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An addendum to a motion for a new trial in a case against Matthew Schwan was filed March 30. Schwan was found guilty on March 15 of aggravated homicide by vehicle, in the death of Reilly Schwan. The addendum calls for a new trial because of prosecutorial misconduct. According to the document, during the trial the prosecutor was examining a witness and the witness was asked what the deceased might have said. The events counsel objected as hearsay, and the prosecutor said in a loud voice, “She i...
Budget cuts with just about everything in the country is affecting Hot Springs County as well, as shown during the county commissioners meeting on Tuesday. Nate Messenger, FBO for the Hot Springs County Airport, informed the commissioners they have been awarded the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) Department of Aeronautics grant for the annual fly-in in August. Unfortunately, what has generally been a $5,000 grant to defray expenses for the event has been cut literally in half, getting just $2,500 this year. A firm date has not...
Tuesday night, the Thermopolis Town Council looked at the water, sewer and sanitation rates. According to the financial statement of February 2017, water revenues were $932,172.44 and expenditures were $718,080.95, for an end result of $214,091.49. Taking into account a $29,455.06 payment to the drinking water SRF loan — which is the town’s match for the water line going up Broadway when the state put the new highway in — results in a total of $184,636.43. As for sewer, there was $459,...
by Mark Dykes Volunteers are needed to help with a Hot Springs County mass dispensing exercise hosted by Hot Springs County Public Health. The exercise is scheduled for the morning of Thursday, April 13 at the county fair building. The scenario is a release of weaponized Anthrax. Volunteers can choose to be staff or role-players during. Staff volunteers who want to help at the Point of Dispensing (POD) should arrive at the building by 8 a.m. to receive a short training before the POD opens at 9...
Parents, students and boosters have been very concerned about the future status of various activities at both the middle school and high school. A meeting last Wednesday afternoon with the entire coaching staff from both schools, activities director Brandon Deromedi and superintendent Dustin Hunt outlined cuts that will go into effect for the coming school year. Five coaching positions have been eliminated including freshman volleyball, freshman boys and girls basketball, an assistant cheer...
Kyle Mosser teaches Jason Capelle a simple drum beat Thursday morning at the auditorium. Students from Ralph Witters Elementary were treated to a concert from band and choir students. Following the performance, the elementary students were invited to explore and ask questions about the instruments....
On the Record policy It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Clarification In the story “TVFD program to put smoke detectors in more homes” in the March 16 edition, it should be noted the smoke detectors are from the national Red Cross office, donated by Kidde Alarms and Granger Alarms. The detectors are not being purchased by the Wyoming Red Cross or the Therm...
A scam currently going around is focused on those who own property, with the scammer posing as a representative of a firm interested in buying said property. The scammer also sends along a “purchase agreement” for the land, and claims public information about the property was obtained from the Hot Springs County Assessor. A cashier’s check is offered in exchange for the property, as well as an offer to pay associated costs of the transaction such as back taxes, title and escrow fees. Anyone receiving letters of a suspicious nature should repor...
The Hot Springs County High School Drama Club will be presenting the hilarious “Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon” as their spring production. Written by Dan Zolidis, the show features two narrators and a group of actors attempting to present all 209 Grimm Brothers tales as they were originally meant to be – as one long story. Buckle up for a hilarious ride through well-known stories such as “Snow White” and “Hansel and Gretel”, and lesser-known stories like “The Devil’s Grandmother” and “Girl Without Hands.” “The students have put their a...
Mark your calendars now to attend a special evening with singer-songwriter Mike Hurwitz at the Hot Springs County Library on Friday, April 7. Taking a little traditional cowboy music, toss in some honky-tonk, western swing, southern blues and Louisiana Cajun, Hurwitz, a Wyoming native, has a unique style of music that is sure to make for a delightful event. The performance is free and will begin at 7 p.m....
An evening filled with music is scheduled at the auditorium on Tuesday, April 18, starting at 7 p.m. The high school’s pre-festival concert will feature solos and ensembles as well as the full band and choir. The repertoire will be the pieces selected for this year’s Big Horn Basin Music Festival, which will be held in Thermopolis on April 21 and 22. The Festival itself will include musicians from all over the Big Horn Basin who will be judged by a panel of professionals from good to superior rankings. Everyone is welcome at the concert as wel...
Risen Son Christian School will be hosting a spaghetti dinner and auction on Friday, April 21 to raise funds for student scholarships. Dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. There will be games and cupcake wars along with an auction for some wonderful items, including a two-night stay at a beautiful riverfront cabin. If you would like to donate items for the auction, please contact Shannon Shaffer at 921-0653. Everyone is welcome to attend....
The fire hall will be home to the 2017 Pre-School Round-Up, April 13 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The event provides a chance for parents to meet with representatives from pre-schools in town — including Hot Springs County School District, Children’s Resource Center, Head Start and Risen Son Christian School — as well as those who provide childcare. Parents are welcome to bring their children as well, and pre-registration will be available for some schools. There’s also a chance to win a large Easter basket with plenty of goodies. Call the Childre...
Alpha Phi #1148 Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha held their annual awards ceremony and dinner at the home of Cindy Magelky on March 28. Awards Chair Jenifer Grimm conducted the ceremony and recognized honored members with awards. Recognized for Perfect Attendance were Kim Enis, Ruth Galovich, Jenifer Grimm, Michelle Herring, Stefanie Ireland and Cindy Magelky. The Pallas Athene Award was given to Kim Enis, fourth degree. Years of Service Awards were presented to Jenifer Grimm, 20 years; Linda Ziegler, 30 years; and Cindy Magelky, 40 years....
One thing that often concerns those who live alone, the elderly, or the children of those folks who live in another city is what can happen during an emergency. Hot Springs County Public Health has one program that can help ease your mind, the Vial of Life program. The simple program is a short form you can fill out that includes your medical history, medications you may take, any medical conditions you’ve had in the past or may currently have, allergies and other information first responders may need to know in the event of an emergency. T...
The Big Horn Basin Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation chapter hosted their banquet Saturday night at the Hot Springs County fair building. With just 175 people in attendance, the chapter raised over $42,000 for elk country at 64 percent net. Highlights of the evening included two last man standing coolers for $3,000 each, concealed carry purse and pistol for $850, $3,000 total for six range bags, $2,700 for the banquet rifle and $2,500 for the PBR package. The energy in the room was high, with...
The annual April 15 deadline to have your taxes in is approaching quickly. Those who were able to get theirs done early have likely seen their returns swell their bank accounts before the money is put toward bills or, if you’re really lucky, a trip or something else that’s a bit more fun. Those of us who have waited, or are still waiting, to file the paperwork might be feeling a bit stressed out in making sure we have everything ready to go for the accountant, or sent to some online site for processing. Sure extensions can be requested, but...
Along with flowers and green grass, spring brings with it new babies of all shapes and sizes. There’s nothing like driving past a field and seeing all the new little lambs or tiny black calves with their shiny coats. And then there are the new foals, kicking up their heels as they chase each other around the paddock. It is definitely a time when farmers and ranchers are putting in long, exhausting hours putting in crops and making sure those little ones come safely into the world. This spring I’ve been a little obsessed with another kind of...
William “Bill” H. Hobkirk, 83, of Longmont, passed away Wednesday, March 15, 2017, at his home. Bill was born August 14, 1933, in Williamsville, Ill., to Hugh W. and Evelyn (Wallace) Hobkirk. He grew up on his family farm in Williamsville, attending Williamsville High School. Bill married Macie Snider in Union City, Tenn., in 1957, spending 26 years together before divorcing in 1983. He then married Betty Hess in Arvada, Colo., in 1983. They lived together in Thermopolis, Wyo., before Betty’s death in October 2001. Bill then married Delores Lou...
Hot Springs County School District Superintendent Dustin Hunt congratulates 2016-17 Teacher of the Year Stephanie Czarobski during an all-school assembly last Friday. Czarobski, along with Alex McLean, Jacob Strenger and Tom Olsen, received their Champion for Children awards prior to the announcement by Catelyn Deromedi, the 2015-16 Teacher of the Year....
There will be a cookie jar benefit auction held in support of Harley Rhodes at the VFW on Saturday, April 8 at 5:30 p.m. Rhodes is suffering from stage 2 osteosarcoma cancer in his left leg. Proceeds for the auction will help pay for his medical expenses. Rhodes’ doctors are saying he will undergo six weeks of radiation and 10 weeks of chemotherapy with potential operations. He is the son of residents Ross and Dorothy Rhodes and the brother of Elizabeth Rhodes. Rhodes graduated from Hot Springs County High School in 2014 and currently a...
First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is an annual event in April, sponsored by the American Library Association. This year, the week is celebrated April 9-15, and it’s a time to celebrate contributions of libraries and librarians. To celebrate at Hot Springs County Library, any overdue book fines will be waived for the week. Patrons are also encouraged to read banned books; there will be a display set up in the library. Banned books are those which have been removed or restricted in certain arenas such as schools. For instance, ...
Third and fourth grade students celebrated the end of PAWS testing last Thursday at the auditorium with a showing of "The Big Friendly Giant." Halfway through the show, students were invited out to the lobby for refreshments including drinks, popcorn and candy....
Saturday at the Jerry Campbell Track Invite in Buffalo, the Hot Springs County High School tracksters took a combined seventh place with 64.5 total points. The girls placed fifth with 46 points, and the boys took ninth with 18.5. It was another good meet for the boys in terms of personal records, however, with Kolby George's fourth place time of 11:48.63 in the 3200 meters, Chandler Maddock's fifth place height of 11' in the pole vault, Liam Aaron's seventh place 5' in the high jump, Jared...
Spring golf is underway for Hot Springs County High School with their first tournament being held in Buffalo this Friday. Head coach Jacob Smith said there are currently eight golfers out for the team, but is expecting more once the Spanish Club returns from Peru next week. The only new golfer, so far, is Cade McLean, a student Smith says has a solid background in golf. "I'm excited to see what he brings to the team," Smith said. Smith's goal for the spring season is improving and working hard...