety of the traveling public" because of falling rocks, according to Wyoming Department of Transportation District Engineer Shelby Carlson of Basin. WYDOT crews were working Tuesday evening to clear rock fall from the highway in the canyon until nearly dark, but due to concerns for their safety and the safety of travelers, crews pulled out and the highway was closed at each end of the canyon. The highway reopened...

  • Daycare picnic

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 28, 2016

    Kim Enis, of Kim's Daycare, brought children for a picnic lunch and to play in Bicentennial Park April 21....

  • School board discusses funding

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 28, 2016

    The Hot Springs County School Board met April 19 to discuss BOCHES/BOCES funding and new course requests. They also did a 30-day review of resources. Board members discussed the direction the district would like to go in regards to CWC BOCHES and Fremont County BOCES. With the decrease in valuation, the mill levy amounts for each needed to be reviewed and discussed. Hot Springs County High School Principal Scott Shoop said he would still like to be aggressive in allowing students to graduate...

  • Middle school librarian retires

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 28, 2016

    Carol Burns, Thermopolis Middle School librarian, will be retiring from the Hot Springs County School District at the end of the 2015-16 school year. Burns said she has worked for the district for 15 years. In 2001, she worked part-time as a teacher's aid/tutor for students who needed extra attention. In 2002, she came on full-time as the librarian. "I never had said anything to anybody, but the library is where I've always wanted to be," she said. "And I've been here ever since." Working with...

  • Sage grouse group meets Friday at BHF

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 28, 2016

    The Bighorn Basin Sage Grouse Working Group will hold a meeting from 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Friday, April 29 in the meeting room at Big Horn Federal Bank in Thermopolis. The public is invited to attend. The primary purpose of the meeting is to review projects for funding in order to implement local conservation plans. In 2007, the Sage-grouse Conservation Plan for the Big Horn Basin was finalized. When it was completed, the conservation plan encompassed the best available personal, professional a...

  • What's buzzing about bees, honey

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 28, 2016

    Those attending a program Saturday at the Hot Springs County Museum got a look at a business that has more male workers than any other industry. Of course, when it comes to honeybees, one colony alone can have thousands of these male drones in it. Dr. Jack States, a native of Wyoming, spoke Friday about the first incidence of beekeeping, and honey collection and sale. Born in Laramie, States was raised in a beekeeping family in Saratoga. His grandfather began keeping bees in the early 1920s,...

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