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Clover Cheney is a very fun and adventurous seven-year-old who recently received a special bicycle through a fundraiser for children with special needs. Her mother, Jennifer, explained that Clover was born with a rare genetic disorder called Prader-Willi Syndrome. She said, "It's caused by a missing 15th chromosome. It causes disruption in the brain's hypothalamus, which helps keep the body in balance and working as it should. When the hypothalamus isn't working right, the rest of the body is...
by Nick Reynolds Casper Star-Tribune Via Wyoming News Exchange CASPER - Futures prices for oil fell into the negatives for the first time in recorded history Monday, further straining a Wyoming economy already reeling from months of price declines, continuing strife in the coal industry and the shutdown of numerous businesses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. West Texas Intermediate oil contracts for the month of May plunged nearly 300 percent to nearly negative $38 per barrel ahead of Tuesday's...
Many in Thermopolis have been wondering what is going to happen the middle of May when the Class of 2020 is supposed to cross the stage from high school to adulthood with the pandemic we are facing world wide. As of Monday, schools are still under orders to have schools closed through April 30, but the district does have alternate plans in place if the closure extends through the end of the school year. “Our Class of 2020 seniors will have the most memorable graduation in 100 years,” said high school principal Breez Daniels. “This is the 100th...
The state will lift its restrictions on businesses and gatherings when it appears prudent to do so, Gov. Mark Gordon told a group of protesters at the state Capitol on Monday. Gordon’s talk with the “Rally for the Choice to Work” protesters came as the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Wyoming grew to 317 with the discovery of four new cases in two counties. The protesters had gathered for a rally to encourage the state to lift the restrictions put into place in March to slow the spread of coronavirus. Rally participants, who came to Che...
by KARLA POMEROY, Editor Northern Wyoming News WORLAND - Grateful to be alive, Lory August of Worland, Washakie County's first COVID-19 case, shared her story Friday of her recovery, a day after getting home. After a 16-day stay in the Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital in Thermopolis, August was released to finish her recovery at home in Worland. Her message to everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic, "You can beat this, be positive, you can survive." Lory August has been battling cancer on...
On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Sheriff’s Office Monday, April 13 4:52 p.m. KC V. Lahoe, 29, was arrested for the alleged use of a controlled substance. He tested positive for meth in a urine analysis. 11:46 p.m. Request for extra patrol at a business south of...
Sitting on his perch overlooking a grassy meadow, this Mountain Bluebird had been seen with a female counterpart. Spring is generally the breeding season for these birds returning from their winter migration. The male is easily identified by his vivid bright blue plumage.... Full story
Grant and Andrew Coats enjoyed floating some homemade boats near their home in Thermopolis... Full story
Like all of us, the Help Center at Common Ground has had to adapt to the emergence of COVID-19. “We are still providing our usual services,” said coordinator Ron Philips. “We just work on a ‘by appointment’ basis. We take all possible precautions to prevent the spread of the virus.” Help Center services include free boxes of food, assistance with utility bills, rent and other needs, as well as free FAXing, copying and internet access. “GED tutoring and testing have been put on hold until el...
On Monday, May 4, Hot Springs County Hospital Auxiliary in conjunction with the United Blood Service from Billings, will be holding a Community Blood Drive. This specific Blood Drive will have changes due to the COVID-19. The drive will be held at the County Fair Building, 627 Springview Street, and the donation times will be 2-6:15 p.m. Due to the social distancing policy in place, this drive will be by appointment only. Appointments can be made by going to or and use sponsor code:thermopolis. You may also call the...
We need to get through this time and tighten our belts, just as we have through two World Wars, terrorist attacks and other epidemics. Newspapers in the United States have traveled rough seas to the First Amendment freedoms we enjoy today. From the colonial Stamp Act through wartime censorship to today, when thousands of newspapers were slammed with the public health emergency known as COVID-19, people who work for newspapers have never had completely smooth sailing. Now most of the businesses that advertise with us are shut down. The pipeline...
by Sam Shumway State Director, AARP Wyoming In the year 2019, AARP’s FraudWatch Network reported 24 percent of all scam calls reported in Wyoming fell under the “Imposter scams,” category. That is, one which a caller pretends to be from the IRS, the Social Security Administration, or some other governmental agency demanding, and often times receiving, immediate payment. The results were $2.3 million in losses to Wyoming citizens. We know scammers look to capitalize on the news of the moment, especially if the headlines can instill fear and m...
Coach Don Simpson was a coach for the Thermopolis Boxing Club. I had two sons in the club and a 5-year-old daughter who never missed a practice. Thermopolis Boxing Club was hosting a smoker (boxing event). My oldest son was matched up with a much more experienced boxer and he is taking quite a whip-n. I, the mother, am yelling “throw in the towel”, which would stop the fight. And you could hear me yelling clear into Washakie County. But Coach knew my son wasn’t a quitter and knew if he threw in the towel it would just embarrass my son. My son m...
The following was sent to Governor Mark Gordon and also shared with the Thermopolis Independent Record as a letter to the editor. Dear Governor Gordon, I am writing to compliment you for declaring Friday, April 10 (which was also Good Friday) as a Day of Prayer for Wyoming residents. I understand that you were quickly confronted by the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRP) for making this proclamation. Sadly, such backlash is inevitable these days. As Governor of this state, you have a duty to lead its people through difficult times. The c...
Wyoming schools are getting some relief after receiving federal waivers from education funding requirements on Tuesday, April 7. The waiver was granted to allow Wyoming schools the ability to use fiscal year 2018 funds through September, 2121, and expands the possible uses of some title programs in an effort to allow districts to meet the educational needs of students due to widespread school closures due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. “Wyoming Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jillian Balow said, “The United States Department of Educ...
A $3.3 million highway improvement project is scheduled to begin in early May through the Town of Thermopolis on US20/WY789. Prime contractor is McGarvin-Moberly Construction Co., of Worland. The Wyoming Transportation Commission awarded the project to McGarvin-Moberly on Nov. 21, 2019. Contract completion date is June 30, 2021. The project’s scope of work includes grading, milling asphalt pavement, placing crushed base and asphalt pavement surfacing, asphalt wearing course, removal and replacement of broken sidewalk and curb and gutter, r...
A $1.9 million bridge rehabilitation project, involving 5 bridges, has started on the Big Horn River bridge south of Thermopolis. An 11-foot width restriction is in place as of April 20 for the Big Horn River bridge (milepost 128.32). Other bridges scheduled for repairs include the U.S. 287 bridge over the Middle Fork of the Popo Agie River in the City of Lander, the WY432 bridge over the Upper Hanover Canal on South Flat Road (milepost 8.4), the WY31 bridge over Medicine Lodge Creek in Hyattville (milepost 21.89), and the WY37 bridge over...
A couple visitors to Hot Springs State Park got up close with geese swimming in one of the ponds.... Full story
by Mara Abbott Buffalo Bulletin Via Wyoming News Exchange BUFFALO — Johnson County Health Officer Dr. Mark Schueler extended an exception to three local businesses that will allow them to reopen despite executive orders from Gov. Mark Gordon that forced many businesses across the state to close more than a month ago in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The businesses include Penny’s Shearing Shed and the Lacquered Up nail salon in Kaycee, as well as the Buffalo Athletic Club. The Buffalo Athletic Club was open to patrons on Mon...
by Clair McFarland The Ranger Via Wyoming News Exchange RIVERTON — Four Fremont County residents have died due to complications of the coronavirus. They are the first confirmed deaths from the global pandemic in Fremont County. The fatalities tripled Wyoming’s previous COVID death toll, which now stands at six. The Northern Arapaho Tribe announced Tuesday morning that all four were members of the tribe. Each had tested positive for the virus in recent days. The Wyoming Department of Health verified the deaths. “It is with great sadness and a...
Trenton Enis glides through Hot Springs State Park Sunday afternoon.... Full story