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Articles from the March 25, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 26

  • School district set to get $1.4 million to cope with COVID

    Kirk Boxleitner|Mar 25, 2021

    The Hot Springs County School District Board of Trustees received a cautiously optimistic financial forecast from Business Manager Chauncy Johnson on March 18, who reported the district is due to receive roughly $1.4 million as a result of the recently passed COVID-19 stimulus package. “We’ve inquired about how we can utilize this funding, and the good news is that the federal government hasn’t put a lot of tight stipulations on it,” said Johnson, who noted that authorized expenditures for the $1,434,935.08 include retrofitting air filtrat...

  • Stuffing animals

    Mar 25, 2021

    Rylee, Kade and Trenton Enis work on their stuffed animals during the Noah's Ark Animal Workshop at Hot Springs County Library. Each participant got to build a stuffed animal to keep....

  • Traffic stop results in drugs, gun, cash seizure

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 25, 2021

    On Tuesday, March 16, Officer Mike Mascorro, of the Thermopolis Police Dept., conducted a traffic stop near the Armory on US Highway 20 North. The vehicle was pulled over for speeding in a school zone. During the traffic stop, Officer Mascorro smelled the overwhelming odor of marijuana emanating from the interior of the vehicle and requested assistance from additional units. During a subsequent search of the vehicle, Thermopolis Police Department Officer Scott Gardner and Hot Springs County...

  • Five National Qualifiers in Speech and Debate

    Mar 25, 2021

    The Bobcat Speech and Debate Team has five National Qualifiers from the Wind River District Tournament. They include: Jean-Luc Willson and Jacob Randall in Policy Debate. Joey Butler in US Extemporaneous Speaking. Logan Petty in World Schools Debate. Elizabeth Keller in World Schools Debate. Willson and Butler also qualified in other events, but will go in Policy Debate and Extemporaneous. “Amazing end to an amazing regular season for our Bobcats,” said head coach Lyle Wiley. “It is truly historic what this team has accomplished this year,...

  • School board considers requesting mask mandate variance

    Kirk Boxleitner|Mar 25, 2021

    The Hot Springs County School District will wait until after receiving the results of a survey of certified and classified staff on March 30 before its board of trustees votes on whether to apply for a mask variance from Wyoming Public Health. Board Chair Jennifer Axtell opened the discussion on March 18 by noting the other districts who’d been granted such variance after applying for it, and both she and Board Trustee Will Farrell noted the amount of correspondence they’d received from the public on the issue, which had prompted Axtell to add...

  • Hiking T-Hill

    Mar 25, 2021

    A view from above as Thermopolis Middle School sixth graders hike on T-Hill last week before the start of spring break....

  • Commissioners approve forest agreement

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 25, 2021

    At the March 16 County Commissioners meeting, Shane Rankin gave his Road and Bridge report and said that the Big Horn Basin Discovery Center requested assistance in moving some dirt for a mound on their center’s location. They want to use a bulldozer and loader to form the mound in preparing for a pond and waterfall to eventually be put there. The work would take about one to two days. A formal motion was not necessary, and the commissioners gave their approval. Hot Springs County Sheriff J...

  • On the record

    Mar 25, 2021

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Detention Center Hold for Riverton Police Department, Aloysius Joseph Piper - March 17 Sheriff’s Office Wednesday, March 17 2:13 p.m. Report of trespassing in Kirby, where a 34-year-old female was allegedly being rude and ta...

  • Plant swap

    Mar 25, 2021

    Red Dirt Master Gardeners hosted a plant swap at the Hot Springs County Library last Saturday. It was also the kick off for the Community Garden Sign Ups....

  • Moderna COVID-19 vaccines available for 18 and over

    Mar 25, 2021

    Hot Springs County COVID-19 vaccinations are available to any Hot Springs County resident aged 18 or over. The Moderna vaccine arrives locally on a regular basis. Moderna requires two doses, 28 days apart. When you make your appointment for the Moderna vaccine you will need to be available in Thermopolis for your second dose in 28 days. Register on-line at or call WDH Registration at 1-800-438-5795. You will receive a call from Hot Springs County Public Health (864-3311) or Red Rock Family Practice (864-5534) to schedule...

  • FFA members compete at state

    Mar 25, 2021

    The Thermopolis FFA Chapter hosted the Regional Speaking contest in Thermopolis last week. Rebekah Johnson qualified for state as a co-winner in in Extemporaneous Speaking. Kaia Galovich and Tucker Lake both competed in Creed Speaking but finished just shy of qualifying for state. Several members are competing in a variety of competitions this week for State FFA. Results will appear in the Independent Record once they are available....

  • Find out about Scouting

    Mar 25, 2021

    Do you like camping, hiking, shooting sports, canoeing, being outdoors, making new friends and a lot more? The local Boy Scouts of America is hosting an event where you can find out more about becoming part of the organization. Boys and girls grades kindergarten through 11th grade, along with their parents, will be welcomed for snacks, fun games and activities on Sunday, March 28 at 4 p.m. at the Community Hall, behind Community Federated Church, 244 North 6th St. Adult leaders are needed. For questions please contact Ana Mosser at...

  • Grab a newspaper

    Mar 25, 2021

    Reading a newspaper is a good habit to get into that can provide much needed information about politics, economy, schools, entertainment, sports, businesses, commerce, etc. People who read newspapers enhance their knowledge about information while improving language and vocabulary skills. Public notices in newspapers provide a third-party, independent check to government transparency in a permanent record that can not be altered in the future. Newspapers offer readers a single, convenient location to find out a large variety of information...

  • Don't get framed

    Mar 25, 2021

    There are some rumors going around town about my dog and some other things. I talk to my dog when driving my car or truck. I live alone with little Bull Chop, that is her name. Sometimes I call her good girl and she gets a treat and sometimes I call her little girl in a stern way when she does something I don’t approve of. There is a group and others who do not like Veterans who serve God and Country. We bleed, loose arms, legs and give our lives for our country. These groups and others think us Veterans should get nothing for our service, n...

  • Be aware of numerous scams

    Mar 25, 2021

    CyberWyoming releases information on recent scam activity. Residents and businesses are reminded to never give out information over the phone regarding identity, bank account into, social security numbers, etc. Unusual Sign On Activity Business Alert: A Sheridan company reported an email spoofed as their own mail administrator claiming that ‘unusual sign-in activity’ was occurring for an employee. However, the link did not lead them to their Microsoft account but instead to

  • Joann Marie Myers

    Mar 25, 2021

    JoAnn Marie Myers, 71, passed away Sunday, March 21, 2021, in Billings, Mont., after a long seven months of multiple illnesses. She lost her fight after being diagnosed in January with colon cancer. Born December 30, 1949, in Chicago, Ill., she was the daughter Edward and Matilda (Perona) Mallman. At six weeks she and her mother moved to Thermopolis, then Washington and Montana before returning to Thermopolis where JoAnn attended high school. She married Terry D. Scholz, Sr. While Terry served...

  • Jerry Lyle McGee

    Mar 25, 2021

    Jerry Lyle McGee, 87, passed away on Wednesday, March 3, 2021, at his home in Green River, Wyo. He was a lifelong resident of Wyoming. He was born June 27, 1933, in Grass Creek, Wyo.; the son of John Henry McGee and Gay Saint Clair. Jerry attended schools in Thermopolis and was a 1951 graduate of Hot Springs High School. Jerry married Jacquelen Nickelson on April 2, 1956 in Thermopolis. He served in the United States Air Force during the Korean War. Jerry worked as a pipe fitter for 50 years...

  • Richard Kenneth 'Dick' Miller

    Mar 25, 2021

    Richard Kenneth “Dick” Miller, 79, passed away suddenly, Thursday, March 11, 2021, at Hot Springs Health. Born February 22, 1942, in Akron, Ohio, he was the son of Kenneth and Frances (Wilburn) Miller. An Ironworker for most of his life, he worked throughout the United States. Projects included the Astoria Bridge in Oregon, the Taos Bridge in New Mexico, Vegas casinos and medical buildings, downtown Chicago buildings and an extensive mining conveyor installation in Morenci, Ariz. On April 1, 2000 he married Jennifer Lea Howell in Las Veg...

  • Maynard Joe 'Bud' Shoopman

    Mar 25, 2021

    Maynard Joe "Bud" Shoopman passed away March 8th 2021 at his home in Canby, Oregon. Survivors include his sisters, his children, grandchildren, great grand children.Internment with military honors was at the Willamette National Cemetery in Portland, Oregon on March 18 2021...

  • Putting up decorations

    Mar 25, 2021

    4-H members and their families worked hard on Saturday to get the fair building ready for their annual Dessert Auction. Chili and soup were served for dinner. Silent and live auction items were up for bid and approximately $3,500 was raised. Shawn McWilliams was the auctioneer....

  • Easter Egg Hunt April 4

    Mar 25, 2021

    The Lion’s Club will be holding its annual Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 4, at 2 p.m. in the Hot Springs State Park. The event is for children through 9 years old. The age groups are 2 and under, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-9. There will be prizes for all ages. The event will be held weather permitting....

  • Wrestlers bring home hardware

    Mar 25, 2021

    At the King of the Rock Wrestling Tournament, Dalton Price won quickest pin in folkstyle and Dalton along with Archer Price, Coulter Price and Cannon Boren were 3 style winners. Other individual results include: King of the Rock - Freestyle 8U 62-67 - Archer Price, 1st place, 5 team points. 10U 69-75 - Brayli Price, 4th place, 4 team points. 12U 95-104 - Cannon Boren, 1st place, 14 team points. 14U 107-117 - Colter Price, 1st place, 14 team points. 16U 108-116 - Colter Price, 2nd place 16U...

  • Medicaid expansion clears first House hurdle

    Mar 25, 2021

    by Morgan Hughes and Camille Erickson Casper Star-Tribune Via Wyoming News Exchange CASPER — A House bill to expand Medicaid in Wyoming and give an estimated 25,000 additional residents health insurance passed an initial vote Monday after lawmakers in the Senate killed a similar proposal a few hours earlier. As the evening wore on, it seemed the House would act as the Senate had and defeat the proposal by burying it under a procedural deadline. But leaders agreed to hear House Bill 162 as the last bill of the evening. “It gives health care to...

  • Council hears Golf Course update

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 25, 2021

    At the March 16 Town Council meeting, the Town Council approved a catering permit for Shorty’s at the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation event set for April 10. Howie Samelson from Main Street Thermopolis provided his quarterly report and said they will be scheduling their Spring Clean Up for May Samelson also thanked the council for approving the street closure for the coming Brewfest. Samelson said that they are working with Brian Beadles, from the Wyoming State Preservation Office to expand T...

  • Pioneer Home fun

    Mar 25, 2021

    Residents and staff at the Wyoming Pioneer Home celebrated St. Patrick's Day with food and fun. Anne Quilan and Terrie Butler show off their cake that one them first place in a staff competition....

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