Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 26
Young and old, families, friends and foundation volunteers all had fun at the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet last Saturday evening. It was well attended and featured all sort of prizes to win, using skill or chance in many raffles. Silent and live auctions were also held. Members were eager to get together since they were unable to hold the event last year....
Thermopolis FFA members, from both Hot Springs County High School and Thermopolis Middle School, recently competed at their State Convention coming home ranked as a three star chapter, the highest rating available. Morgan Slover received gold in Proficiency Awards for Animal Systems Agriscience. Her application will now move on and National FFA will compile all golds, and pick three finalists to attend National Convention in Indianapolis in the fall. This is the same process that Jessie Pennoyer went through a few years ago. Rebekah Johnson...
At the April 6 Thermopolis Town Council meeting, Meri Ann Rush reported Main Street Thermopolis is applying for the Placemaking Grant. They wanted to finish the downtown area with more decorative lighting. She wants to place lights on 5th Street between Broadway and Arapahoe and also on Arapahoe with the approval of the town. Rush also requested to put up an informational board at Bicentennial Park and to paint the picnic tables there. She requested to have banners there year-round which would...
At the Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting on April 6, Nate Messenger provided the FBO Monthly Airport report and said that March was good with 138 total recorded operations at the new county airport, of which four were air ambulances and six were aircraft overnight. There was also one hangar request. Their fuel sales were 608.27 gallons of Avgas and 439.69 gallons of jet fuel. Both traffic and fuel sales were up this month. There was some discussion with the commissioners about the...
Jones, Evan and Baer McPhie spend time together flying gliders in the wonderful weather in Hot Springs State Park. The planes made amazing moves and curves as they darted around....
On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Unknown time: Kenneth Shakespear, 35, held for Riverton Police Department. Highway Patrol Saturday, April 10 Unknown time: Brandon Michael Whiteplume, 22, of Riverton was arrested on a warrant. Sheriff’s Office Monday, April 5 8...
Amanda Cornwell and Dood Jaussaud serve eggs, bacon and pancakes for the benefit for Make a Wish Foundation. The Sheriff's Department helped HSCHS students raise about $1,385 to donate to the organization....
Residents along East River Road have been noticing a lot of trash along the roadway. On area resident reported they picked up over 90 bottles and 100 cans from within 1/2 of their home....
Lazy Fox Artisan Goods had their ribbon cutting ceremony put on by the Chamber Ambassadors. Owners Ian Edmiston and Nels Kelley were honored....
Alpha Phi #1148 Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha conducted an Installation of Officers’ Ceremony for the 2021-2022 year on April 6. Linda Ziegler and Kim Enis performed the ceremony. Officers for the year of 2021-2022 are: President Kim Enis; Vice President and Publicity Kendi Heinze; Secretary, Treasurer and Photographer Cindy Magelky; Philanthropic Carol Andreen; Ways and Means and Scrapbook Chair Linda Ziegler; Awards Chair Michelle Herring; Educational Chair and Historian Jenifer Grimm; Social Chair Brenda Larson; Jonquil/Chaplain Stefanie I...
The Thermopolis Gun Club invites Hunter Education Graduates to the 5th Annual Local Youth Hunter Education Challenger on April 24 from 9:30 a.m until 12 noon and 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. It will be located at the “Bob Milek Memorial Range” eight miles west of Thermopolis on Highway 120. Participants must be 18 years of age or under. For questions or information contact Cynthia Garbin at 921-8304....
The Food Bank of Wyoming will have their Pop-Up Mobile Food Pantry in Thermopolis on Saturday, April 24 from 1-3 p.m. They will be distributing boxes of food on Senior Avenue. They ask that you follow these directions for proper traffic flow. The line begins going north on Springview Street. At Park Street turn right on Park, staying to the right as you pass the High School. At Senior avenue, you will be directed to turn right and guided into two lanes headed south on Senior Avenue. Next, you will go through the food distribution area and then...
The Hot Springs County Coronavirus 19 task force is reporting a grand total of 2,459 doses of COVID-19 vaccine given in Hot Springs County. Of those, 1,231 are first Moderna doses, 1,060 are second Moderna doses and 168 are Johnson and Johnson vaccinations. The Pfizer vaccine approved for 16 and 17 year olds is not available in Hot Springs County. But you can find a location at If you are unable to travel out of county to get the vaccine, you can contact HSC Public Health and they will assist you. Moderna and...
Wyoming Whiskey, a world-class American Whiskey distillery committed to the preservation of America’s wide-open spaces, announces a new collection inspired by the beauty of our national parks. The Wyoming Whiskey distillery is located in Kirby. The Wide-Open Spaces Collection is an annual, small-batch production of Wyoming Whiskey that supports parks across the country in partnership with the National Park Foundation (NPF). The first in the collection–Wide Open Spaces – By Air– was inspired by the natural wonders of Wyoming and the beauty...
Two weeks ago, the state of Wyoming filed a lawsuit challenging the moratorium on oil and gas leasing on federal lands issued by President Joe Biden and Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland. We applaud the decision to file suit. Basically, the suit claims the executive order by the president violates several federal acts including those dealing with environmental issues, administrative procedures and land policy management. While it is not specifically stated in the lawsuit, the basic premise for the suit is the moratorium on oil and gas...
I would like to address a growing issue related to recreational target shooting on public land. Shooters need to clean up their targets, empty brass, shotshell hulls, food and beverage containers, etc. If you have time to pack it in, you should also have time to pack it out. Also, never ever shoot glass targets unless you are on your own private land. Broken glass can injure humans, pets, livestock and wildlife not to mention flattening tires. Lastly, exploding targets using tannerite-type products should only be used where the ground is...
Geneva died April 8, 2021, in Worland, Wyoming. Geneva was born January 7, 1945, to Frank and Lee Verta (Lucas) Mead in Thermopolis Wyoming. She was raised and educated in Arapahoe and Thermopolis. In 1962 she married Leroy Gall, they had four children. She is remembered by her children as the most loving and caring Mother. She married Cal Hall in 1993, they traveled to Alaska many times. In 2001 she married Edward Matheson, they enjoyed camping and fishing at Meadowlark Lake. They visited...
Roy Lyle Phillips passed away March 30, 2021, Roy has been cremated. A Celebration of Life will be held at the VFW on April 19 at 11 a.m....
Girl Scout Troop 1754 set up shop in the Mack's Market parking lot selling cookies as part of their fundraising effort. The funds will stay local and allow the girls to have their summer camp where they get to learn about cooking and other fun things....
The Chamber of Commerce held its annual meeting on April 8 at the County Museum and all members were invited to participate. Chamber President Pastor Sam Needham reported that they currently have 206 members and their goal is to have 90% member retention. In the past year, they had a 10% loss / 10% gain of membership and basically broke even. Needham explained to members that they want to educate the community on the benefits of being a chamber member. Some of the ways they have been communicating are through their newsletter and through their...
Staff for U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis will hold remote office hours in Thermopolis on Wednesday, April 21. Field Representative Jennifer Fernandez will be available to meet with residents and hear ideas, comments and concerns. To schedule a meeting with Jennifer Fernandez, please call (307) 527-9444 arrange a convenient time and location....
The Thermopolis Bobcat Track and Field Team competed at the D & D Invite in Worland last Thursday. Worland was the first meet for a few of the Bobcats because they got in their needed number of practices to compete. “This was Joely Mounts had her first meet of the season and performed well,” said head coach Stephanie Metz. Metz also said Jayci Basse is doing well in sprints and hurdles and has made a spot for herself in the 4x100. “Freshman Dazlynn Hunt competed in her first high school meet at Worland and is scoring some points for us,...
Thermopolis Middle School Tracksters have been busy competing at invites in the Big Horn Basin. At the Greybull Invite, the boys team took first place and the girls team took second place. Individual results from the invites include: Worland Invite Girls 100M - Merika Amend, 13.49, 1st; Aspen Brooks, 14.93, 8th; Lilly Quintanilla, 14.96, 10th; Brooke Richter, 15.22; Jayssie Owsley, 15.34; Summer Galovich, 15.73; Grayce Sharp,16.12; Mylee Welch, 18.62; Cyndel Harris, 21.56 200M - Davdine King, 30.51, 1st; Kamryn Farrell, 30.90, 4th; Alyssa Warma...
Bobcats opened their spring golf season in Worland last Friday. For the high school boys Hardy Johnson shot an impressive 72, Wyatt McDermott 91, Seth Weyer 99, Kyle Roessing 96, Jonah Needham 116, Spencer Calhoun 130 and Chance Axtell (TMS) 137. For the girls Maddie Stam shot a 112 and Ki Kraushaar (above, TMS) shot a 136. This week the Bobcat golfers will compete at the Big Horn Invite if weather permits....
Members of the Thermopolis Wrestling Club competed at the Laramie Wrestling Club Invite last weekend. Results include: Folk Style 6U 44-45 - Halen Lahoe, 1st place, 9 team points. 8U 45-49 - Aksel Polson, 2 team points. 8U 49-52 - Hayden Robinson, 4th place, 8 team points. 8U 65-71 - Bain Lahoe, 4th place, 4 team points. 8U 76-79 - Kade Enis, 1st place, 2 team points. 10U 51-56 - Hailey Robinson, 2nd place, 12 team points. 10U 57-58 - Fischer Lewis, 1st place, 20 team points. 10U 69-76 - Trenton Enis, 3rd place,16 team points. 10U 76-80 -...