Sorted by date Results 1 - 19 of 19
At the March 21 Thermopolis Town Council meeting held at Town Hall, during citizen participation, Mayor Estenson asked Town Attorney Marshall Keller to present for the first reading the new language for the Limited Urban Agriculture Ordinance, which is about making chickens and three additional animals legal within the town boundaries. The ordinance states the following: “Section 1. No person, firm, partnership, corporation or association shall keep, harbor, stable, pen or maintain horses, m...
Tommy Sullivan, holding his granddaughter Olivia Molina, and supported by his wife Cindy, speaks to a capacity crowd at the Hot Springs County Fair Building for the cookie jar auction to raise funds for his cancer treatment. Tommy expressed his heartfelt emotion and gratitude for the overwhelming support from the community. See page 12 for more photos....
At last Tuesday’s Hot Springs County Commissioners board meeting, commissioner Phil Scheel was absent. Therefore, Chairman Tom Ryan suspended the Robert’s Rules for the meeting. Doug Lindamood held a discussion with the commissioners about the future of his Grass Creek ranch and USDA processing plant. Lindamood is concerned about housing for his future employees as the commute to the ranch from either Thermopolis, Meeteetsee, or Worland is too prohibitive. One of the ideas Lindamood is exploring...
Sunday, March 26 at noon a rock slide came down onto US/20/WY789 at mile post 114.2 on Dam Hill at the south end of Wind River Canyon near Boysen Dam. WYDOT personal were able to clear the travel lanes with a plow truck and a loader later moved the material off the highway shoulder. Unstable rock remains on the slope above the highway. WYDOT encourages motorists to use caution at this location and throughout Wind River Canyon and to slow down and watch for falling rock....
The Hot Springs County Senior Center is celebrating its 50-year anniversary on Monday, April 3. They will have an open house from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Senior Center Director Trenda Moore invites the public to “Come in, reminisce, and learn the importance of the center.” Moore added, “The festivities will be at noon. We’re going to have a couple speakers and we’re going to have cake, mints, ice cream, nuts, and all that good fun stuff including punch and coffee. Nothing formal, really, just fun....
On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Sheriff’s Office Monday, March 20 5:40 p.m. Request for a welfare check for a vehicle with no license plate and the driver sleeping inside. The driver was OK. 8:26 p.m. Report of a deceased deer in the lane of travel on Highway 20...
Hot Springs County Emergency Management Coordinator Bill Gordon reports flow in the Bighorn River was increased on Tuesday morning to 1,850cfs. The Bighorn River Flushing Flow has been rescheduled for Tuesday, April 4. Accordingly, the county River and Stream Awareness Level will remain at orange. This level is used when river flow is at 5,000cfs. After a 12-hour flow of 5,000cfs the flow will be reduced and held at 2,200cfs, in order to begin making room for snowmelt in Boysen Reservoir. According to Gordon, after next Tuesday, expect the awar...
Josh Materi is a 2011 Hot Springs County High School graduate who currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland. After graduation, he attended the University of Wyoming, graduating with cum laude honors in 2015. Prior to starting medical school, he spent a year in Beijing, China on the Chinese Government Scholarship studying Mandarin at BLCU. After that, Materi came back and did EMS in Salt Lake City. Then he taught a year of special education in Tongue River Elementary. Ultimately, Materi was...
The Golden Age Club is hosting a Community Soup Supper on Friday, March 31 at Hot Springs County Senior Center, 206 Senior Avenue. Doors open at 4 p.m. with dinner served from 4-6:30 p.m. The dinner is open to the public and donations will be accepted with all proceeds to benefit the HSC Senior Center Building Fund. The menu will include Pasta E Fagiola, Green Chili, Chicken Noodle and Wisconsin Cheese served with a side of rolls and crackers. Blueberry, cherry and apply pie will be available for dessert. For more information, contact the...
The Hot Springs County Republicans nominated new officers at their March 20 meeting. Officers that will serve for the next two years are, seated, l to r, Cheryl Aguiar, Chair, Lynn Erickson, Secretary and Leyann Gomez, State Committeewoman; standing, Jean Skelton, Treasurer, Bob Aguiar, State Committeeman and Brayden Harvey, Vice Chair. Precinct reps not pictured are: Cynthia Garbin, Paul Garbin, Jerry Williams, Ted Brown and JW....
A evening of fun is planned during the Class of 2023 fundraiser Bingo night set for Friday, March 31 from 6-8:30 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. In addition to Bingo, there will be food raffles, prizes and a silent auction. Tickets are $10 each and includes a walking taco and two Bingo cards. Tickets can be purchased at Storyteller, McCumber Well Service, Thermopolis Hardware, Dairyland and the front office at the high school. Tickets are also available at the door. All proceeds benefit the Class of 2023 graduation party in...
Saturday’s fundraiser cookie jar auction for Tommy Sullivan packed the Hot Springs County Fair Building with auction items and generous community members. The auction netted the largest amount brought in at one of these local fundraising auctions that continue to prove, over and over, just how caring and giving our community members can be. Despite the snow storm that again blanketed Hot Springs County, people came from far and near to show their support for Sullivan and his family. The history of the fundraising cookie jar auctions held in t...
I am a Hot Springs County School Board Trustee and am writing a response to the article written about our last board meeting. I would like to thank the Independent Record for its coverage of our local meetings. The paper is a good resource for keeping our community members informed. Thank you for the article congratulating our math and science teachers. There were however other important agenda items not mentioned. I thought I would take a moment to write down some key points that were missed. The meeting lasted for more than 7 hours. The publi...
The Hot Springs County School Board of Trustees heard from four presenters on Feb. 16 about the positive impacts of the “Level Up” program, starting with Lyle Wiley, Language Arts teacher for Hot Springs County High School. According to Wiley, the Level Up program seeks to elevate Wyoming’s education professionals by providing leadership development to an annual cohort of Wyoming’s leading educators. “We definitely have more folks at Hot Springs involved in the Level Up community than any other district in the state,” said Wiley, who noted t...
By Miranda De Moraes Jackson Hole Daily Via Wyoming News Exchange JACKSON – Thousands of Wyoming residents are at risk of losing their Medicaid coverage over the coming months. Following nearly three years of greater funding and leniency for in-state Medicaid programs, prompted by federal COVID-19 emergency declarations, the Wyoming Department of Health is reverting Medicaid application requirements to pre-pandemic criteria. During the pandemic, Congress gave states additional funding while requiring that Medicaid programs keep people c...
A pair of geese warm themselves in the waters of the Hot Springs State Park during our most recent snowstorm. The estimated snowfall in areas around Hot Springs County was 7 to 12 inches. Activity throughout the town and county slowed down significantly as emergency messages were sent out warning citizens and drivers to be careful....
At the March 15 Hot Springs County Travel & Tourism meeting Treasurer Audra Dominguez gave the financial report and said their January lodging tax revenue was $9,697.36 which was only 1% lower than the previous year. The total lodging tax revenue so far for the fiscal year 2022/2023 is $171,930.93. December 2022’s lodge tax revenue was $10,392.43. The board voted and passed the approval of the financial report. In December, the Travel & Tourism board was not in compliance with the State of Wyoming and Hot Springs County Treasurer Julie Mortimor...
At the Montana Open Tournament, Thermopolis Wrestling Club members came in 6th place for medium teams and 17th place overall. Individual results include: 6U 37 - Erik Polson, 6th, 11 points. Champ. Round 1 - won by fall, 1:15; Quarterfinal - won by fall 1:20; Semifinal - lost by tech fall 17-1; Cons. Semi - lost by fall 0:57; 5th Place Match - lost by fall 0:55 6U 76 - Holden Loden, 1st, 9 points. Round 1 - won by fall, 0:22; Round 2 - won by fall, 0:18; Round 3 - won by major decision, 12-0 8U...
John Gerrells, left and John Holm auctioned off cookie jars and other items to a packed crowd Saturday evening at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. With the help of Tinsley Pietrzak, holding up a monkey cookie jar in the top photo, and a number of other volunteers, the auctioneers sold item after item at the event. Assisting her great-grandfather John Gerrells, two-year-old Ryelynn Alemann, top right, holds up a headlamp auctioned off at the fundraiser. Nearly $70,000 was raised, with more...