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Articles from the April 16, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 36

  • Tour 23 coming to Thermopolis

    Staff Report|Apr 16, 2015

    TOUR 23—an ambitious Wyoming Business Alliance effort to discuss and document business conditions and economic development strengths and needs throughout the state—will hold its Hot Springs County session Thursday, April 23 at 7:30 a.m. at the Hot Springs County Museum. The program is a comprehensive effort involving the Wyoming Business Council, state agencies, and business and government associations. It consists of four-hour meetings in every Wyoming county between April 13 and June 25. Each session will be moderated by Wyoming Business All...

  • Commission hears from Youth Alternatives Director

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter|Apr 16, 2015

    The Hot Springs County Commissioners heard their first report from newly appointed Youth Alternatives Director, Barb Rice, during their meeting last Friday. Rice said things are going well with the program and while she's setting certain times to actually be in her office, she's also working with the courts, being there for the kids going through the system and learning all the ins and outs of the job. She's currently working with the Wyoming Highway Patrol to bring in their "25 Alive" program...

  • Chamber board holds annual member meeting

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter|Apr 16, 2015

    The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce held their annual meeting last Thursday, touching on a number of items of interest. Chamber director Meri Ann Rush talked about where the chamber has come over the last couple of years, including a 28-percent increase in membership over the last two years. They have recently made the redemption of chamber bucks easier for businesses who may now process them like checks creating an increase in the amount of chamber bucks being purchased and used in...

  • Abel named Teacher of the Year

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter|Apr 16, 2015

    Several teachers were honored Monday night at Hot Springs County School District #1's Retiree and Teacher of the Year Banquet at the middle school. The district will be losing six long-time educators at the end of the year, all of which will be difficult to replace considering their longevity with the district and years of educational experience. Those retiring this year include Janet Philp, Kent Hessenthaler, Madonna McIntosh, Jim Cramer, Deb Law and Ron Philips, who has already taken his...

  • Moeller named to '40 under 40'

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter|Apr 16, 2015

    Amanda Moeller was recently featured in “40 Under 40” in the Wyoming Business Council’s April report. A native of Thermopolis, Moeller graduated from high school in 1995, finishing her schooling at Casper College in 2011. After spending years in Casper working in community development for the city, Moeller made the choice to return to her home town as the executive director of the Chamber of Commerce. “I’d wanted to come home for years,” Moeller said. “I’m a small town girl. I enjoy the commu...

  • Easter Star Chapter honors members

    Staff Report|Apr 16, 2015

    The local Eastern Star Chapter, Vesper No. 19, is completing their current year with a number of special activities. The Easter meeting honored fifty year members and featured a carry-in Easter hat dinner. Current fifty year members are Jeralyn Brown, Ruth Clare Yonkee, Ona Mount and Delores Loughlin (60 plus years); Louis and Virginia Odde and Charlotte Gourley (50 plus years); Margaret Mecca, newest member; and Victorial Allen, centenerian (holds a record 84 year membership. The chapter will close out the year honoring father’s, mother’s and...

  • Editorial: Getting the word out

    Lara Love, Publisher and Editor|Apr 16, 2015

    What was launched in February 2004 and claims to have more than one billion active users worldwide? Yes, the answer is Facebook, despite the fact many users have a love/hate relationship with the social networking site. There are no boundaries on this out of control time guzzler. Users can say what they want, express themselves through an unlimited number of selfies and even pretend to be a 14-year-old girl when in reality ‘Betty Sue Smith’ is actually a 43-year-old pedophile preying on our you...

  • School enrollment numbers hold steady

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter|Apr 16, 2015

    Enrollment numbers in Hot Springs County School District #1 have stayed fairly even during this second semester. April’s numbers show a three-student difference from March in all grades, kindergarten through 12. However, there is just a two-student difference between April of 2014 and April of 2015, making enrollment steady for the year. The biggest drop in students from last April to this April appears to be in the sixth grade where 59 students were enrolled in 2014, yet only 41 enrolled for A...

  • Destination Imagination first in scientific challenge

    Zachary White, Reporter|Apr 16, 2015

    A Thermopolis Destination Imagination team qualified for the Global Finals competition in Knoxville, Tenn. According to Jenny Davis, the Lights On Afterschool Program Coordinator, this is the first local state championship win. "We've taken second and third and fourth, so it's a really big deal to get first," she said. The winning team finished in first place in the Scientific Challenge. Destination Imagination has four competition categories: Technical, Structural, Scientific and Fine Arts. Dav...

  • Workforce Services here

    Staff Report|Apr 16, 2015

    The Riverton Workforce Center, a local office of the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, has a regularly scheduled Thermopolis services day on the third Tuesday of each month at the Hot Springs County Library. A representative will be available to help job seekers and employers at the library from 10 a.m. until noon, and from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21. The Riverton office of the Department of Workforce Services is also available by phone at 307-856-9231, or on their website at http://wyomingworkforce....

  • Stories of Owl Creek

    Staff Report|Apr 16, 2015

    Stories of Owl Creek by pioneer family members Carl Dockery and Norris Odde will be presented at the annual meeting of the Pioneer Association held Saturday, April 18 at 2 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Museum. A very brief business meeting will be held and refreshments will be served. The meeting is open to the public....

  • Barrel racing results

    Staff Report|Apr 16, 2015

    Hot Springs County Winter Series Barrel Racing was held Saturday and Sunday at the fairgrounds. The final event in the series will be Saturday and Sunday, April 18 & 19 at the fairgrounds with entries beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday Open Barrels 1D – 1. Tammy Trollinger, 15.614. 2. Jerrie Slagle, 15.643. 3. Randi Perry, 15.816. 4. Jodi Whiteman, 15.820. 5. Collette Fenster, 15.831. 6. Gloria Philp, 16.007. 7. Miranda Townsend, 16.070. 8. Missy Givens, 16.086. 2D – 1. Kara Stoll, 16.131. 2. Jen...

  • USA wrestlers rumble in Riverton

    Zachary White, Reporter|Apr 16, 2015

    The Thermopolis USA Wrestling Club returned from the Rumble at the Rendezvous wrestling event in Riverton this weekend with every wrestler placing. In the PeeWee bracket Trevin Shaffer placed fifth in the 39-41 pound weight division; Bryce Potter finished in fourth place in the 42-45 pound weight division; Davien Martinez placed second in the 45-49 pound weight division; Maximus Martinez finished in first place in the 49-53 pound weight division. In the Bantam bracket Colter Price placed first in the 50-51 pound weight division; Robert Buckner...

  • Golf team minus key players

    Zachary White, Reporter|Apr 16, 2015

    The High School golf teams had their first meet last week, but early season woes kept a number of golfers from participating. “We had a lot of students on the Spanish Club trip to Costa Rica and several out of town for spring break last week,” coach Jacob Smith said. Because of this, the boys team was short some of their more experienced golfers and the girls team was made up of only one athlete. “Kristina Nading was our only girl, so we did not have a scoring team,” Smith said. “She improved her score by 20 strokes from last fall and I am...

  • Ward qualifies for state track in three events

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter|Apr 16, 2015

    Spring break generally takes a big bite out of track and field each year, but in spite of small numbers, the Hot Springs County High School track team had a good showing at the L.A.K. Invitational in Powell on Saturday. Head coach Ernie Mecca said between the middle school and high school teams, about one-third of the athletes came to practices over spring break. “I take that as a victory,” Mecca said. “They got in some significant training and really took advantage of the time.” Jules Ward was...

  • Emergency planning meeting

    Staff Report|Apr 16, 2015

    The Hot Springs County Local Emergency Planning Committee will have their second quarterly meeting on April 23 in the Thermopolis Fire Department Meeting room. There will be a review of the Emergency Operations Plan, a wildfire preparedness presentation by Fire Chief Mark Collins, and a discussion of how to deal with railroad emergencies. The committee is still looking for an owner/operator of a business and an elected official to serve on the committee. Interested people can contact the Local Emergency Planning Committee by calling 864-3114....

  • Tornado warning test for Wyoming Wednesday

    Zachary White, Reporter|Apr 16, 2015

    The National Weather Service (NWS) is asking Wyoming residents to use Wyoming Severe Weather Awareness Week, April 20-24, to plan and prepare for the varied weather that strikes the state. Because spring is a time of transitions, when residents can experience late-season snowstorms and thunderstorms that can bring hail, tornadoes, and lightning, the NWS is asking residents to be ready. “Our focus this week is on increasing preparedness and taking action to keep you and your family safe when hazardous weather threatens,” local NWS warning coo...

  • Planning for Prom

    Staff Report|Apr 16, 2015

    Spring is in the air, birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and young ladies are feverishly searching for the perfect prom dress. Hot Springs County High School’s junior class will be holding their prom on Saturday, April 25. This year’s theme is “Sail Away” and anyone wishing to attend the Grand March may come to the school auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Dancing will begin in the school commons at 9 p.m....

  • Home and Garden Workshop

    Staff Report|Apr 16, 2015

    The Hot Springs Home and Garden Workshop will be Thursday, April 23 from 5:30-8 p.m. at the Big Horn Federal meeting room. The program will feature presentations on attracting pollinators, matching your needs to the products & pesticide safety, growing grapes in Wyoming, bananas and composting for the garden. Light refreshments will be served. The program is offered by Hot Springs County Extension Service....

  • Pre-festival concert April 23

    Staff Report|Apr 16, 2015

    Hot Springs County High School students will be performing a concert Thursday, April 23 at the high school auditorium. Following the concert, students will head to Lovell to participate in the High School District Music Festival on Friday and Saturday. The music performed will be the music that the high school music department will take to District Music Festival. The performance will take place at 7 p.m. The community is invited to attend, and the event is free to the public....

  • Kindergarten registration

    Staff Report|Apr 16, 2015

    Ralph Witters Elementary will be holding Kindergarten Registration on April 23 in the library. Parents and guardians are required to bring a birth certificate and the student’s medical shot records in order to register for Kindergarten. Registration will go from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m....

  • Local foundation brings Folk Festival to Thermopolis

    Sue Blakey, Guest Writer|Apr 16, 2015

    Hot Springs Greater Learning Foundation has received a challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to help create a folk festival in Hot Springs State Park this summer. This will be the first folk festival in the state since 1990, according to Annie Hatch, Wyoming Arts Council folklore specialist. “Wyoming does not get many of these grants,” said Hatch, “and it’s really an honor for Thermopolis to receive one. They usually go to large institutions, like the University.” NEA defines a folk festival as a ‘celebration of and by the...

  • FFA students perform well at state convention

    Zachary White, Reporter|Apr 16, 2015

    Thermopolis FFA students returned from the 2015 Wyoming State FFA Convention in Laramie and Cheyenne this week with awards for their work. Thermopolis students competed in meats evaluation, livestock evaluation, agricultural sales, and the farm business management career development events (CDE); students also competed in the Greenhand Quiz Bowl. Thermopolis FFA advisor Britton Van Heule said the students did a great job. “Everyone did super well, and are improving on their skills,” VanHeule said. Emmie Coyne, Tyne Vialpando, Kaitlyn Sch...

  • Making it Gourd-ious

    Apr 16, 2015

    Zena Tapia watches as her sister Analea paints a gourd in the Wesaw Studio during the Second Friday ArtStroll....

  • Catching some air

    Amy Jacobsen, Submitted photo|Apr 16, 2015

    Jay Christensen hustles after the ball during the 2nd and 3rd grade Hot Springs County Recreation District's youth soccer game on Monday....

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