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Hot Springs County Sheriff's Deputies were called to the scene of two separate incidents in the county involving firearms. On Friday, April 8 at around 5:34 p.m. Deputy Daniel Eggli with the Hot Springs County Sheriff’s Office responded to 1289 Jeffs Road for an incident involving a firearm. Eggli requested further backup from deputies Shawn Milek and Jerimie Kraushaar. Upon investigation, it was discovered Harlan Saltz had stopped Benjamin (Terry) Tonn on Jeffs road and argued about Tonn’s dog...
Antiques Roadshow star John Sollo visited Thermopolis on Saturday at Broadway Bygones where he appraised antiques brought into the store by local residents. Sollo said he was invited to do this event by his friend, Barb Heinze. "We've done all kinds of fun things today," Sollo said. "We've done a little bit of furniture - a little bit of everything to tell you the truth. I haven't found anything yet that people will be able to retire from - no Rembrandts, but I did see a lot of nice stuff and I... Full story
The Hot Springs County Board of Commissioners held a special meeting Tuesday to discuss a special purpose tax initiative and set a date for a public hearing for the Hospital District Initiative as well as resolve the budget crisis involving the Hot Springs County Library. Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital CEO Robin Roling presented a resolution for consideration of a special purpose tax of one percent that would go toward the construction of new patient care areas as well as remodeling the...
The Hot Springs State Park seeks input regarding their 20-year master plan which will be released April 18. Director of the Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources Milward Simpson said this is a really exciting master plan that needs public input. “It is crucially important that the community feels like they have some input on the park,” he said. “In a sense, they are part owners of the park for helping to envision its future.” Simpson said he would love to see great input f...
Sheriff’s department Wednesday, April 6 2:41 p.m. Request for assistance from Worland Police Department to perform a home check on a subject who is on probation. Drugs and other paraphernalia were found, and turned over to the county attorney. 7:32 p.m. Report of driving under the influence in the area of Hot Springs State Park. A deputy followed a suspect vehicle and observed it not making appropriate turns. The driver was contacted and failed several maneuvers. Nels Vicklund was arrested and charged with alleged driving under the i...
On Friday, April 1, what started as a routine traffic stop led to Wyoming Highway Patrol troopers locating a missing Montana man. Trooper Melanie Kress, riding with Field Training Officer Erin DeVries, stopped a southbound 2015 Ford F150 at mile marker 127 on Highway 20. Kress said she had passed the truck, which was driving on the shoulder with flashers on, and initiated the stop at the mouth of the canyon because she was concerned how the vehicle was traveling and it is also against the law to drive on the shoulder. As she visited with the dr...
Hot Springs County held its Democratic Caucus on Saturday at the Hot Springs County Library, resulting in one delegate representing Bernie Sanders and one delegate representing Hillary Clinton at the Wyoming Democratic Convention on May 28. Local delegates and alternates who will represent each candidate at the state level will be announced later this week, after receiving approval from the state. There were no votes for Roque “Rocky” De La Feunte and no uncommitted voters at the county cau...
The Thermopolis Middle School Destination Imagination team recently was chosen, during State Competition at Casper, for a Wild Card position at Globals, but the team — made up of eighth graders Erica Meier, Jasmine Steadman, Katie Burrows, Breeze Petty, Hannah Hu and Naomi Bishop — needs some help from the community to get there. Known as the Pretty Little “DI”ers, the girls have already done some fundraisers involving cabbage burgers, cinnamon rolls, fried rice and sesame chicken, and were pa...
Hot Springs County High School senior Kameron Olsen is one of 226 students from Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah selected as Daniels Scholars. The Daniels Scholarship Program is a four-year college scholarship for graduating seniors who demonstrate exceptional character, leadership and a commitment to serving their communities. While not providing “full ride” scholarships, the program does give “last dollar” scholarships intended to cover students’ unmet financial expenses. Upon learning...
Hot Springs County Library will sponsor a free presentation by John Davis on Thursday, April 14 at 7 p.m. “The Trial of Tom Horn” explores the hard-fought battle against vigilantism in Wyoming. It presents every twist and turn of a fascinating trial, and his account illuminates a larger narrative between the power of wealth and the forces of law and order. John Davis is a published author who graduated from Worland High School in 1961 before receiving his law degree from the University of Wyoming. He retired after practicing law in Worland for...
Terry Sani participated in the ArtStroll Friday evening with his Cardbirds & Creations. Sani said he has lived in Thermopolis for eight years. Originally from California, Sani built his first cardbirds in 1995 to use as dove decoys for dove hunting. His artwork has evolved from there. "I put the dove decoys on a barbed wire fence and hunted dove over them," he said....
There’s nothing quite like an equilibrium shift to put everything into perspective. Saturday evening, after a long day of covering local events — which were all enjoyable — I decided to hike up Roundtop Mountain. It was an area in town that I had yet to explore. Plus, after hearing Joe Doak’s “Growing Up in Thermopolis” presentation at the Hot Springs County Museum, I was even more curious about the mountain that my daughter constantly proclaims is a “volcano.” Doak mentioned how as a youth,...
Victoria May Hollowell Allen, 101, passed away Wednesday, April 6, 2016, in Thermopolis, Wyo., after a long and full life. She was born August 26, 1914, in the Panama Canal Zone to Cooper and Ida (Jordan) Hollowell. Both her father and grandfather had gone to Panama during the canal construction and stayed through retirement. Victoria graduated form Cristobal High School where she had been active as a swimmer and bowler. There was a brief marriage in Auburn, N. Y., to Claud C. Sessions. Afterwards she returned to the Canal Zone working at a... Full story
Gay Vannoy Davidson, 84, passed away on April 3, 2016. Gay was born to to Cleveland A. and Katherine Grace McAfee Vannoy at the family ranch in Wyoming on April 10, 1931. Growing up in Thermopolis, Wyo., Gay spent winters in town, and every spring and summer, the whole family was at the ranch moving bands of sheep from pasture to pasture. In the 1940s, the family packed up and moved the whole ranching operation by train to the Haymaker Ranch in Two Dot, Mont. Gay attended Billings Senior High, graduating on June 9, 1948. Then she was off to... Full story
The Hot Springs County Library kicked off National Library Week on Tuesday night with a Dinner and Movie event. The library served chili with garnishes and beverages, and showed the 1971 classic drama "The Last Picture Show."...
Having been around since 2014, Ennis Cleaning Company isn't exactly a new business in town. However, owners Andrew and Breanna Ennis said, the cleaning services they offered were only a part-time thing but during the summer of 2015 business really picked up so they took it and ran with it, upgrading to full-time. Ennis provides residential and commercial cleaning, strip and wax for VTC tile, carpet cleaning and automobile detailing. The pair saw a need for cleaning in the community, and were...
Longtime Thermopolis resident, Joe Doak, presented "Growing up in Thermopolis" as part of the Hot Springs County Historical Society meeting on Saturday at the Hot Springs County Museum. Doak said as a referee he was not used to giving presentations. "I'm not used to talking to people like this," he said. "I'm used to people yelling at me." When he was growing up, Doak said everybody knew everybody and everybody knew his father was Alvy Doak. "It was quite interesting how many businesses this sma...
Alpha Phi No. 1148 chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha held its annual awards ceremony and dinner March 30. Awards chair Jenifer Grimm conducted the ceremony and presented the following awards: Woman of the Year – Kim Enis. Perfect Attendance – Carol Andreen, Kim Enis, Jenifer Grimm, Stefanie Ireland and Cindy Magelky. Pallas Athene Award: Michelle Herring, third degree. Years of Service Award – Belle Flinn, for 45 years. Outstanding Educational – Stefanie Ireland, Art with Alcohol Ink. Outstanding Social – Christmas Party and Auction....
Ralph Witters Elementary will hold kindergarten registration for the 2016-17 school year on Thursday, April 21 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the RWE library. To be eligible for kindergarten, students must be 5 years old by Sept. 15, 2016. Parents need to bring a state certified birth certificate as well as immunization records for any students they are registering for kindergarten. For additional information on the kindergarten registration, call RWE at 864-6561....
The Hot Springs County High School Music Department will present its annual Pre-Festival Concert at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 14 in the school auditorium. The high school band, concert choir and show choir will perform along with individual soloists and ensembles. Admission is free....
Hot Springs County Commissioner John Lumley invited several county employees to visit in the Emergency Operations Center, next to the Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department. Lumley said he wanted county employees to tour the facility and be aware of equipment available in the event of an emergency as well as discuss what is still needed. The EOC is in dire need of a generator to power the building in the event of a power outage. There was also discussion of who might need keys to the building as...
SafeWise released its “5 Safest Cities in Wyoming” on April 4, and Thermopolis was ranked number 1. To compile the report, SafeWise analysts consider the most recent FBI crime data from 2014 to rank the cities, which all have a minimum population of 3,000. Additionally, cities that fail to submit a complete crime report to the FBI are eliminated from the analysis. SafeWise then looks at the remaining cities and narrows the selection down based on number of reported violent crimes — aggra...
Risen Son Christian School will be holding a Spaghetti Feed and Auction Fundraiser Friday, April 15 at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. Dinner and a silent auction will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by a live auction at 6:30 p.m. The event will also feature Thermopolis’ Second Annual Cupcake War. Competitors will bring their best looking and best tasting cupcakes. Donations will be accepted toward each baker’s cupcakes and at the end of the event a winner will be announced based on the cupcakes bringing in the most money. Auction items inc...
Sandi and Maynard Bills will be holding a Cookie Jar Auction for their grandson Saturday, April 16 beginning at 6 p.m. at the VFW. Sandi works locally as a substitute teacher for the Hot Springs County School District as well as helping with the People for People Backpack Program. She also attends St. Francis Parish Catholic Church. Sandi said her grandson Ty Miller has Stage 3 Polycythemia Rubra Vera with JAK2 mutation. Ty was diagnosed with the disease at age 8 and is now 13. At Stage 3, Ty...
Every Tuesday and Thursday after lunch at the Hot Springs County Senior Center, a little known game called Hand and Foot is being played. While there are a few regular players, they are also plenty of empty seats available for those who want to give it a try. Though rules might vary slightly, depending on who's playing, what follows will familiarize people with the basics. The object of the game is to accumulate points by laying down sets (4's, 5's, 6's, etc.) of like cards to make books (seven...